I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter Five Hundred and Twenty Six The Extremely Terrifying Old Ones

The Old Ones that had formed outside the city of Lisl filled with an extremely terrifying aura, surging like a tsunami.

But the huge divine body has not moved yet, it seems that it is adapting to the rules and adapting to this divine body.

After the gods noticed this scene, they immediately felt the endless pressure.

The battle situation is getting more and more urgent!

The power of the multiple planes of glory blesses him, and the endless energy makes Li De fall into extreme madness.

Punch after punch.

Give up magic and tricks.

He was using the most direct and simplest way to collide with the most glorious existence, Asmodeus, the Lord of the Nine Hells.

Everything around them was screaming, and the most basic rules for building the world were all broken.

That terrifying energy is like a huge wave that is ten thousand feet high, surging out wave after wave.

Majestic, shaking the galaxy.

At this moment, under Li De's violent attack.

In the past, glory was rampant, and Asmodeus could scare off the main god just by virtue of his name, and Asmodeus was being beaten to death at this moment.

Yes, he was crushed and beaten by a vampire who was a demigod the moment before! !

Moreover, the opponent also hit him so that he was almost unable to fight back, he could only be passive, and he tried his best to collide with the opponent with every punch.

Even his chest was already stuffy, and there was a trace of blood flowing from the corner of his mouth.

The damn vampire! !

Asmodeus, who originally thought that he could control everything with the five pieces of the Fate Tablet in his hand, was furious.

Not to mention that the other party stole his achievements, and now he is still using the power of the Slate of Destiny to counter him!

Under the rage, the power of bloodline hidden in the body began to revive.

Brush behind ~ spread two barbed devil wings.

The momentum began to skyrocket wildly.

I will tear your soul to shreds!!

A frenzy after being provoked by the ants made Asmodeus start to kill Li De regardless.

Li De's soaring power at this time almost made his golden blood almost unbearable, and Asmodeus' move was exactly what he wanted.

He laughed wildly.

The Lord of the Nine Prisons, yes, you are qualified to be my opponent!

After he finished speaking, he went straight up again.

The expressions of the gods who heard this outside became extremely wonderful.

Qualified to be your opponent? ?

That is the Lord of the Nine Prisons!

How many gods have been destroyed in its hands over tens of millions of years?

How dare you say such a crazy thing now?

How much did this damn vampire get out of the Slate of Destiny? !

The eyes of the gods couldn't help but look at the place where the bones were buried.

Although Li De is powerful, there is only one person after all.

As long as this plane is shattered, they will have the opportunity to control that extremely powerful force.

Become the new master of the entire multi-dimensional plane! !

This is an unprecedented opportunity, an opportunity that no one can pass up.

Tear this plane to pieces!!

Accompanied by the gloomy tone, the temptation of the Slate of Destiny and the threat of the terrifying aura of the old master outside Lisl City.

The gods headed towards the burial ground with extreme madness.

The former goddess of fate, Kaslina, has already stepped out of the burial ground with Freya, Asrega, and the main god of the mermaid.

regained strength.

Kaslina stared coldly at the gods rushing in.

The brilliance of dawn is destined to cover multiple planes, don't do useless work.

The evil gods of the old days are eyeing and preparing to destroy the world. The Master of Dawn is the only existence that has hope to compete with the old days. Your actions now are destroying the entire world.

Don't let your selfish greed cloud your eyes.

Although the words are very correct, at this point in time, how could anyone hear them.

After seeing Li De get the Slate of Destiny, he grew directly from a demigod to be able to resist the existence of the Lord of the Nine Prisons. The temptation in it is enough to make them make the most brutal actions.

Selfish greed is magnified thousands of times at this moment!

No one paid attention to Kaslina's words, and directly aimed at the burial place and released the magic.


Dozens of divine lights flickered.

The burial ground that was hit shook for a while.

In the face of such a terrifying bombardment, no matter how strong the plane is, it is difficult to support it for too long!

Aware that the Bone Burial Ground was being attacked frantically, Li De, who was fighting Asmodeus, suddenly turned his head and shouted.

I said that the space barrier of the Bone Burial Ground will be hidden in the void and cannot be detected by outsiders. If you want to destroy the Bone Burial Ground, you need to destroy the Plane Stone.

The words fell, and behind Kaslina suddenly appeared the plane stone that had been buried in the depths of the Bone Burial Ground.

The magic of creation, the words follow the law.

The space barrier of the Boneyard is too wide. If the gods attack the space barrier with all their strength, the Boneyard will never be able to support the reunion of the Slate of Destiny.

Although this magical technique is extremely powerful, the more rules it changes, the greater the consumption.

