I have a big sailing game

Chapter 149 Doctor Pupa

Rogge wanted to find more information in Yolin's lair, but at this time he noticed a figure behind him.

"Are you all extraordinary?"

"It's amazing..."

Nomi had a panoramic view of the battle between Rogge and others and Yolin, and couldn't help but exclaimed, with some disbelief and excitement in his expression.

"Why haven't you left yet?"

Rogge was a little surprised.

This wolf demi-human girl actually has the guts to run in? It’s really tough...

"I originally wanted to help you..." Nomi scratched her head in embarrassment: "But now it seems I don't need it."

In fact, she also knew that it would be dangerous to come back, but she couldn't do such a thing as turning around and running away, so she followed him in secretly.

Unexpectedly, Rogge and others had easily solved the battle.

This made Nomi very excited and excited. As a wolf demi-human, she admired the strong in her heart.

"Are you bounty hunters?"

Nomi asked expectantly.

After Roger and Lina looked at each other, they took out a pearl lamp to illuminate the surroundings and started looking for useful things while responding.

"No, we are adventurers."

Lina said to her.

"That's it..." Nomi responded after hearing this. She still liked the life of a bounty hunter the most.


After thinking for a moment, she looked at Yas seriously and said, "Can I follow you?"

In her opinion, Yas, the oldest looking one, should be their captain.

Seeing that she was looking at him, Yas couldn't help but remain silent for a moment.

"The captain is over there, his name is Roger."

Yas pointed towards Rogge.

"Oh...sorry, sorry."

Nomi scratched her head in embarrassment and turned to look at Rogge.

Roger was finding an experimental diary from the table at this time.

Hearing Nomi's words, he turned his head and looked at her with interest.

"Why do you want to follow us?"

This wolf demi-human girl named Nomi does not seem to be a pure wolf demi-human.

Because she has too few wolf demihuman features, only ears and tail.

Most wolf demi-humans have hair all over their bodies, but she doesn't.

It means that she is most likely a mixed race.

"I want to become stronger." Nomi said seriously: "Because you are extraordinary beings and very strong, so I want to follow you and hope to become as strong as you in the future."

These are Nomi’s true thoughts.

But her desire to become stronger has nothing to do with her natural instinct to worship the strong.

This made Roger ponder for a moment.

There is indeed a shortage of manpower on the Green. If Nomi is really good, then he can consider it. As for race, he doesn't care.

But before making a decision, he still had to ask some questions.

"Since you have this idea, I have to tell you something clearly in advance."

"As you can see, we are all extraordinary beings and adventurers."

"The areas we are going to in the future may be very dangerous, and they are not ordinary dangers, at least at this level."

Rogge pointed to the corpse of Yolin beside him.

"If you have family and friends that you need to take care of, then I would not recommend that you sail with us."

Nomi's expression did not change after hearing Rogge's previous words, but when Rogge mentioned her family and friends, she couldn't help but darken.

She shook her head: "No, I don't have any family or friends to take care of..."

This surprised Rogge, but he wisely did not mention his family and friends.

"Then do you have any specialties or skills?"

Roger asked.

It would be better if it is a skilled crew member.

"Well..." Nomi put her index finger on her cheek and thought, "Does bow and arrow and spear skills count? I can shoot very accurately!"

"And he cums really fast!"

The girl said seriously.

When Rogge heard this, he almost lost his temper.

Lina couldn't help laughing.

But fortunately, he coughed and stopped his inner impulse.

"Ahem, okay, do you have any more?"

Nomi nodded and clapped his fingers: "I can also lay traps and make poison..."

Rogge pondered for a moment, and in connection with her previous words, he couldn't help but ask a question.

"So... you're a bounty hunter?"

In the five sea areas, the profession of bounty hunter still has room for survival. After all, wherever there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and wherever there are rivers and lakes, there are always grievances and hatreds.


Nomi nodded.

"And I'm awesome! Many people send me commissions!"

"But I usually only kill the bad guys."

Nomi puffed up her chest proudly.

But then she heard a soul question she least wanted to hear.

"...Then how did you get caught here?"

Roger asked.


The atmosphere suddenly fell into silence.

The werewolf girl blushed and hesitated for a long time: "This...this...I, I was just careless! Otherwise, I would definitely not have been caught by him!"

