I become light in American comics

Chapter 554 The ultimate desperate situation

Marvel Earth, somewhere.

Deep underground, an unknown laboratory. The huge white seats are neatly arranged, and the intricate cables are intertwined like a sophisticated neural network. The men and women were tightly tied to the chairs. Everyone had strong muscles, but apart from that they had one thing in common -

- Each of them is missing certain body parts.

They are all disabled.

In fact, many of them are soldiers who have come off the battlefield. After the war, their skills were useless, their mental wounds were irreparable, and their bodies suffered irreparable damage.

And this is the laboratory set up for such people.

Aldridge Killian, he and his brain trust have been specializing in this project called "Extremis" for the past dozen years. The terminal virus they designed is expected to be able to greatly enhance the human physique, giving the experimental subjects superhuman physical strength and, more importantly, extraordinary regeneration capabilities.

But this experiment has always been in the testing stage. The survival rate of the experimental subjects who had been modified before this was extremely low. Even if there were some individuals who could survive successfully, they would turn into a living bomb and detonate on the spot due to abnormal overheating of the body within three days at most.

Until today.

"Okay guys, today is going to be a monumental moment."

Aldrich Killian, the person in charge of the entire underground experimental facility, walked out in a gray and black suit, with his blond hair combed smoothly.

The volunteers had been helped onto those seats, and their hands and feet were firmly tied and fixed. The experimenters began to make final adjustments to the equipment.

A person in charge in a white coat adjusted his glasses and came to Killian awkwardly: "Sir, I'm still wondering. Is it too hasty to conduct such a large-scale human experiment now?

I mean, we haven’t been able to stabilize the desperate situation so far.”

"Don't worry." Killian said confidently, "As I said before, we have received a little external assistance and some power beyond this world and beyond common sense.

The desperate situation has been improved to the greatest perfection, and today we will make history. "

"I've seen that part too. But to be honest, we still can't analyze that powerful and strange energy frequency, and we still can't determine what impact it will have on the effects of Extremis.

If you do it rashly like this?"

The person in charge's eyes flickered and he hesitated for a while.

".At the very least maybe we should know where this technology comes from?"

"I said, it's the great power in this world and outside of human beings. We have received very powerful assistance." Killian chuckled, "As long as you know this."

The person in charge's eyes widened.

beyond human

So are they aliens?

The Battle of New York we just experienced has proven to the world the existence of aliens, which does not sound impossible.

"Okay gentlemen." Killian clapped his hands, "Let's get to work."

Facts have proved that the person in charge's worries are not unreasonable. Three minutes after the Extremis injection, most of the experimental subjects began to have unpleasant reactions.

The volunteers who were strapped to the metal seats began to scream in pain. Their bodies began to heat up, and the orange-red heat flowed like lava under their skin, making their skin seem to become transparent, and even the outlines of their bones and organs were vaguely visible.

"The body temperature is two thousand and two thousand five hundred degrees."

The person in charge turned pale and slammed the emergency button.

"Evacuate! All personnel, evacuate! It's about to overheat and get out of control!"

The laboratory was cordoned off, and gates strong enough to withstand cruise missiles fell. Almost at the moment everyone withdrew, the desperate experimental body exploded.

The red-hot light swallowed everything, and all equipment was destroyed by the shock wave. The flames were as unbridled as a demon breaking free from restraints, and the equipment made a crackling sound, as if wailing.


"I just said, the technology is not mature enough."

At the scene after the explosion, the person in charge looked disgraced in the charred ruins.

"The unknown technological improvements we received only made the destructive power of the desperate situation stronger, and did not solve the stability problem. No, or rather, the stability has become worse.

Those are our best experimental subjects, and we may not be able to find better-fitting individuals for a long time. What a waste.”

The person in charge did not feel guilty for the casualties caused by the failed experiment, but there was a strong sense of regret in his tone.

But Killian chuckled: "What do you mean it's a waste?"

The person in charge was stunned.

He immediately turned his head and was shocked to see the reformed desperate people who had undergone the experiment standing next to them.

Their severed limbs have regenerated, and red hot lines are faintly rolling through their bodies. It is obvious that the transformation has been successful.

"But how could such an explosion happen?" The person in charge was shocked.

He watched these people explode out of control with his own eyes. Such a strong explosion was enough to blow their bodies into ashes, and they could not be saved even if they were in desperate situations.

He immediately realized what a transformation they had made of the desperate situation.

The upgraded Extremis virus did not make the experimental subjects more stable, and the problem of high temperature out of control became more serious. And once out of control, the explosion range will be larger and more powerful than before.

But at the same time, the desperate situation of upgrading also gave them monster-level bodies, and their bodies would not collapse even in an explosion of that magnitude. That kind of powerful physique has completely exceeded the level of human beings. No, it should be said that it is the level of any species native to the earth.

They created the ultimate monster.

"I told you, the desperate situation is perfect."

Killian looked at his handiwork and smiled proudly.

"Today, we will make history."

Stark House.

The doorbell rings. After identity verification and access application, the door opens automatically under AI control. A pretty lady walked in the door, looking around curiously as she walked.

"You know, if I hadn't seen a lovely lady with a great figure outside the door, I would usually ask you to make an appointment first."

Tony Stark appeared behind the door with his arms crossed.

"Who are you?"

The lady looked at him for a few seconds and smiled slyly.

"You really don't remember anything about that night, do you?"

Tony raised an eyebrow.

There were so many women with whom he had pleasant memories that it would be impossible to remember them all.

"Don't mind ma'am, I don't even remember what I had for breakfast."

"It's waffles, sir," Jarvis reminded gently.

"Thank you, Lao Jia. Let's get down to business. Can you help me remember who you are? And what are you here for?"

"My name is Maya Hansen, plant and biologist. I need your help."

"Well you really should make an appointment for this session."

Tony turned and walked back into the house.

"Stark Group will carefully review every worthwhile project"

"It's not about the project."

Maya interrupted, took a deep breath, and lowered her voice.

"I suspect my boss is working for a group of terrorists."

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