I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 483: Spark breaks through the legend and waits to slap Li De in the face (thanks to the lead

After Li De got these important news, he did not call others to discuss.

Instead, he silently waved his hands to let everyone in the room back off.

After the house was empty, he came to the window alone, looked up at the sky that had no old breath, but still had cracks.

The dark eyes are as deep as stars.

He began to seriously think about the impact of these sudden events on the City of Dawn.

I have to say that the current situation has deteriorated to the extreme, and the City of Dawn may fall into it if it is not careful.

And the establishment of the Angel Alliance shattered his previous idea of ​​hunting down the gods and expanding the City of Dawn.

6 powerful gods formed an angel alliance and summoned other gods to join, which is absolutely attractive for those gods who have not recovered their strength.

At that time, the scattered gods will definitely gather together, and the Angel Alliance will instantly become a behemoth.

The next war will also change from scattered individual disputes to conflicts between major factions.

If there is no war, it is already, once the war begins, it will be earth-shattering.

The Angel League, the old evil gods, these two factions are tit for tat, and it is very likely that dozens of gods will fight each other.

Once the situation of holding a group occurs, it will become more difficult for the City of Dawn to obtain benefits in it.

In addition to this, there is the bottomless abyss where terrifying life is everywhere, and the plane of the undead with fifteen undead monarchs.

These incidents broke out at the same time, which really caught Li De by surprise.

No matter how bad the situation becomes, my focus of development cannot change - to strengthen myself!

Currently, the Shard of Destiny is still the first target, and this cannot be shaken.

I can perceive that the soul seems to have undergone extremely subtle changes after carrying the power of fate, but this change is not large enough because of the lack of the power of fate...

It seems that the opportunity for me to become a god is inseparable from the shards of Destiny Slate...

After thinking for a long time, Li De's eyes gradually became clearer,

Thoughts returned to normal.

No matter what the current situation is, the most important thing is to collect the fragments of the Fate Slate first, and then enter the realm of the gods.

Strong power is the best way to deal with a crisis, there is no one.

If he reaches the height of the God of Creation, what kind of bullshit crisis can be shattered with a single sword.

After clarifying his thoughts, Li De made a decision in his heart.

Call Harrison immediately and tell his right-hand man of the next plan.

Harrison, the situation we face has changed dramatically, and the original plan needs to be adjusted immediately.

It is not easy to protect yourself in such a chaotic situation and even gain more benefits.

Among them, the most dangerous to us is undoubtedly the old evil spirits, who will be our eternal mortal enemy.

But another point cannot be underestimated - the angel alliance that symbolizes light.

Individuals can be selfless, but groups of individuals must be selfish and uncontrollable.

When the strength of the Angel League grows, what do you think if you notice the traces of the City of Dawn?

Li De's words made Harrison's pupils shrink suddenly, but Li De continued without waiting for him to speak.

There is no doubt that it will be our nightmare.

When the power of the two sides is not equal, the weaker party has no right to speak.

Therefore, if the City of Dawn encounters the hostility of the Angel League in the future, and our strength is not greatly improved, it is almost needless to say that the City of Dawn will end, and it is a high probability event to be destroyed.

It may be better than when facing the old evil spirits, but it is not much better.

Therefore, you must have a clear understanding. Our most important enemy is the old evil god, and the angel alliance, which symbolizes the light, will be our second threat.

Now is the time to prepare ahead of time for threats.

Li De's face was solemn.

For the main plane, the establishment of the Alliance of Angels is undoubtedly a good thing, but not necessarily for the City of Dawn.

What if, after the establishment of the Angel Alliance, instead of going directly to the old evil gods, they gathered dozens of gods to sweep the main plane, gather their strength and then fight against each other, how should the city of dawn be dealt with?

Could it be that he just let the other side rob him of the power he cultivated step by step?

Harrison's expression became very solemn when he heard the words.

Your Majesty, this matter is related to the future development direction of Dawnbreak City. We must face it carefully. I will immediately arrange a think tank to study the response plan...

Li De looked at Harrison with deep eyes, and his calm face eased a bit.

Harrison, you don't need to worry too much. With Kaslina and the Ocean God attached, we already have a certain amount of self-protection.

He wanted to remind Harrison to be careful, not to demoralize himself.

But he won't pin his hopes entirely on other people, preferring to take control of the big picture himself.

I'm going to Nolan's capital soon. The return date has not yet been decided. You must be careful during this time. If you encounter an unsolvable crisis, you can go to Kaslina...

The City of Dawn has a golden thigh, if you don't hold it, you won't hold it...

In Li De's expectation, Kaslina will also become an important force in Dawn City in the future.

But for now, he has no way to directly order this amazing mixed-race mermaid...