"And he is a transcendent, there is nothing I can do about it!"

Nomi said aggrievedly.

Rogge nodded thoughtfully, with understanding in his voice: "Oh...that's it..."

Hearing Rogge's tone, Nomi wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it.

As a skilled bounty hunter, she always hunts others, but today she was caught like a prey.

How embarrassing!

It seems that she is a second-rate bounty hunter...

Roger silently made a judgment in his heart.

"Okay, I'll ask you one last question. If your answer is good, I will agree to let you follow us."

After that, Roger asked the question in her expectant eyes.

"Why do you want to become stronger?"

Roger looked at her seriously.

After hearing Roger's words, Nomi was silent for a while and touched the wolf tooth necklace around her neck.

"Because... I'm too weak..."

Her expression was a little lonely, and she clenched the wolf tooth in her palm.

Roger took in her appearance.

After thinking for a while, he looked at Lina on the side with a questioning look in his eyes.

Lina shrugged, indicating that she didn't care and the decision was in his hands.

As for Yas, he nodded without objection.

After getting the opinions of Lina and Yas, Rogge said to Nomi.

"Okay, you can follow us for now."

[Bounty Hunter Nomi has joined your adventure group. ]

[Nomi (Partner)]

[Level: 3]

[Body: 6]

[Spirit: 5]

[Faith: 1]

[Rank: None]

[Special skills: Archery lv7, Hunting lv5, Tracking lv5, Shooting lv3, Fighting lv2. ]

[Life skills: Craftsman lv3, Sailing lv3, Cooking lv1... ]

[Talent: Wolf Perception, Precision Hurricane, Subhuman Hybrid]

[1. Wolf Perception (Rare), with a strong sixth sense and sense of smell, able to track and perceive targets based on smell and intuition. ]

[2. Precision Hurricane (Legend), archery talent is upgraded to the top level, and when using long-range shooting weapons, the attack speed is greatly increased, and the "hurricane" can be actively triggered, which will continue to increase the shooting speed for a period of time and then decay. 】

【3. Hybrid (elite), a hybrid of human and wolf subhuman, although you have not inherited all the advantages of both sides, you still have strong physical fitness and speed, the disadvantage is that your desire for bones has greatly increased. 】

Not bad, there is a legendary talent, and the skills mastered by Nomi are also very practical.

A qualified crew member.

Rogge nodded with satisfaction in his heart.

But what is this "greatly increased desire for bones"?

While Rogge complained in his heart, he also spoke to Nomi in front of him.

"But I have to make it clear to you first, you still have a period of observation before becoming a formal crew member, can you accept it?"

Hearing Rogge's words, Nomi nodded with some surprise.


"Okay, you stand aside now, we still have some things to do." Rogge nodded.

Hearing this, Nomi immediately stood aside obediently. After blinking at Lina, she walked behind Lina and asked something in a low voice.

Rogge led everyone to search carefully in Yolin's lair.

After checking Yolin's diary, Rogge understood the origin of Yolin.

Yolin was an honest man living on Goldsmith Island. He originally had a happy family, a gentle and virtuous wife and a lively and lovely daughter.

He originally worked in the mine on Goldsmith Island. Although it was very tiring, he could survive.

But until one day, an accident happened in the mine and a group of mining monsters attacked them.

Although Yolin did not lose his life, he became disabled and his life changed dramatically.

As the backbone of the family, Yolin, who lost his labor force, soon lost his job.

To make matters worse, Yolin's wife was forced to support the heavy burden of the family and work hard outside, but was persecuted by a group of gangsters on Goldsmith Island and lost her life after being insulted.

And Yolin's daughter was also starved to death.

But Bontas, who killed his wife, came to his home, gave him a rotten meal and humiliated him, in order to get some perverted pleasure.

Yolin ate the rotten rice.

It was this rotten rice that made a kind and honest man go down a road of no return.

Yolin survived the struggle, and by chance a few years ago, he met a man who called himself "Doctor Pupa", who told him that he could perform an operation on him and had extraordinary powers.

Yolin had no way to go.

After eating the rotten rice, he had completely become a walking corpse who only knew how to survive.

But the words of "Doctor Pupa" rekindled his hope for revenge.

Yolin didn't care what his purpose was, and resolutely agreed to the operation.

