I become light in American comics

Chapter 539 Miracle Light

The fleet pierced the blue sky like lightning in the clear sky, and the glass windows of high-rise buildings were instantly broken under the gunfire. The flying glass fragments scattered in the air, like a grand fireworks display, but accompanied by the smell of destruction.

The building was melted by the energy of the alien weapon, and magma-like material flowed, exuding a pungent smell, like the breath of doom. The car was overturned by the shock wave, and the burning wreckage was scattered everywhere. The screaming crowd fled in all directions, and the alien fleet arrived suddenly. Most people were still going about their daily lives on the streets, completely unprepared for the alien army blowing off the roofs of their homes.

"Jarvis, report the remaining energy!"

Red and gold armor flew through the air. It was Iron Man's Mark 7, which was first installed in the Battle of New York. This is Tony Stark's armor with the most weapons and equipment so far, but even so, the missile just fired is his last ammunition, and now he only has energy attack methods left.

"Remaining energy 32%"

Tony pouted.

Well, it looks like the energy won't last much longer.

A Chitauri beam suddenly hit him in the middle, and Iron Man's armor fell from mid-air and fell into the group of mobs. The mobs around him swarmed up, pressing him down and rubbing him crazily.

Hawkeye, who was standing on the high platform, shot his last arrow and jumped down before the Chitauri who rushed from all directions occupied the high ground. Captain America was accidentally hit by a beam shot by a soldier in the sea of ​​monsters, but he was knocked over by a flying shield. He stood up with difficulty, gave himself a BUFF of "I can fight like this for a day", and continued. Charge bravely.

Thor first landed on the top of the Empire State Building and blasted away a large swath of the Chitauri army with a POSE discharge of the same style as King Kong To add to the fun

The fighting continues, and the scope of the war continues to spread. The Chitauri are like endless locusts. If you kill one, more will pop up. There seems to be no end in sight to this war.

No one said it out loud, but everyone began to realize this fact in their hearts.

This is destined to be a fruitless battle.

Soon they will fall. Ammo will run out and stamina will run out. After fighting continuously for so long, the number of enemies does not seem to have decreased at all compared to the beginning. No, it seems that there are even more.

How are they going to win a never-ending war?

The scope of the disaster continues to expand, and more and more civilians are involved. The development of the situation did not give them time to evacuate. As more and more houses were knocked down and shelters collapsed, the situation on the streets became increasingly tragic.

If an Aihara dragon were randomly parachuted into New York in this situation, it would definitely break the record for the highest blood pressure in human history within three seconds.

"An aircraft carrier that just left the wormhole is heading towards Thirty-second Street."

Black Widow reports in the team voiceover.

"The building over there hasn't been evacuated yet."

Captain America's voice sounded very difficult, and the large number of noises and gasps sounded like he was fighting to the death in a situation full of big men.

"Can anyone free up and go?"

"Can't leave," Stark's voice came intermittently, "I have a lot of annoying energy in me right now."

"I also have three aircraft carriers here!" Thor shouted.

This is actually inevitable. There were too many enemies and too few men. No matter how powerful and brave the Avengers are, there are only a few of them. They are not gods and cannot match an entire army. No matter how hard we try, it is impossible to cover the entire battlefield and save everyone.

So as cruel as it is, the fact is, there's nothing they can do.

They could only watch those people sacrifice.

The huge Chitauri mothership twisted its body forward. Its structure was like some kind of mechanical giant insect, and its movements were like a fish swimming in the water.

Everyone in the building saw this scene. People screamed in terror and ran away like crazy. The stairwells and elevators were crowded with people. Some people were so frightened that their hands and feet trembled and froze in place. Some people crossed themselves on their chests and muttered something. But no matter what they do, it seems inevitable that the entire building will be swallowed up. The god of death has raised a sickle above their heads, and within ten seconds they will be buried in the belly of that ugly alien mothership.

A mother crouched down, hugged her five-year-old child tightly, and closed her eyes in despair. But the child was still staring blankly with his eyes wide open, looking outside the glass curtain wall at the warship that was swooping over with its huge black mouth.

A second later, light reflected in the boy's pupils.

The pillars of light soaring into the sky, like waterfalls falling from the sky. The human-like form composed of flying particles is clearly reflected on the surrounding glass walls, and the kaleidoscope-like reflection seems to reveal divinity.

In that light, a hand seemed to stretch out.

The raised palm pointed directly in the direction of the mothership.

It’s like conveying a “No Passing” instruction.

The alien battleship ultimately failed to fly to the hand.

Because a few meters away from the outstretched palm, the entire battleship, with its solid carapace and thick steel frame, disintegrated from the outside to the inside.

It's not an explosion or an impact, it's like an erasure from the structural level. Starting from the head of the battleship, every piece of armor and every part is broken down bit by bit, as if it were photonized. In just half a second, the huge battleship had disappeared into thin air, and some kind of supreme will was silently crushed into dregs.

The boy's eyes widened and he saw the whole process completely.

This scene is destined to leave an indelible mark on the child's young mind for a lifetime.

Then all eyes focused on it, and the light pillar soaring into the sky instantly seemed to become the center of the battlefield.

The red and silver giant appeared from the holy light and stood in front of the building as if carrying the will of God.


Iron Man hovered in mid-air, and the display screen in the perspective was enlarged. Stark looked at this scene in shock through the suit.

"Did you see this?"

Thor, the God of Thunder, also stopped: "What is it this time? The leader of the enemy?"

As he spoke, he was still spinning the hammer rapidly, as if he was going to attack the giant if he disagreed.

As it is said in Norse mythology, Thor specialized in fighting giants for a thousand years, and was especially good at fighting ice. Although the one in front of me looks like a light type rather than an ice type, Brother Hammer, who is a professional counterpart, still feels that his Meowth Hammer is ready to move.

"I don't know. But Avengers, stay alert."

Captain America was half-kneeling on the ground with his shield in his hands, and the corners of his mouth were cracked. But he wiped away the blood, continued to stand up unsteadily, and took a stance with his shield.

".Be prepared for the worst."

At the same time, far away on the Aegis Mothership, Nick Fury's one-eyed eyes widened when he saw this scene, and he almost didn't press the emergency contact button to call the Shock Team.

Although he had never seen this holy light before, but with his sixth sense as a director for many years, he immediately instinctively felt that this time it might be a tough one.

A sentence slipped out of his mouth instinctively.

"Fuck Fuck."

No matter what the world thinks or how it reacts, Shen You has already stood up.

The light of miracle shines on this land for the first time.

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