"Ah Shan, this is the silver I got from catching tiger fish after deducting the fishing tax. Please count it."

In the evening, shortly after Zhou Shan had had dinner, Jiang Ting came to deliver a banknote.

"Six hundred and forty taels, that's right."

Zhou Shan took the banknotes and counted them, then nodded.

The fishing tax in the Daqian Dynasty was similar to the personal income tax in previous lives. However, there was no need to pay personal income tax if the income was less than a certain amount. However, the highest level could be as high as 45%, and fishermen paid a uniform 100% of this fishing tax. of twenty.

He caught ten tiger fish, of varying weights, but a total of eight hundred taels.

Excluding the 20% fishing tax, you get 640 taels.

However, in addition to paying the fishing tax, the fishermen of the fishing gang also have other exorbitant and miscellaneous taxes, as well as the commission from the fishing gang, the commission from the fish stall, etc., and they only get 20%, which is pitiful.

If there weren't so many commissions, the fisherman's life would be much easier.

In other words, all the people at the bottom will be much better off, but this is impossible. No matter which world it is, the big fish eat the small fish, and the small fish eat the shrimp. The people at the bottom will inevitably be squeezed and exploited.

"So, the fishing gang has gathered thirty tiger fish?"

Zhou Shan asked after collecting the banknotes.

"That's right. Although I don't know what happened specifically, I heard from people in the gang that the fishing gang bought eight tiger fish from the Yuwang Village and collected thirty fish." Jiang Ting clicked his tongue in surprise. Said: "It's really strange. The Fisher King Village actually sells tiger striped fish to the fishing gang. It's really unbelievable."


Hearing this, Zhou Shan sneered in his heart.

Others may not know, and the fishing gang has also blocked the news, but he knows the inside story.

Obviously, the people from the Fishing Gang probably captured people from the Yuwang Village, but they did not make any big announcement, but secretly made a secret deal with the Yuwang Village.

The lives of dozens of fishermen and a team of river patrols were only worth eight tiger fish.

In the eyes of those 'big men', there is only profit.

The lives of the untouchables at the bottom are like grass and grass.

"Ah Shan, you have made great contributions to the fishing gang this time. Even if the commission is excluded, you will be able to get at least five to six hundred taels of silver from the fish stall shop every month in the future."

"Five to six hundred taels of silver a month is enough for even a martial artist. Many big bosses in the gang only earn this amount every month. Now that you are in the spotlight and you have just made great achievements, you may not have any problems in a short time." , no one dares to take action, but as time goes by, someone will definitely be jealous and come to trouble you. "

"Now that you are rich, have you ever considered joining a martial arts school to find a supporter?"

"Although everyone calls you the Fisher King now, this world still respects strength after all. With your talent, if you join the martial arts hall, I believe you will be able to become a warrior soon. Only with strength can you protect wealth and be in the world. I caught more precious fish in the Six Hundred Miles Baisha River, and I was able to protect myself when encountering water monsters.”

Jiang Ting said in a deep voice.


Zhou Shan looked thoughtful.

"Yes, I have a backer." Jiang Ting nodded and said, "I was favored by a deputy commander in the river patrol team. The deputy commander's wife did not give birth to a son, so he wanted to let me live in his wife's house. Maybe I will enter the palace later. With this kind of relationship, no one dares to take advantage of me, but that's all. If others want to cause trouble for you, I can't help you. "


Zhou Shan nodded.

Since ancient times, a son-in-law is worse than a dog.

Although this is a bit exaggerated, a door-to-door son-in-law is indeed not that easy to be.

Even if Jiang Ting got into a wealthy family through this, his daily life depends on other people's faces. Even if he becomes a skin-grinding warrior in the future, he probably won't be able to say anything.

Jiang Ting asked him to join the martial arts school and find a supporter because he was really thinking about his future.

Otherwise, without the strength, I don’t know how many people would be concerned about such a profitable fish stall shop and want to occupy it.

"I will seriously consider it."

