I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 484 The battle in the capital city, Li De will come

Mr. Spark, congratulations on your step into the legend, the father invites you to the palace...

Shortly after Spark's breakthrough, word spread and Princess Katie arrived.

With messy hair, a wrinkled mage robe, and a sloppy appearance, Spark's smile was brighter than that of a chrysanthemum.

Looking at the beautiful princess in front of her, she laughed.

But I just broke through the legend, that is, ordinary, I am just an ordinary person.

However, the smile on this old man's face was not an ordinary one, and that arrogant look made people wonder whether to laugh or cry.

Forced a wave...

Katie didn't take it seriously, apparently knowing Spark's bohemian nature.

He laughed softly at his words.

Mr. Spark, your talent is really enviable.

If your genius disciple knows that his teacher has gone from extraordinary breakthrough to legend in just one year, he must be extremely shocked and proud.

During this time, Spark didn't mention Li De too much. Katie wouldn't understand from the surface about the unqualified disciple of this old man.

It must be very satisfied to talk about it, and everyone knows how to scratch Spark's itch.

Sure enough, Spark, who had a very strong smile on his face, cracked his mouth and laughed.

Hahaha, did the kid from the Kachar family hear? ?

I'm not boasting, your talent is like a crumb on a loaf of bread compared to mine... not worth mentioning.

When I think of Li De's unbelievable and adoring eyes after seeing him, I feel relieved.

The desire to pretend is already bursting in his heart, and he can't wait to return to Green City immediately to let Li De see who is the real genius!

Hahaha, my disciple is also simple and unpretentious. He can't be called a genius. He is a little worse than me. If he gives him a few years, he may be able to catch up with me a year ago...

Katie was stunned,

Immediately smiled.

Mr. Spark, you can break through the extraordinary in your twenties, that's a great genius.

It's a pity that the old days have come, otherwise your disciple will definitely be famous in the Norland Empire.

Spark's face showed a bit of pride, and he laughed.

I've passed the prize, Your Highness Princess, that kid still needs more beatings and training, he's still a long way off...

Katie couldn't help but smile, and echoed a few words about this sloppy old man, and then Spark went to the palace with her contentedly.

A few minutes later, the royal carriage was driving on the avenue, and pedestrians were constantly passing by on both sides of the street.

Spark looked out the window from inside the carriage, and the scenes made his face very solemn.

The morale of the soldiers patrolling the streets was low, and they were all listless, like flowers that had not been watered for half a month.

There are countless residents in ragged clothes. In the cold winter months, they have only thin clothes to shelter from the cold. Beggars can be seen everywhere. They can only hug each other for warmth in order to avoid the cold, but this looks even more dilapidated.. ....

Spark's inner joy suddenly dropped, and turned to look at Princess Katie in the carriage with a bit of complexity.

Your Highness, have all the commoners around the capital accepted it?


Katie was stunned when she heard the words, and then there was a bit of pain in her eyes, and her voice was low.

The affiliated cities of the three royal capitals were all breached a week ago, and millions of refugees appeared. The population that the king can accommodate is limited. At this time, there are more than 300,000 people gathered outside the city.

Is there a solution?

No, our food and other supplies are so scarce that we can no longer accept refugees.

Once the next round of monsters of the past strikes, these civilians will only be afraid...

Katie sighed sadly in her eyes, and she didn't finish her words, but the meaning was beyond doubt.

Once things change, those who have no one to protect the victims are undoubtedly the first to suffer.

But in the face of such a cataclysm, who can save the world? ?

King Nolan is already the largest city in the Nolan Empire, but the population it can accommodate is only more than 10 million, and the population living around the capital is 20 million. Even if part of it dies, the rest will be Enough to make the king unable to bear it.

Before the world-destroying disaster, no one could save all of them. The fate of those civilians who did not enter the city was doomed. The next time the old monsters attacked, they might never be seen again...

As a princess, these abandoned civilians are all her people, but the tide is like a landslide, who can resist the fall of the sky?

Spark couldn't help being silent, and finally he could only sigh.

King Nolan encountered a crisis of destruction in the cataclysm of the old days. How could those nobles still control a group of civilians?

The car fell silent, and neither of them spoke again.

All that's left is the crunching sound of the wheels.

After half a sunday.

The carriage slowly drove into the Nolan Palace.

The moment he entered the palace, Spark noticed the difference.

The soldiers around were extremely serious, and there were several times more guards than usual, with three steps, one post, five steps and one post.

