I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 501 The final arrangement before the war

I became the ancestor of the blood clan () Find the latest chapter!


Castro flapped his wings and left the City of Dawn, moving quickly towards Green City.

It was already early February, and although the cold current in the sky was still surging, it was obvious that the weather was getting warmer.

Li De did not use the Bone Burial Ground to go to Green City, he was a little worried that outsiders would notice the spatial fluctuations of the Bone Burial Ground.

After knowing the news that Green City will soon have the core of the Slate of Destiny, there is no need to be too careful.

Who knows if there might be some powerful beings already lurking around Green City? Be careful.

Castro's flight speed soared to the extreme, and only half an hour later, Green City, like a lion, was already in sight.

Reid drove Castro to rush in without publicity, and when there was a distance, he let Castro become small and received in his arms.

He walked towards Green City alone.

In a pinch, there is no need to be too flamboyant.

When entering the city, Li De obviously felt that something was wrong with the surrounding atmosphere.

After Dawn City took control of Green City, most of the residents had relaxed smiles on their faces, and it was rare to see residents with sad faces all over the street.

But at this time, the relaxed smiles of the past have subsided, each with a tense face, carefully looking left and right, and immediately bowed his head and stepped back when he encountered a luxurious carriage passing by.

It seemed that he was afraid of offending someone.

It's fine for one or two people to act like this, but too many people make the atmosphere extremely depressing.

At this moment, a few passing residents were whispering to each other, which immediately attracted Li De's attention.

Have you heard? Someone killed more than a dozen guards in the city center last night, and the officers and gentlemen haven't caught anyone yet.

Speak softly, I have heard about this, it is said that it was caused by the fragments of the Slate of Destiny...

The Shard of Destiny? Is it the artifact that the sun goddess said can resist the invasion of the old days?

That's right, I don't know who spread it out a few days ago. The Shard of Destiny will appear in Green City in a month, so it's been extraordinarily chaotic these few days.

Alas, who said no, especially those lawless adventurers, who have seen them fighting all day these days...

I hope that after this incident, I will be able to settle down for a while...

After a few people walked away, Li De's expression, who blocked his breath, was a little subtle.

Now that the shards of the Slate of Destiny have not left the apprenticeship, there is already a feeling that the volcano is about to erupt.

When the fragments of the Slate of Destiny are born, what kind of terrifying torrent will erupt from Green City?

Would you like to take the residents of Green City away first?

The moment the idea arises, he rejects it.

Not to mention that there is no place to put it.

Isn't it a joke to transport millions of residents away with countless people watching?

The City of Dawn is afraid that it will be immediately exposed to the gaze of outsiders, and the Burial Ground will not be able to hide.

He didn't want to be known by outsiders at this point in time. If someone surrounded Wei to rescue Zhao and stole the City of Dawn, then the fun would be great.

Li De was not in a hurry and walked slowly along the street towards the Scarlet Mage Tower.

Because of the spellcasting, his face was blurred, and the breath on his body was very weak, and outsiders were surprised by the mage robes on him, and would not pay extra attention to him.

And because of the players, the rare spellcasters in the past are not so rare, so Li De did not attract much attention.

He also took advantage of this time to take a good look at Green City.

When I returned to the Scarlet Mage Tower, I had a more intuitive understanding of the situation in the city.

Not much different from what he initially thought, Green City is now a city on a volcano.

It could be submerged by the erupting magma at any time.

He walked from the city gate to the tower of the Crimson Mage,

The breath of no less than 10 legends was directly sensed, and there was even a fleeting coercion of the gods.

That is to say, the other party runs fast, otherwise he is likely to start.

The God-hunting Crossbow in Dawn City still lacks materials.

And it's just the beginning, as time goes on, there will be more terrifying lives sneaking into Green City.

The most painful thing is that he can't stop the other party, Mu Xiu will be destroyed by Lin Feng, and now Yiluo is the guardian of Green City's bright face, and the first enemy in the eyes of many people.

He didn't want to reveal too many trump cards before the battle started.

At the entrance of the Scarlet Mage Tower, Li De dispersed the magic applied to him, and then stepped into the entrance of the Mage Tower while the apprentices watched in surprise.

After a while, everyone knew about Li De's return.

After hearing the heated discussion below, Little Isa ran out of the study room on the third floor of the Mage Tower and plunged into Li De's arms.

The girl's eyes are full of dependence and trust.

Touching the little girl's head, Li De was also in a good mood. In his heart, this little girl was almost the same as his own sister.