"Doctor Pupa" transplanted the glands of the dominant spider and the heart of the spirit tree into his body, and gave him the puppeteer's special path promotion method.

During this period, Yolin needed to constantly make living people into puppets.

After reaching a certain number, Yolin could complete the revenge ritual to Bontas, whom he hated the most, and completely step into the extraordinary realm.

This is how the "Puppet Master"'s special path promotion method is described.

[Pain and cruelty are the materials of puppets, and emotions are the perfect strings to control them. ]

So after obtaining extraordinary power, Yolin waited for a long time before attacking his enemy Bontas.

Bontas was the most important part of his promotion.

[I live my life diligently and thought everything was beautiful, but why is this beauty...so fragile? 】

[Those damn mine monsters dragged my life into the abyss, and the evil people completely wiped out my will as a human being...]

[My respected Doctor Pupa, you are right, no matter what you do, you are good, but you cannot be an ordinary person. 】

[Only cruelty can avenge fate. 】

[No matter what your purpose is, I thank you. Thank you for giving me a chance to be reborn, pulling me out of the abyss, and allowing me to avenge my fate and my enemies. 】

[After completing the promotion, I will leave here and follow in your footsteps. 】

[To——Dear Doctor Pupa. 】

Rogge put down Yolin's diary and sighed.

Yolin is a miserable man who was tricked by fate.

The accident caused him to fall into the abyss, and the torture of the villain almost made him lose hope of survival.

But he's also a damned man.

Use the kindness of others as bait and use it as capital to advance to the extraordinary.

It all seems so sad and ridiculous.

There are some tragedies in this world that cannot be undone even by saving and loading files.

"Doctor Chrysalis..."

Rogge muttered to himself and silently wrote down the title.

"It seems that there are not a few people who use different ways to become extraordinary."

Rogge thought.

"Come on, it's time for us to leave."

Roger said.

Before leaving, he glanced at the puppets in this huge room.

There are kind and innocent souls imprisoned inside them.

Their pain may not disappear with the death of Yolin...

The heavy rain last night has passed and the weather has become sunny again.

The wind on the sea is clear and warm, refreshing and seems to blow away the gloom.

A new round of busyness began on the Green.

The ship is lively with new crew members.

It's true that Nomi is an original bounty hunter, but Rogge doesn't know if she is great or not.

She took her equipment and luggage and officially boarded the Green.

"Wow, the moving skeleton! So awesome!"

Nomi looked at the Bone Spirit with some surprise, and curiously put a finger into the Bone Spirit's empty eye socket.

"There's actually no temperature."

Nomi touched the soul flame of the Bone Spirit,

She didn't know why, but when she looked at Bone Spirit's bony arm, she felt an inexplicable urge to bite it.

At this time, Rogge was sitting on a chair, looking through the craftsman's notes in his hand.

This was what he found in Yolin's lair.

Most of Yolin's collections are disgusting and curious things.

For example, the insect breeding room, filth pool, puppet parts, etc. are not normal anyway, they are basically useless things.

The habits of people who have been transplanted with extraordinary biological organs will also be affected.

However, this guy is a quasi-transcendent after all, and he has gained something.

Like some money and this craftsman's notebook.

Yolin also seems to need the skills of a craftsman to make the puppets.

Of course, it might also be to make the puppets more beautiful?

【Artisan Notes】

[Type: Books]

[Effect: After reading and studying this book, there is a chance to obtain the skill - Craftsman lv1 (if you already have skills, you will gain skill experience to improve your level)]

[Extraordinary features and tools]

[Type: Books]

[Requirements for use: Craftsman lv8, Occultism lv3, Spirit 6. 】

[Effect: After reading and studying this book, there is a chance to obtain some Artisan (Extraordinary) lv1 related knowledge. 】

"Some extraordinary professions may also require some related skills?"

"Or does this only happen if you are promoted through different channels?"

Roger thought.

The appearance of these things in Yolin's lair shows that he also needs related skills.

"Let's see it again when we get a chance."

Roger put the two books away.

At this stage, he doesn't particularly need craftsman skills, and he doesn't have that much energy to learn them.

The most important thing for him right now is to improve himself and his crew's strength as soon as possible to cope with the coming big wave.

Now that the blacksmith's skills have been upgraded to extraordinary, and they are about to sail again, Rogge is ready to take a look at the transformation of Deep Sea Blood Touch.

