I Had a Home In 1982

Chapter 294: 293. It is better to buy than to raise (sell for a monthly pass)

   Chapter 294

  Wang Yi left the warehouse and strolled around casually. There are a lot of goods in Shanghai, and there is no shortage of good goods.

   Autumn is about to begin, and the crabs in the sea are getting fatter.

  Wengzhou is rich in swimming crabs, which are called white crabs locally. This crab can be eaten from August to November. Now is the good season, and there are many fat crabs on the pier.

  Wang Yi walked around with his hands behind his back, and finally saw a basket of good crabs, each with the size of a 6-inch small cake, very fat, pick it up with his hands and try it, one crab weighs two pounds!

   This is the top class Haizhen. In 22 years, a crab like this would sell for 1,000 yuan!

  In Wengzhou in 1982, it was much cheaper. Wang Yi bought a basket with 20 yuan and picked it up with a pole.

   He strolled around the pier and bought more than 50 yuan of seafood on and off. Then, assuming that Wang Dongyi and Ma Liu had left, he returned to the warehouse and entered the B-110 warehouse.

   He opened the time-space house back to 22 years, and this time he has time to deal with trivial matters on the 22 year side.

   Now because of the contracting of Tianya Island, he has money on hand like water, and the money he saved before has either been spent or is on the way to spend.

   So Wang Yi took out the full set of the first edition of RMB.

   He called Yuan Hui and Rao Yi and sent a message, expressing his willingness to sell the first version of RMB.

   Now he is closer to Rao Yi. Rao Yi has helped him sell more collections recently, especially when he came back this time, he told him that the buyer of the 7501 porcelain has been confirmed.

   The final negotiated price was 3.8 million, which was actually the quotation for the original formula of 7501 porcelain.

  Wang Yi felt that the price was good and far exceeded his expectations, so he handed over the follow-up processing of the notes to Rao Yi. Selling through Qing Classic Dang could save a lot of trouble.

   After dealing with this matter, he took a taxi to the production team Dazao.

   At this time it was sunset, and the production team was busy with work in the large kitchen. As soon as he walked in, Qiu Danian's daughter-in-law Gao Yanan said subconsciously, "Sir, I'm sorry, you have a plan - oh, Mr. Wang, are you here?"

Wang Yi greeted her and brought the basket to Gao Yanan: "Sister-in-law, please help to bring it to the back kitchen, my friend got us some good things - these swimming crabs are wild products, not farmed, we will steam them tonight. Eat big crabs in one go."

  Gao Yanan came up and looked at it and exclaimed on the spot: "My God, such a big white crab? President Wang, shall we eat it by ourselves?"

  Wang Yi said: "Yes, this thing can't last, it can't be sold as a fixed dish, let's eat it by ourselves."

   Su Xiaoya, who had just served the customer, came over to help.

   She was also stunned when she saw the crab: "Ah, such a big swimming crab? They are very precious. I saw it when I went to the market with my brother yesterday morning, three or four hundred per catty!"

  Gao Yanan was surprised again: "Ah? This crab is 400 yuan a pound? What family can afford it?"

   "Families who can afford to eat don't eat it, they are all used as gifts." Zhao Zhongjuan also came over after hearing their exclamations.

  The crabs in the basket were tied with a straw rope, which was not firmly tied. One crab broke free from the straw rope after a bump, and immediately raised two big tongs.

   This is a small difference between wild crabs and farmed crabs.

   Wild crabs are especially vigilant and good at fighting.

  Because they live from childhood to adulthood, they have to guard against predation and predation every day. There are many threatening factors in their living environment. Unlike farmed crabs, which grow up in aquaculture sea areas, all threatened species have been removed.

   In 22 years, there are not many wild swimming crabs, and most of them are farmed crabs.

  What Su Xiaoya saw in the market was definitely farmed crabs. If farmed crabs were three or four hundred per pound, the price of wild crabs would be doubled!