Something big seems to be happening.

She frowned and went to the main hall of the palace with Katie, whose expression was equally serious.

After a while, the two came to a luxurious palace with all kinds of exquisite reliefs all over the ceiling.

The golden statues of angels, the oil paintings hand-painted by the masters, and the special utensils for the royal family are dazzling and resplendent.

No one doubts the heritage of the royal family, but every time he sees this scene, Spark will sincerely sigh, if this palace is demolished and sold, how many nights can the elves sleep in Lilian Street in the capital? ? ?

This sloppy old man has an incomparable obsession with this aspect, even if he steps into a legend...

After smacking the taste, seeing Katie turning her head to look at him in a puzzled way, Spark came back to his senses, coughed dryly, and stepped forward with a pretense of nothing.

This huge palace is divided into an outer hall and an inner hall. The outer hall is only guarded by guards, and the inner hall is where the nobles discuss their affairs.

After walking through the luxurious outer hall and stepping into the more luxurious inner hall, a loud noise suddenly fell into my ears.

Hundreds of luxuriously dressed nobles are arguing and scolding furiously at the moment, and the scene is extremely chaotic.

No!! Never activate the Destiny Slate Fragment!! After activation, it will definitely attract those damn monsters to peep!!

Fart, you rude country bumpkin from Arkenlil, don't you activate the slate of destiny and wait for our next plane to lose food?? Waiting for those old breaths to turn the entire city's residents into old monsters ??

Why can't we wait? After the formation of the Angel Alliance, is it not good to wait until the eyes of the old monsters have been attracted to use the Shards of Destiny?! Why take such a big risk to activate the Shards of Destiny now? !

How can you conclude that the Alliance of Angels can attract the attention of all the monsters of the past?? We will starve millions of civilians to death if we don't activate the shards of the Slate of Destiny!!

In order to preserve strength, it is not impossible to sacrifice some civilians...

Idiot! The commoners are the cornerstone of the empire. What kind of aristocrats are you without them?! Who do you rule?!

From the fierce quarrel, Spark suddenly knew the reason for the palace's heightened vigilance.

The reason for all this is the tablet of destiny they found from a sealed land two weeks ago.

The Sun Goddess proclaimed to the world that the Shard of Destiny was the only way to resist the invasion of the old days.

So it caused a discussion among the nobles about the fragments of the Slate of Destiny.

He was also a legend that he broke through after realizing the power of the Destiny Slate fragments at close range.

Spark is crowned!

Just as Spark looked at the noisy red-faced noble with relish, a surprise shout suddenly stopped the quarrel in the hall.

Everyone turned their heads to look at the door.

Immediately, a burst of amazement and heated discussion began to sound.

It is rumored that Spark's crown was extraordinary a year ago, and he was promoted to become a legend in just one year, which is really enviable...

I heard that the disciple of Spark's crown is also a genius like him. Sure enough, the teacher's power has had too much influence on the disciple.

Legends, including the crown of Spark, there are 6 legends in the capital, unfortunately, the crown of the god of wind and snow and the crown of the god of hail left because of the angel alliance... or we King Nolan must never fall.

Is this a legend? Such a bohemian image is indeed worthy of the crown of Spark, so attractive...

At this time, the disheveled Spark didn't feel any blush when he heard the praise from the people around him. He raised his head very proudly, and enjoyed the glorious scene with a big smile on his face.

The old man didn't know what his face was, and in the end, Princess Katie couldn't stand it anymore, so he dragged Spark's sleeves through the crowd to sit high on the throne, and looked at their king with a smile in front of his majesty.

Good day, Your Majesty, Spike greets you.

Spark looked at the king with a face in his early fifties. He held his chest very calmly, and the etiquette was very light.

Power is the only one, and the rules of the nobles are a joke in the face of absolute power, and rules cannot restrain the strong.

When the level reaches the superhuman level, he already enjoys power beyond ordinary people. When he reaches the legendary level, even the head of a country should be treated respectfully.

At this time, in a time of chaos, His Majesty the king, whose rank is only extraordinary, has to rely on everyone, so he has special respect for the strong.

So Spark's move was perfectly normal.

Good day, Your Majesty Spark, the addition of a top-level mage to the capital is like a tiger with wings!

The king smiled brightly. At this critical moment, one more strength is the guarantee of one more survival, no amount is too much.

But after a while, the king's excited expression dropped again.