He has been busy studying recently, and the transformation of Deep Sea Blood Touch has naturally been completed.

[The transformation of deep sea blood touch is completed. 】

[By devouring the flesh and blood of the gatekeeper stone fish, the defense strength of Deep Sea Blood Touch has been improved, which will reduce the impact of water pressure on its own actions. 】

Rogge looked at the current information on Deep Sea Blood Contact.

【Deep Sea Blood Touch】

[Type: Monster]

[Quality: Boss]

【Level: 18】

[Rank: Extraordinary]

[Skills: Darkness lv5, Edged Ice Thorn lv5, Breathless Touch lv3. 】

[Talent: Transformation, blood-draining cortex. 】

[Explanation: After absorbing the skin flakes of the mysterious creature, the Deep Sea Blood Touch has become a new species. It is still unknown what kind of existence it will eventually become. 】

After killing the gatekeeper stone fish, the level of Deep Sea Blood Touch also increased by one level, now reaching level 18.

And after the transformation, the injuries were completely recovered.

There are also new changes in appearance.

The first is the size, which has become even larger. It is now more than four meters long, a full-sized monster in the sea.

The second is the change of the shell.

After several transformations, the Deep Sea Bloodtouch's shell is now dark brown, but these shells only protect the key parts, and the rest are light red blood-sucking leather.

The giant claws and bone blades on the left and right have completely turned black, heavy and quality-conscious while still sharp and agile.

Now, with the escort of a sea monster like the Deep Sea Bloodtouch, the Green is almost not afraid of pirates.

If one comes, it will be sunk.


The Green embarked on a journey again.

This time, their mission is to find the location of the land cave.

Rogge observed the pointer and found out from the navigation map that they might have to go to the Royal City Sea, the Sin Sea or the Wind Sea. As for where they will end up, it is still uncertain.

Anyway, the voyage is definitely not short.

"We must be careful when passing through the Royal City Sea, where the Mother Goddess Church is the strongest."

Rogge thought to himself.

As an old enemy, he naturally had the necessary understanding of the Mother Goddess Church.

The Mother Goddess Church is now deeply rooted in the sea area of ​​the Royal City. It has many churches and its faith is widely spread.

"Next dungeon."

After completing the work on the ship, Rogge left the Bone Spirit to help, and teleported his body to the Dead Corpse Cultivation Platform to practice swordsmanship with the Dead Corpse Veteran.

His attention was on the Deep Sea Blood Touch.

"Automatically explore, so that you can open two."

Although Rogge has always been able to do two things at the same time, it is indeed a bit mentally exhausting.

But automatic exploration is not necessary, after all, what is given are some texts, and the rest is automatic operation.

[Your clone Deep Sea Blood Touch teleported to the secret image - Low-humming Snake Valley. ]

[After observing the surrounding environment, you find that it doesn't seem to be deep here. Although the light is dim, it is still sufficient to see many things clearly. ]

[A faint voice surrounds your ears, like the sound of a snake. ]

[There are two roads ahead, and you decide to go to the right first. ]

[You move forward cautiously, alert to potential monsters. ]

[Strangely, there were no monsters along the way until a huge blue gem appeared in front of you. ]

[The gem fits deeply into the stone and emits a bright and dazzling light. ]

[You tried to take the gem. ]

[You disturbed the sleeping monster! ]

Rog frowned and took a look at the monster's information.

[Tibetan Fang]

[Type: Monster]

[Quality: Leader]

[Level: 15]

[Rank: Extraordinary]

[Description: A monster hiding underground and luring prey with gems. It has hard skin, strong strangling ability, and poisonous fangs. ]

It's not as high as the gatekeeper stone fish.

Fuck him.

[Deep Sea Blood Touch and Tibetan Fang fought fiercely. ]

[Deep Sea Blood Touch killed Tibetan Fang and gained combat experience! ]

[You found Big Fang × 2. ]

[You found a poisonous snake food storage bag × 1. 】

After obtaining the venomous snake food bag, Rogge took a look at the information of this thing.

[Venomous Snake Food Bag]

[Type: Special Item]

[Effect: After opening the food bag, you may find some good things. 】

Rogge opened it.

