
The night was hazy.

The people in Baisha County are all sleeping.

No one could have imagined that the water bandits who had been making a living by plundering in the Baisha River would have the courage to attack the county town. This is because they have the courage of a bear and a leopard, or they are crazy.

But no matter how unbelievable the power of Baisha County is, these water bandits have indeed rushed into the city, killing, burning and plundering without restraint, and the city was ignited with flames everywhere.

The places where these flames are located are mainly concentrated in the granaries of the county and the warehouses of major grain merchants in the city.

The main purpose of this operation planned by the envoy of Wu Sheng Cult was to destroy food.

As the saying goes, before the soldiers and horses move, food and grass go first.

Daqian was at war with the Nanman Kingdom. Most of the food and grass needed by the soldiers and horses were provided by Qinghua Prefecture, Donghai Prefecture and other rich places. The Wusheng Sect first caused turmoil in Daze County, Qinghua Prefecture. , and now Baisha County, Dacang County, Donghai Prefecture, are causing turmoil in these prefectures in order to cut off the food and grass on the front line.

If there is chaos in these prefectures, even just a few of them, it will definitely have an impact on the supply of food and grass to the front line.

In addition, there are also the awning boats parked at the fishing pier and the merchant ships parked at the commercial port. They have all been damaged. The total number of water bandits in the Baisha River is thousands. Ordinary water The bandits were responsible for destroying ships, while the elite water bandits who had reached the level of quasi-warriors broke into the homes of wealthy households in the city, burned, killed and plundered them.

Destruction and destruction are often much simpler than construction.

Zhou Shan sensed a strange movement, released his mental power to investigate, and immediately saw chaos in the city.

"Is this... a bandit attacking the city?"

Seeing the chaos, Zhou Shan immediately rushed out of the room and went to the roof.

The diameter of the area covered by his mental power is about four thousand meters. When you get to the roof, you can see that the inner city is burning with fires in the distance. The flames are surging in the distance and the sky is burning red.

The shouts of killing came from far away and soon spread to East Street.

These bandits were burning, killing and looting everywhere, leaving the city in a state of chaos, especially the wealthy families with luxurious mansions, who were the first to be robbed.

The East Street where Zhou Shan is located is populated by the rich in the city.

The thieves broke into the city, burned, killed and looted, targeting some of the wealthy households in the city.

Naturally, more than a dozen thieves with knives rushed in at the mansion where Zhou Shan was located. He immediately released his mental power and used the soul-terrifying technique to envelope these thieves, affecting their senses and causing them to rush into the backyard. middle.

Then, Zhou Shan swept down from the roof and hypnotized the dozen thieves.

"Who are you and why are you attacking the city?"

Zhou Shan asked.

"We are members of the Blood Leopard Bandits."

"The envoy of the Wusheng Religion has conquered all the water bandits in Yunwu Daze. The envoy ordered us to attack the city, destroy the granaries, burn, kill and plunder as much as possible to cause damage to Baisha County."

After being hypnotized, these thieves answered truthfully.

"It's the Wusheng Cult again!"

Zhou Shan frowned slightly.

If it were just the Baisha River water bandits, it would be easy to solve. Even if part of the force was transferred to escort tax money and food to the county, the power of the major forces in the city would be enough to kill the water bandits causing trouble in the city.

The Baisha River Water Bandits are the only warriors who have reached the four realms of blood exchange, but this siege actually involves the anti-thief group Wusheng Cult, which makes it a bit tricky.

I don’t know how many masters there are in the Wu Sheng Cult. It’s hard to say who will win and who will lose.

"How many experts have come to Wusheng Cult?"

Zhou Shan continued to ask.

"I don't know. We only know that the Wusheng Cult has an envoy who has reached the level of blood exchange in the four realms."

one of them replied.

"Only one envoy?"

Zhou Shan didn’t believe that Wu Sheng Cult only came to exchange blood with one person from the Four Realms.

You know, Baisha County now has a county captain, the head of the Bai family and the head of the Lei Ming Martial Arts School. The Bai family has been passed down for hundreds of years and has a profound foundation. It even surpasses the Giant Spirit Sect. Secretly, There are still one or two people who have exchanged blood in the four realms. If Wusheng Cult only comes to have one envoy who has exchanged blood in the four realms, it will be courting death.

"No matter how many people from the Four Realms come to the Wusheng Cult, they are not something I can handle. Soldiers versus soldiers, generals versus generals. I just need to deal with these bandits who broke into East Street."

"Kill yourself with a knife!"

Under the influence of Zhou Shan's soul-terrifying technique, these dozen water bandits raised their arms, put the blade of the long knife in their hands on their necks, and then pulled hard to cut off their trachea.

Bang bang bang——

The bodies of these water bandits fell to the ground one after another, dying.

"Brother Shan, there are... some thieves have entered the city."

At this moment, Chen Yu, who was studying martial arts with Zhou Shan, was awakened by the noise outside and ran over immediately.

"Don't worry, gather everyone in the house together, hide in the secret passage and don't run around." Zhou Shan said: "I will deal with the thieves outside."

After the words fell, Zhou Shan's figure disappeared in front of everyone.



From the surrounding houses, fierce shouts of killing could be heard.

The people living here are all wealthy businessmen, and the mansion employs guards. Faced with the fierce bandits who broke into the mansion, they are not without any resistance.

"As long as we summon the mighty martial arts guards, it will not be difficult to wipe out these thieves."

Zhou Shan thought in his heart.

In the south area of ​​East Street, there is a Weiyuan martial arts store.

This Weiyuan Martial Arts Company is an industry of the Juling Sect, and it has hundreds of guards.

The guards in the martial arts company are not necessarily warriors who have reached the first level of skin polishing, but they are all quasi-martial artists who have reached the level of strong blood. Most of these fierce bandits are only at the level of strong blood. Those who have reached the first level of skin polishing are basically bandit leaders.

Half of the guards living in the rich merchant's house on East Street are hired from the Weiyuan Martial Arts Company, and the other half are guards from the Leiming Martial Arts Hall. They are not short of fighting experience, so they are not cowardly in the face of fierce bandits, but instead they break out into fierce fighting.

What Zhou Shan has to do now is to summon the guards in the Weiyuan Martial Arts Company and eliminate all the bandits who broke into East Street.

The general manager of the Weiyuan Martial Arts Company took a part of the elite and followed Lin Yuanxiong to escort the tax silver and grain to the county city. During this period of time, the Weiyuan Martial Arts Company was temporarily taken over by Zhou Shan.

Although some elite soldiers were missing, there were still more than 20 elite guards who had reached the first level of skin polishing in Weiyuan Wuxing, and there were also two guard leaders who had reached the second level of bone forging.

With the strength of Weiyuan Wuxing, once it joined, it would be enough to repel or even eliminate the bandits who burned, killed and looted in Dong Street together with the guards hired by the wealthy families in Dong Street.

"You are Zhou Shan, the fifth disciple of Lin Yuanxiong. If you are captured, the people of Weiyuan Wuxing will be afraid to act rashly!"

As soon as Zhou Shan stepped out of the mansion, a strong man in black clothes, with a short haircut and a sturdy temperament blocked him.

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