Unfortunately, the two gods in the capital have left, otherwise I wouldn't have to worry so much...

The excitement in the hearts of the surrounding nobles also cooled down a bit.

Yes, the gods have left, and now adding a legend seems to be unable to make up for this loss.

It's hateful, the Angel Alliance was not established sooner or later, but it was established at this time...

But the good thing is that the two gods were secretly invited and left. At that time, the Angel League had not publicly called the gods, and the fragments of the Destiny Slate were found after the two gods left. It's really not necessarily able to keep the Destiny Slate fragments.

After being hit, these nobles immediately disappeared, and the topic shifted to the core of this discussion - the Shard of Destiny.

The focus of the current debate is that some nobles want to try to activate the Destiny Slate fragments to use this artifact to bless the capital and gain breathing space.

Another part of the nobles believed that the risk of activating the Destiny Slate fragments was too great, and it was very likely to attract the peeps of the old evil gods. At that time, they would not be blessed, but faced the siege of the old evil gods.

Both sides had a valid point of view, so there was so much debate that even the king could not make up his mind.

Spark had already heard about this matter, but what attracted him even more was that Li De attached great importance to the fragments of the Slate of Destiny, and asked him to inquire more about it.

Although Li De repeatedly slapped him in the face with exaggerated upgrade speed, the old man was very fond of Li De in his heart, and was naturally very concerned about the news of the Destiny Slate fragments.

After being promoted to legend at this time, he had an idea in his heart.

But when Spark was about to ask about the disappearance of the Slate of Destiny fragments, a guard in sturdy armor trotted to the king's side with a solemn expression, lowered his head and whispered in his ear

After a moment, the king's face became more and more ugly, and finally he slammed the armchair and stood up.


The originally noisy scene in the house suddenly fell silent under this angry shout, and all the nobles turned to look at him in unison.

The king glanced around, his face ashen.

There are tens of millions of old monsters gathered a hundred miles away from the capital, and the target center is the capital.

And according to the spy's report, the aura of the gods was sensed in these old monsters, and their target is very likely to be the Destiny Slate Fragment!


This explosive news caused the nobles in the hall to take a deep breath.

Tens of millions of old monsters are nothing, but the news of the gods following them makes their scalps tingle. ,

Especially now, it is terrifying to have such a situation when the two gods have left.

Everyone listened to the order and immediately arranged for someone to try to activate the Destiny Slate fragments, and at the same time dispatched a large army to prepare to fight!

The king didn't talk too much, and gave orders with a sullen face.

Extraordinary and legendary, please stay in the palace. When the military dispatches forces to support the city wall, you can't find someone.

This exaggerated news made everyone raise their hearts.

The crisis is imminent, and no one is pressing for more whether to activate the Destiny Slate Fragment. The nobles who were still arguing immediately reached an agreement-try to activate the Destiny Slate Fragment.

As for why to try it, it's mainly because no one knows how to use the Shards of Destiny.

Time turns, five sundays later.

Boom~ The boulders thrown by the catapult flew out from behind the city wall of the capital, and smashed the ground like a cannonball, making the whole ground tremble, and those densely packed old monsters were torn like paper. become fragments.

On the city wall of Nolan Royal Capital, the archers drew their bows and shot at the same time, and those old monsters that rushed under the city wall fell like reaping wheat.

Although the towering city walls blocked the edge of the monsters of the past, everyone dared not take it lightly, and even felt extremely frightened in their hearts, because they could sense that from the depths of the monsters of the old days, a terrifying divine might permeated unscrupulously.

The whole world seemed to tremble under divine might.

At this time, the digital legend stood on the city wall, looking into the distance with a very serious expression.

Even one of the legends felt the divine power, and his hands trembled uncontrollably, which was the coercion that went deep into the soul. com no one can avoid.

Everyone can feel that there is an extremely terrifying life in the old monster. As long as the other party makes a move, it will be shocking.

Even many legends have tragically made plans to give up the city.

A god in his prime, Wang Duo has no strength to contend with.

They have even faintly seen the scene of this thousand-year-old capital being destroyed.

Just when everyone's mood was depressed to the extreme, suddenly there was a bit of surprise in the eyes of several legends.

Because at this time, a giant beast in steel armor flew out directly from the back of the old monster. What is even more exaggerated is that the giant beast in steel armor flew directly towards the place where the breath of the gods was permeated.

Spark was shocked to see this scene.

Such a powerful existence, dare to face the majesty of the gods? !

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