I become light in American comics

Chapter 437: Nuclear Peace with Oua

what's the situation?

Who kidnapped me?

Who did I tie up again?

Carona, who was hung up by himself, fell into deep self-doubt, and even briefly thought that he might have tied the wrong person with his eyes that had been born for hundreds of millions of years, his old eyesight, old eyesight, and trembling hands.

But after half a beat, he suddenly realized what was happening.

His original tactic was to attract firepower head-on, while secretly arranging the Xizongyu to form a barrier with its tentacles to restrain Shen You. But at this moment, he suddenly realized that what was suddenly binding him were not only the tentacles of the octopus, but also some concrete threads of cyan energy mixed into it.

This guy did something to his barrier!

Shen You had long noticed Carona's little moves that he thought were hidden. But he took advantage of the trap and did not withdraw before the barrier was formed, nor did he interrupt the encirclement of the Tentacles of the Converted Octopus. He just added a little bit of material inside and slightly changed the mesh structure.

He only made slight adjustments to the key structure of the line, and mixed in some of his own energy-concrete threads to rewrite the network's context, just like a rope trick in magic.

Because it was only a minimal adjustment, and Carona had been focusing on Shen You's movements, Carona was completely unable to notice this subtle change.

In addition, another factor that prevented Carona from noticing this trick was that Shen You also used a blue lamp when operating. A small amount of concrete interference is of the same energy and similar form, so it is so inconspicuous.

This is what surprised Kalona.

It was only one day, but when they fought yesterday, he was very sure that the spectrum that the other party could control did not include the blue lantern.

Mastered a new spectrum in one day?

He, Carona, didn't even dare to cheat so casually.

Are you really not going to be banned for doing this?

Of course, even with the converted octopus, Kalona is naturally still immune to the power of mercy. It only takes a moment short enough to be ignored for him to untie himself - but even such a short moment is enough to determine the outcome of a fight at this level.

Carona has rich experience and naturally knows this well. With Ultraman's monster-level speed, the moment he wasted in breaking free would be enough to kill him.

So now he only has one option.

Time almost stood still. The stirring buildings and land fragments, the dust particles stirred by the shock wave, and the colorful figurative weapons, missiles and cannons all over the sky were all slowed down to almost a standstill.

Electric current surrounded Shen You's body. His movement in this still space and time was like breaking through the ocean called time, riding the wind and waves to come to Carona. The silver fist shadow locked Carona's face like it broke through time and space.

But it was at this moment that the fist almost hit.

Carona's body cracked.

The blue skin cracked, and the body disintegrated at an alarming speed in this almost stationary time and space. Colorful rays of light pierced his eyes, mouth and nose, and then every crack in his body exploded, like a new sun blooming from his body.

The explosion of six colors of light is like a nuclear explosion of the emotional spectrum! The exaggerated wave of colors pushed out in all directions, and everything in its path was evaporated into the tiniest particles. Driven by the explosion, a colorful storm swept across thousands of armies!


"What happened on the battlefield above!?"

The explosion shook Oa's foundations like a planet being moved. The blue lights and green lights deep underground in the central battery all felt the exaggerated vibrations.

"No matter what it is, the brothers on the front battlefield will take care of it!" Kilowog's Green Lantern Ring struck out with a huge fist. "Focus on it, Green Lanterns! We have our own problems to solve!"

By this time their sneak attack on the central battery had been exposed. There were guardians blocking the way in front, and green lights chasing after them from behind. A large number of brainwashed Green Lanterns also rushed underground and had a firefight with this team.

At this time, they were stuck in a position where the Guardians and Green Lanterns were attacking from the front and back. They could neither retreat nor reach the central battery, and the situation was once in crisis.

Fortunately, because we are in the Green Lantern pile, the Blue Lantern rings have also unlocked the offensive mode. The green lanterns and blue lanterns fought in a chaotic mess, with various figurative weapons flying all over the sky.

"More Green Lanterns are rushing down, and there will be no end to this!" a blue lantern shouted.

"Damn it, do we have so many Green Lanterns?" The Green Lanterns on Blue Lantern's side couldn't help but frown, "Don't they need to invest their troops in the frontal battlefield?"

"No, these weren't originally from the Green Lantern Corps."

Kilowog said gloomily as he swung the green light bat and knocked two people away.

"I'm a Green Lantern boot camp instructor, and I know every Green Lantern. But I don't recognize these guys coming down now."

Everyone was startled when they heard this.

"You mean?"

"It's the spare light ring that was shot out when Mogo was manipulated," Kilowog gritted his teeth. "The light ring randomly selects and brainwashes recruits in the universe. The light ring was thrown down to fight with us before the light ring was firmly worn. "

"This is why Carona has endless Green Lanterns!" A Green Lantern said, "There will be no results if we continue fighting like this."

"Yes, unless we first kill the little blue man blocking the road over there and get the central battery!"

Kilowog shouted and rushed towards the team of little blue men.

"Step aside!"

Kilowog devoted almost all his will to the guardians blocking him, but the green light bombardment transformed by his majestic will suddenly stopped a few meters away from the guardians and automatically decomposed Dissipated into a point of light.

"A futile attempt, Green Lantern." The only Guardian who can still speak said coldly, "All of your light rings are set to 'cannot harm the Guardian'. This is the lowest setting. From the time you wear it, The light ring is destined from the moment it leaves the factory.

No Green Lantern can hurt.”

Before he finished speaking, a green light fist hit him in the face, causing the little blue man's mouth to twist and spin, and he flew far away.

"Don't be so absolute, Short Winter Melon."

I saw a gap being blasted above the underground factory, and Hal Jordan flew straight down from the hole, smiling.

"Sorry, I'm no longer under your control. And I'm about to challenge myself to be the first Green Lantern to crush a Guardian in history."


Kilowog was so excited to see his brother that he almost wanted to hug him and give him a kiss.

"There's nothing that makes me happier than seeing you right now. Oh wait, did you lose the ion?"

"Yes. After thinking about it, the light ring is more suitable for me."

Hal shrugged.

"Now stand back and I'll take care of these guardians."

The war broke out, and the flames of war instantly spread across Oua. The former Green Lantern headquarters is now burning brightly, and the colorful light effects in the sky can be seen from the other side of the planet, just like the aurora that lingers for a long time.

Impacts and explosions swept across the area, paralyzing even the underlying energy supply and infrastructure. This also includes the prisons of Oa, high-tech prisons and death rows housing all the most vicious criminals in the universe.

And now, a room that was supposed to be a death row room was blown open by an explosion that shook the earth.

Tal Sinestro reached out a hand from the rubble and climbed out of the cage with difficulty. He knelt on the ruins filled with smoke, breathing heavily, turned to look at the battlefield where colorful lights were flying, frowned slightly, and murmured to himself.


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