Holding the opponent's hand, he stepped into the mage tower under the envious eyes of the apprentices.

Isa, what about your sister Wei Na?

At the city hall, teacher, do you need me to notify Sister Wei Na to come back?

Sitting on the sofa on the first floor of the Mage Tower, Isa was close to Li Dezuo, like a clingy kitten.

No, keep her busy.

Looking at this girl who has never grown up, Li De's eyes are full of doting.

Suddenly, as if he remembered something, he hesitated and asked.

Have Wei Na mentioned your clan's affairs to you?

Wei Na's ruby-like eyes dimmed a little, pursed her lips and nodded.

Teacher, they said, my parents left after giving birth to me...

And what killed them was the long-tailed trolls, who had been badly wounded by those evil beings before.

And the blood in my body can inherit the power of the Silver Moon Clan and avenge my parents...

Speaking of this, his face was a little dazed.

Isa was raised by her adoptive parents. Although she suffered a lot, her heart was still pure. The girl from the Silver Moon Clan told her about revenge, but the girl didn't feel much.

After all, I haven't seen my parents since I was a child, and it's no different from a stranger. At this time, the other party's talk of revenge is really abrupt.

And those people said that she still carried the future of the Yinyue Clan, which made the little girl even more at a loss.

Hearing this, Li De couldn't help but be silent for a moment, then smiled a little and comforted.

No need to worry, you still have the teacher, if you have anything, the teacher will carry it.

what is your opinion? Want to help them?

Although Isa has not grown up and her mind is not yet mature, Li De still wants to hear what this girl thinks.

After all, they are her clansmen. From the perspective of blood, this may be the few relatives left in her world.

Teacher... Isa subconsciously hugged Li De's arm and whispered nervously.

If, if I could, I would like to help them...

Li De smiled and nodded.

Okay, since that's the case, I'll take you to Stormwind Sea Area after I'm done with this.

Now he naturally can't get away, and during this time he has to prepare for the next battle of gods.

Not only had to hunt the gods to obtain the corpses to build the god-hunting crossbow, but also to find other fragments of the Destiny Slate, the pressure was not ordinary.

Fortunately, Isa was very sensible and nodded obediently without any objection.

After chatting with the well-behaved Isa for a while, and at the same time taking the other party's magic homework, Li De didn't stay too much. After explaining to the girl, he left the Scarlet Mage Tower directly through magic.

Now is not the time for small talk.

A moment later, in the manor of the City Lord of Green City, His Majesty Yiluo, wearing a black and white mage robe, appeared again.

The news was immediately passed on by people with a heart, and for a while, many beings with strong self-sustaining fighting power began to move around.

Li De didn't know when the Slate of Destiny fragments would appear, but outsiders didn't know this, so they all wanted to ask him about this local snake.

However, because of his previous record, no one dared to call him to ask him.

These people are all thinking about hiding behind the scenes and taking advantage of the fisherman.

Although Li De is reluctant to reveal his full strength, he is not cowardly either.

On the surface, he returned alone, but secretly, the twelve-winged death seraph and the mermaid god were protecting him.

As long as someone dares to come forward to provoke, he will dare to kill someone.

But to his disappointment, after he appeared, he waited for a long time and no one came out to provoke him, so Li Wei's idea could only be given up.

The main hall of the city owner's manor.

Upon hearing the news of Li De's return, all the high-level officials in Green City are here.

Stanley, who is in control of the Covenant of Darkness, Wei Na, the deputy city lord, Grand Duke Okari, the deputy city lord, Nicole, the deputy city lord Frey, and Grote, the son of the North, are all on the list.

Li De didn't talk too much nonsense. After waiting for everyone to come, he told everyone about all the news about the fragments of the Slate of Destiny, and finally concluded with a solemn tone.

One month later, where the fragments of the Slate of Destiny appear will affect the life and death of Green City. Everyone must use a hundred hearts to carry out the next task.

The expressions of the people below were condensed, and their eyes were staring at him.

Please order.

Li De nodded and started giving orders directly.

First, formulate in detail a plan for how to respond in Green City after the birth of the Slate of Destiny fragments, and make various plans for combat, evacuation, etc.

Second, dispatch people to evacuate residents to the surrounding cities to live temporarily, mainly voluntarily.

Third, strictly enforce military orders, and no matter what level of criminal you encounter in the city, you will be punished severely.

Fourth, establish an emergency team, this team is all composed of high-level combat power to deal with those enemies that ordinary troops can't deal with...

Fifth, transfer wealth...