   In other words, Wang Yi was unwilling to fiddle with the little money, otherwise he could get rich just by fiddling with wild crabs——

  This large wild crab is especially suitable for gift giving, and gift boxes are in short supply in the market.

  Perhaps many people do not realize that the gap between the rich and the poor in the society in the past 22 years has been very large...

  Three women are the population of the poor area.

   They were the first to come into contact with such a senior Haizhen, and they all took out their mobile phones to take pictures.

   Several diners who were eating also came up to take pictures, and then asked: "How do you cook this thing, boss?"

   "How much does it cost to cook?"

   "Can you cook tomorrow? I'll reserve a table. I'm going to invite the leader to dinner tomorrow. This big crab is a good thing and can be used as the main dish."

  The value of precious seafood is not only reflected in taste, taste and nutrition, but also in social attributes.

   Big crabs like this, and wild yellow croakers have the ability to call for a meal.

  Wang Yi and the others can't eat so many big crabs. Crabs are cold and cold, especially wild crabs. If one person eats at most one, it will end.

   But wild crabs are tenacious and can live for several days with just a little seawater.

   So Wang Yi waved his hand and said, "We don't sell this thing, a friend sent it over to our employees as a benefit."

   The three of Gao Yanan were very excited when they heard this.

  The benefits are really good.

  Gao Yanan would live his life, and persuaded him, "Mr. Wang, let's eat and taste it. How can this guy eat something that costs one or two thousand yuan?"

   On the way, Wang Yi called Qiu Danian, and Qiu Danian also arrived in his car.

   When he came in and saw the crab, he exclaimed first.

   After understanding what Wang Yi meant, he said: "Forget it, boss, my wife is right, let's just taste it. Isn't it a waste to let ordinary people eat these three or four thousand yuan?"

   He whispered to Wang Yi: "The big crab is not much different from the small one. There is no need for us to eat it. Let's sell it to customers."

  Wang Yi smiled bitterly: "You guys are living too much, aren't you?"

  Su Xiaoya said, "Boss, you are too embarrassed, you are inhumane."

Qiu Danian said: "Anyway, we have to engage in farming on Tianya Island. Boss, let's sell it first, and then we will ship it in our own sea area. At that time, we didn't eat casually? When the time comes, we will vomit from seafood. !"

   "You eat less, your uric acid is high." Gao Yanan warned him.

  Su Xiaoya asked stupidly, "How sour? How did you know, sister-in-law?"

  Wang Yi motioned them to stop talking and stood at the door to think.

   What he always thought was that in the 22-year-old waters of Tianya Island, he would engage in mariculture and then make profits from fishing.

   But now he has a new idea:

  I have time and space, why do I spend so much effort on farming? It's better to buy it!

   In 1982, he bought big wild crabs and put them in the sea for 22 years!

   Crabs, prawns, and sea cucumbers and abalone are not fish. They have a small range of activities. As long as they are placed around the island, and feeding plans are made for them, how can they leave their own waters and run out?

   He clearly knows one thing: the seas on Tianya Island and even the outer islands of Haifu County are poor seas, and they have been poor seas for 22 years, and the seabed environment has not been well done.

   So he only needs to put food into the sea, so that the things he stocked will not run away if they have something to eat.

   Because I ran out and didn’t even have anything to eat!

If he does this, he needs a boat, and he needs a boat with a door. In 1982, Kaitianya No. 3 bought marine cargo and opened the door to a fishing boat at sea in 22 years, and came out to dump the marine cargo. Just go in!

  He was thinking about it, Gao Yanan was tearing at Qiu Danian: "Do you hear me talking to you? You eat seafood with high uric acid, don't eat this crab, save the boss a crab money."

   Qiu Danianzhuang didn't hear it: "One person per crab is divided, and then the rest will be sold first. After selling, it is a pre-sale, so that customers can taste the seafood in our store in Dazao."

   Gao Yanan wanted to take care of him, so he went to Wang Yi for help.

  Wang Yi retracted his thoughts and waved his hand: "Okay, that person keeps one for himself, and sells the rest, and sells it to the employees in the store as a bonus."

