I have a big sailing game

Chapter 148: Promotion through a Different Path (four in one, please subscribe and vote!)

Rogge saw the shock of the two, but his heart was not moved.

He was a master, it would be strange if the two of them could compare with him.

"Thank you for your guidance, Master Falula, this is the copy I copied out."

Rogge thanked him and handed the copy of the extraordinary casting manual to Falula, then said goodbye to the two and left.

The purpose of this trip to Goldsmith Island has been completed, and it is time for him to leave Goldsmith Island and look for the trace of the second land cave.

Looking at Rogge's back, Falula opened his mouth, hesitant to speak, with mixed feelings in his heart.

Could it be that this young man's extraordinary abilities are all in learning talent?

This is too shocking...

Falula and May looked at each other, their hearts were in chaos.


During the time when Rogge was concentrating on studying, Lina encountered a strange thing.


Lina looked at the puppet in her hand that made a strange sound, frowned, and looked at Mirayas next to her.

A few days ago, she went to Goldsmith Island to purchase some herbal plants, and planned to take them on the boat to let Iya help ripen them to make some medicine.

But she met a child with missing legs on the road, who sold her some wooden puppets.

Although Lina sympathized with this, she realized that the matter was not simple. The disabled child seemed to be forced to sell puppets.

After experiencing some things with Rogge, influenced by him, Lina would think more deeply when encountering things.

She wanted to follow the clues to find out the real culprit behind the puppet, so she secretly observed after buying the puppet.

However, Lina saw a very horrifying scene.

I saw that the child actually shrank all over after dragging his body into a small alley, and finally turned into a demi-human puppet with missing legs!

Then the demi-human puppet got into an underground passage in a corner.

At this time, the puppet in Lina's hand was making strange sounds for some reason. Its eyes were moving irregularly, its pupils were numb and lifeless, and it had double eyelids, which looked extremely creepy.

"It is very likely that some extraordinary person did it."

"It looks like a living person was turned into a puppet. It's too scary."

Mira retracted her gaze. She always felt that this sub-human puppet was particularly creepy and scary.

"Help... Help..."

The sub-human puppet made intermittent sounds, and its whole body shook unconsciously, as if it was twitching, and it seemed that something was struggling inside it.

"Is it saying help?" Mira frowned and looked at Yas: "What should I do?"

"Let's wait for Rogge to come back first. We can't act rashly. Extraordinary people are not simple."

Lina said calmly.

She would not be complacent because she became an extraordinary person. Such things must be decided by the captain.

Yas frowned at this time: "You shouldn't have bought this doll. No one knows what the puppet maker is thinking."

"You don't feel uncomfortable, do you?"

Lina sighed when she heard this. Yas was right, but she just thought that those damned human traffickers abused the subhuman children at first, and she didn't think of it as supernatural power at all.

On their way, they met only a few quasi-supernatural people on the road, and who knew they would suddenly encounter such a thing.


Lina said after feeling it.

This also taught Lina a lesson, and she had to be more careful in the future.

Not long after, a sound of footsteps came.

Rogge pushed open the door and walked in.

"You are all here. I thought you got off the boat."

"It's strange that there is no church on this Goldsmith Island..."

Rogge patted the dust off his body and noticed the doll on the table that was twitching and shaking.

"...What is this? The toy you bought?"

Rogge was surprised.

The appearance of this puppet was indeed a bit weird, and he felt a little scared.

"We were just about to tell you about this."

Lina briefly explained to him the origin of the puppet.

This made Rogge frown, and he opened the information bar to take a look.

[Soul-locking puppet]

[Type: Special prop]

[Quality: White]

[Effect: Imprison the soul in it, and exert a connection on the buyer, making it the next soul-locking object. ]

[Description: From a "puppet maker" with less sophisticated skills. ]

After reading it, Rogge's expression gradually became solemn.

"How is it, Brother Rogge, what is this?"

Mira asked impatiently.

She really wanted to know who made this thing.

"Soul-locking puppet." Rogge said, and then he looked at Lina: "Lina, the maker of this puppet has already targeted you through the puppet you bought."

Hearing Rogge's words, Lina immediately covered her face.

