"Do you think they will fight?" Ivey asked in a somewhat expectant tone. At this moment, he had already stood up from his chair.

Ian guessed that the other party's expression was a bit afraid of the world being in chaos.

He said helplessly: "There is a high probability that it won't happen. We are Ravenclaw, not Gryffindor."

Andre also affirmed: "Yes, yes, we can't fight."

Although he has an out-of-touch personality, it does not mean he is stupid, not to mention that he is a member of the college team. He is very aware of the grievances and entanglements between the various college teams.

Sure enough, after Benjamin Bruce and Marcus Flynn, the captain of the Slytherin team, negotiated with each other, the two sides divided the court equally, with one half being divided into one family.

"You are right, we are Ravenclaw." Seeing that he could no longer fight, Ivy sat down slowly and weakly.

It's just that Ian can always hear a bit of loss and regret in the other person's tone.

"Hey, he's a fun-loving person again... As expected, people's nature to watch the excitement doesn't distinguish between regions and national boundaries." Ian sighed secretly in his heart.

After a while, Andre began to complain.

"It's boring. After Slytherin came, they couldn't let go at all. They flew too conservatively."

Ivey took advantage of the situation and made a suggestion: "It is neither training nor a game. There is really no need for us to be here, stupidly watching Bruce and Flynn guarding each other. Let's go back."

Ian agreed with both hands, and he and Ivey united in an instant and reached an agreement.

"Hey! Hey! You can't do this. What will I do if you guys leave?"

Andre protested strongly from the side. Because anyone can leave, but as a Quidditch player, he can never leave.

The two of them turned a blind eye to such protests, ignored them at all, got up and left.

Just as Ian and Ivy left the audience, another group of Slytherin girls came from the other side of the lawn.

"Hey, did you see the blond girl in front? She's the one next to Pansy Parkinson." Ivy's tone suddenly became excited, and he lowered his voice and said, "Daphne Greengrass is the eldest son of this year's freshman class. The most beautiful girl..."

A familiar name came to Ian's ears again, and he glanced at it subconsciously.

To be honest, he was no stranger to Daphne. As Ivy said, this little girl does have good looks, with long brilliant golden hair, a pair of deep light blue eyes, slightly pale skin, and rosy lips.

It's just that the other party once rudely criticized Hermione in the auditorium. Such behavior made him a little unhappy. It is also a bit regretful that a sweet and sweet little girl once upon a time became so mean and arrogant just because she entered Slytherin.

When Ian looked at her inadvertently, the girl's eyes did not dodge at all. She did not show the shyness when they first met at Madam Malkin's Robe Shop. Instead, she smiled slightly at Ian.

Elegant, dignified and beautiful. At this moment, she seemed like a little princess from a fairy tale, with a hint of nobility and vulnerability in her eyebrows.

The Ravenclaw boy and the Slytherin girl passed each other without speaking.

This silence lasted until Ian walked out of the stadium lawn and was broken by Ivey.

Perhaps after confirming the safety here, Ivey said teasingly:

"Ian, Daphne smiled at you just now. Ha, I knew that no girl in Hogwarts could block your charm. Merlin, you captured her heart so easily? This is simply..."

Ian wasn't listening to what Ivy said at all at this time. He was just reviewing Daphne just now in his mind, because he always felt that the other party's behavior just now was weird.

After reviewing it carefully, he discovered the problem. Not only was his movements and demeanor a bit fake, but even his temperament and expression were deliberately maintained. It was as if every move was in a studio and under the spotlight. A feeling of being an actor arises spontaneously.

"I'm talking about how she became a bit teasing. It seems that she has also found a good teacher... this part..." Ian murmured to himself.

"Tea? What tea? I said, man, are you listening to me?" Ivy child chattered non-stop.

Ian finally discovered that it really made sense for Ivy and Andre to be assigned to the same dormitory.

When Andre was present, Ivey still had a somewhat cold-blooded demeanor. Once Andre was not present, he immediately transformed into 'Andre' to fill the vacancy...

"I said, I'm going to have afternoon tea now, and I don't have time to pay attention to those children's games of house. Also, listen to my advice, you'd better stop paying attention to that Daphne, she is not as simple as you think. "

In the end, Ian did not forget to remind the other party, after all, who made the other party his roommate.

"I know what you want to say, Ian." Ivey didn't care about this. He seemed to switch personalities in an instant, becoming calm and wise, and then said:

"The Greengrass family was once one of the first families to follow the mysterious man. Every member of their family was a little paranoid. As long as it was something they believed in, they would get it, even at any cost."

After a short pause, Ivey put on an expression that was watching the fun, and then said:

"So, man, in comparison, you should worry more about yourself. I think you have almost become the target of that little girl. Now that she is still young, she can only play with the tricks of these little girls and wait for her As an adult, I guess you have suffered a lot..."

Obviously Ivy has already seen through Daphne's performance just now, but he just didn't point it out.

After hearing this, Ian looked a little helpless and responded: "I really can't stand you purebloods, it's so hard! Are you all so... precocious?"

"Ha, otherwise? Why can we control the voice of the magic world? Just rely on the few gold galleons left by our ancestors? Stop joking."

Ivey explained half-jokingly, and then suddenly said with a somewhat solemn expression: "Ian, if you interact with other pure-bloods in the future, you must be careful, because none of the existing pure-blood families is simple. And those Innocence has long since disappeared into the long river of history.”

"I will, thank you, Ivy." Ian also answered the other party seriously. He understood very well that at this moment, Ivey was sincerely reminding him, just like he had sincerely reminded him to be careful about Daphne just now.

As for what the future holds, no one knows. As the other party said, no pure-blood family is simple, and Ivy is also a pure-blood, but the other party said it so openly.

Whether it was testing or surrendering, Ian didn't bother to guess. He had no intention of playing a child's game of house, and he also had no intention of playing a game of power.

Ian really has no time and no time to care about these trivial matters. He just wants to climb to the pinnacle of magic. When he can really see all the mountains and small things, then others will only bother to exploit him, old Malfoy and Voldemort. , these two are the most representative.

Fortunately, neither party is a person without emotional intelligence. When the point was made, the topic was stopped. The two looked at each other and smiled, and no one continued to talk.

At the gate of the castle, the two parted ways. Ian chose to go to the library to kill time, while Ivy chose to go back to the dormitory to catch up on some sleep.


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