   Hearing this, the sisters Su Xiaoya and Zhao Zhongjuan looked at each other and said almost in unison, "Boss, I don't want to eat it, sell it to me."

  A crab worth 1,000 yuan or 2,000 yuan, what is worth this price?

   Anyway, the photos have been taken, and those who can pretend to be forceful have already entered the circle of friends, so why eat them?

   Is it not fragrant to buy pork stewed sauerkraut for money?

  Su Xiaoya has already made up her mind. This time, the stewed sauerkraut is made of earthy pork.

  Wang Yi said: "It's alright, that's it, one person keeps one, and the other four are sold as bonuses for the four of you."

   "There are six people in our store now." Qiu Danian said.

  Wang Yi said: "You and Dunzi are not human."

   Qiu Danian sneered: "We are not human, but the two helpers in the back kitchen are."

  Wang Yi suddenly said: "Have negotiated with the Disabled Persons' Federation, have you hired someone?"

  Su Xiaoya led Wang Yi to the kitchen.

  Two women in their fifties were busy with their hands and feet.

   Both of them are hearing-impaired, but they are fine as helpers, mainly responsible for cleaning, serving and washing dishes.

   Salary is 2800 a month.

   Don't look at Wengzhou's small place, the salaries of workers in the catering industry are not low. For example, a kitchen worker who is also responsible for cleaning and washing dishes starts at 3,500 a month.

   These two have low requirements because they are disabled.

  Wang Yi raised their salary to 3,000 yuan, rounding up the whole number.

   In addition to crabs, he also bought seafood such as big snails and pipa shrimp, all of which are fresh products with high value for 22 years.

  The big snail is of great value, its head is bigger than Wang Yi's palm, and its value is comparable to that of a big crab.

   Pipa shrimp doesn't look like shrimp or pipa, but more like alien larvae. It looks very ferocious, but it actually tastes very sweet, and it is also a high-end seafood.

  Su Xiaoya, Gao Yanan, and Zhao Zhongjuan had never seen these things, and ran to the kitchen to watch the fun.

   Qiu Danian said: "It's alright, don't look at it, the guests are still waiting for you to serve."

   "Daughter-in-law, go look at the door, what if someone runs away without giving money after eating?"

  Gao Yanan smiled and said, "It's okay, they are all regular and repeat customers. I have their WeChat account. If anyone runs away, I will follow the internet cable to arrest them."

  Wang Yi asked: "How is the business? I think there are quite a lot of people today."

  Qiu Danian said: "Very good, our store has completely lost its reputation, and now it has become an Internet celebrity store. The Internet is not called our production team Dazao, but our old restaurant."

  Gao Yanan said: "Yes, boss, business is good. Now we have to wait or reserve a table two days in advance. We need to reserve the first table for lunch and dinner."

  Su Xiaoya picked up two big snails and asked strangely, "Boss, why are they different? One shell has a spiral pattern and the other is quite smooth."

  Wen Xiaoshan, who was cooking, turned his head and said, "What are you talking about? What are the spiral patterns and smoothness? I told you about ducks, your mother told me to take good care of you—yo, big snails."

Wang Yi said: "The two species of snails are different. The one with the spiral pattern in your hand is called the horn snail, and the other is the wen snail. The taste and texture are similar. The price of the snail can be a little higher. It has a high meat yield. The horn snail is mainly a big shell."

   He took out a few words from his backpack and handed them to Wen Xiaoshan, saying, "This is the flyer of the previous grain increment method. Paste it on the wall, and then you can study it and use these methods to make the staple food."

  Wen Xiaoshan looked at it after opening it, and said with joy, "I'm just kidding, the boss has a good sense of history."

  Wang Yi smiled and said, "Don't underestimate this thing. I finally managed to get a serious old item from the 1950s and 1960s."

   He said to Qiu Danian again: "Update the menu, and mark the staple food. We made it with the grain increment method in the 1950s and 1960s. This is an ancient staple food. Is it okay to increase the price by 30% to 40%?"