Yes, Your Majesty.

After a brief exchange, Li De told Harrison to retire, while he came to the backyard of the city hall and rode Castro to the capital of Nolan.

When Li De's figure flew away from the City of Dawn, the Oceanic Gods sensed Li De's departure.

But these sea clan gods were all assigned tasks at this time, and they didn't have much reaction to Li De's departure.

After all, the relationship between the two parties was not deep, and the reason why they joined the City of Dawn was Kaslina.

Betty, who was in retreat to comprehend the priesthood of knights, also seemed to have noticed Li De's departure. Suddenly, her breath fluctuated, but she returned to calm in an instant...

The tower at the center of the Magic Industry Research Institute.

Kaslina, who was holding the white cat in her arms, seemed to see through the heavens and the world, turned her head and stared at the direction Li De was leaving, with a subtle expression.

Carry destiny and gain strength.

However, why is fate not imprisoned?

I'm tired of this confinement, I want to break free from the shackles of fate...

Hope you can bring me more surprises, Master of Dawn.




After Li De flew away from the City of Dawn, he did not use the Bone Burial Ground to teleport thousands of miles away, but drove Castro down to a low altitude, his sharp eyes scanning the earth like a falcon hunting.

He wants to see what the current situation has become.

After flying hundreds of kilometers out of the City of Dawn, the evil atmosphere of the old days filled the air in an instant. The rotten power from the chaotic void made the whole world seem to face dusk.

Under the high-speed flight, not far from each other, you can see the monsters of the old days wandering on the ground, and some of the lives that have just been corroded by the old days can still vaguely recognize what they were originally.

However, not all the monsters below are from the old days. The abyss demons that appear from time to time make those rotten breaths stained with the evil of the abyss.

Although the density of demons is not comparable to the monsters of the past, seeing demons on the main plane still has a strong sense of disobedience.

But at this time, the wind was cold and the plants were withered and yellow, which was very consistent with the background of the devil's appearance.


When Li De swept over a frozen river, the space on the ice block below suddenly distorted, and then a demon with two long horns appeared out of the sky.

After sensing the breath of the main plane, the demon screamed and attacked the two snow wolves not far away.

Not far away, there also appeared several monsters of the old days that had been eroded by the old days and had rotted all over...

The three parties scuffled together in an instant.

Castro's speed was very fast, and Li De couldn't help feeling a little emotional when this picture flashed by.

The scene just now reflects the current situation of the main plane - chaos.

Moreover, it is extremely chaotic. Various unrelated beings are fighting with each other at this time, which has already surpassed the laws of the biological chain.

It took only 20 minutes to traverse a thousand miles, and Castro's speed was still shocking when he didn't fly at full strength, but Li De's face was not feeling better since he left the City of Dawn.

Whether it is the old monsters or the abyss demons, they have caused indescribable disasters to this world.

The old monsters and demons have become the mainstream, and the normal life of the main plane has become rare.

It can be foreseen that sooner or later the entire plane will be polluted and eroded, and at that time, the world will be destroyed in the true sense.

After observing a thousand miles of land, Li De drove Castro to fly high into the sky, and he already had a clear perception of the current situation in his heart.

There is no need to waste any more time, and at the same time, he began to adjust some of his plans in his heart. The situation changed, and he also had to take additional considerations.

Huhu~ Castro's cruise at three times the speed of sound is so exaggerated, often only an afterimage can be seen in the sky and it disappears.

Originally, Li De planned to go to Nolan Capital directly around Green City, but when he saw Green City, his heart moved, what is Wei Na doing now? ?

Thinking of the little maid who was eaten by her, her cold and stern eyes softened.

It's been more than half a month since I left Green City last time, and it's not sure how long it will take to go to King Nolan this time... It's better to say goodbye.

Immediately, Castro, who was about to bypass Green City, turned slightly and flew towards Green City at a high speed.


The army that was defending the city in Green City rioted in vain, because a giant steel beast inciting the wings of the blade was flying towards them.

A few messengers were about to sound the alarm, but the vampire leader next to them stopped drinking immediately.

Who doesn't know that Castro is Li De's mount? And Li De's bloodline connection with them can't be described by outsiders.

Li De did not go to the city owner's manor, and drove Castro to cross the magnificent and prosperous Green City, and flew directly to the Scarlet Mage Tower.

When resisting the sky above the scarlet mage tower, under the shocking gaze of the mage apprentice below, the powerful magic shield of the scarlet mage tower directly broke a huge hole, and then Li De flew straight in.

Turned over, ignoring the adoring gazes of the surrounding mages and apprentices.

Go straight into the Mage Tower and go up to the study room on the third floor.

Step in.

