The Ghost Water Bandits only have a few dozen members in total, but they are a feared water bandit group in Baisha River, because the Ghost Water Bandits' behavior is extremely cruel and they have more than 30 boats under their command, all of which are extremely fast. The fast boat comes and goes like the wind. Once targeted by the ghost water bandits, they will show no mercy and basically leave no one alive.

Only a few lucky people can escape from the ghost water bandits.

Therefore, although the Ghost Water Bandits are not the strongest water bandits in Baisha River, they are still feared. There are a total of six bandit leaders in the Ghost Water Bandits, and the bounty for each one is as high as tens of thousands of taels of silver.

at dusk.

In the Juyi Hall in the center of Xiaodao Station.

"Senior Envoy, according to reports from spies, the team escorting grain and grass from Baisha County this morning has left the city and headed for the county town. However, this time they took the land route instead of the water route."

Guo Junyi, the leader of the Wusheng Cult, sat at the top of the Juyi Hall. The six leaders of the Ghost Water Bandits were divided into two rows and sat on the left and right sides, with three people sitting on each side.

"Envoy, this time the team escorting the grain and fodder is traveling overland. Do we still want to attack?"

The leader of the Phantom Water Bandits, Broken Gold Hand Shen Feng said in a deep voice.

"Since they chose to take the land route, we don't need to take action this time. Someone else will deal with it. We have other tasks this time." Guo Junyi said: "Pass my order to summon all the water bandits tonight. Night attack on Baisha County."

"What, a night attack on Baisha County!"

The six leaders of the Ghost Water Bandits were all shocked by Guo Junyi's words.

The reason why the water bandits in Baisha River can exist and are difficult to completely eradicate is because they take advantage of the favorable terrain of Yunwu Daze. If it were not for the terrain advantage, it would not be difficult for the county captain of Baisha County to exterminate them.

Taking the top combat power as an example, none of their ghost water bandits have reached the fourth level of blood exchange. Even among the water bandits in the entire Baisha River, there is only one warrior who has achieved the fourth level of blood exchange.

Although many experts were transferred to escort the tax money and food this time, the strong men in the county who had reached four realms were still not something they and the water bandits could resist.

The county lieutenant of Baisha County, the head of the Bai family, and the head of the Lei Ming Martial Arts School, these three are all at the level of blood exchange in the four realms.

"Your Majesty, with all due respect, even if all our water bandits team up to attack Baisha County at night, it will probably be a disaster. I'm afraid not even half of the people will be able to come back by then."

The second in command of the Phantom Water Bandits, Bloody Hand Butcher Lu Shangyuan said solemnly.

"Don't worry, there will be people who are strong in the Four Realms Exchange in Baisha County, there will be people stopping them." Guo Junyi said: "Your mission is to burn, kill, loot and create chaos, especially in the several granaries where food is stored in Baisha County. As well as the rice merchants' warehouses in the city, take away whatever grain you can find, and burn it all if you can't."

"You guys, do you understand?"

Guo Junyi's eyes swept over the six leaders of the Ghost Water Bandits, and there was unquestionable firmness in his tone.

"Understood!" Chief Shen Feng said: "Envoy, our brothers will contact other water bandit groups right now."

After saying that, Shen Feng stood up and left the Juyi Hall with the other five heads.

"Brother, are we really going to attack the county?"

After walking some distance away from the Juyi Hall, the second boss Lu Shangyuan said with a gloomy expression.

The water bandits in the Baisha River are able to live happily until now, not only because they have considerable strength, but also because they take advantage of the natural geographical advantages of the Yunwu Daze.

The people in the county government wanted to wipe out the water bandits, but they couldn't even find them, so naturally they couldn't wipe them out. Now if they were asked to attack the county town at night, wouldn't that be giving up the biggest advantage they have?

In terms of hard power, the Baisha River water bandits are naturally inferior to all the forces in Baisha County.

Otherwise, they would not hide in the clouds and swamps as water bandits, but would directly become another powerful gang in Baisha County, and the county government could only recruit and appease them.

"All of us have been poisoned. Life and death are under the control of others. A single thought can make our life worse than death. If we don't go, we have to go. There is no choice at all."

The person who spoke at this time was the third leader of the Phantom Water Bandits.

"The followers of Wu Sheng Cult are just a group of lunatics who cause chaos everywhere."

"We are unlucky enough to be targeted by them, so we can only follow one path until it is dark."

"We no longer have the power to choose."

The other three heads also spoke one after another, their eyes filled with helplessness.

They live a prosperous life as water bandits in the Baisha River. As long as they don't provoke the caravans from the Bai family, Juling Sect, and Lei Ming Martial Arts School, these forces will not do a thankless job and wipe out the water bandits with all their strength.

For example, under the Giant Spirit Sect, there is a martial art that specializes in providing escorts for some caravans.

With the presence of water bandits, Wu Xing would not have to worry about running out of business.

Some small caravans will hire martial arts guards when traveling.

If it is something important, the escort warriors will be directly hired to escort it.

If the dart is lost, the dart will be compensated according to the original price of the item.

As long as the mountain bandits and water bandits don't provoke some of the top local powerful people, they can survive. But if they get involved with the rebels of the Wu Sheng Sect, both the imperial court and the powerful sects will use their full strength to eliminate them.

If the Wusheng Sect had the foundation of the previous dynasty when it was first established, there would still be a group of people following it, but now the Wusheng Sect has become a terrifying cult controlled by the surrounding countries of Daqian.

If it is difficult to improve the strength of one's own country, then find a way to mess up other countries.

Whether it is Daqian or the surrounding countries, they basically have the same idea.

Therefore, the Wusheng Sect, which is funded and supported by various countries, must constantly stir up trouble and create chaos in Daqian. Wherever it goes, it will destroy and destroy. It is completely harmful to others and not beneficial to itself. However, while it will hit the court, the interests of the sects and powerful people will also be damaged, so it will naturally be hit by multiple parties.

The Wusheng Sect can only do this. If the leader does not do anything, the people behind him will replace him and replace him with a leader.

Anyone with a normal mind will not join the Wusheng Sect, and the believers of the Wusheng Sect are basically trained and brainwashed from childhood, and they are all controlled by special means, so there is no room for choice.

The lives of the six big bosses of the Ghost Water Bandits are under the control of the Wusheng Sect, and they have no choice but to follow the same path to the end.

If they dare to say a word of "no", they will die immediately and then be thrown into the river to feed the monsters.




In the dead of night.

Zhou Shan was very alert and sensed something unusual, waking up from his sleep.

"What happened?"

Zhou Shan frowned slightly and immediately released his mental power to investigate.

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