If possible, Li De is more willing to use his words directly to hide his bones.

But he can't afford this consumption at all. At this time, the gods have locked the burial ground. What kind of strength is needed to get rid of the entire glorious gods? ?

And with the Destiny Slate fragments as an introduction, even if the burial ground is blocked, it will never be able to hide from the gods for too long.

In order to make up for it, he can only take the initiative to leave a flaw - the stone of the plane.

The power of fate consumed in this way can be within his tolerance.

The significance of this made him change from guarding the incomparably vast space barrier to the goal of only guarding the plane stone.

Kaslina instantly understood what Li De meant, and her face froze when she saw that the gods had already focused their eyes on her.

A dazzling azure brilliance suddenly burst out from his body, and the divine light of the trident possessed by the white cat on his palm was dazzling.


Without any extra words, the seven or eight demon lords closest to her directly slaughtered Kaslina.

The two sides fought together in an instant.

The high-level artifact trident is unparalleled, and a face-to-face collision directly kills the three-headed demon master.

The scene was bloody.

But this did not stop the surrounding demons and evil gods from peeping at the Plane Stone, and more demons rushed up.

God's Sin, Freya, and Mermaid Lord God stepped forward directly to help decompose the pressure.

The claws of the gods can pierce the shield of powerful divine power, and the tyrannical fighting style attracts a lot of hatred.

Freya breaks her wings and fights!

The twelve wings behind him were directly broken, and his aura suddenly rose to level 40.

Holding an angel sword, peerless!

After the mermaid god lost the trident, the melee combat power dropped greatly, but the magic in his hand still blessed the two with a lot of buffs.

With Kasrina as the core and the other three as assistants, they instantly resisted the impact of the Demon Lord and the Evil God.

At this time, the huge space gap behind them was still open.

It was the gap that was torn open by the Lord of Hell, and there was still the power of hell left on it. If Asmodeus dies, the gap will not disappear.

But because Li De banned the power above the supernatural in the Bone Burial Ground, Kaslina and the others did not deliberately prevent the gods from entering.

In fact, it can't be stopped, the number of gods is too many...

Li De was dragged by the Lord of the Nine Prisons, the Plane Stone was guarded by Kaslina, and the empty space gap immediately ushered in the entry of dozens of evil gods and demon masters.

Without the slightest accident, after entering the Bone Burial Ground, the power of terrifying rules directly blocked most of their power.

But these demon masters were already prepared in their hearts. With a grin, they spread their wings and flew directly towards the Slate of Destiny.

The Bone Burial Ground has expanded to a diameter of 500 kilometers after being upgraded to the god level, and the Bone Altar is in the center of the plane.

Although most of his power was banned, at the speed of the demon, he could reach it in ten minutes at most.


The demon wings flapped and flew towards the center quickly.

But a few minutes later, a medium-sized demon master who was flying at the fastest speed suddenly sank, because after passing through a fog, he actually saw a densely packed army below!

He was about to flutter his wings and fly high into the sky, only to hear a roar from below.



The five-bladed dragon-hunting crossbow bowstring rang.

Huhu~ Hundreds of crossbow arrows shot wildly.

Seeing this scene, the Demon Lord showed disdain, but he has a divine body! How many bolts can hurt him? ?

But the next second the thought arises.


A crossbow arrow the thickness of a wrist pierced directly through his chest.

The huge impact pulled it back more than ten blades.

When it hasn't responded yet.

puff~ puff~

Dozens of crossbow arrows in a row pierced his heart, and his body fell from the sky like a shooting star and smashed onto the ground of bones.

The terrifying pain caused the medium-strength demon master to let out a howl of beast-like agony.

There is only one question in my heart, why is his divine body useless? ?

In my mind, I suddenly recalled the picture of the first batch of demon masters who entered the Bone Burial Ground being strangled by Li De.

Full of regret at the moment.

It must be the power of the Slate of Destiny...

Words follow the law, and supernatural powers are not allowed, but it is not just that magic can't be released.

God's body, this is the power above the extraordinary, so it was banned by the power of rules.

A downright level 19 demon, even if its vitality is countless times stronger than the ordinary level 19, but what kind of waves can it turn over when facing a big killer such as the dragon hunting crossbow that has been improved dozens of times by a weapon factory?

Not only this demon suffered a great disaster, but the other demon masters and evil gods who were the first to enter the Bone Burial Ground suffered the same attack.

With the body of a mortal, hunt the gods!

The armies of Dawnbreak City managed to accomplish this feat enough to be remembered in the annals of history.

However, although the army was strong, it was unable to keep all the invaders behind, and a few demons and evil gods escaped.