[You opened the venomous snake food bag and found some items in a pile of biological skeletons. 】

[You found 3 seeds of the snake grass. 】

[You found the residual spirit of the warrior (green) × 1. 】

[You found the residual spirit of the warrior × 1. 】

[You found the residual spirit of the traveler (green) × 1. 】

Rogge looked at the description of the seeds of the snake grass.

"The fruit can attract the attention of snakes?"

It should be useful. Let Iya ripen it if necessary.

As for the two green quality residual spirits, Rogge also checked the description.

As expected, the green quality residual spirit can increase his skills below level 10 by one level.

Good stuff, good stuff.

【The Deep Sea Blood Touch devoured the flesh and blood of the Tibetan Fangs and accumulated the energy for transformation. 】

【You searched around like a carpet search. 】

【But nothing was found. 】

【You can only move on. 】

【After a while of exploration, you found two secret images in the center of the ravine, one of which was a little different. 】

Rogge took a look.

One of the two secret images was an octopus head teleportation secret image.

The appearance of the other secret image was more like a whale with its butt sticking out.


Rogge shrugged and chose to activate the secret image.

【Secret Image-The Empty Area has been revived. 】

Then he looked at another secret image.

The prompt text given by this secret image was completely different from the teleportation secret image.

【You found a whale merchant secret image. 】

【The whale merchant secret images have magical powers and they have many magical functions. 】

【You need to invest a special stone coin to unlock the whale merchant function. 】

"Whale Merchant?"

Rogge was a little curious.

"And what is needed is stone coins... I thought this thing was useless."

Rogge pondered for a moment and checked the stone coin reserves on his body.

A total of thirty.

It just so happened that Deep Sea Blood Touch had some special stone coins.

[You invested a special stone coin. ]

[The special function of the Whale Merchant is unlocked. ]

[The whale merchant offers you a one-time deal: 18 special stone coins → 1 secret pattern rudder. ]

"What the hell?! Secret pattern rudder?"

Rog wiped his eyes, confirmed that he had not seen it wrong, saved a file, and exchanged it decisively.

After consuming 18 special stone coins, Rog only had 12 stone coins left.

But he was not distressed.

If the function of this secret pattern rudder was poor, he would just go back to the game.

[You exchanged for a secret pattern rudder × 1. ]

[Secret pattern rudder]

[Type: Special tool]

[Quality: Purple]

[Special effect: Install the secret pattern rudder on the boat, and you can use "fast steering" and "acceleration" by consuming the helmsman's spirit value. ]

[Description: The secret pattern manufacturing process from ancient times has magical functions, which can make your boat instantly become the most beautiful boy on this sea. Little thief, you are lucky! ]


Rog couldn't help but smile.

This thing must be installed on the Green.

As for its two functions, the names of the functions can already explain their functions.

One is to make the Green turn quickly, and the other is to increase the speed of the Green.

"Try it after practicing the sword later!"

Rogge's body is still practicing swordsmanship with the old general of the dead skeleton. It's not too late to try the secret pattern rudder after the practice.

After putting away the secret pattern rudder, Rogge continued to move forward.

[You crossed the open area. ]

[You came to a vast and flat place and saw a shocking scene. ]

[Only a huge stone statue stood in this vast and flat place. It was a huge winged snake with wings biting its abdomen. ]

[Under the winged snake statue, there were dense sea snakes gathered here, coiled into a ball, lowered their heads towards the winged snake statue, and bit their abdomens in unison, as if they were performing some kind of ritual. ]

[You got closer and found that they had already died, leaving only corpses that had not yet rotted. ]

[You came to the winged snake statue and found a stone tablet. ]

[You tried to read it, but found that you couldn't understand the text on it. ]


Rogge was a little speechless and took out the memory fish scale.

Although he can use the listening necklace now, this thing can only listen to the sound but not read, so he can only see if the memory fish scale can work.

Although I don't know if it will work, I still try it.

[You used the memory fish scale, but still can't understand the text on it. ]


Rogge's face fell back.

Then he began to use traditional skills and started to scrape the ground.

But this time he only found some materials that fell from the sea snake.

After searching for a while again, Rogge didn't get anything and could only return to the starting position.

[After the careful teaching of the old general of the dead, you gained swordsmanship experience. ]

[With the bonus of knowledge comprehension lv5, your learning speed has been improved. ]

[The swordsmanship level has been improved, and the current level is lv5. ]

Coincidentally, Rogge's main swordsmanship practice has almost been completed at this time.