Bad luck!

Rogge carefully searched for relevant knowledge in his mind.

Speaking of which, Rogge could not always remember all the knowledge given by the skill of mysticism.

Some of its knowledge was superficial, and some unpopular knowledge only appeared automatically when Rogge encountered relevant events.

Of course, if Rogge wanted to recall it himself, he could recall it, but it would be very laborious.

"Impose a connection on the buyer..."

"This seems to be a method of the different channel sequence."

Rogge pondered for a moment and then said.

"Different pathway sequence? What do you mean?"

Lina turned to look at him.

Rogge tried hard to recall that the hound had also mentioned a small amount of relevant knowledge to him. After connecting some relevant knowledge together, he thought for a moment and explained.

"I told you before that ordinary extraordinary people gain extraordinary power by taking magic potions."

"Ordinary people who don't take potions can only master a small amount of extraordinary power through some special methods, just like the exorcist Hudson we met before."

"The extraordinary beings we become through this path are normal ways."

After speaking, Rogge paused for a moment.

"And if you want to become a transcendent, there is another abnormal way, and that is a different way."

"Certain sequences of different pathways can obtain powerful and strange extraordinary powers without drinking magic potions."

"So powerful?" Mira was a little surprised. Her eyes lit up. If she didn't need to drink the magic potion, could she use this method?

But she quickly calmed down.

This is highly unlikely, otherwise Captain Rogge would definitely find a way for her to become a transcendent through this method.

"But the alternate pathway sequence is a twisted and crazy path to improvement."

Rogge said seriously to her.

He had to dispel Mira's dangerous thoughts.

"If an ordinary person wants to ascend through different pathways and become a transcendent, he must first obtain the corresponding method."

"These methods are rather evil and crazy."

"Let me give you an example."

"For example, an ordinary person obtains a different promotion method to become a lookout."

"Then the requirement of this promotion method is probably to ask you to remove your own eyeballs, and then transplant the eyeballs of some extraordinary creature or monster, and then let you peek at something..."

"Of course, I'm just giving an example. Promotion methods through different channels are not fixed."

"Anyway, if you meet the requirements and there is no alienation, you may be promoted to extraordinary."

Roger frowned as he spoke.

Because when he was recalling knowledge, he saw some not so good descriptions.

"How disgusting." Mira was slightly disgusted.

Do you think it’s just disgusting?

No, not only is it disgusting, it's also unsafe.

Rogge thought in his mind.

"Then the maker of this puppet is a transcendent from a different path sequence?"

Lina asked.

"It's very possible. After all, this behavior of deceiving people through special methods is very similar to certain requirements of the different pathway sequence."

Speaking of this, Rogge thought of Doyle.

He is probably also an extraordinary person with a different path, and his sequence level may be relatively high, so a game was specially set up to trick him.

There must be some big pit waiting for him behind.

"What should we do now? Find this person?"

"Of course we have to find him." Rogge looked at the puppet on the table: "I want to see how strong he is, and he actually sold the puppet to us."

Judging from the quality of this guy's puppets and the tricks he uses to deceive people, he is at best a quasi-supernatural person, and he is probably preparing to become a supernormal person through different channels.

In a secret basement in Goldsmiths Island City.

The environment here is dark and cold, full of creepy atmosphere.

In the iron cages, sleeping humans, demi-humans, and even animals were imprisoned.

A demi-human girl with wolf ears and a wolf tail wakes up from a coma.

She felt a pain in her head.

After looking around, she was shocked.

What is this place? Why did you come here?


The sound of dragging chains was heard. Nomi looked down and found that his hands and feet were shackled.


There was a sound of chewing.

Nomi looked up and saw a strange figure sitting in front of the table under the light of an oil lamp in the distance, grabbing something on the plate to eat.

Just by the sound, Nomi knew that what he was eating was very sticky.

‘Who is he? ’

Nomi forced herself to calm down and recalled what happened before she fell into coma.

Disabled old man...doll...sudden sleepiness...

‘Being cheated! ’

Nomi cursed inwardly.

As a wolf demihuman hunter, it was a bit embarrassing to be quietly stunned and imprisoned.

