"It seems that we need to go to Snape more often, follow up on their research content in a timely manner, pay attention to check the latest trends, and see if there is any chance to get some samples and try out the specific effects."

While thinking about it, Ian organized the information in his hand and placed it neatly on Snape's desk. It is estimated that the other party will not come back for a while, so Ian has nothing else to do and is ready to leave here.

After carefully closing the door of the office, Ian went straight back to the dormitory. He did not intend to place all his hopes on others. Although he had expectations for the research on the dragon farm, his own research could not stop.

Four days passed in a blink of an eye.

Saturday morning was a rare sunny day with no clouds in the sky. Andre got up early that morning, and at the same time he didn't forget to wake up Ivy and Ian who were sleeping.

"What's the matter? Andre."

Ian leaned against the bed and didn't want to move, because Snape's research was making good progress, and after seeing hope, he also absorbed knowledge crazily. So much so that the intense study in the past two days made him a little tired.

At this moment, Andre had put on a full set of Quidditch uniforms and protective gear, holding his broomstick in his hand.

"Get up quickly and go to the stadium with me to see if there are any decent newcomers in Ravenclaw this year." Andre said enthusiastically to the two roommates.

"Please... what time is this? Didn't it just start at 9 a.m.?" Ivy, with half-squinted eyes, asked vaguely.

Andre immediately replied after hearing this: "Bruce made a temporary decision last night. He thought it was necessary to set aside more time for training the newly selected players, so it was set at 7 o'clock in the morning."

"Come on, guys, we are all Ravenclaws. I think you must have a deep understanding of your own college's team." At the end of the sentence, Andre's voice became louder and louder.

Seemingly hurt by his illogical words, Ivey picked up the pillow and smashed it.

"We're not going!!!"

Unable to stand Andre's insistence, Ian and his team finally came to the Quidditch pitch.

"Merlin, I didn't expect Andre to be so annoying and persistent. He is murdering our sleep."

Ivy leaned on the seat next to him with dull eyes, chewing on the sandwich in his hand, and kept complaining.

Ian just ate his breakfast bread quietly and did not respond too much to Ivy's words.

But Aiwei didn't take it seriously. He seemed very happy to talk to such a person.

It seems to be human nature. Anyone with a bit of power seems to like to make an opening speech. It seems that the feeling of being surrounded by stars is really fascinating.

On the pitch, the same was true for Bruce, the captain of the Ravenclaw Quidditch team.

In what he thought was a sensational and passionate tone, he spoke non-stop for nearly five minutes. It was not until the people around him began to show impatient expressions that he stopped without finishing.

Ian was relatively new to Quidditch, not to mention this kind of recruitment activity without explanation, which made him look even more bored. He was also leaning on his chair at the moment, squinting his eyes, and seemed to be confused. Chat with Ivey.

But it didn't last long before the atmosphere here was broken by a slightly excited voice.

"I said, guys, did you just see it? The most anticipated Quidditch star this year was born, sophomore Qiu Zhang. Merlin, she was so cool when she was flying on her broomstick! Maybe she will directly Become a backup Seeker.”

At some point, Andre appeared next to them, speaking in a slightly exaggerated voice to Ian and Ivy.

"Is this the end?"

When Ian heard what the other party said, he suddenly became sober and asked aloud.

"Come on man, did your eyes wander to the library? This is just the end of the Seeker's selection."

Sure enough, following the other party's reminder, Ian found that the flying on the court was still in full swing, and the onlookers showed no signs of leaving.

"Sorry, I was just distracted." Ian shrugged, indicating that he didn't notice.

Andre, who knew Ian's character, was accustomed to this.

Perhaps his mission was completed. At this moment, Andre was sitting in the stands with his two roommates, and he also worked part-time as a commentator.

Andre, who was already a bit chatty, was even more chatty at this time, commenting on these newcomers who came to participate in the academy team assessment.

"That kid Nok got worse grades than Ivy in the first-grade flying class. He actually has the courage to participate in the selection this year? Look, his amazing flying speed is not even as good as an old Qiu. snipe……"

"Ha! Thank you for your explanation, Andre. But I hope you don't have to mention me next time when you comment on other people." Ivy next to him said to Andre speechlessly.

"Hey, man, don't be so stingy. I'm praising you for flying better than him... Oh, look, that's a beautiful quick dodge. Qiu Zhang is really handsome, isn't he? If you ask me, Bruce should start from this year. Start letting her directly become the seeker. Anyway, our current seeker has really not performed very well in previous games..."

Following Andre's guidance, Ian also noticed this Asian girl, the girl Harry Potter had a crush on in the original novel.

Different from the appearance of the actor in the original work, the real Zhang Qiu is a girl with a face value of above 80 points. This is the evaluation given by Ian. If it weren't for the fact that the other person is still young and has not yet developed in many areas, this score would still need to be improved.

Before Ian could say anything, Ivy next to him interrupted: "That's it, Andre."

Ivey said in a helpless tone: "I have explained enough, although the most useful sentence reminded me of a piece of trivia in the Encyclopedia Britannica that I read when I was a child."

"Encyclopedia Britannica? Are you talking about the article 'The snipe, the slowest flying bird in the world?' Aren't you a pureblood? Why are you still reading Muggle books?" Andre, who is indeed out of his mind. Instantly attracted by new topics.

Ivey covered his forehead with his hands, looked at the shocked Andre, and said even more helplessly: "Please, what do you think I should do? Hold a tome from centuries ago and read it every day? What if a pure blood If this were the case, we would probably no longer exist.”

"Look over there, there's something new. The Slytherin team is here too."

Ian did not participate in the conversation throughout the whole process, so he discovered the changes on the court early and told his two roommates aloud.

Andre and Ivy looked over after hearing this, and sure enough, a team of Slytherin Quidditch players wearing green striped robes were slowly walking into the stadium with brooms in hand.

Behind them were also a large number of Slytherin students. It didn't take much to know that the other party was probably recruiting new players for the team today.


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