I have a big sailing game

Chapter 130 Mark, Big Wave

The coral island of feces.

As the name suggests, the island has a reef as its base, which is covered with foul-smelling bird droppings.

The seabirds on it stood sideways, looking at a small boat in front of them.

After Roger and Hudson landed on the island, they observed the surrounding environment and then quickly walked towards the island.

After a while, the Mother Goddess missionary behind them also boarded the island with a group of believers.

He closed his eyes, held the mark in his hand and sensed it for a moment, then pointed in a direction.

"Kill the criminals!"

Two devout knights and several believers immediately went in the direction he pointed.

"Mother Goddess bless you."

The missionary held the mark in his hand slowly and chanted a spell. A force came out of the mark, wrapped around his body, forming a layer of looming protection.

However, they had not found Roger yet.

A low horn sounded from the front.

The soul sound wave containing terrifying power followed.



The horn sounded, and the wailing of the believers on the dung coral island suddenly sounded. They covered their heads and knelt on the ground in pain.

The missionary's mark protection was also affected by this force and began to tremble, as if it could collapse at any time.

Followed by a gunshot!


Gun smoke rose, and the projectiles containing special power exploded on the protection.

This contributed the last residual heat to the protection that was already on the verge of collapse and melted away.

Hudson, who was far away, looked painful, but still held the gun tightly in his hand.

Although he had expected it in advance and was far away, he was still partially affected by the horn of the dead abandoned.


A purple light burst out and fell on a devout knight.

Blood exploded on his visor, and his bones forced his muscles to break, and he died instantly.

[You killed the devout knight and gained combat experience. 】

"Damn witch."

Seeing this, the missionary's face changed.

Although the protection offset some of the damage from the horn, he still felt dizzy.

He forced himself to cheer up and raised the seal in his hand to pray.


At this time, the heavy sound of horse hooves rang out.

The missionary looked at the source of the sound, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

I saw a dead knight in bone armor appear on the island and sprinted towards him at a very fast speed.

On the sharp bone spear, a cold light bloomed.

The missionary endured the discomfort of his body and recited the spell loudly.

In an instant, a warm blue light bloomed.

Feeling the power surging around him, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Unlike the half-baked people in the church, he is a genuine missionary with extraordinary power.

How could he die so aggrievedly?

However, the next second, his face froze instantly.

Several hands of the dead appeared out of thin air under his feet, grabbing his ankles tightly.

The terrifying thing is that he can't use the power of prayer!


The missionary's pupils shrank suddenly.

He couldn't understand what was happening at this moment.

However, the situation didn't allow him to think. The next second, the sharp bone spear of the abandoned heavy cavalry arrived!



The sharp bone spear with a strong impact instantly pierced his chest. With an unbelievable look in his eyes, he coughed up a lot of blood.


The abandoned heavy cavalry threw away the corpse in his hand and turned to look at the rest of the believers.

"Missionary Master!"

The believers in the back had just recovered from the influence of the abandoned horn, and they were horrified to see the abandoned heavy cavalry and the seriously injured missionary.

"Puff... Witch... I curse you... You will be... the first to die in the big wave..."



Before the dying missionary could finish his words, the Abandoned Heavy Knight brutally crushed his head into pieces.

Big wave?

Rogge narrowed his eyes.

He wanted to hear what this guy wanted to say, but he wanted to use the mark to pray.

There was no other way, Rogge could only choose to kill him.

[Your clone Abandoned Heavy Knight killed the missionary and gained combat experience. ]

This made the believers feel like they were falling into an ice cave, and the fear came like a huge wave.

"Evil! You deserve to die! Ah!"

The only remaining pious knight saw this and was furious. He raised the pious sword in his hand and prepared to recite the prayer and fight to the death.

However, a purple light was emitted again and fell on him.

With a bang, the heavy body fell down.

[You killed the pious knight, gained combat experience, and your level was upgraded! 】


The Abandoned Heavy Cavalry roared to the sky, making a deafening roar, and then charged at the believers with a terrifying offensive.

Bang, bang, bang!

In fear and screams, the believers desperately shot at the Abandoned Heavy Cavalry, but it was useless. The bullets passed through the hollow body of the Abandoned Heavy Cavalry.

The sharp bone spear ruthlessly harvested their lives!

Until there was only one believer left, Rogge in the back breathed a sigh of relief and asked the Abandoned Heavy Cavalry to stop.

"Damn it, why do I feel that your summons are stronger than you?"

Hudson took two breaths.

In the previous battle, he had little room to play. His only role was to completely break the missionary's defense, so that the Death Abandoned Heavy Cavalry could have a chance to kill the missionary.

This also made Hudson feel the terrifying power of Rogge's summon.

"It's just a coincidence."

"If this guy has a chance to play, it will be very difficult."

Rogge said.

If the missionary can successfully cooperate with the two pious knights and other believers to launch an offensive, it will undoubtedly be a fierce battle.

But the missionary died in the unexpected attack of the Death Abandoned Heavy Cavalry.

Once he died, the believers who lost their leader instantly lost the ability to fight back.

This is also the reason why the battle ended so quickly.


Just as Rogge and the others were talking.

A black short monster with sharp teeth and skin and bones crawled out of the reef cave and dragged the body of a dead believer into the cave roughly.

This monster is exactly their target of this trip, the corpse blood ghost.

Hudson retracted his gaze, rubbed his temple and said, "I didn't help much in this battle, you saved my life."

"We are even."

If it weren't for Rogge, Hudson would probably not have escaped this time.

Although he was involved because of Rogge, it was also because of Rogge that he survived.

"Then half a favor doesn't count?" Rogge laughed and teased, then stepped forward and began to check the things of these believers.

[You found the Mother God Mark × 1. ]

[You found the broken missionary robe × 1. ]

[You found the pious sword × 1. ]


Rogge had basically seen the things behind, and his focus was on the Mother God Mark.

[Mother God Mark]

[Type: Weapon·Extraordinary]

[Quality: Blue]

[Attack power: 1/15 (Physical/Prayer)]

[Special effect: When using the Mother God Prayer, the casting speed is accelerated. ]

[Negative effect: Deepen the belief in the Mother God. 】

【Explanation: The mark from the Mother Goddess Church is the key to the missionary's prayer. 】

Why are the negative effects of the Mother Goddess Church's equipment all deepening the faith in the Mother Goddess...

What is the "big wave" that the missionary mentioned before his death?

Rogge exhaled, put away all these things, and then walked towards the only survivor.

He was going to ask this believer about the "big wave".

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