She came to Goldsmiths Island not to work, but to complete a bounty mission.

She had completed all her tasks and was planning to go home tomorrow, but she was unexpectedly brought to this hellish place.

But she quickly accepted the situation and began to calmly find a way to deal with it.

'Very good...the search was very clean, they almost peeled off my skin...'

'However, it's still too young to lock me up with shackles. ’

Nomi breathed a sigh of relief after feeling some of the shackles behind her hands. Although it took some time, she could still break free.

'But what does that man want to do? Perverted murderer? Or an ogre? He won’t be a good person anyway…’

"The damned clan spirits just won't let my luck get any better..."

Nomi thought as she twisted her wrist.

At this time, a groan came from the side.

"My head hurts so much. Did some bastard give me a sap? It feels so damn uncomfortable..."

Opposite Nomi, a fat man woke up cursing.

Nomi thought for a moment, then lay down in the cage, closed her eyes, and pretended to sleep.

Soon, the man on the other side started shouting in terror.

"Where the hell is this?"

"Who did it!"


idiot! Do you think you died quickly enough? Is it possible that people imprison you just for flirting? Are you a cat clan spirit? How many lives do you have enough to commit suicide like this?

Nomi felt speechless and cursed secretly.

If the man lured that person over, he would be at risk of being discovered.

Sure enough, Nomi's wolf ears moved slightly with her eyes closed, and she was keenly aware that the man's eating movement had stopped.

He wiped his mouth, stood up, and started walking this way.

"Oh no! What a fucking monster! Don't come over here!"

"Don't come over here!"


The man screamed in horror.

Oh, it sounds like this person should look more miserable.

Nomi, who closed her eyes, groaned inwardly.

"Bontas, we are old acquaintances. Why, have you forgotten me now?"

The prisoner's voice reached Nomi's ears.

The sound was like a man's voice and the shrill voice of an old witch superimposed, like glass being scratched next to the ear.

She resisted the urge to cover her ears.

"Are you...Yolin?"

The man seemed to have recognized the identity of the prisoner, and his voice was surprised.

Then Nomi heard his angry voice and condescending tone.

"You bastard! Who gave you the courage to do this to me? Have you forgotten what I did to you? Is this how you repay me?"

"If I hadn't given you a way to survive, you would have died on the street!"

"Hurry up and take off these damn shackles! Otherwise I will beat you to death!"

The man struggled and cursed angrily.

Nomi was a little dumbfounded when she heard this.

Brother, can't you distinguish the form? Are you still so tough after being imprisoned?

You're dead.

Nomi has determined his outcome.

Fortunately, I had someone who died first, so I still had some time to open the shackles.

Nomi began to use force quietly, trying to break free from the shackles.

Nomi didn't hear the prisoner speak, but she heard a loud noise, as if the prisoner grabbed her.

"If you are referring to the spoiled meal, it is indeed your kindness to me..."

"But the evil you did to my wife will never be forgotten as long as I live."

The voice of the prisoner Yolin was ferocious and gritted, and he seemed to have a close relationship with this fat man.

"...Hehehe, let's do this. For the sake of your bowl of rotten rice, I will make you into a filthy doll..."

"Oh, by the way, you probably still don't know what a dirty doll is..."

"Let me tell you simply, you don't need to eat bad food, but before you can be made into a doll by me, I have to use needles as thick as my fingers to prick your body into a hornet's nest, and then throw it into me for preparation. The filthy pool..."

Yolin's voice gradually became abnormal and crazy.

"Oh~ do you want to guess what's inside?"

"It's your favorite feces, dirt, stinking corpses, pus, snake blood... Anyway, you have everything you like..."

"This goes very well with your filthy and dirty heart..."

Nomi on the side felt a chill in her heart when she heard this.

Mom, this is so disgusting...

I don't want to go soak in a manure pit!

Nomi was filled with grief and anger, and worked harder to break free from the shackles.

The man no longer dared to be arrogant and began to cry and beg.

"Yolin, no, please let me go. I'm sorry for your misfortune. Your wife's death was actually just an accident. I didn't do anything to her... I, I can explain all this, listen. I explain!"

