I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 500 The construction maniac starts to work

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Your Majesty, the Blue Star Tribes in the Lost Seas have sent a message that they want to take refuge in us in order to obtain the shelter of the City of Dawn.

Li De leaned on the chair of the desk and looked at Harrison with interest.

Those mermaids figured it out?

Harrison nodded.

Yes, after the third sky rift expanded, the lost sea area was swallowed up by the power of the old days, and a large number of marine life became monsters of the old days, which seriously affected the survival of the mermaid tribe.

Li De knew that after the fissure in the sky widened in the Lost Sea Area, he knew the news that the entire sea was dyed red with blood.

Even the ocean gods have sought shelter in the City of Dawn, so what did the Blue Star Tribe use to resist the invasion of the past?

If you take refuge, you will take refuge, but we don't have a place to place them, and it is impossible for them to lead their respective tribes to join the ocean gods...

Harrison said quickly.

Your Majesty, the Blue Star Tribe has a special Ruined Plane that can extend into the sea area dozens of miles wide.

It only needs to be placed in the lake in front of Moonlight Plaza to become a habitat for mermaids.

Li De raised his brows, how come the rare planes in the outside world are not lacking in the hands of marine life?

It's just a matter of the water element plane in the hands of the ocean gods. Even the Blue Star tribe can have a broken plane, and they don't care about the City of Dawn.

He is still struggling with how to transfer the population of Nolan Capital.

Okay, you can arrange things. As long as it is within our tolerance, no matter how many people are too many.

A smile appeared on Harrison's face.

Follow your orders.

When the Blue Star Tribe takes refuge, they are willing to give 90% of their wealth...

Fairly smart.

Li De smiled, Let the goblins go around their warehouse then, as long as you bring back all the materials that can be used to build the magic alchemy cannon and the God-hunting crossbow, I'll leave them to Kim Puck.

Yes, Your Majesty.

Harrison nodded happily.

After the speaker of the city hall left, when Li Degang was going to read the documents to handle government affairs, the door of the office was knocked again.

Please come in...


The door was pushed open, and a mermaid who seemed to be floating in the sea, the lower body was a fish body, and the upper body was a human, wiggled her tail slightly and entered the house.

Good day, esteemed Lord Kachar.

Seeing this, Li De stood up and nodded.

Good day, Your Excellency Virginia, come to find me today, is there anything wrong?

The spatial coordinates of Mu Ding, the water element plane of the mermaid god, are in the Dawning Plain, and the other party also lives in the palace in the water element plane on weekdays, so he usually won't come to see Li De if there is nothing to do.

So after seeing the other party take the initiative to come to the door, he only asked this question.

I heard that your subordinates are building weapons to fight the old evil gods?

Li De nodded slightly, Yes, what advice does Your Excellency Virginia have?

The construction of the alchemy magic cannon requires the use of the power of the whole city. Even a three-year-old child knows that there is a big move in the City of Dawn, and the mermaid Lord God cannot be unaware of it.

Although our kingdom of God cannot be used, and the accumulation of millions of years has also been banned, we also brought a piece of materials when we moved out of the Lost Sea Area.

Although it’s not too much, it’s barely available, and if you need it, we’re willing to take it out to support Dawnbreak City…”

Li De looked at the mermaid god with a serious expression, and his smile instantly brightened.

It doesn't matter if he has money or not, mainly because he likes to deal with beautiful people.

Thank you for your generosity, Your Excellency Virginia, it is indeed the right choice to be an ally with the Ocean God.

Please rest assured, as long as the City of Dawn does not fall, the Oceanic Gods will never be destroyed by those damn old monsters.

Hearing Li De's heroic assurance, the face of the mermaid goddess softened.

Sea life is not proficient in forging weapons,

This is something everyone knows, so although there are a lot of materials piled up in their warehouse, they can't play any role and can only eat ashes.

It's fine on weekdays, even if Li De is respected by them, he can't just take out his inventory and make weapons for him.

But now it is different. The two sides have formed an alliance, and they have to face a formidable enemy that everyone is afraid of.

If you hide it again, it will undoubtedly be irresponsible for yourself.

So she simply took this opportunity to move the inventory out and let Li De forge weapons. The stronger the City of Dawn, the higher the security of the Oceanic Gods.

The interests of both parties are the same, so there is no such thing as a loss or a loss.

Li De also appreciates this kind of sensible person very much. At this stage, what he is most afraid of is his partner who is holding him back, and calculating each other before winning is definitely what he hates the most.

