I have a big sailing game

Chapter 131: Alienated Monster

Rogge didn't get any other information about the "big wave" from the believers.

This made him frown, and after saving the game, he chose to rewind.

After several repeated battles and even capturing the missionary for interrogation, Rogge didn't get any useful information.

This guy is very stubborn.

Helplessly, Rogge could only return to the original node, and after killing the corpse blood ghost in the cave with Hudson and obtaining its heart, he took a boat back to the Giant Claw City.

Next, it was the refining of the magic potion.

But it was late in the real world.

Rogge exited the real perspective, put his phone aside, and lay on the bed with a frown.

"Big wave..."

"What exactly does it mean?"

"What does this have to do with the Mother Goddess Church?"

Combined with what the missionary said before his death, it is not difficult to infer that the big wave should be a disaster of great scope.

But Rogge didn't know any more specific information.

"This missionary is more loyal than the pious knight. Faith is really terrible..."

Rogge shook his head.

After stretching his muscles, he stood up and prepared to wash up and rest.

The next day, after Rogge finished typing, he picked up his phone again and opened the mysterious sea.

After discussing with Hudson, he decided to go back to Giant Claw City to get the materials, and then wait for Rogge to make the potion.

In this way, Rogge can also take care of him when he takes the potion.

[Don't you need the tools for making potions? ]

After giving the materials to Rogge, Hudson frowned.

Because Rogge actually asked him to wait outside the room for a while.

Brother, no matter how powerful your potion-making skills are, you can't just find a pot and make the potion, right?

What's more, there is no pot in my room!

This sounds a bit too unreliable!

[Are you a potion master? ]

Rogge asked him back.

Hudson heard this and shook his head silently.

[Then you go outside and wait. ]

Rogge said.

He didn't plan to explain the cave to Hudson.


Hudson waited in a depressed mood.

He always felt that he was desperate for the extraordinary potion.

Rogge looked too unreliable.

If it weren't for his strong strength and mystery, Hudson would never believe him.

But there was no other way now, he could only put his hope on Rogge.

Rogge had already come to the potion room of the Japanese Cave through the key.

[You read the potion formula. ]

[Now you can prepare the corresponding potion. ]

[Potion name: Exorcist]

Rogge ignored the following information and looked at the probability column.

[Probability of successful preparation: 21%]

"The probability is a bit low."

It seems that the Exorcist potion is not that easy to make.

But for Rogge, who has the save and load function, as long as the probability is not 0%, it is a 100% success rate.

However, the difference between potions and medicines is that there is a preparation process before refining.

The potion master must first reasonably prepare the ingredients of the potion so that the properties of the extraordinary ingredients do not conflict before refining.

This process is of utmost importance, because in this process, extraordinary ingredients can easily become waste.

[Automatically preparing...]

[Preparation failed. ]

With a hiss, the potion ingredients in the vessel in front of the game character turned into a pile of waste due to the conflict of extraordinary power contained in it.

Rogge was calm and directly read the file.

Although Hudson prepared three potion ingredients for this, Rogge did not intend to use the second one.

[Automatically preparing...]

[Preparation succeeded, you successfully prepared the exorcist potion ingredients. ]

[Automatically refining...]

Rogge took a look and found that after the preparation was successful, the success rate of potion refining was greatly improved.

It was successful after only one refining.

[Refining succeeded, you obtained the extraordinary potion - Exorcist. ]

[During the refining process, you performed exceptionally well and the quality of the potion was improved! ]

[You have successfully refined a bottle of extraordinary potion, skill potion experience increased, and the level was upgraded! ]

After the game character put the lavender potion into the bottle, Rogge checked the information of the potion.

[Potion - Exorcist]

[Type: Special Item]

[Quality: Blue]

[Requirements for use: Character level 10 or below, body 5, spirit 3. ]

[Effect: Raise the user's rank to extraordinary, improve physical and mental attributes, enhance perception, obtain exorcist skills, and provide additional attributes after the level is increased. ]

[Description: The most basic sequence potion, with greater efficacy, higher difficulty in making, lower sequence adaptability, and a certain degree of alienation probability. ]

There is no way, probably because his potion level is not high, after brushing several times, he only brushed once to "supernormal performance", and the potions made in the other few times were all green quality.

This bottle of blue quality potion is already very good.

At the current level, it is estimated that it is unlikely to refine a purple potion.

"Perception ability..."

"Perhaps it refers to Hudson's ability to see traces of resentful spirits?"

Roger was thoughtful.

Although Hudson was not a true superhuman, he seemed to have used some means to enable his ordinary body to use superhuman powers.

When he was at Anna's house before, he could see traces of the resentful spirit.

"I don't know what skills the exorcist gave me."

Rogge muttered to himself and put away the exorcist potion.

"Just right, let's make Lina's potion together."

Rogge didn't leave in a hurry, but took out the potion materials for the Blood Spirit Shadow Thorn.