  Qiu Danian said: "Boss, you look down on our customers by saying this, and increase it by 30% to 40%? Who is this insulting, just double it!"

  Wang Yi said: "You can arrange this, but take it easy, don't make that bad reputation..."

   The ringing of his cell phone interrupted him. He took it out and saw that Yuan Hui was calling.

Yuan Hui asked him to have a meal with him and said, "Boss Zhong has been talking to me about you recently, saying that you have grown rich and forgot your old friends. Do you have any plans to go to Boss Zhong for a meal tonight? Boss Zhong is here. I've been talking about you for two months."

  Wang Yi said: "Okay, then today I will be the host..."

   "No, no, let Lao Zhong be the host." Yuan Hui was overjoyed when he heard his answer, "Old Zhong said several times that he wanted to invite you to dinner, so I'll have a meal with you."

  Wang Yi made an appointment with him and went to the rental house.

   He returned from the rental house for another 82 years, and continued to go to the dock to sweep a pass.

  Since you are going to see Zhong Shiping, you have to bring some gifts.

   It was evening, and the pier was still very lively. Fishing boats came back to sell goods one after another. When it got dark in the evening, the fishing boats would not unload their goods, and would continue to work at sea until the early morning before coming back.

   At this time, there are wild large yellow croakers out of the water, but the large yellow croakers caught during the day are not so yellow and white in color.

   After all, it was a wild product, so Wang Yi still bought five pieces of good quality and put them in the fish basket.

  Others such as big crabs, big snails, and pipa prawns must also be bought, which are all good seafood in season.

   He went to buy pipa shrimp, but the boat owner looked up and smiled: "Comrade, this is not pipa shrimp, this is rhino shrimp!"

   Wang Yi was taken aback: "Rhino shrimp? What is this?"

   He heard people talk about fish and shrimp every day on Tianya Island, but he had never heard of rhino shrimp.

   As he spoke, he moved aside and let the rays of the setting sun shine directly in the basket. At this time, he took a closer look and found that these shrimps were somewhat similar to pipa shrimps, but they were indeed different.

   They are all flat shrimp, none have tentacles, and their shells are reddish-brown, but the shell is rougher than the pipa shrimp, and the head is wider - but there is nothing like a rhino.

   The owner explained: "This is not our local shrimp. We caught it in the sea in Lu Province. It is much more precious than the pipa shrimp. This kind of shrimp is quite rare and the price is more expensive than the pipa shrimp."

   Wang Yi asked, "Is it delicious?"

"This is really delicious." The fisherman next to him said with his arms crossed, "Comrade, I will never fool you, you can ask about it, the meat of this shrimp is tender, you boil the water, then cut out the meat and put it in it for three seconds. , Yes, you can eat by counting one, two or three."

  Wang Yi looked at the basket, there were about twenty of these shrimps in it, so he wanted them all.

  This shrimp is really expensive, a shrimp costs an average of five yuan, and this basket of shrimp is 112 yuan!

   is enough to keep up with the workers’ wages for two months.

   The owner of the boat saw him open and gave him a few large yellow croakers directly: "It's a bargain, just take a few and take them home to eat."

   Another thing is that he has big prawns here, that is, he caught prawns in the Qilu Sea, which was famous in China for 22 years. This thing is big, and Wang Yi also bought a bunch of them.

   The two big baskets were so full that he picked them up and went back for 22 years.

   drove his beloved tricycle, and he rushed to the archipelago memory.

When the car arrived, Zhong Shiping was on the phone outside, and when he saw him, he hung up the phone and waved to him.

  Wang Yi stopped at the door with a chic tail flick and asked, "Boss Zhong, can I park here?"

  Zhong Shiping smiled and said, "You can! Haha, Mr. Wang, you can do it, don't change your character, or drive your own three-wheeled dump?"

   "But the three-wheeled self-unloading looks like a sports car," Yuan Hui walked out of the room, "I saw Mr. Wang's parking gesture just now, and he was drifting."

