I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 469: The harvest after the war, news from the capital of Nolan

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Amy, the god of plague has been killed, and now his kingdom of gods has become a lordless thing.

I just discovered that the Bone Burial Ground can devour the power of the plague kingdom to grow, and you should know the meaning of this.

Li De looked at Amy with burning eyes.

The corpse of the God of Plague is in the army outside the city of Risir. Just in case I didn't bring it in, you go and get the corpse of the God of Plague. He still contains the Godhead and the rest of the Plague Priesthood.

Next, I want to let the Boneyard devour the kingdom of the plague god to strengthen myself. If you obtain the remaining power of the plague god, you may be able to speed up the process...

After the voice fell, he stretched out his hand and waved, and the area where he had just stepped into the kingdom of God rippled like water waves, directly pointing out the path for Amy to leave.

When Amy heard this, she couldn't help but be a little shocked. The place where the bones were buried could actually devour the kingdom of the God of Plague? ? Does this work too? ?

The Boneyard can be said to be the current engine of Dawn City, and the core weapon that cannot be left.

He knew the point, and answered neatly.

Yes, Your Majesty! He no longer hesitated at the moment, and immediately galloped away in the direction indicated by Li De.

After Amy left, Li De took a deep breath and his eyes became solemn.

It's time to do the right thing.

He stretched out his right hand and brushed ~ the power of scarlet was like ignited gasoline, and it exploded on the body in an instant.

Legendary ancestor bloodline, open.


Some of the restraints in his body were broken at this moment, and an indescribable violent force surged in his body, like a dam built on a high mountain cracked because the flood was too turbulent, and the endless flood brought an irresistible force. Power swept the earth.

Li De's momentum is like an invisible storm swarming around, like an eighteenth-level hurricane.

The violent half-rat man who was roaring in the sky below was directly crushed by the powerful breath, and the roar was stopped at this moment, and the sound suddenly stopped.

The majesty that penetrates the soul makes these monsters of old feel the most primitive fear.


The power of scarlet gushed out violently with a cold drink.

The space gap in front of Li De connected to the place where the bones were buried was like a thin piece of paper at the moment, torn directly by a big hand.

Kacha~ The space collapsed, and pieces of space fragments were scattered like glass, reflecting a bright light in the air.

The space debris attacked and killed all around, directly blowing up a terrifying space turbulence.

The violent half-rat people below were shrouded in turbulence, and these hideous old monsters couldn't even resist a breath, and were directly shredded into minced meat.

Gore filled the air.

What is even more shocking is that this space gap has completely burst open under Li De's infinite power, and the diameter has expanded from more than ten blades to 200 blades.


After the space gap widened, Li De felt a familiar force directly blessing him, and his breath soared again.

After connecting to the Bone Burial Ground, the familiar feeling of the power of the entire plane being blessed on oneself reappeared.

The terrifying power even distorted the light around him.

At this moment, Li De came to the world like a hell devil burning with crimson flames.

Powerful and terrifying.

After the strength was increased several times, Li De was in a good mood. He just wanted to continue to widen the space gap, but after a moment of serious feeling, he gave up.

Although the plague kingdom at the moment has no master, it is still a complete plane after all.

Opening the door of space here is equivalent to tearing a hole in the other party's rules, and the Plague God will automatically repair this wound.

And if you want to maintain the gate of space for a long time, you need to consume the power of death to resist the power of the plane.

The space gap with a diameter of 200 blades requires terrifying power consumption per minute. If it is expanded, the existing power of death reserve will not be able to support this consumption.

Li De stopped immediately after realizing this.

However, he was very satisfied with this, because the Bone Burial Ground was devoured dozens of times faster than when he had just had more than ten blades.

He could clearly sense the filling of the Bone Burial Ground little by little.

At this speed, within half a month, the Bone Burial Ground can be upgraded to the next level.

The next level is also legendary, which requires 1 billion death force.