After thanking the Mermaid Lord God again, he suddenly thought of the news he received last night.

Green City's Shard of Destiny will be out in a month...

After the news came out, the intelligence command center presented the detailed information to Li De's desk.

But what caught his attention was the news from the Crimson Moon, especially the post by the knight of the broken sword that shocked him.

The undead monarch actually thought that Green City really had a fragment of the Slate of Destiny, and it was the most important core part of the Slate of Destiny.

To condense the Fate Slate, the most important thing is the core of the Fate Slate.

In other words, no matter what his future plans are, as long as he still holds the Shard of Destiny in his hand, he must fight for it this time.

Once the core of the Slate of Destiny falls into the hands of others, he may not be able to keep the two fragments of the Slate of Destiny.

What made him feel even more heavy was that, because of the players, the news had been known to the whole world.

It is not known how many terrifying gods will come by then.

He never doubted the attraction of the Destiny Slate fragments to the gods, and this time the core part of the Destiny Slate was born.

Just thinking about it, he can feel how exaggerated the pressure Green City will face next.

That is the core of the Slate of Destiny, and it is related to the fate of the entire glory.

If it doesn't work, an unprecedented battle of the gods will break out directly.

At that time, Green City is likely to be destroyed in the war of the gods...

Li De wouldn't be so nervous if the news was fake.

But the problem is that after he got the news, he sensed the Destiny Slate fragments in the City of Dawn, and really noticed the aura of Destiny Slate fragments in the direction of Green City.

And that breath is very special, and his heart is full of desire for it.

After carrying the power of destiny, his perception of the shards of the slate of destiny has greatly increased, so he can judge that Green City is really about to have shards of destiny.

It's just that the fragment of the Destiny Slate is still wrapped by the power of destiny, and its true body has not yet been revealed, so it seems a little vague and cannot find the specific location.

However, sooner or later the shard of Destiny Slate will appear. This disaster, Green City cannot escape, and he cannot avoid it.

Shaking his head, Li De recovered from his scattered thoughts and looked at the mermaid god with burning eyes.

Your Excellency Virginia, do you know that there will be a shard of Destiny Slate born in Green City in a month?

The Mermaid Lord God was stunned for a moment, then frowned.

I haven't heard of...

After she entered the City of Dawn, she had completely relied on the intelligence of the intelligence command center for outside sources.

As for such important matters as the Shard of Destiny, it would be impossible for the Mermaid Lord God to know about the intelligence command center without Li De nodding his head.

Li De's expression became serious, and after thinking for a while, he opened his mouth to recount the news he got, and finally said solemnly.

Although we are far from ready, the shard of the Slate of Destiny in Green City is related to our destiny, so this time, I hope that Your Excellency Virginia will cooperate with me fully.

Survival or destruction, perhaps in this battle we will see the difference.

It is definitely not that easy to snatch the Shard of Destiny under the gaze of the entire glory.

However, the importance of the core of Destiny Slate made it impossible for him to give up. Giving up meant losing the right to choose, and the future City of Dawn would have to sit still.

His character would not allow such a thing to happen.

So you have to do your best.

The mermaid god is not enough, and he will invite Kaslina to come out.

In such a battle, Dawn City had no support from Kaslina, and could not compete with the hordes of gods.

For our future, I will give all my strength to support you, Lord Kachar.

The mermaid goddess was not at all ambiguous. She gave up all the treasures in her warehouse, which shows that she really recognized Li De in her heart.

Li De nodded slightly, his eyes narrowed.

This month, I will mobilize all the power of Dawn City to forge the God Hunting Crossbow and the Magic Alchemy Cannon. At the same time, I will search for other Destiny Slate fragments, hunt the gods, and prepare for the next decisive battle.

I hope you can act with me.

Perhaps this battle is our toughest one, and we cannot bear the consequences of losing.

Follow your orders, Lord Kachar!

The Mermaid Lord God has no fear in the slightest. Since the battle is inevitable, then go up to the wind!

The ocean gods have never been afraid!

After the Mermaid Lord God left, orders came out from the city hall immediately.

The huge machine of the City of Dawn began to turn, and the magical industrial system that Li De spent countless efforts to establish once again showed the power to shock the world.

The build madman is at work...

The promotion to the legendary Bone Burial Ground has opened up hundreds of space gates to connect all parts of the City of Dawn.

The materials of each warehouse are moved into the burial ground like running water.

The Magic Industry Research Institute, the Dawn Mage Tower, the Alchemy Factory, the Weapon Factory... All the heavyweight departments have sent their top talents into the Burial Ground to cooperate with the construction.