"Besides, you don't have to make me what you said...that demi-human opposite! That demi-human is also very suitable! All of them demi-humans should be soaked in a cesspit!"


I really want to cut off your stinky mouth and sew it on your butt!

After hearing this, Nomi had the urge to stab him.

"Jie Jie Jie... You are overthinking this. This Asian is a kind-hearted little girl. Unlike you, I will make her very beautiful!"

Yolin smiled ferociously at him, and the fat man suddenly turned pale and his lips trembled.

You deserve to be made into a puppet with good intentions?

Nomi felt angry.

"As for you, you are more suitable for the filthy pool. The filthy doll you make must be very strong."



Hearing this weird sound, Nomi couldn't help but carefully narrowed her eyes.

But when she saw the scene in front of her, her pupils suddenly shrank.

The first thing that caught the eye was the prisoner named Yolin.

There were large fleshy pustules on his two forearms, with rough stitching marks on them, as if he had sewed some kind of sarcoma on them.

His entire body was covered with hard wood-like growths, looking like a mutated tree man.

At this time, a pure white thread emerged from the sarcoma on his arm and stabbed straight into the eyebrow of the man opposite.

At this time, the fat man rolled his eyes wildly, as if his soul had been suddenly sucked out, and his body twitched like a sieve being shaken.

Then, the white spider silk slowly left, and a pure white soul was tightly wrapped around it.

It really sucks people’s souls!

Extraordinary one!

She has been wandering around the Royal City Sea and the Demihuman Sea since she was a child, and has heard rumors about extraordinary beings.

I didn’t expect that I would be equipped with such a mysterious existence.


Nomi's heart sank, she felt that she might be in danger this time.

At this time, she also broke free of the shackles on her hands little by little. After holding it firmly, she gently placed it on the ground without making any sound.

But she knew very well in her heart that just breaking free from the shackles was nothing. How to escape under the eyes of this Yolin was the most important thing.

Otherwise, beg for mercy?

After thinking for a moment, Nomi gave up the idea.

If it was useful, she wouldn't mind doing it, but this man looked crazy, and he might have his soul ripped out if he got upset.

What to do...

Nomi was annoyed.

Da, da da...

Yolin dragged the fat man's soul and body, opened the door to another room, and walked in.

‘There’s a chance! ’

When Nomi saw this, her heart moved. After confirming that he was gone, she quickly stood up and began to observe the cage in front of her.

She held out a finger and a sharp claw extended out.

After a while of tinkering, she felt excited.

Just pry it open!

However, at this moment, another burst of footsteps came.

This shocked Nomi. She thought it was Yolin who was back, so she quickly lay down on the ground and returned to her original appearance.

The footsteps sounded like several people.

And they soon came to Nomi's side.

It was Rogge and his party who found them after following the traces.

"A worm in a bowl? It's better not to be what I thought..."

Roger glanced at the big bowl.

There were all kinds of insect corpses inside, including big caterpillars, slugs, mosquitoes, moths, snails...

And the scariest thing is that many bugs are only half...

"These things are very fresh..." As a doctor, Lina was not afraid of this disgusting sight. After careful inspection, she came to the conclusion: "He is nearby."

Can we please stop using the word ‘fresh’ to describe these things…

Roger felt like vomiting.

"Hey! Hey! Help!"

"Can you help me?"

"Help me! I'll pay you!"

Rogge heard a quiet shout from behind.

The three of them turned around and saw Nomi, a demihuman girl with wolf ears, calling for help.

After the three of them looked at each other, Rogge stepped forward and grasped the iron bars on both sides of the cage, exerting force suddenly.


A heart-wrenching sound sounded, and the two iron bars twisted to form an oval-shaped exit.

Nomi was stunned by this scene.

She walked out in disbelief and was stunned.

Could this iron bar just look like a bluff? Actually fake?

With a look of doubt on her face, she stretched out her hand and pulled hard on the iron bar, but the cage didn't budge even after exerting all her strength.

Rogge felt a little funny: "What are you doing? Why don't you leave quickly after being rescued?"