After more than a dozen plans were announced, the atmosphere in the house became tense.

From Li De's serious expression, everyone knew that this time it was definitely for real.

The next battle may be beyond their imagination.

Wei Na waited until Li De's voice fell, stood up with bright eyes, and stared at Li Dedao.

Your Majesty, can we use adventurers from lost planes to replace the soldiers of Green City in this battle?

For example, hiring adventurers to defend the city in advance, so that we can withdraw the main army, which can not only maintain order, but also reduce our casualties...

This suggestion made the eyes of a few people around him shine. Those daring adventurers may not be able to do other things, but being a ghost is definitely the best choice. As long as the rewards are enough, those adventurers are willing to do anything...

Li De pondered for a moment, then nodded slowly.

I will arrange for the Crimson Moon Guild to come to take over the city defense of Green City.

In fact, he also has this plan. After the Crimson Moon has united with the Dark Covenant, he has completely controlled the player's main city, Aenos City.

The power now is immense.

It has been a long time since the server was launched, and the mainstream level of players has stood at the level of 10, and the top players are all level 15.

With millions of level 10 players, this is definitely a force no one dares to ignore.

These sand sculptures have finally reached the stage where they can play.

To be honest, except for the fact that the Crimson Moon cannot catch up with the City of Dawn in high-level combat power, ordinary troops can't really beat it.

In the face of a group of guys who are not afraid of death, everyone has to make a few points.

Your Majesty, will the Destiny Slate fragments definitely appear? After Nicole heard that Wei Na's suggestion was approved by Li De, she quickly stood up, her big eyes rolling around, as if she was thinking of something.

Li De looked at the grown-up girl and shook his head.

No one can be sure until the last moment, but for now, the probability of the occurrence of Destiny Slate fragments has reached its peak. If there is no accident, it is inevitable...

Nicole's eyes lit up, Then can we move the tigers away from the mountains and move those who come to Green City to other places? Or use the knife to kill people, first use the news of the Destiny Slate fragments to let them kill each other...

Li De couldn't help but glance at Nicole more, but after thinking for a while, he waved his hand.

Don't think about these strategies, in the face of absolute power, these will not have much effect.

It just distracts us.


Anything else? Li De ignored Nicole, who sat down with a pouting mouth, and continued to ask.

Your Majesty, how should the army...

Your Majesty, what about the weapons in our warehouse...

After a full sunday, the meeting barely ended.

The general direction of the meeting is to stabilize the situation, and then evacuate the residents, allowing players to replace the army to maintain order in Green City.

As for resolutely resisting those invading enemies, this issue did not come up at all. The strength of the enemy is no longer something that the Green City army can handle.

After the meeting was over, Archduke O'Kelly, who had rarely spoken at the meeting just now, stayed alone. It seemed that there was something unspeakable that he wanted to tell Li De.

Looking at the former overlord of the southern province in front of him, Li De was also quite emotional.

Thirty years of Hedong, thirty years of Hexi, the unattainable existence at the beginning, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is now just a screw under the city of dawn, and has become dispensable.

Archduke Okali's inner emotion was no less than that of Li De, but at this time he was no longer qualified to chat in front of Li De, and the identities of the two sides were already very different.

Your Majesty Ilo, can I ask you to send my wife and daughter to Dawn City?

The next residents will be rotten beyond control, and there is a high probability that his family will die if they stay here, so Archduke Okali can only implore Li De with the cheek.

Hearing this request, Li De took a deep look at the other party.

Okay, I'll make arrangements later.

Archduke Okali immediately breathed a sigh of relief, then raised his chest and stared at Li De with a solemn tone.

Your Majesty, after the army has withdrawn, let me guard Green City for you. The people who lead the overall situation are inseparable from here.

Even if Green City is destroyed in the next battle of gods, I am willing to be buried with it.

This is the last pride of Archduke Okali. As the former owner of this city, he is unwilling to give up his city, even if it costs his life.

Li De looked at the Grand Duke with admiration.

To be able to face death calmly, no matter who the other party is, is worthy of respect.

Your Excellency Okali, I respect your choice.

If you die in battle, your children and wife will be taken care of by Dawn City, and your name will be engraved on the Dawn City Heroes Monument for future generations to admire.

Hearing this, Archduke Okali stood up abruptly and gave Li De a military salute.

The final arrangements before the war are now complete.

Li De looked at the sky outside the window with deep eyes. Next time, the real battle will start.

At that time, this city that has stood for thousands of years may be reduced to ruins...

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