I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter Five Hundred and Twenty-Five Li De forty-three grades, follow the law

Li De stared indifferently at the gods outside the burial ground through the space gap.

In the blood-colored eyes, the murderous intention gradually became fierce.

Wherever you enter, you are the enemy of life and death! !

Before he shot, he wrapped the burial ground with the power of fate, and deliberately avoided it, concealing everyone on the chaotic battlefield.

Successfully avoided the meaningless battle of gods in the early stage, and successfully snatched the core of Destiny Slate at the last minute.

But although the plan was successful, the collision with the gods was unavoidable.

The battle of the City of Dawn against the Gods of Glory will break out in the next second.


At this moment, the crystal altar above the 12-story white bone altar suddenly shattered directly.

Those shattered crystals directly turned into a powerful force of destiny, and then all of them were instilled into the core of the Destiny Slate placed above.

The breath suddenly changed.

The core of the Slate of Destiny generated a strong suction, and the eight shards of the Slate of Destiny floating in the sky landed beside the core of the Slate of Destiny like a tired bird returning to its nest.

The core of the Slate of Destiny was suspended, and with it as the core, a deep chaotic light bloomed.

Surprisingly, that chaotic light directly condensed into a complete Slate of Destiny.

However, at this time, except for the core of the Fate Slate, all other areas are constructed by energy.

After the eight fragments of the Fate Tablet appeared in this scene, under the action of some unspeakable rule, they fell into the Fate Tablet condensed by energy one by one.

Inlaid on top according to their respective positions.

Click ~ click ~

With several consecutive crisp sounds, the illusory Slate of Destiny was directly replenished by almost a third.

Together with the core of the Fate Tablet, the reconstructed Fate Tablet has nine fragments.

After the last shard of Destiny Slate was embedded, the aura of Destiny Slate began to soar wildly.

The entire Boneyard trembled under that indescribable terrifying force.

It seems that the opponent may shatter the entire plane at any time.

The will of the plane, which has long been asleep, is also slowly recovering at this moment.

At the moment when the Slate of Destiny reunites.

Li De only felt a majestic tsunami of energy pouring into his body.

With the eight Destiny Slate fragments in his control before, the reorganized Destiny Slate at this moment has directly established an unbreakable connection with him.

Li De groaned almost comfortably, and he could feel that he could directly use the power of the Slate of Destiny.

Although this power is only one-tenth of its heyday.

In order to restore the Fate Tablet to its peak state, he must collect all the Fate Tablet fragments!

The indescribable surging power made Li De's momentum rise steadily.

Weak gods, weak gods, medium gods, strong gods...

At the moment when he climbed to level 40.

It just feels like the whole person is booming~

As if something unspeakable was activated.

The blood vessels in his body began to transform rapidly.

After just a few breaths, the blood of silver mixed with crimson completed its transformation and became a complete blood of silver.

But this is not over yet, the blood of silver has undergone a second transformation under the strong ability.

A golden energy began to surge.

The blood of gold is the ultimate form of the gods. It is not comparable to the blood of ordinary golden races. The power it contains is ten thousand times stronger than ordinary blood! !

The body was transformed and upgraded to the extreme by the power of destiny in this short moment.

What is even more exaggerated is that Li De can feel at this moment that he can communicate the power of the entire multi-dimensional plane of glory through the Slate of Destiny.

Although only a very small part can be mobilized, that small part is enough to be called shocking.

Ding~ You have been blessed by the power of destiny, the will of the world is caring for you at this moment, and you can use a part of the power of the multi-dimensional plane of glory.

Your level has been temporarily raised to level 43.

All your skills are temporarily upgraded to Greater Divinity.

You have obtained the divine art of creation - the law follows your words. Your words are the only unchangeable truth. The more complex and huge the rules you speak, the more power of destiny you need to consume.

Ding~ You have been watched by the old rulers who invaded the world, and the old rulers are about to force their way into the world of glory.