Although the automatic exploration is generated in the form of text, the time is still consumed by the actual exploration of the Deep Sea Blood Touch.

"Let's explore again tomorrow, and try the rudder first."

Rogge rubbed his hands.

Don't say, even if he got this secret pattern rudder today, it can be said that he has gained a lot.

Not to mention that he also got two green residual spirits.

After returning to the Green, Rogge couldn't wait to walk to the deck.

[Hello, Captain! ]

Nomi reported to Rogge very seriously.

[Don't be so serious. ]

He always felt that this werewolf girl was silly.

"By the way, her pixel image is quite cute."

Rogge in front of the screen smiled.

The pixel image of Nomi's wolf ears and wolf tail looked big and fluffy.

[Huh? Captain, what are you doing with the rudder? ]

Nomi was a little confused and looked at the rudder in Rogge's hand.

The shape of the secret pattern rudder looks no different from an ordinary rudder, but its material and the pattern on it are different from ordinary rudders.

It seemed to be made of some kind of stone, and there were special carvings on it.

[This is the new rudder. ]

Rogge started to get busy.

Soon he replaced the original rudder, and then replaced it with the secret pattern rudder.


The moment the secret pattern rudder fit the Green, the whole ship emitted a blue energy wave, and then returned to calm.

This movement startled Lina and others who were practicing.

[What happened? ]

Lina frowned.

It didn't feel like a shell attack or a reef, but a mental shock.

After a while of searching, they saw Rogge in front of the rudder.

[You came just in time, let's try the function of this new rudder. ]

Rogge looked at the arrival of several people, smiled, and then coughed.

[Get ready! ]

What the hell!

Lina felt a little confused, really didn't know what new thing Rogge was doing.

But for safety reasons, she still held on to the railing on the side.

Turn at high speed!

After holding the secret pattern rudder, Rogge silently said in his heart, activating the function of the secret pattern rudder.

Accompanied by the rapid loss of spiritual value.

A light blue energy began to spread from the rudder of the secret pattern ship, and quickly passed to the hull of the Green.


The hull of the Green began to shake slightly, paddling the surrounding seawater.

Lina and the others exclaimed and hurriedly grabbed the things around them.

Then, under an invisible energy, the hull of the Green quickly turned its original direction and came to the other side.

"Five seconds!"

Rogge started counting silently when he was testing just now.

It took Green only about five seconds to complete the entire turning action under the action of the secret pattern rudder!

There is no doubt that the function is very powerful, and in some special times, it can even play a necessary and decisive role.

"It can probably turn twice in a short period of time."

Rogge felt the consumption of his mental value just now.

Then, he controlled the rudder to put Green back on track.

[What happened? ]

Lina was very shocked.

They naturally saw what happened just now.

Green actually completed a sharp turn in such a short time.

[This is a secret pattern rudder, it has powerful functions. ]

Rogge patted the rudder in front of him and explained.

[Secret pattern rudder? ]

Mira's focus was naturally on the relevant knowledge.

Rogge nodded and answered her doubts.

[This secret pattern rudder has two special functions, but it will consume the spirit of the helmsman. ]

Then he seemed to see Mira's thoughts and explained again.

[It was not made by me, and I don't have relevant knowledge. ]

After listening to Rogge's words, Mira was slightly disappointed.

[Will it consume every time you steer? ]

Lina asked.

If every time you use this rudder, it will consume spirit, then they can only consider putting this rudder away and use it at a critical moment.

[Of course not. ]

Rogge shook his head and explained.

If the secret pattern rudder is so troublesome, it would be too lame.

It will only consume spirit when the user actively uses the function.

[Captain Rogge, didn't you just say there are two special functions? ]

[One is steering, and what about the other one? 】

At this time, Nomi asked curiously.

[There is another one, you will experience it soon. 】

Rogge smiled mysteriously, and then stretched out his hand to the secret pattern rudder.

After consuming the spirit value, a blue energy wave suddenly rose around the Green.

Then there was a strong sense of pushing back!


The Green cut through the sea at a very fast speed.

One ball a day!

Monthly ticket monthly ticket monthly ticket!

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(A little stuck, so it’s a little late)

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