  Wang Yi said: "Don't laugh at me two brothers, I'm driving this car to give Boss Zhong a catch."

   Hearing this, Zhong Shiping took three steps and two steps to the carriage to see.

   It will be dark, but the door is brightly lit.

   He pulled the shade net on the fish basket, and several seafood appeared in front of him.

   At first glance, he exclaimed: "Good guy, I am a good guy on the spot! Cicada shrimp, this is Cicada shrimp!"

   Wang Yi said, "You mean rhino shrimp?"

   "Yes, Rhino Shrimp, its scientific name is Cicada Shrimp. We call them chariots on Baodao. This thing is a good thing, it's all for me?" Zhong Shiping asked excitedly.

  Yuan Hui said: "A chariot? Hey, it's really a good thing, get us one tonight, get a sashimi."

  Wang Yi asked: "You all know how powerful this shrimp is? I thought you didn't know, after all, we don't produce this shrimp in the open sea."

   Zhong Shiping said: "I've been in the seafood business for half my life, and I still don't know about a cicada shrimp."

He elaborated: "It is a type of cicada shrimp. There are five categories of cicada shrimp, including cicada shrimp, fan shrimp, flat shrimp, pseudo-fan shrimp and pseudo-cicada shrimp. This is the largest species of cicada shrimp among them. , is also the rarest species, and also the species with the highest economic value!"

  These prawns are alive, and when he picks them up, they start to curl their tails like crazy.

   Seeing this, Zhong Shiping hurriedly called the waiter to help: "Clean up the fish pond for me, clean it up quickly, I'm coming tonight as a distinguished guest!"

   He packed the seafood out one by one, laughing as he packed up:

   "Why do I look forward to Mr. Wang coming over? Because I know Mr. Wang can bring the goods to the door. Mr. Wang, thank you!"

  Wang Yi sighed: "Don't thank me, Teacher Yuan, I was going to leave it for my store, so I carefully selected these good goods."

   "Then Mr. Yuan called me to see you. I just got off the pier, so I had to take it there for you."

  Zhong Shiping patted Yuan Hui on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Mr. Yuan, I'll let you eat comfortably tonight!"

   They entered the house and went to room 1975 as usual.

  The waiter quickly brought in two silver horn glasses, very beautiful and artistic glasses filled with red wine.

   Wang Yi said, "What kind of wine is this?"

   Yuan Hui said with a smile: "You brought him some good stuff. He must treat us well. It must be a good wine from his collection. Maybe it's a 1982 Lafite."

  The weather was hot and both of them were a little thirsty, so they raised their wine glasses, clinked them, and drank them in small sips.

  Wang Yi felt that the wine was a bit astringent and not very tasty.

   Yuan Hui explained to him: "This is dry red, a kind of pre-dinner wine, and it has a long aftertaste, tsk tsk."

   He smacked his lips, and then hesitated for a moment: "It's really not very tasty, maybe it's not to our taste, it seems to be a low-end wine?"

   "But it shouldn't, you gave Lao Zhong so much good stuff, and he fooled you with low-end wine?"

   This statement is logical.

   Therefore, Wang Yi judged that although this thing was unpalatable, it was a good wine after all.

   So he raised a glass to Yuan Hui: "Mr. Yuan, I'll give you a respect first, thank you for helping me contact the doctor to prescribe medicine last time."

   The two collided and drank the red wine in three or two gulps.

   Yuan Hui took out his mobile phone and pointed to the first edition of the RMB full set he sent him to explain, saying that although the old and new RMB sets are not unified, they can still sell for a good price because they are rare in the market today.

  The two were chatting around RMB, and the waiter pushed the door and came in again, putting down an ice tray with pieces of fish and meat on it.

  Wang Yi saw that this was a thorn, but after looking carefully, he said, "Is this the flesh of a grouper?"

   Yuan Hui said: "Yes, the meat of grouper."

  Wang Yi was immediately stunned: "It's really raw grass, grouper sashimi? Grouper is eaten raw? This is very exciting!"