Moore, the goblin patriarch who inherited ancient alchemy, became the core of everyone, and began to direct various departments to build two super killers - the God-hunting Crossbow and the Alchemy Magic Cannon.

The God-hunting Crossbow needs the corpse of the god, and Li De doesn't have it at the moment, so he can only make the preliminary preparations.

But the alchemy magic cannon material is enough.

Whether conquering the underground world, developing various planes of the abyss, or occupying Green City, Li De has obtained a huge amount of materials, and these materials can completely create a magic alchemy cannon that can bombard the gods.

In order to rush the work, Li De asked all the six gods of the ocean gods to come back to help, and he temporarily gave up the protection of the fragments of the Destiny Slate in the underground world.

More than 300,000 residents participated directly in this epic construction, and more than 2 million indirectly participated.

On the twenty-fourth day, day and night will not stop.

Cyclops, centaurs, halflings, humans, vampires, orcs... As long as they are available races, no matter who they are or what they are doing, they are immediately assigned to build alchemy magic cannons.

Fortunately, Li De had the foresight to build the alchemy magic cannon in the burial ground.

In this plane that belongs to him completely, he can delegate the authority of the Bone Burial Ground and mobilize the power of the entire plane to participate in the construction.

If it is built outside, I am afraid that it may not be able to be built after ten times the time.

With sufficient manpower, a convenient construction environment, and sufficient construction materials, the construction of the magic alchemy cannon is rapidly taking shape at an astonishing speed.

This time, all residents will use their own wisdom and labor to participate in the road to slaughter the gods.

With the body of a mortal, slaughtering the gods, this can only be done by the alchemy that once made the gods fear.

And when the City of Dawn was running, Li De came to Kaslina's residence again.

Kaslina seemed to have known his intentions long ago, and was the first to speak.

Do you want to inquire about Green City's Destiny Tablet Fragments?

Li De nodded.

Ms Kaslina, please tell me the truth.

According to outside rumors, the Destiny Slate fragments around Green City are the core of the Destiny Slate, and the core of the Destiny Slate is the key to condensing the Destiny Slate.

So this matter is extremely important to our City of Dawn.

Kaslina turned around and looked at him with burning eyes, with a bit of emotion in her tone.

This is the guidance of fate, and it is also an inescapable responsibility.

Do you know why the Slate of Destiny core landed near Green City?

This can be regarded as confirming the authenticity of the news at the core of the Slate of Destiny.

Li De's face became more and more solemn.

Please also clarify.

This is related to the future of Dawn City, and no information can be let go.

Because, near Green City, even including the entire southern province and the barren wasteland, this area is the first land created by the God of Creation.

This is also the reason why the initial plane with the sarcophagus sealed here appears.

The Slate of Destiny is the core of the destiny of glory. After being crushed by the time gear, it is scattered in every corner of the world.

It just so happened that, guided by fate, its core descended on this land.

When Li De heard this, he couldn't recover for a long time.

I didn't expect such a source to be hidden here. . . .

After a while, as if thinking of something, he suddenly looked up at Kaslina.

That's why you stayed in Dawn City?

Kaslina nodded. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Yes, for this reason, as the first piece of land created by the God of Creation, it will definitely bear more responsibilities.

I have never left the City of Dawn, and I have also sensed the change of fate. This land may become the turning point of glory.

So I'm going to guard here.

Li De nodded slowly, finally finding the reason why Kaslina didn't leave Dawn City after waking up.

This terrifying existence turned out to have noticed a long time ago that the future might change.

Then why didn't you tell me in advance?

Kaslina shook her head.

It doesn't have much influence to tell you that your previous strength is not enough to change all this.

The corner of Li De's mouth twitched, indeed, it's not a good thing to know about such a major event that stirs up the glory without any strength.

After pondering for a while, he said solemnly.

I hope you can help me at that time, and I want to capture that piece of Destiny Slate!

His tone was firm and decisive, without the slightest hesitation.

Kaslina gave Li De a deep look.

This is my destiny...

Li De nodded solemnly.

Thanks for your trust.

Next, I will go back to Green City, I hope you can temporarily protect the City of Dawn.

Kaslina nodded slightly and said nothing, turned around, and continued to look into the distance.

Seeing this, Li De took a deep breath and left without any hesitation.

The storm that the City of Dawn will face this time will be unprecedentedly terrifying.

He had to take advantage of this last month to get ready.

War is coming!

He had already seen the scene of the gods colliding over Green City in a trance...

The end is also coming.

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