Unexpectedly, the werewolf girl turned her head and looked at him with admiration: "You are so strong, you are a warrior of the bear tribe, right?"

"...Yes, yes, I am Xiong Da."

"You should leave quickly."

Rogge waved his hand helplessly.

Then he planned to search for traces of the culprit with Lina and others.

"Hello Bear! I'm Nomi!"

"Are you going to deal with that weird guy? Count me in! I'll help you!"

Nomi said seriously.

Rogge looked at her dumbfounded: "Thank you for your kindness, but this is not something you can get involved in."

"Oh, by the way, do you know where the person who imprisoned you is?"

"Of course I know." Nomi nodded, and then told Rogge everything he knew, and then volunteered again: "I can really help you!"

"Thank you for informing me."

Roger nodded.

"But not this case."

Rogge said in a non-negotiable tone.

Although he didn't think that this extraordinary person from a different path would be very strong.

But he didn't despise him.

In a battle involving extraordinary beings, no mistakes are allowed.

He didn't have time to take care of this demi-human girl during the battle.

"Oh, okay."

Hearing this, Nomi could only respond obediently.

Seeing this, Rogge took Lina and Yas into the room where Yolin was going.

Nomi did not leave immediately after they left. After scratching her head, she began to use her claws to pick the locks of other cages.

There were other unconscious humans and demihumans that she planned to rescue.

At this time, Yolin was using special methods to dispose of the fat man's body in a room.

He was not exaggerating. The way to deal with the fat man was to poke a lot of holes in his body first.

There was indeed a foul-smelling pool in front of him, with all kinds of corpses and venom soaked in it.

The fat man's body was like a rag doll in his hands, he kneaded it at will, poked holes in it, and his blood dripped into the filthy pool below.

The soul of the fat man bound by the spider silk on the side seemed to be able to feel the pain, and he was wailing and screaming silently.

"Huh huh huh..."

Yolin hummed happily, like a chef preparing a feast.

Click click click.

But just when Yolin was having fun, a puppet stumbled over and stood at his feet.

Yolin stretched out the tumor on his left hand, with white spider threads extending from it. After inserting it into the puppet's forehead, he frowned.

"It's so interesting..."

Yolin grinned and let out a sharp laugh.

Then, he threw the fat man's body aside like trash, retracted the spider thread extending from the sarcoma, and walked towards a corner.

At this time, Rogge and his party, who had traveled through several rooms and arrived here, also stopped.

Different from the previous room, this room is huge with many dark corners and only a few oil lamps emitting dim light.

At this time, Rogge was already wearing the shell of an eight-legged man, holding a bone spiritual staff and an armor-piercing spear.

Lina and Yas also wear equipment respectively.

Yas held up the large shield of corpses given to him by Rogge.

Linna took out the pearl lamp and saw a puppet sitting on the ground. It had a dull image and stared at her blankly.

"This puppet is really permeable."

Lina frowned.

【Harmless Puppet】

[Type: special props]

[Quality: blue]

[Effect: Provides blurred vision for the user. 】

[Explanation: It looks harmless to humans and animals. 】

Rogge stepped forward and smashed him into pieces with his armor-piercing spear.

As the puppet shattered, a vague wail echoed.

"He already knew we were coming."

Roger said.

He had expected this.

After all, this is the lair of a transcendent, and it is not easy to find the target and kill him easily.

"It's too dark in here."

Yas looked around and said in a deep voice.

This environment is very unfavorable for them.


At this time, the sound of several pieces of wood colliding was heard, and a figure stood up in front of them.

I saw a human-sized puppet twisting its jaw and then speaking.

"Hehe... I didn't expect that people of the same kind would visit my small place. It's really strange."

"I don't think you come to me out of good intentions."

Yolin's voice sounded.

"If it weren't for your broken puppet, do you think we would be in a place like this?"

Lina said coldly.

She is now angry that she was cheated because of an act of kindness.

Moreover, this guy specifically picks out the kind of people who will buy puppets. After marking them, he will look for opportunities to imprison them and then turn them into puppets.

No doubt they had good reason to kill this guy.

"Hahaha... It seems that you are a kind lady. This is really sorry."