Yuan Hui laughed when he heard this: "It's fortunate that I'm here, Brother Wang, otherwise you're going to be making a joke. This is not for you to eat raw, it's to be eaten with shabu-shabu, but the shabu-shabu has not been delivered yet... "

   He was talking when another waiter brought the shabu-shabu.

   Putting down the small pot, he picked up a horn cup and was stunned: "Uh, where's the wine in it?"

   The smile on Yuan Hui's face suddenly froze.

   The waiter said suspiciously, "Where's the cooking wine here? It's for making soup."

  Wang Yi said calmly, "When your colleague brought them up just now, there were two empty glasses. Haven't you poured wine into them yet?"

  The waiter went out and came back quickly.

   He took a bottle of red wine and poured it into the horn glass, which he knew from a look at the bottle, and said, "The shabu-shabu will start to boil later, you can pour a glass of wine and eat the fish and meat."

   "Because the alcohol will evaporate at high temperature, so when you are ready to eat the fish, pour the second cup."

   The two nodded obediently.

   Wait for the waiter to leave.

  The two were silent.

   There is an awkward atmosphere in the air.

   Yuan Hui whispered, "I thought it was an aperitif."

  Wang Yi did not speak.

   He is using his toes to dig the picture of the Qingming River on the insole.

   At this time, a new topic must be needed.

   He took out his mobile phone and showed it to Yuan Hui: "How much do you think this thing is worth?"

   The photo is a red coral sculpture, a hundred birds facing a phoenix coral sculpture.

  Yuan Hui glanced at it and quickly took the phone over.

   He zoomed in on the photo to look at it, and muttered: "The thousand-year-old coral is red for ten thousand years. According to the rumors in the coral game owner circle, it grows an inch in 20 years and a kilogram in 300 years. Your red coral has grown for at least a thousand years, right?"

  Wang Yi asked: "How about the value?"

  Yuan Hui said hesitantly, "It's hard to give a price if you don't see the real thing. After all, it's a work of art. You have to look at the carving and the material."

   At this time, Zhong Shiping came in with a plate and asked, "What price do you want to set?"

   He handed Wang Yi a receipt with the details of the high-quality seafood he brought earlier, size, unit price, and total price.

  Wang Yi glanced at the total price at the tail, six figures!

  No surprise, after all, there are more than a dozen wild large yellow croakers in it, and the five of them alone add up to six figures.

  Yuan Hui showed him the photo and said, "Boss Zhong, haven't you always wanted to buy a good item to attract wealth? How about this thing? Birds chasing the phoenix, it's a good implication!"

   Zhong Shiping said, "This is red coral? Is red coral quite expensive now?"

   Yuan Hui said: "It's not very expensive, it's very expensive!"

"Gem collections have become popular in recent years, and the market price of red coral has skyrocketed. Now the price of the top AKA-grade pigeon blood red coral has been sold for 20,000 to 30,000 yuan per gram, and the ordinary AKA grade has risen to nearly a few thousand yuan per gram; MOMO Grades are also more than 1,000 yuan per gram."

   "What level of red coral is this? It looks very pleasing." Zhong Shiping flipped through the photos.

   Yuan Hui said: "It's gratifying for a layman like you, it's naturally a top red coral."

Hearing this, Zhong Shiping was stunned on the spot: "Damn it, then this thing - according to the size of Mr. Wang's palm in the photo, it should be quite big, this thing is coral stone after all, it must weigh several kilograms, right? "

   "One gram of the top is twenty or thirty thousand, but how many kilograms are not tens of millions or even hundreds of millions?"

  It's so scary!

Yuan Hui hurriedly explained: "Top does not mean top AKA pigeon blood red or cattle blood red, the kind of rating I am talking about is actually a standard for grading fine red coral gemstones for small ornaments and small accessories. Large-scale hard goods cannot be easily graded.”

   "It's hard to be worth tens of millions, but I guess it's not a big problem if it's a few million dollars. From the initial pricing from the photos, can you set a price of five million?"

