I become light in American comics

Chapter 555 New Discovery

Kara-Zor-El went down to the laboratory and turned around to look around.

Several monitors were on, and several devices on one side were still running simulations, but there was no one around the room, not even a single figure.

"Shen You? Shen You, are you there?"

She looked around strangely while switching her super sight to various spectrums. After Shen You's training and development, Kara's current super vision has improved a lot compared to the beginning. She can see more things than before, with higher accuracy and a wider range.

But still nothing was seen.

"Weird," Kara muttered.

The laboratory clearly showed that it was in use, and only Shen You and she had permission to use this place. And she had just come in, which meant that Shen You should be here.

Is there a BUG?

"On your left."

The sound seemed to ring in my ears. Kara was startled and looked around hurriedly, but there was still no one around her.

"Mr. Shen Chen?" she asked tentatively.

"Here." The voice sounded again.

Kara then realized that it was not a real "voice" but an "idea". It was telepathy that transmitted the voice directly into her head, not physical speaking.

"Mr. Shen, where are you?"

Kara blinked her eyes, feeling even more strange.

"Here he is, waving his hand in front of you just now."

Immediately afterwards, she felt as if a cold wind was blowing on the back of her head.

"Now I touch your forehead again."

Kara: "?"

She covered her little head and looked around in confusion.

Are you blind? Why can't I see anything?

"Can't you see it?" Shen You asked.

Kara's little head shook like a rattle.

"It's just that you can't see it."

The next moment, Kara saw the electric light appear out of thin air in the space in front of her, and the body with the electric light pattern appeared out of thin air, appearing in front of her in a posture similar to braking.

Ultraman's body, but in a posture that Kara had never seen before. He was covered with a layer of divine shining light, and the stripes on his body were branded with golden lightning. Electricity radiated along the energetic lines, sizzling and leaping.

"Huh?" Kara was surprised, "Have you had plastic surgery?"

Shen You: "."

After a burst of light, he released his transformation and returned to his normal appearance, and the electric light surrounding him gradually disappeared.

"It's just a little experiment." He explained, "When I was integrated with the Flash, I came into contact with the energy source of the Speed ​​Force. Even though we were separated after that, I seemed to be able to slightly connect to the fluctuations of the Speed ​​Force.

During this time, I conducted in-depth research, strengthened this connection, and found the feeling I had at that time. So now by strengthening the speed force link, I seem to be able to enter this mode even when not integrated. "

It is the glorious space-time form that has been experienced for a limited time before.

"Oh." Kara looked like she didn't understand, "Sounds awesome."

"It's not enough." Shen You shook his head, "It's far from the expected speed. It's too slow."


Kara began to suspect that Mr. Shen's definition of "slow" might be different from her own.

After activating this form, Shen You moved swaggeringly in front of her at such a high speed that she couldn't even see him.

It wasn't that she couldn't keep up - she had already been unable to keep up with Shen You's speed after his transformation a long time ago. But this time it was not visible at all.

How fast should a Kryptonian with developed and trained abilities even see?

Kara thought this was outrageous enough.

"Absolutely so." Shen You shook his head and said, "The last time I turned into this form, I had the help of the Flash. At that time, we almost reached the upper limit of the concept of speed and rushed to the end of time.

But now I am far from able to do it alone. So at best it can only be considered as fast. "

Kara: "."

Is it generally fast?

I always feel that Mr. Shen’s definition of fast seems a little different from mine.

"And that's not all. There are other problems before it can be put into practical application."

Shen You continued as if talking to himself.

"This form exists based on the link to the Speed ​​Force field. In other words, it cannot be used without the Speed ​​Force. If you fight outside the boundaries of the Speed ​​Force, it may not be useful."

Kara felt her cognition was shocked again: "Is there a place where the speed field does not exist?"

The research she has been following Shen You has made her somewhat aware of the concept of the Speed ​​Force. To this world, it is like gravity and light, a basic concept.

How is it possible that basic concepts are not present anywhere?

"Of course there is, for example, there isn't one at the end I'm at right now." Shen You shook his head, "I've just tested it, and I can't change into this form in that world called 'Marvel'.

I can only use light to simulate the conversion of Speed ​​Force energy as before to achieve the extreme speed effect, but without the ability to switch forms, I cannot reach the highest speed, let alone go back in time. "

"Actually, I think it's pretty awesome," Kara muttered.

"Who knows? It may not be enough for the enemies we may need to face." Shen You pondered, "But actually I already have a solution to this problem.

Have I mentioned the artificial Speed ​​Force theory to you? "

This statement shocked Kara again.

"Can this thing be made artificially?"

"Yes, it seems I haven't mentioned it to you yet, so don't be so surprised. It's not like no one has done it."

"Have it?"

Karaxin said that besides you, could there be anyone else who could go against the will?

"Well not yet, but there might have been originally." Shen You said vaguely.

He didn't explain further to Kara, but he was actually referring to the Reverse-Flash from the original game. Reverse Flash seems to be the only person who has successfully created a speed field, and there has been a similar plot in The Flash TV series.

This is like artificial sun or gravity, using technological means to restore the laws of natural existence.

If he can really successfully restore the Speed ​​Field in Marvel, many jobs in the future will be much easier.

Kara nodded slightly.

Although she still thought it was ridiculous and crazy to hear it, but since Shen You said so, there must be no problem.

"Huh?" Shen You suddenly raised his eyebrows.

"What's the matter?"

"Oh, it's nothing. It's the universe next door."

At this moment, Shen You, who was in the Marvel Universe, was quickly approaching the radar that was marking a high-energy reaction.

"Pal, what's going on? Have you captured any new information from the Kingdom of Light?"

Because the radar over there is specially designed to continuously search for the previously received Kingdom of Light frequencies.

"No, sir, this time is completely different from the previous signal. What was discovered this time is a special energy frequency. After matching with the energy characteristics of the existing database, it was initially speculated, although this energy frequency is probably not from you. country but maybe from the same universe.”

From the same universe. Is that also the Ultraman universe?

Regardless, this is the closest clue he's found since coming to Marvel.

"Mark it on the map." Shen You said immediately, "Let's go over and take a look. Where is the location? The solar system? The Milky Way? Or further away?"

"No sir. In fact you might be surprised"

Parr said.

".But the source of the signal is on Earth."

Shen You: "."

Hmm. Why doesn't it seem that surprising?

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