"If I may, please allow me to apologize."

After saying that, the puppet bowed stiffly towards Lina.

It can be seen that Yolin does not seem to want to be enemies with Rogge and the others.

After all, even a fool can see that Rogge wearing the shell of an eight-legged warrior is not an easy person.

"What, you think an apology can solve it?"

Lina said while winking at Rogge.

After receiving Lina's prompt, Rogge immediately understood, and then secretly clenched the armor-piercing spear in his hand.

He raised his head slightly and looked at the ceiling.

After seeing a familiar information panel pop up, he confirmed Yolin's location.

"Of course this is not enough to calm the anger of the three of them..."

"If the three of you have any requests that can be used to express my apology, then I will try my best to satisfy them."

"Of course, if the three of you really don't want to be virtuous about this matter..."

"Then I can only let you three have fun with my puppets..."

Yolin let out a weird laugh.

Then, there was a clicking sound, and it seemed like countless puppets stood up and walked towards Rogge and the others in the room.

Yolin believes that since he has expressed weakness and shown a certain degree of toughness, these three people will definitely consider the consequences and understand the matter.

But what he didn't expect was that Rogge and others suddenly became violent despite their lack of martial ethics.


Lina flipped her palm and threw a dagger somewhere on the ceiling of the room.

The armor-piercing spear in Rogge's hand followed closely, leaving an afterimage and piercing towards the puppet.


The sharp armor-piercing spear instantly pierced the ceiling and pierced Yolin behind.


Yolin let out a sharp and painful scream and struggled violently.


Many of the puppets in the room were shaking and seemed to be in great pain.

Linna showed off the secret iron dagger in her hand, and turned into a red blood shadow with wings, turning into an afterimage, approaching Yolin at high speed.

There was a pop, blood dripped, and Yolin's body fell heavily. The heavy mass smashed through the mezzanine of the ceiling and fell to the ground.

His eyes were wide open, and he had not yet completely breathed his last.

"You... you... actually..."

Before he finished speaking, Yolin died completely.

However, Rogge and others could also guess what he wanted to say.

He was just shocked that three extraordinary beings appeared in front of him at the same time.

"Lina, how do you know his specific location?"

The dark and spacious environment is enough for Yolin to have enough space to manipulate the puppets.

The second is the mezzanine in the ceiling, where he can silently control the puppets and observe the situation.

Under such conditions, it is really possible to fall into his trap accidentally.

After all, no one knows what other effects Yolin's puppet has, and he is dead.

"My ability can lock the target, so I can sense it."

Lina said.

No wonder... it turned out to be the effect of the "Smash" skill locking the target.

Rogge and Yas suddenly realized.

"Did he transplant something into himself?"

Looking at Yolin's weird body, Yas asked in confusion.

Rogge walked to his body and picked up a few light balls.

Speaking of which, the system's picking up dropped objects may also be regarded as an extraordinary ability, which can put aside some steps and easily obtain spoils.

Lina and Yas were not surprised by this, they had known about this for a long time.

[You found the Domination Spider Gland × 2. ]

[You found the Soul-Giving Tree Heart × 1. ]

[You found the Puppet Master's Different Path Promotion Method × 1. 】

"Yes, he did transplant some things into himself through the promotion method of the other way, in order to enter the extraordinary."

After Rogge picked up the dropped items, the strange features on Yolin's body gradually disappeared.

"Dominate the Demon Spider... This extraordinary creature is not a common commodity..."

Rogge narrowed his eyes.

The origin of Yolin should be very unusual.

One ball a day!

Monthly ticket, monthly ticket, monthly ticket!

Subscribe, subscribe, subscribe!

(It's really too hard to write novels now. I looked around and found that there are basically no two updates a day. They all start with three updates, and ten thousand updates are common. I, a clumsy hand, gritted my teeth and typed for nearly ten hours to code 8k...)

(It's still a few hundred averages away from 3k. I'm trying to write four-in-one recently, so that everyone can enjoy it, and secondly, it can also increase the average subscription to see if it can be refined)

(Finally, I still hope that everyone can support me. The author will definitely work hard to write more exciting stories!)

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