Li De smiled Yan Yan when he saw the two surprised figures in the study room.

Lord Li De...


Wei Na and Isa didn't expect Li De to come back suddenly, and the excitement in their hearts almost overflowed their faces.

Especially Wei Na, who was a first taste of personnel, filled her heart with joy.

Although Li De had only been away for ten days this time, it seemed like a century had passed for the girl who had just tasted the taste of her sweetheart.

At this moment, Wei Na looked at Li De as if she could see water dripping in her eyes.

Li De looked at Wei Na's sapphire-like eyes, and they were all tender and pampered.

This is his little maid.

Inexplicably proud in her heart, Wei Na is now the deputy city lord of Green City, holding great power, and an order can determine the fate of hundreds of thousands of millions of people.

Such a dazzling existence, known as the queen, is just his maid...and he has cultivated it himself.

Nurture department.

Wei Na's long golden hair like waves is draped behind her head, making her temperament out of the dust and striking.

After seeing Li De, the girl's eyes lit up like stars, and the whole world was happy.

You're back... Wei Na's tone was filled with undisguised love and tenderness.

Girlish feelings are always wet...

Li De smiled, opened his arms, stepped forward and hugged the girl tightly in his arms.

The tip of the nose smelled the unique fragrance of the girl, and my heart instantly calmed down.

Although a woman's arms are not strong, they can allow her lover to perch...that's a different kind of taste.

The moment Wei Na hugged him in Li De's arms, her heart seemed to almost jump out of her throat.

I just feel like the happiest person in the world.

The breath of day and night poured into the sea of ​​​​heart, and his body froze, and then it seemed that all his strength had been drawn, and he was directly paralyzed in Li Dehuai.

The thoughts of day and night in my heart are completely released at this moment, and the satisfaction of holding a sweetheart makes the girl charming and soul-stirring at this moment.

Teacher... Little Isa looked at the two of them hugging each other tightly. She didn't speak for a long time, her face was flushed and she was a little shy.

After hearing this tender voice, Wei Na suddenly became overwhelmed, and immediately noticed that Isa was still there, and she felt shy in her heart.

With a soft cry, he got up with a blushing face, turned his head and dared not look at the two of them, as if he was embarrassed to death.

Li De looked at such a cute girl with a pure smile.

No matter how he stirred up the wind and rain outside, his little maid was always the same in front of him, she was still that pure girl.

Time has changed everything except her attitude towards him.

Isa, go to the kitchen and let someone prepare dinner. The teacher will talk to Wei Na about something first. In one sunday, no, after two sundays, I will go down...

Simple little Isa didn't know what was going to happen next, she nodded happily, turned around and left the study full of joy.

When the door slammed shut, it was locked by magic.

Wei Na, who was standing on the side, trembled in her heart, and seemed to notice something, so shy that she could hardly raise her head.

There was a blush on his face.

My heart was trembling, my body was weakening, and I couldn't even stand.

Li De waved his hand, and the open window closed quietly. At this moment, there were only two people left in the study.

A closed space, a sweetheart whom we haven't seen for a long time...

A special atmosphere is fermenting.

Lord Li De...

When Wei Na saw that no one was bothering her, her inner love surged out, and Zai didn't care about being shy, and threw herself into Li De's arms with a blushing face.

Li De hugged the girl, feeling the turbulent pride of the other party, and the corner of his mouth hung an arc.

It's a foul for hitting someone with the ball...

Weina, do you miss me?

Hearing the whispering in the ear, Wei Na's heart trembled, and her voice was a little trembling.

Lord Li De, do you think I am cursed? Otherwise, why do I miss you for a moment, and my heart is blocked, and I have to think of you to feel like I have a soul and breathe freely...

Li De heard the voice from the heart, and his eyes were gentle.

Ge Laozi, I haven't been on a date for a long time, girls are better than me when they talk about love...

In the girl's soft words of Wu Nong, Li De was also emotional. When embracing each other, his hands were not idle, and he slowly climbed to the peak along the blue mage robe.


The girl in his arms let out a low cry, his heart thumped faster, and the whole person's blood flowed faster in an instant. His face was as rosy as a boiled prawn.

Lord Li De, Wei Na misses you very much, thinks when you wake up, thinks when you eat, thinks when you sleep, thinks when you dream, even when I hold you, in my mind thinking about your face...

Li De was shocked, he was going to die, he was going to die, the dignified old driver of Qiu Mingshan was going to be killed by this girl today...

She lowered her head slightly, looked at the girl who was whispering with her eyes closed, and no longer hesitated, she deeply kissed those delicate lips.

Wei Na's body instantly stiffened and she hugged Li De tightly like an octopus.

The air heats up instantly at this moment.