  Zhong Shiping was speechless: "It's so valuable? Then what seafood do I catch? I'll just go and catch the red coral."

  Yuan Hui shook his head: "Red coral grows in the deep sea, and the common ones are below 200 meters of water. High-quality red corals are even at the depth of 2,000 meters, and it is extremely difficult to mine."

"Even if you are lucky enough to mine some red coral, we all know that this thing is the calcium skeleton secreted by coral polyps, and then the texture is very loose at first, such red coral is worthless, and the value can reach gem-level texture density. , why? Because this can be processed.”

   Zhong Shiping said, "Isn't the red coral that cannot be processed worthless?"

  Yuan Hui shook his head again: "Generally speaking, this is the case, but there are many exceptions. There is a giant coral tree in the National Aquarium, which is an anomaly. It grows too fast and the density is not good, so it is not easy to process."

   "But the red coral tree is also very valuable. I remember the estimate seems to be more than 150 million."

   He glanced at Zhong Shiping and said, "You give up this idea. Our country has listed red coral as a national first-class protected animal as early as 1988. Illegally collect this thing and wait for it to sit in prison."

  Zhong Shiping was very clever, he smiled when he heard this: "Our country does not allow fishing, what about other countries? Not allowing fishing?"

  Yuan Hui thought for a while and said, "There are people who are allowed to fish. The little devil allows fishermen from certain origins to fish to improve their economic conditions. Some countries in the Mediterranean and the Pacific also allow fishing for a certain period of time."

  Wang Yi shook his head: "Little devils are no longer allowed to fish, because the fishing method is too barbaric. They use the form of nets to fish, which is very destructive to the seabed environment."

  Zhong Shiping was born as a fisherman, so he naturally knew what it meant to fish with a net.

  This fishing method is effective but brutal. It uses high-density nets to catch seabed crops. The specific method is to tie a large stone or lead sink to the net, and then slowly drag it after sinking to the seabed.

  Because of the high density of the nets, that is to say, the meshes are small, and they are very strong special nets, so in the process of their operation, they will destroy what they encounter, what they net, and what they bring.

   In this way, red coral can be caught naturally, but it will also destroy the fishing environment.

Knowing this, Zhong Shiping sneered: "Damn, little devils clamor every day to protect the environment and to live in harmony with nature, but they are the ones who dump nuclear waste into the sea, and they are the ones who use the nets, a bunch of dogs. Bastards!"

  Wang Yi was toasted with a glass of wine when he lifted it up.

   No matter who scolds the little devil, I have to help the field!

   Yuan Hui was a little surprised when he heard Wang Yi's words, and asked, "Isn't fishing allowed in the Ogasawara waters?"

"But it's useless to stop fishing," he looked up the news and said, "The international community has included red coral in the appendix of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora in 2008, prohibiting illegal fishing and Restrict international trade."

   "Some countries can still fish, but the annual quota is limited, and cross-border sales are not allowed. In this way, Boss Zhong, it is useless for you to fish legally, and you can't bring it back!"

  Zhong Shiping laughed: "I just said casually, you guys are serious, it's really interesting, come and drink."

   He discussed with Wang Yi again: "Mr. Wang, can you bring this red coral sculpture with you next time you come over? Nothing else, I can't afford it, so I want to take a look and open my eyes."

  Wang Yi was in high spirits after drinking, so he got into a show-off mind, picked up his mobile phone and found the red coral sculpture of the Jinggangshan Master and showed it to the two of them:

   "What's the price of this?"

   The two of them looked up and had very different reactions.

  Zhong Shiping was speechless: "I'm so stupid, this is a good thing, how much does it cost?"

  Yuan Hui was stunned, his eyes widened and he leaned in to take a closer look. It took 20 seconds before he said, "It's priceless! A national treasure-level sculpture!"

   On the last day of the double monthly pass, vote for one and top two. If you pass this village, there is no such shop. I love everyone, everyone for your support, thank you giegie



   (end of this chapter)

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