Those demon masters who survived by chance did not go far, but cast a spell to open the door of space in front of the torn space gap.

Level 19 already has the power to open the door of space.

At the moment when the gate of space was opened, a huge number of demons rushed out from the other end like a tide.

Relying on the demons alone to dominate them will certainly not be able to deal with the huge army, but they are not alone, and they also have countless subordinates.

Only magic can fight against magic, and only army can fight against army.

After the first demon master made this move, it immediately caused other evil gods to follow suit.

After a while, the door of space opened one after another, and the army of demons began to appear in the Burial Ground,

These demon masters are very tacit understanding, and did not kill each other, but aimed at the army of dawn.

After more and more demon masters and evil gods entered the burial ground, the door of the space that was opened became bigger and bigger.

In this way, what should have been a lone hero turned into a collision between the army and the army in an instant!

Demon Army vs Dawn Army.

The situation in the Bone Burial Ground has changed, and the situation outside is not much better.

As the aura of the old rulers outside the city of Lisl gradually rose, the gods outside became more and more nervous.

However, no one left at this time. Everyone knew that their last hope was on the Slate of Destiny. Their departure was to bury their own lives.

They must grab the Slate of Destiny! !

Under the increasing crisis, Kaslina, who guarded the Ground Stone of the Bone Burial Ground, encountered an even more ferocious siege.

The gods of medium power can no longer intervene.

Eight demon lords, more than 20 demon main gods, plus five light-type main gods, are attacking Kaslina crazily at this moment.

All kinds of high-level divine arts were like cannonballs, smashing towards the former goddess of fate.

Its terrifying fluctuations even annihilate everything around it.

The three gods, Freya and the mermaid god, have all been driven away from Kaslina's side and are fighting with other gods.

Demons and evil gods joined forces to surround Kaslina, vowing to smash the Plane Stone and snatch the Slate of Destiny.

Seeing this shocking scene, Kaslina did not panic at all.

The trident in his hand radiated infinite divine light, bursting out with majestic and magnificent power, shattering one after another of divine arts.

The ability of azure blue surged like a tidal wave, forming a huge turbulent area around it, withstanding everyone's attacks with one's own strength.

The ancestor of the undead, please keep your promise!

The City of Dawn will not betray its allies, and I believe that the undead will never betray!

Li De, who was in the middle of the fierce battle, saw that the undead camp had not moved for a long time, and could not help frowning.

After colliding with the Lord of Nine Prisons again and returning, he roared loudly.

He knew that the undead would never keep promises easily, but he had to gain more allies.

After carrying the power of the Slate of Destiny, although he obtained an incomparably powerful power, the terror of the Lord of the Nine Prisons far exceeded his expectations.

He can now use some of the power of the multi-dimensional plane of glory, but Rao is only equal to the other side.

Asmodeus is too strong! !

So powerful that Li De suspects that the Lord of the Nine Prisons has transcended the entire multidimensional plane!

He had to hold back this glory's strongest combat power. If the opponent was pulled out to participate in the attack, Kaslina would definitely not be able to hold it.

Once the Plane Stone falls into the hands of Asmodeus, the shattering of the Boneyard is a matter of moments.

The ancestor of the undead, we have never been enemies.

The Old Ones are reviving, and our continued entanglement will only exacerbate our destruction!

The fire of the soul of the ancestor of the undead flickered faintly, and his empty eyes stared at the battlefield. No one knew what the first life created by the creator god was thinking.

At this moment, Kaslina's voice came slowly.

The ancestor of the undead, there is no need to wait any longer, the God of Creation may have disappeared into chaos.

After the Slate of Destiny is connected to Li De, it will inevitably touch the core of the source of glory. If the God of Creation is still there, even if there are countless multi-dimensional planes, all of this can be perceived.

He is bound to use some kind of power to come...

His absence is the best explanation, and I believe you already have the answer.

Go ahead, glory cannot be destroyed, we are homeless.

Hearing this, the fire of the soul of the ancestor of the undead swayed, and finally looked up at the sky.

Father... Has he really fallen?

The tone was dazed and bewildered.

He has no interest in the Slate of Destiny. The reason for participating in the competition is because the Slate of Destiny can touch the origin of glory and connect to the creator of this multidimensional plane.

But now, Li De has touched the source of glory, but the God of Creation still hasn't appeared...

Something in my heart is quietly broken...

After calming his mind, looking at Kaslina, who was already struggling more and more, the ancestor of the undead nodded slowly.

The world created by God the Father must never be destroyed.

After saying that, he waved his hand.

The undead decide to fulfill the covenant!

All undead monarchs immediately guard the stone of the plane, and in addition, immediately send the fragments of the tablet of destiny to the plane of the God of Dawn!

