I become light in American comics

Chapter 538 How does it end?

"Eh? Shen You, are you still there?"

At HISHE Cafe, Carla came back with her schoolbag and was surprised to find Shen You sitting at the table rubbing her temples, as if she had a headache.

Kara now has to maintain her daily routine at school, while continuing to wear the vest of the president of Starr Corporation. In her free time, she has to help Shen You with scientific research, and she always wants to find time to complete Shen You's last birthday. Give her a game.

Time is tight, but for a girl with super speed, it's not too busy. She is even quite happy with this fulfilling life.

Kara put her schoolbag on the table and asked strangely: "Didn't you say that you have found the direction of the signal? Go to Midtown to find the Flash for help and see if you can go over there and have a look?"

"Yes." Shen You said, "I've already gone."

"Ah?" Kara was startled, and then quickly responded, "Oh, you can be in several different places at the same time. I even forgot."

Shen You told Barry that he couldn't be sure where the other side was, and for safety reasons, he just asked Barry to open the door for him instead of going there together. This was actually the same for himself.

Although there is no danger to him in most universes, he cannot rule out the possibility of a very small chance of rushing into something like the Three Houses or Darkseid with a dark face.

Therefore, to be on the safe side, the current path exploration in the past is naturally still a high-speed afterimage.

"So what? Is that where you came from?" Kara hurriedly came to the table.

"No." Shen You said with a pained face, "That's the Marvel studio next door. I'm careless."

"What?" Kara blinked twice blankly.

"Iron Man, Captain America, The Avengers." Shen You crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair, "Have you seen their movies, do you have any impressions?"

Kara: "!"

The girl was surprised and asked blankly: "Huh? But aren't those fictional characters in comics? Have you gone to the comic book world?"

Shen Youxin said that strictly speaking, you are also a fictional character in comics.

In the DC world, the Avengers exist in superhero comics, just like Superman and Batman in Marvel are also fictional characters.

"Yes, it seems that they are all real." Shen You paused, "And now they seem to be busy fighting aliens in New York. If you want to know more details, I suggest you watch "Avengers" to review. "

"Go right now."

Kara disappeared in a supersonic flash with a "bang", and the air waves caused papers to fly around the room. It seemed that she was looking for movie resources.

At this moment, Marvel is next door.

"The speed has slowed down. It turns out that there is no Speed ​​Force here and it is already outside the coverage of the Speed ​​Force field. The laws of time and space are also different from the DC world based on the Speed ​​Force."

Shen You could clearly feel that his speed attribute was affected, which was inevitable. In the comics, when the Flash came to Marvel, his super speed also disappeared.

However, when he came back for the second time, the Flash put on a Speed ​​Force power-storage equipment, stored a large amount of Speed ​​Force energy before coming to Marvel, and still maintained the operation of his super powers.

This is enough to prove that although there is no Speed ​​Force in this universe, it can still be used if you have your own Speed ​​Force energy.

Shen You did not prepare any Speed ​​Force power storage equipment, but that was not a big problem. His own body was a natural mobile power source. He can maintain super speed by converting light energy into the Speed ​​Force. This is an advantage that even the Flash cannot match in his multi-dimensional travel.

This is why even in the multiverse next door, his high-speed afterimage created based on the theory of the Speed ​​Force can continue to exist.

If we list the multiverse systems of various fantasy works, it seems reasonable that the Marvel Universe, which is also an American comic system, is closer to the DC system. From a multidimensional perspective, the two universes may indeed be equivalent to a neighbor relationship.

But the question is, if the message really comes from the Kingdom of Light, why does it come from this universe?

Did the people searching for him find this place?

In any case, Shen You has decided to leave a high-speed afterimage here for investigation. Or at least if a similar signal is sent next time, it will be easier for him to intercept and reverse track it.

At this time, the current Marvel universe seems to be at a critical juncture.

Even before Shen You flew to Earth, he had already seen the huge wormhole over New York City from a distance, and the Chitauri army flying out of it densely like locusts on aircraft.

Although the sky was clear, the black smoke of war had enveloped the entire Manhattan. Thick smoke and dust filled the ruins, and broken cars and charred remains piled up. The sun's rays were blocked, and the air was filled with a pungent burnt smell and an indescribable strange smell.

Lasers filled the sky, and energy explosions occurred one after another. The enemy is an endless army, a mothership that flies through the city like a giant flying insect. However, only a handful of the first-generation Avengers are fighting here on Earth. Although they are all brave and capable of fighting, they are still a drop in the bucket in the face of such a huge disparity in numbers.

Of course Shen You knew this was not a big problem.

The Battle of New York was the first shot fired after the MCU Avengers were established. Even according to the novice protection period theory, it is impossible for them to burp in the first battle.

Next, SHIELD should drop a nuclear bomb on Manhattan, and then Iron Man will rush into the wormhole with the nuclear bomb, blowing up the mothership, and then the Chitauri army will shut down on the spot.

So now let's take a look at what's happening on the Aegis side.

Shen You glanced around, and Ultra quickly found Aegis' floating carrier over the Pacific Ocean.

He found the most beautiful egg in the entire mothership, Nick Fury, at a glance. Sure enough, Fury was chirping something with SHIELD's immediate boss, the World Security Council.

"My emergency team is already handling the situation." Fury said with a straight face, "Give them some confidence, they can handle it."

"You're referring to those unstable elements in fancy clothes."

"I'm talking about the most talented people on the planet standing up for our world," Fury said. "They're going to take care of things so that some old fool doesn't do something like throw a bomb into Manhattan." Ridiculous decision to use the nuclear bomb.”

"What? Why do you think that, Commander Fury?" the council was in an uproar.

“Nuclear New York?”

"That's crazy"

"At least until our people get out."

"There is no evidence that a nuclear explosion can destroy a wormhole. This may damage the enemy by 800 and damage itself by 1,000. Why do you think someone would make such an irresponsible decision without investigation?"

Fury shrugged.

"I don't know. But I'm glad you're more reasonable than I thought."


Shen You: "."

The world line has changed, and the Council actually does not plan to drop nuclear bombs.

This seems to make sense. After all, the situation of the war is not yet clear at this moment. To annihilate Manhattan in such a hurry, it feels like someone was bitten by a snake and chopped off the entire arm to prevent the poison from spreading. As a result, the poison spread to his head, so he chopped off his head as well.

Although the head was missing, the spread of poison was successfully prevented.

It sounds somewhat reasonable.

So the question now is.

How will this all end?

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