After sending Jiang Ting away, Zhou Shan also fell into thinking.

Jiang Ting didn't know that he was a skin-grinding realm warrior, capable of running a business of five or six hundred taels a month. However, the Turtle Breath Technique he practiced could only be practiced to the skin-grinding realm. Consider the next step in practice.

Moreover, Turtle Breath Kung Fu focuses on improving physical fitness and defense. If you practice to the sixth level, you can only reach the level where the skin is tough and difficult to be hurt by a knife. If you want to improve your strength and muscles, you can lift ten thousand people with one hand. The level of Jinding and Dajin undulating like strings requires practicing other martial arts.

First of all, the martial arts gym in the outer city was directly rejected by Zhou Shan.

The martial arts gyms in the outer city are too competitive, and fights often occur between the various martial arts gyms. Even if you become a direct disciple, you will often go to the ring for the master, exchange martial arts with other martial arts gyms, and even fight between life and death.

How can one practice martial arts with peace of mind in such an environment?

Therefore, even if you want to join a martial arts gym, you must join a martial arts gym in the inner city.

In comparison, the martial arts gym in the inner city is much kinder.

After all, the martial arts gyms in the inner city have been open for decades, or even been passed down for hundreds of years. They have already passed the stage of "open struggle". As long as there are no problems with the gym's owner, or the top combat power, then It's basically impossible to defeat him.

"I now need to practice a martial arts that improves my strength and strength. In the inner city, the martial arts gym known for its strength and explosive power is the Giant Spirit Sect."

Zhou Shan secretly thought in his heart.

These days, he also learned about the Juling Sect.

The Juling Sect's skin-grinding martial arts is called the Juling Kung.

This martial arts can burst out a huge force of 100,000 jin when it is cultivated to the perfect state.

Looking at the entire Baisha County, except for the county government, the Juling Sect's power can also be ranked in the top three, belonging to the top power, while the fishing gang that dominates the outer city can only be regarded as a second-rate force.

The third year of Yongchang, the fourth day of September.

"Inner city!"

Zhou Shan looked up and saw the tall and heavy city wall.

There is a high city wall separating the inner city and the outer city.

"Go in!"

The soldiers of the city guards at the city gate checked Zhou Shan's waist badge, collected the entry fee, and let Zhou Shan enter the inner city.

Waist badges are similar to ID cards.

Everyone in Baisha County is registered according to their household registration, and there are traces to be found.

In order to prevent pirates from sneaking into the city, everyone who enters the inner city will be strictly checked, and their registered address and why they want to enter the inner city will be asked.

Ordinary people who want to live in the inner city for a long time have to buy real estate.

But any mansion in the inner city costs thousands of taels of silver, which is not affordable for ordinary people.

"This is the inner city!"

Zhou Shan felt that the inner city and the outer city where he lived were completely two different worlds.

Especially compared with the dirty and messy shantytowns, it was simply two worlds.

The streets in the inner city are not only wide and flat, but also without any potholes. There are all kinds of exquisitely decorated shops on both sides of the street, including jewelry stores, jade shops, silk shops, etc. These shops are basically not seen in the outer city.

Most of the people walking on the street and those entering and leaving the shops are wearing silk and satin, followed by servants and maids, and even more than a dozen servants accompany them when they travel.

These servants are all wearing clean robes.

Zhou Shan walked on the street and went deeper. He found that there were basically no single houses in the inner city, nor were there narrow alleys like those in shantytowns. All of them were tall courtyards with white walls and gray tiles.

The main road of the long street can accommodate three or four carriages passing side by side. Even the small road can accommodate two carriages in parallel, and there will be no situation where two carriages meet and cause a "traffic jam".

Zhou Shan has never been to the inner city and does not know where the Julingmen is. However, as the top force in the inner city, everyone knows about the Julingmen. Just ask someone and you will know the location.

"Julingmen, we are here!"

After a while, Zhou Shan came to a wide courtyard with a plaque hanging high.

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