Iya has already handed him the Drop Flower Herb Dew as expected.

The Blood Spirit Shadow Thorn can be made.


Hudson, who was sitting outside the door waiting, suddenly seemed to have a feeling and turned to look at Rogge's door.

At this time, Rogge just opened the door and walked out.

Looking at the bottle of potion in Rogge's hand, Hudson stood up.

[Okay. ]

Rogge handed over the exorcist potion in his hand.

[Do you want to wait for it to cool down before drinking it? ]

The exorcist potion is freshly baked and still steaming hot.


Do you think it's boiled water?

Hudson looked at the potion in his hand for a moment, then pulled out the cork and drank it directly without paying attention to its scalding temperature.

He seemed to have been looking forward to this moment for a long time.

A moment after drinking the potion, Hudson frowned.

Then, a look of pain began to appear on his face.

This surprised Roger.


But he soon realized what was wrong with Hudson.


Hudson's face was distorted, and after screaming in extreme pain, he knelt on the ground with his hands on his chest.

Then, his body began to change in a distorted and chaotic way.

His body was transparent for a while, and then it was bleeding. Sometimes the undead struggled violently through his skin, and sometimes the claws of the resentful souls carved blood on his body.

In just a few breaths, Hudson turned into a monster with a terrifying and hideous appearance!

He had translucent skin like a resentful soul, and there were also pale and paper-like strange snakes breaking through the body surface and waving their fangs and claws, and his face was distorted beyond human shape.


It made a hoarse roar.

Rogge frowned.

There is no doubt that Hudson encountered a small probability of alienation!

But this alienation seems to be different from the alienations he encountered in the cave before.

[Alienated Monster]

[Type: Monster]

[Quality: Elite]

[Level: 10]

[Rank: Extraordinary]

[Description: Humans who failed to transform into extraordinary potions were controlled by the conflicting power of the potion and became irrational hybrid monsters. ]

After reading his information, Rogge could also clearly see that the weird and hideous things shown on Hudson were the source of the main ingredients of the potion, the performance of those extraordinary creatures.

"You are really unlucky."

Rogge sighed.

Hudson is a good guy, he doesn't intend to watch him become an alienated monster.


After trying several times.

Rogge in front of the screen touched his chin.

Hudson has failed to drink the potion five or six times in a row!

"The reason for failure should not be a matter of luck."

If it was just one or two times, it could be considered bad luck.

But Hudson failed so many times in a row, so the problem was not necessarily in the probability.

"Is it that some people's body structure is destined to conflict with the extraordinary potion? Like Hudson?"

An idea came to Rogge's mind, but he was not sure.

"Maybe it's because the physical attributes are not enough."

Rogge thought.

However, Hudson has not joined his adventure group yet, so he can't see Hudson's specific attributes.

If you want to see Hudson's specific attributes, you have to let him agree to join the adventure group first.

So, Rogge read the file again and mentioned this to Hudson.

【Thank you, but I don't plan to do this. 】

Hudson shook his head with a determined look.

【I have another very important thing to do. 】

After listening to Hudson's words, Rogge thought for a moment.

【Okay, I know. 】

【You say I agree now. 】

Hudson was puzzled when he heard this.

【I said, I have something very important to do. ]

[I know, you should verbally agree first.]

Rog waved his hand.

He didn't know if this would work, but he had to try.

Otherwise, he would be completely clueless about Hudson's attributes and couldn't find the reason why the extraordinary potion failed.

Although Hudson was puzzled, he still did it.

[Exorcist Hudson has joined your adventure group.]

Seeing this prompt, Rog was relieved.

Fortunately, verbal agreement can also be judged as successful.

Then, he opened Hudson's information.

[Hudson (Partner)]

[Level: 8]

[Shell: 6 (10)]

[Spirit: 2 (6)]

[Faith: 1]

[Rank: None]

[Special skills: Exorcism inheritance lv6, fighting lv4, secret medicine lv4. ]

[Life skills: mysticism lv4, navigation lv4, medical lv2, cooking lv1...]

[Talents: calm, lack of fear, soul perception. 】

【1. Calm (elite), you can keep a calm mind most of the time, which allows you to think clearly and not be swayed by immediate emotions. 】

[2. Fear loss (elite), after long-term targeted training, your fear has become almost non-existent, which makes you not afraid of anything. ]

[3. Soul perception (rare), born with a unique perception of soul-like existence, this is the best prerequisite for becoming an exorcist. ]

Rogge first saw the brackets after Hudson's attributes.

This means that Hudson's attributes have been reduced due to some external factors.

"No wonder he always fails. His mental attributes are not up to standard. It's strange that he can succeed."

The reason why Rogge didn't think of this problem at first was because he thought Hudson's level had reached level eight, and there should be no problem with his attributes.

It seems that it may be due to the negative impact caused by Hudson taking secret medicine in the previous battle.

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