The rain is getting heavier.

In addition to the heavy rain, there were strong winds.

When it's windy or rainy, the waves in the river are also strong, so the boat can easily capsize, and the fishing awning boat is not easy to fix. When you go into the water to fish, you don't know where the boat has drifted when you get up.

Therefore, no fishermen are willing to go out fishing when it rains.

In the face of strong winds and waves, the boat may capsize at any time.

"With weather like this, there's no need to go out fishing."

Seeing the rain getting heavier, Zhou Shan was too lazy to go out and stayed at home to practice with peace of mind.

After taking Baozhi Blood Lotus for seventeen consecutive days, his physique has improved a lot, and his attributes have reached '50'. His physique is strong, and the consumed energy and blood will be condensed again very quickly.

If the Qi and blood are strong, the body and soul will be strong.

The body is strong, and after the energy and blood are depleted, it will be replenished much faster.

There is a mutually reinforcing relationship between the two.

Therefore, even without the precious blood lotus, Zhou Shan could practice for a longer time, and he kept dozens of precious fish in the pond in his backyard, so his cultivation speed did not slow down much.

It rains all day long.

In the evening, the rain gradually became less intense.

"I wonder if Red Scale Snake has found Baozhi."

Late at night, Zhou Shan finished his practice and came to the fishing pier.


At this moment, Zhou Shan saw a figure sneaking around on his awning boat.

"What's the purpose of this person?"

Zhou Shan frowned slightly.

There was nothing on the awning boat docked at the dock.

Every fisherman takes his fishing tools home and does not put them on the awning boat for fear of being stolen. Although the pier is guarded at night, we cannot expect them to be very conscientious.

The caretakers at the dock were fine in the first half of the night and would conduct patrols, but in the second half of the night, they basically slept in the house, or a few people gathered together to drink and play dice.

No matter what the other party’s purpose is, you will know everything once you ask.

Seeing the other person getting off the awning boat, Zhou Shan released his spiritual power to envelope the person, affecting his senses and making the person slowly walk in the direction where he was.

"Who are you, and what were you doing on the awning boat just now?"

When this person came closer, Zhou Shan directly used the soul-destroying technique to hypnotize him.

"My name is He Xia, and I am responsible for guarding the dock. Everyone calls me Xia Tou on weekdays. When I went to the awning boat, a mysterious man who was generous asked me to put a bag of things on the boat and hide it."

He Xia answered truthfully.

"What it is?"

Zhou Shan continued to ask.

"The mysterious man didn't tell me what it was. I looked at it secretly. It seemed to be bait for fish to eat."

He Xia's eyes were dull and he answered all questions.

"The bait that the fish eat?"

Zhou Shan frowned slightly.

He didn't know what effect the other party would have if he put the bait that the fish eats on his awning boat.

"Why did this person come to you?"

Zhou Shan continued to interrogate.

"I don't know, but more than ten days ago, someone came to me and gave me ten taels of silver and asked me to put things on the awning boats of several fish stalls and fish shops in the fish market. The things I want to put this time are the same as last time. it's the same."

He Xia said.

"More than ten days ago?"

Zhou Shan’s eyes narrowed.

He knew that more than ten days ago, several fish stalls in the fish market sent all their best fishermen to Shi Caituo to catch tiger fish. As a result, the boat capsized and people died. Even a river patrol team was destroyed. Only one person reached the goal. The warrior in the skin-grinding realm escaped back.

But this warrior was also seriously injured and has not yet recovered.

This bait is not the bait that fish eat, it is almost the same as the bait that monsters eat.

"This is bait that can attract monsters."

Zhou Shan guessed in his mind.

The two were connected, and Zhou Shan knew that the man in the dark wanted to kill him with the help of the power of the monster in the water.

"Do you know who the other party is?"

Zhou Shan continued to ask.

"I don't know. The other party is wearing a bamboo hat and can't see his face clearly."

He Xia said.

Although He Xia didn't know who the other party was.

But Zhou Shan already had a guess in his mind.

To prevent the fishing gang from catching tiger fish in Shi Caituo, and now they want to harm him, there is no one else but the Yuwang Village, and only the Yuwang Village who masters the magic of treasure fishing has the ability to prepare bait that attracts monsters. .

"Fisher King Village!"

Zhou Shan murmured in a low voice.

The Turtle Breath Technique he has practiced is about to reach the fifth level, but the strength he possesses now will definitely not be able to deal with the Fisher King Village, but since the other party has taken action, the matter cannot be forgotten so easily.

"Indirectly killing dozens of fishermen, you have a bad conscience."

"Every day when I fall asleep, I dream about the tragic deaths of fishermen and river patrol members, which wakes me up and makes it difficult to fall asleep."

"You feel guilty, and you are condemned by your conscience every day, and your days are like years."

"This time, someone finds you again, and you do the same thing. You think this is an opportunity."

"This is a chance for God to atone for your sins."

"Tomorrow morning, you decide to go to the fishing gang in person and take the initiative to reveal your crime."


With his spiritual power surging, Zhou Shan's eyes became deeper and deeper, hypnotizing He Xia deeply.

"I am guilty and I want to atone!"

"I am guilty and I want to atone!"


"Early tomorrow morning, I will go to the fishing gang and take the initiative to reveal my crime!"

He Xia repeated it over and over again, with tears streaming down his eyes.

After being hypnotized over and over again by Zhou Shan, he really felt that he had committed an unforgivable crime.

This kind of hypnosis has penetrated deeply into He Xia's soul. Although it is impossible to have a permanent influence, He Xia is just an ordinary person, and his spirit is much worse than Zhou Shan. It will not be a big problem if it affects him for a few days. of.

After completing the hypnosis, Zhou Shan quickly left the dock.

After what happened, he was not ready to get into the water.

"How did I end up here?"

After Zhou Shan left, He Xia also regained consciousness and looked around.

However, he didn't pay attention to this, and instead walked towards the house where the guards rested. As he walked, he murmured in a low voice: "It's all my fault, I am guilty, and I will go to the fishing gang to reveal my crime early tomorrow morning! "

Daqian 668 years, Yongchang three years.

On the third day of September, the weather was sunny.

After breakfast, Zhou Shan practiced in the martial arts field.

After what happened last night, he had no intention of going out fishing today.

At least, the potential danger must be eliminated.

Calculating the time, He Xia should have gone to the fishing gang to reveal his crime.

After getting the truth of the matter, the fishing gang cannot remain indifferent.

When the time comes, whether he can find the people hiding in the city in Yuwang Village depends on the fishing gang's methods, and all he has to do is wait quietly in the house for news.

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