I become light in American comics

Chapter 438 Beat them all up

The dazzling light penetrated the dome of Oa like a huge colored diamond, and the heat wave rolled like a tsunami and swept through the city. The huge energy distorted the air, and the rapidly expanding fireball revealed seven colors of light. The molecules in the air are ionized at high temperatures, and the spreading energy storm is like a huge arm. Everything such as metal, buildings, and masonry is drawn into it, colliding and annihilating until there is nothing left.

Self-destruction is indeed a solution to Carona's dilemma. Unexpectedly, at the desperate moment, Kalona finally chose the same universal solution as Shen You and the other top terrorists in the Kingdom of Light.

Or to be more precise, Carona's move was not completely "self-destruction", because he didn't really blow himself up like the prince and didn't regroup. This is an overloaded burst of spectral energy in the body of Carona. Although it is a move that can injure the enemy a thousand times and damage himself eight hundred times, it can be regarded as a trump card to escape.

But Shen You wouldn't let him run away so easily.

The energy of the self-explosion briefly hindered him, but after Shen You formed a shield to stabilize the impact, he immediately accelerated again, chasing after Carona in the direction where he escaped on the blast wave.

Keeping a certain distance, Carona and he can still fight, but if it gets within three steps, the result is basically doomed. As the only remaining traditional mage in the universe today, Kalona also knows the truth, so he does not hesitate to use self-harm to keep a distance from Shen You.

Shen You rushed out of the energy storm in an instant with his shield on his back. His body turned into lightning and quickly shuttled left and right among the burning streets and alleys of broken buildings in Oua, and suddenly stopped at a corner.

Kalona's aura disappeared here, but at first glance he didn't seem to see the target.

At this time, a series of miserable groans came from mid-air. Shen You looked back, and saw a green light shadow falling from the sky with a meteor-like trajectory, but with a bang, it hit the ground behind him, opening a huge hole like a meteorite crashing, causing debris to explode. splash.

It's a Green Lantern, seemingly shot down from a mid-air melee. He has naturally green skin that looks like he's been painted with an emerald paint. The skin is smooth without any wrinkles, the huge head takes up a quarter of the body, and the body is as long and thin as a bamboo pole.

Shen You remembers him. This is one of the Green Lanterns who has been released from control in the previous battle with the Blue Lanterns, named Koripal.

The Green Lantern got up, shook his head, and was surprised when he saw Shen You.

"Ah, it's you. You'd better be almost done with Carona." He covered his neck and shook his head, "Because we're not sure how long we can last."

Shen You looked at him coldly, but before he could answer, he saw a green light coming from behind. The domineering beam hit Green Lantern Koripal unexpectedly, causing the Lantern to fall to the ground again.

It's Gunther the Guardian.

Gunther descended from the sky, with green light rippling all over his body, and solemnly said: "Be careful, Man of Light. This is not the real Green Lantern Koripal.

In the culture of the planet where Koripal comes from, their people are all left-handed. "

After Gunther finished speaking, Shen You looked at the Green Lantern's hands that were blown to the ground according to what he said. Sure enough, the light ring was worn on the right hand.

Shen You had met this Green Lantern before when he was supporting Lan Lan and Gunther in the battle. Although it was just a one-time encounter, he would never forget it as long as it left an impression. Looking back now, it seems that the Green Lantern's ring was indeed worn on his left hand.

It just so happened that Kalona's escaping aura stopped here, and just as Shen You was chasing after him, Koripal fell in front of him. From this point of view, this person is probably Carona in disguise, with the purpose of lowering Shen You's vigilance and looking for opportunities to sneak attack or escape.

Seeing that he was exposed, Koripal immediately stood up straight, green light flashed in his eyes, he raised the light ring and aimed at Shen You, ready to fire.

However, just when Shen You turned to the Green Lantern who was about to attack him, seemingly not paying attention to his back, Gunther behind him also had a fierce look in his eyes, and slowly and silently raised his palm.

Ganse used his hand instead of the knife, and the hand knife only had a six-color halo!


Silently shouting, the hand knife slashed down!


That was the sound of a silver fist punching Ganser in the face with lightning.

The little blue man's face was punched so hard that the ripples of light exploded like waves with the impact. "Gunser" finally failed to land the colorful hand knife, and his small body was blasted into the air and spiraled, spinning far away like a top, rolling and falling to the ground.


Carona, who had changed from "Gunser" to his original appearance, had his eyes widened, and he couldn't help but ask with difficulty while vomiting blood.

What he just arranged was actually a trap within a trap.

Although he took advantage of the cover of the self-destruction and rode out the explosion air wave in one breath, he knew in his heart that it was impossible to get rid of Shen You with his own speed. While running, he bumped into Green Lantern Koripal, who was shot down, and he suddenly had a plan in mind.

Kalona would probably have been suspicious when he thought that a Green Lantern suddenly appeared while Shen You was chasing him. He then deliberately manipulated Koripal with a temporary mental attack and asked him to change the light ring from his left hand to his right hand, so that it looked even more like a fake.

At this time, he pretended to be Gunther again, pointed out the flaws in Koripal's "disguise", and then used his mind control to make the Green Lantern act like he would fight to the death if his disguise was discovered. This allowed Shen You to focus on the Green Lantern who was being manipulated by him, and at the same time lowered his guard against "Gunther".

In this way, Carona can take the opportunity to easily seize the flaw in his back and launch a fatal blow while he is unprepared.

It's a perfect plan.

However, he never expected that Shen You would punch him without even thinking about turning around for almost a thousandth of a second, as if he acquiesced that this "Gunser" was a fake.

His self-proclaimed actor-level performance was completely useless.

"Why? How did you know?" Kalona staggered, vomiting blood and looked at Shen You unwillingly. He pressed his injured palms and activated his emotional energy, and fired red and green figurative weapons together.

But electric light flashed on Shen You's body, and he easily avoided the firepower by making a Z-shape. With such a distance between the two sides, he almost only needed to slip his foot, and he had already caught up with Carona again.

This time it was a punch to the stomach, followed by a knee, followed by an elbow to the cheek. There was a cracking sound of broken bones all over Carona's body, and blood continued to flow from his mouth.

"How did I know that you were Carona? To be honest, I didn't know at first. It's just that when I chased you here, you two appeared at the same time. You are both equally suspicious."

Shen You said and fired another flat uppercut. The green light force field on Kalona's body was peeled off like an eggshell, and his mouth was crooked, and another mouthful of blood mixed with a tooth flew out.

".I just planned to beat you both up."

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