Little is better than newlyweds.

Then the study room entered the midnight channel.

There are poems.

A lonely boat falls on the beach,

It is difficult to advance and retreat with a pole without water,

In times of heavy rain, rivers and lakes overflow,

No need to go back and forth.

Two sundays later.

Li De led Wei Na downstairs. At this time, the girl in the blue mage robe was radiant, and the whole person had an indescribable charm, especially the coexistence of greenness and charm between the eyebrows.

Dinner is already ready in the hall on the first floor. Little Isa didn't know what kind of wind and rain Li De, who had just leaned forward and backward, went through. The little girl happily stepped forward and took Li De to sit down for dinner.

Wei Na next to her was still a little shy in her heart, but fortunately Isa didn't know about the adults, so that the girl with the affectionate expression relaxed a little.

During the meal, Li De told Wei Na the news that he was about to go to the capital of Nolan. The girl who put her whole heart on him was beyond Li De's expectations and did not complain. Instead, she gently asked him to pay attention Be safe and proceed with caution.

This moved Li De a little inexplicably. Although the girls on Earth have distinct personalities and are avant-garde and fashionable, a girl like Wei Na who grew up in a feudal society made him feel more comfortable.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but smile. With his current status, any kind of opposite sex could be easily at his fingertips.

No matter male or female, as long as you are good enough, there will be no shortage of the opposite sex around you. This sentence is never false.

But for Li De, it's too easy to get, but it loses interest.

So he holds the power, but he doesn't think much about these lsp matters, and only now eats Wei Na, the girl who gave everything to her.

If he really wanted it, the girls around him weren't that good? Of course, if he is unscrupulous, he may eventually evolve into—heh, what is the master of dawn, he didn’t go out by leaning on the wall...

After dinner, looking at the charming Weina, Li De still suppressed the throbbing in his heart, and after telling the two girls a few words, prepared to go to the capital of Nolan.

Business matters.

Weina, after I leave, you immediately send Isa to the City of Dawn. The situation is too chaotic now. Although you are already extraordinary, you must pay attention to safety and don't be careless.

Isa, the teacher has gone to pick you up, Grandpa Spark. After we come back, I will take you to the Stormwind Sea to find your clan...

Wei Na and Isa were both reluctant, but nodded very obediently.

Li De touched the little heads of the two girls, and he didn't hesitate at the moment. In the dark night sky, he sat on Castro and rose directly into the sky.

There were only two expectant girls left at the entrance of the Scarlet Mage Tower.




Nolan capital.

In the prestigious Royal Academy of Magic in the entire main plane of glory, a huge wave of magic power suddenly erupted, like the sky and the earth collapsing, the sun and the moon shattering.

The students in the entire academy felt a tremendous pressure that was constantly pressing in their hearts. At this moment, it was difficult to even breathe. What was more, they were shocked by the terrifying pressure and fell to the ground directly.

Many high-level professors and teachers in the academy turned their heads suddenly, looking at the direction of the coercion with surprise and envy on their faces.

That is, legend! !

Hahaha, I finally broke through the legend!!

Sure enough, an ecstatic voice echoed in the sky.

Those struggling students in the academy immediately showed envy and admiration.

Legend, no matter where it is placed, the combat power of this registration form is top-notch.

Before the old days came, the legends of the Nolan Empire were only three or two. Now, they have witnessed the birth of a legend.

There were also many students who heard the master of the voice, and after the coercion subsided, they began to discuss in surprise.

This voice seems to belong to Spark!

Hey, His Majesty Spark is really a genius. He only entered the extraordinary last year, and now he has reached the legend!!

Hahaha, I, King Nolan, will lick another legend, those damn old monsters will never try to break the capital!

Genius, this kind of genius task is really admirable!!

With the head of the chicken coop, Spark, whose aura had not yet completely subsided because he had just broken through, stood on the top floor of a magic tower in the academy and laughed wildly.

Hahahaha, the boy of the Kachar family, UU reading www.uukanshu.com You can't think of it!! In just one year, I have broken through from extraordinary to legendary!!

I'm afraid you're still hurting yourself for breaking through the extraordinary!!

Hahaha, the facts tell you, who is the real genius!

At this moment, Spark remembered the experience of being slapped in the face by Li De many times before, and he was in a very happy mood, legend! !

What a terrifying level this is!

He has reached it now.

Li De is afraid that he hasn't even touched the extraordinary shadow now, right?

At this moment, Spark has fantasized that he appeared in front of Li De, Li De saluted and shouted at the scene where the teacher taught me.

Refreshing, he hadn't been so happy for a long time.

Hahaha, the bastard of the Kachar family, wait to be shocked by your genius teacher! !

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