With the sound of two system beeps.

Li De Yangtian let out a long whistle, and at this moment, his body was as mighty as a wave of thousands of miles rolling over the mountains and flying into the sky.

The majestic divine power surged forward, striking directly at the soul.

The gods who were about to move in the place where the bones were buried were the first to face the power that erupted after Li De carried the power of destiny.

Everyone's hearts were shocked at this moment.

It all seemed like a long time, but it happened in just a few short breaths.

After the gods were oppressed by Li De's divine might, they immediately recovered and looked at Li De furiously.

The damn vampire!

How dare you steal the Slate of Destiny in front of so many people.

Unforgivable, absolutely unforgivable! !

kill him!!

I'm going to tear his soul to shreds!!

Destroy his plane! Destroy his kingdom of God!!

At this moment, dozens of main god-level combat power rushed towards the place where the bones were buried.

In front of them are Kaslina, Mermaid Lord God, Twelve-Winged Seraphim, and Sinister.

This lineup is strong enough, but when facing the roar of the gods, it is still like standing in front of a monstrous tsunami.

Kaslina made the first move, the former goddess of fate threw the white cat in her arms directly into the sky.

After that, the white cat didn't leave, but instead turned into a phantom, directly attached to the trident in her hand.

The trident trembled slightly, and an incomparably bright azure blue divine brilliance instantly erupted.

But just before the half-blood mermaid was ready to do it.

Li De looked at the more than a dozen demon masters who rushed into the Bone Burial Ground.

The blood-red eyes were as cold as ice.

said lightly.

I said, in this plane I am in, except for me, any power above the transcendent will be banned.

The moment the voice fell.

The expressions of the dozen or so Demon Lords who had entered the Bone Burial Ground changed drastically. They only felt that an unseen force had strongly blocked their divine power with mysterious and obscure rules.

After they sensed a little, they found that their power level was only equivalent to level 19!

He looked at Li De who was floating in the sky in horror.

What did this bloody vampire just do? ! !

But in the next second, before they had time to react, they only felt that the infinite force around them was crushing, and their bodies were directly shattered into blood mist.

More than a dozen demon masters failed to survive a breath in the burial ground and died violently.

Words follow the law, creation magic.

So terrifying.

Seeing this scene, those gods who wanted to rush in under their rage were terrified, and their bodies flew out instantly, for fear that they would follow in the footsteps of those unlucky ghosts.


In this short moment.

The light of the re-condensed Slate of Destiny skyrocketed again.

Later, outside the Bone Burial Ground, the Sun Goddess felt that the two pieces of Destiny Slate around her were stripping away their connection with her, as if she was attracted by something.

The Devil Lord with five Fate Tablet fragments and the Dark Lord with four Fate Tablet fragments also felt the same at this moment.

The Slate of Destiny is reuniting, it's calling the rest of its shards!!

Once the Slate of Destiny reunion is complete, that damn vampire will carry the power of the Multiplanetary of Glory! !

An evil god in a black robe sensed that the situation was not right, and his tone was cold.

You mustn't let him condense the Slate of Destiny!! The power of the Slate of Destiny can't cover the entire battlefield now, at most it can only take effect in his kingdom of God.

Everyone shot, smashed his kingdom of God, and forced him out of the tortoise shell! !

After the words fell, he was the first to release the magic technique and smashed towards the place where the bones were buried.

A gray light spot erupted, and the momentum burst.

However, after entering the Bone Burial Ground, the magic technique did not play any role, and was directly decomposed into the invisible by the power of the rules.

This plane does not allow the existence of supernatural powers...

The rules have already been set.

Unless you have the power to break the rules.

This scene made the gods' faces change slightly, but it didn't stop them from making plans.

After the Lord of the Nine Prisons tore apart the space of the Bone Burial Ground, the gods could already perceive the spatial barriers of the Bone Burial Ground.

This time, they did not cast spells towards the torn space gap, but directly passed through the dimensional space and bombarded the space barriers with magic techniques.