Finally, the undead made such a decision that could decide the situation of the battle.

But just when the undead just made a move.

The rotten words that made everyone tremble resounded throughout the sky.

This filthy world should have been swallowed up by the eternal old days.

The struggle of a group of ants...

I saw outside the city of Lisl, the body that was formed by the melting of hundreds of octopus evil gods and mud evil gods, suddenly opened his eyes.

After that, the hundred-blade-high god body shrank directly and quickly, and after a few blinks, it turned into a 5-blade-high terrifying life covered with barbs.

Brush ~ A pair of blood-stained damaged flesh wings unfolded, and the old ruler who descended on the main plane of glory in another way flew straight towards the center of the battlefield.

The rotten power emanating from its body can send chills down the spine even if it is far away.

That is not the power that this world should have, that is the power that should exist in a dead place, in the chaotic void.

The battlefield that was still in fierce battle subconsciously slowed down the rhythm of the battle, and the existences below medium divine power all retreated crazily at this moment.

Although the first-born one-horned and flapping wings of the Old Ones didn't make a move, it gave them a sense of shock that the world was collapsing.

Danger! Extremely dangerous!

Every cell in Li De's body, who noticed this scene, was warning him.

The eyes of the old rulers, as if the scythe of the god of death was on his neck, trembling in his heart!

Suppressing his inner emotions, Li De recklessly rushed towards the Lord of the Nine Prisons, with a cold murderous intent on his face, and grabbed Asmodeus's body with both hands.

Asmodeus noticed something was wrong with Li De, and broke out the most terrifying attack. The power that could shatter the plane directly slammed into Li De's chest.

Kacha~ Li De groaned, and a dozen bones were directly broken, and the terrifying pain almost made people crazy, but he still didn't let go.

Instead, he violently input the power of destiny into Asmodeus' body, and then violently threw the Lord of Hell towards the old ruler by suppressing the opponent for a second.

How dare this damn vampire use him to test the power of the Old Ones! !

When he noticed Li De's movements, Asmodeus was too late to react.

By the time he broke through the blockade of the power of destiny, he had already appeared in front of the old ruler.

Feeling the breath of this terrifying life, Asmodeus froze in his heart, as if he was being watched by a giant beast that could devour the world.

He slammed his heart and directly burned all the power of blood, and then burst out with the ultimate terrifying power, and punched it out!

This punch can shatter ten planes! !

Inevitably, this most glorious existence will challenge the old rulers head-on.

But the next second, the scene that appeared on the field made everyone's scalp tingle.

The Old Ones didn't seem to care about it at all, the barbed divine body didn't stop at all, and while flapping its wings and flying forward, it swung its right fist at Asmodeus.

The punch was calm and indifferent, as if it had no force at all.

One side is bland and the other side has the power to destroy the world, and the two sides collide directly.



Glory's ultimate combat power, the most invincible existence, the moment it collided with the old ruler, the bones of the right hand burst directly, and blood splashed in the sky.

Asmodeus' body flew back ten times faster than when he came, looking extremely miserable.

The two sides only collided once, and the ultimate existence of glory broke off an arm directly.

And the Old Ones didn't even stop in shape.

Seeing this scene, the gods on the field immediately let out a gasp of breath.

That is the Lord of the Nine Hells.

Dominate the multiple planes of glory for countless years, the strongest existence among them!

At this moment, I can't even hold it for a second! !

Many gods even turned around and ran away, even losing the courage to face the old rulers.

All their ambitions were shattered when Asmodeus, the ultimate being, had his arm broken with a punch.

This kind of terrifying existence, how can they be defeated? ?

Then came a more shocking scene.

After scanning the chaotic eyes of the old ruler, he opened his mouth slightly and sucked fiercely at the gods in the center of the battlefield.

next second.

Dozens of demon rulers and light-type gods around them seemed to be pinched by a giant hand, and their bodies flew in the direction of the old rulers uncontrollably.

What's this??!

No, let me go, damn bastard!!

I'm out of control, UU reading www.uukanshu.com no!!

All the struggles and anger were of no avail, and even if these dozens of gods performed any magic, they would not be able to escape that control.

After just a few blinks, under the shocking gaze of everyone.

These dozens of gods quickly shrank, and then were swallowed by the open-mouthed Old Ones.


The sound of the Old Ones chewing made the gods on the battlefield feel their legs go weak.

What the hell is this monster? ! !

Suppressing the Lord of the Nine Prisons with one punch, devouring dozens of gods with the Lord God in one breath! !

What's the deal with this? ?

Despair, unspeakable despair pervades the hearts of all gods.

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