In other words, the power of the Bone Burial to devour the plague kingdom here is equivalent to gaining more than 60 million death power every day.

More than 60 million a day... This is not an exaggeration to call it a windfall.

The smile on Li De's face gradually brightened.

He even sensed through the Bone Burial Ground that the power contained in the Plague God is extremely strong. If it is completely swallowed, the Bone Burial Ground can even be promoted to the god level.

That's the power of 10 billion deaths.

If the abyss pig raising plan alone, don't even think about it in three or five years.

But what time is it now? Invasion of the past!

The abyss pig raising plan borrowed the sword of the dark master to kill the abyss demon, and it is no problem to maintain it for a long time under normal circumstances.

But in the current context, who knows if tomorrow will change?

If the Dark Lord gives up invading the Abyss, his plan to kill pigs will be directly hindered.

So the sooner the Boneyard is promoted, the more wiggle room he has left.

The door of space he opened in the Bone Burial Ground was hidden in the fog. Outside were the undead and demons who were still fighting each other tirelessly. They didn't notice the breath in the fog.

After thinking for a while, Li De suddenly saw the ferocious and violent half-rat people in the distance, and his heart moved, can't just waste resources like this.

Killing pigs, killing pigs, killing pigs is not killing...

The powerful aura on his body instantly subsided, and then he took out a large bottle of magical blood from the system space, and with a wave of his hand, the magical blood contained in the glass bottle burst open, and scattered around like raindrops.

Then he took out another bottle and put it in the ground of the Bone Burial Ground, but the bottle was not broken, only the cap was lifted.

The blood of magic power is human blood. Although it has been brewed into a magic potion after being brewed by the remains of the gods, it has a stronger aura.

To the monsters of the past, this breath was like a bright moon in the dark, even if it was far away, it could be clearly smelled.

Sure enough, after the furious half-rat people in the distance noticed the aura here, they started roaring and swarming like wolves.

Li De had already concealed his breath at this time, and only the strength of the violent half-rat could not sense his existence.

Those violent half-ratmen rushed in without the slightest hesitation in front of the space gap with a diameter of two hundred blades.

The violent half-ratman immediately sensed a strong smell of blood after entering the Bone Burial Ground.

How can the battlefield of the undead and demons be without bloodshed?

After smelling the blood, these raging half-ratmen went crazy and killed the undead and demons.

The monsters of yesteryear and the life of the main plane are irreconcilable natural enemies.

The battle between the undead and the demons turned into a three-way melee.

However, the raging half-ratmen are still a lot weaker than the undead and demons, so these old monsters are more like food delivery.

Li De nodded with satisfaction, he didn't care who won or lost, as long as he died in the burial ground.

Then he added a one-way isolation layer in front of the space gap, so that the entry into the Bone Burial Ground from the outside is not hindered, but when you come out from the inside, you will be suppressed by the entire plane, which also prevents the undead and demons from rushing outside. Come.

After observing for a while, Li De simply let go of the restrictions, letting the rich bloody aura in the Burial Ground pour out into the Plague Kingdom.

The violent half-rat people smelled the blood more intense than the blood of magic and immediately went mad, and they poured into the gaps of the space one by one.

The flying half-rat people in the distance also smelled the blood at this time, and began to fly like locusts.

Seeing the scene where these old monsters almost filled the space gap in a short period of time, Li De smiled slightly.

This time, the plan to kill pigs with a knife has been executed to the extreme.

While killing the raging half-rat to obtain the power of death, while devouring the kingdom of God to obtain the power of the plane, the life of the gods is no more than this...

Shuang Wai Wai.

If the god of plague sees this scene, I am afraid that even death will be uneasy.

Perhaps there is no more tragic god in the history of glory than this old evil god.


Just when Li De finished dealing with the burial ground, a sudden loud noise came from a distance.