The actions of the gods made Li De, whose power skyrocketed to the extreme, regained his senses.

He looked at the people around him.

The Slate of Destiny is summoning the remaining fragments. During this process, no outsiders can interfere.

Kaslina, Mermaid Lord God, Freya, Asrega, you all go out with me to meet the enemy and stop them from breaking the idea of ​​​​the Burial Ground.

After speaking, directly connected to the plane stone, spiritual power enveloped the entire burial place, overlooking the dawn army that had already gathered.

People of the City of Dawn, the Slate of Destiny will determine the fate of all of us, protect it!!

The power above the supernatural is no longer allowed in the plane. My bravest warriors, it's time for them to know your bravery!!

For the breaking of dawn!!

Li De's cold voice resounded from the place where he was buried.

Tens of millions of the Dawn-breaking army roared up to the sky at this moment, and made the most determined cry.

For the breaking of dawn!!

After Li De heard the surging voice, he looked at Freya, the twelve-winged death seraph, with a solemn tone.

I said, the next time you cast the magic spell - Fighting with Broken Wings, it will not be affected by negative effects, and the duration will be 3 times longer.

The words fell, and Li De only felt that the power of destiny in his body had dropped abruptly.

Then Freya only felt a majestic force coming from the depths of her bloodline.

Freya has the most terrifying skill - fighting with broken wings.

Each broken wing behind you can increase the strength by 50%. When all twelve wings are broken, it will enter a state of destruction, and the level will temporarily increase to level 40 within five minutes, and will die directly after the state of destruction.

The last time he fought with broken wings was when the Alliance of Angels fell, and he directly snatched back two fragments of the Slate of Destiny for him.

Li De then looked at the gods with deep eyes.

I said, after you leave a drop of blood on this plane, you will reunite your body here after death.

Finally facing the Mermaid Lord Shinto.

I said, all your injuries are healed and your strength is back to peak state.

The Mermaid Lord God, who had only recovered to level 38, was booming~ There was an explosion in her body, and a majestic force that appeared out of thin air directly drove away the dark wounds left in her body during the invasion of the old days.

The momentum soared directly, and in two blinks of an eye, the level returned to the state of the 40-level main god in the peak period.

After three consecutive sentences, Li De's face became pale, the consumption of creation magic is not a joke.

Fortunately, the Slate of Destiny is quickly restoring the power of destiny for him, otherwise he will be drained after two more attempts.


Just as Li De strengthened his subordinates, a violent roar came from outside, and the place where the bones were buried shook directly.

As if being bombarded with a giant hammer.

Li De turned around suddenly.

I saw outside the space gap, a devil with long double horns on the top of his head, with a shriveled face, and an extremely terrifying breath was attacking the space barrier of the buried bone with magical techniques.

Lord of the Nine Hells, Asmodeus.

Although he has never seen the master of hell, he recognized the true identity of the other party the moment he sensed the other party's breath.

Two of the twelve magic scrolls that seal the power of hell are still sealed in the depths of the Bone Burial Ground.

Li De frowned.

After the Slate of Destiny suppressed the Bone Burial Ground, the plane barriers blessed by the power of destiny have become extremely strong.

But no matter how strong it is, it is impossible to allow dozens of main god-level combat power to attack frantically.

Once the Bone Burial Ground is broken, the final destination of the Fate Stone Slate is still unknown.

They must be stopped until the Slate of Destiny is restored!

Follow me out!

Li De's eyes were cold.

With a wave of his hand, Freya, who was also told to follow the imprisoned power, was sent to the front of the cracked space gap by him.

The tyrannical Li De rushed out from the gap in the space with an absolutely domineering attitude.

The robes rattled.


At the moment of stepping out of the burial ground, the strength in Li De's body not only did not decrease, but because he had direct contact with the main plane, he was blessed with more majestic power than before.



The power of landslides and tsunamis rioted in his blood.

The energy that almost exploded him made him almost crazy, and he seemed to be able to blow up a plane with one punch at the moment.


Li De's eyes were blood red, his whole body was so uncomfortable that he was supported by the infinite energy.

But at this moment, a pair of sharp claws appeared from the void.

Pointing directly at the back of Li De's head.

But Li De's perception of danger has risen to the extreme.

Between lightning and flint.

He turned sharply and threw a punch.

Then, under everyone's attention, the Demon Lord, who wanted to kill him from behind, exploded with a puff.

Become a blood fog in the sky.

The Demon Lord, who stepped into level 40 with one and a half feet, was beaten to death.

Instant kill.

But, not enough, far from enough! !

The power that spewed in the blood did not even release one percent.

He longs for enemies and longs for battle!

His sharp eyes were as cold as knives.

Without any hesitation, Li De went directly towards the strongest existence among the gods - Asmodeus, the Lord of the Nine Hells.

The endless chaotic light enveloped the body, and the terrifying divine might made the space that had become a chaotic void annihilated and blurred again.

What kind of existence Asmodeus is, seeing Li De dare to point his edge at him recklessly, he immediately became furious, and his body instantly mobilized all the divine power.

He's going to blow up this vampire with a hammer! !

This lowly life who stole the twelve magic scrolls! !

At this moment, the other gods showed a bit of gloating in their eyes.

A vampire who was lucky enough to get the Slate of Destiny would dare to fight the Lord of Nine Prisons? ?

What about killing a Demon Lord? ! Do you think you are invincible after gaining a little power? !

This is courting death! !

Standing at the door of the space, Freya and the others, who were about to step out, suddenly widened their eyes and breathed fast.

The shadow of the famous tree of people, the legend of the Lord of the Nine Prisons has existed for tens of millions of years, and they have never heard of defeat in the war against opposition.

Anyone who fought against him died, without exception...

In a moment before everyone can blink.

Li De collided directly with Asmodeus, who was also killing him.

His right hand swung out into a fist, and the punch with endless chaotic light seemed to be able to shatter the heavens and the world.

And Asmodeus also formed a fist with five fingers, abandoning the elegance of the devil and attacking in the most violent way! !

Crush everything!



At the moment when the two fists collided, a force that could shatter the galaxy exploded, and the shock wave burst out like a beam that went too far.

Seven or eight of the surrounding medium-sized demon masters who were close to each other were directly smashed into minced meat by that power.

Other gods were also directly impacted by the violent energy. Suddenly became very embarrassed.

But this is far from the end.


The two collided again dozens of times in an instant.

The space was blurred, and even outsiders could no longer see the figures of the two of them clearly.

It only felt like a violent shock wave burst every time.

The surrounding gods were shocked to the extreme when they saw this scene.

How could that vampire have such power! !

That's Asmodeus! Lord of the Nine Prisons!

Now, this Glory's strongest fighting force has been pressed and beaten...

At the moment, everyone's eyes are looking at the burial place even more fiery.

Slate of Destiny!

Get the Tablet of Destiny to get everything! !


At this moment, the demon masters rushed directly into the burial ground from the torn space gap regardless of the fact.

Even if the power on the body is sealed, UU reading www. uukanshu.com They have to give it a try! !

After the power of the Slate of Destiny showed the tip of the iceberg in Li De, it raised everyone's greed to the extreme.

But at this moment, no one noticed the big rear.

Those bodies that were formed by the melting of hundreds of octopus evil gods and mud evil gods were slowly taking shape at this moment.

The old evil gods scattered on the main plane are the flesh and spirit of the old rulers. Now, he has taken back their lives and used these flesh and blood to carry his rotten power to the extreme.

At the moment when the rotten body was formed, an old breath that made the surrounding life tremble a hundred miles away surged.

That is the ultimate evil in the world, that is the end of decay, that is the silence of destruction.

The old ruler, through his own flesh and blood, has come in another way at this moment.

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