He turned around abruptly, only to see the towering cloud-like mountain in the center of the plague kingdom, surrounded by thunder and lightning, a long sword with a deadly breath and a long sword with a length of ten thousand blades floated out of thin air.

That's... Freya's shot!

At this time, the pitch-black angel war sword was still transformed into a sword shadow through the sky, forcing the clouds away, countless thunder and lightning lingered in the clouds, and silver dragons danced wildly.

The virtual image of the war sword is forged by thousands of thunder and lightning.

Infinite coercion almost crushed the earth.

Li De was so far apart that he could feel the terrifying aura emanating from the Angel War Sword.

Is Freya trying to destroy the plague kingdom?

At this moment, I saw the condensed angel war sword slashed towards the towering mountain peak.

The scene is simply incredible.

No one can imagine how majestic and majestic a giant sword with ten thousand blades is to slash an equally tall mountain.

Mighty, surging.

The heavens and the world are all in this sword at this moment.


The angel war sword slashed across with the breath of destroying the stars and annihilating Hengyu, and the mountain that weighed billions of tons directly collapsed.

At this moment, Xinghe seemed to be cut off by a giant sword, and the world was shocked.

Hundreds of knives, thousand knives of boulders splashed tens of thousands of knives away like sand, and then smashed on the ground, causing a 12-magnitude earthquake-like shock.

More shocking scenes followed.

After the angel war sword slashed horizontally, the sky-receiving front was slashed diagonally by a sword.

The mountain peak seemed to have suffered a catastrophe that wiped out the world, sliding down with an unstoppable momentum.

That mountain is really too huge, even if it collapses, there is a feeling of slow down, but because of this, it is even more shocking.


The Plague Kingdom is trembling at the moment, making people wonder if the earth will be crushed by the mountain.

The whole process of the mountain's collapse lasted a full minute, and Li De could even clearly feel that the ground shook violently when it finally fell.

When I looked at the original mountain again, I saw a broken-headed mountain that was cut off diagonally in front of me.

The power of destruction.

Li De took a few deep breaths.

Is this the true combat power of the level 36 Seraph of Death?? It's so powerful...

If the opponent is hacking Green City... I am afraid that Green City has been destroyed at this moment.

Just when he wanted to summon Freya to inquire, he suddenly sensed something and turned his head sharply to look at the space gap in the place where the bones were buried, a bit of surprise in his eyes.

After the mountain peak was cut off, the speed at which the Bone Burial Ground devoured the power of the Plague Kingdom actually increased a lot.

According to the current situation, I am afraid that it will take less than ten days to accumulate enough power to upgrade.

It seems that Freya didn't just shoot for no reason.


After a while, Freya's figure with twelve black wings spread out behind Li De.

Master, there are no traces of other gods in this kingdom of God.

No? Li De turned to look at Freya, frowning slightly, there were no other gods, so it seemed that the original judgment was wrong.

Have those artifacts been found?

His main purpose is to come here to find artifacts. It doesn't matter if there are no gods, but if you can't find an artifact, it will be a pain in the ass.

Freya stretched out her hand and waved, and the space in front of her was shattered, and then a gray-black, shiny warhammer appeared in front of Li De.

Master, I only found this warhammer. The other two artifacts you mentioned seem to have been destroyed by the god of plague.

Destroyed?? Li De was a little surprised, Why did he destroy the artifact?

Forge the body of God.

Freya's words surprised him.

Can a divine tool forge a divine body??

Yes, Master.

Freya nodded, Artifacts are originally forged with various special items, which contain powerful power and divinity. Through some ancient methods, the power of artifacts can be devoured to make up for their own strength.

Although it is rare to use an artifact to forge a god's body, this method also existed in ancient times, but this method has been lost for a long time, and I also guessed that the other party used this method from the place where the artifacts were found...

Li De's mouth twitched, this is too outrageous, can the magic world be unreasonable? Artifacts can be related to gods...

But if you say it seriously, it seems that the reason for the other party to do this is still him...

When he grabbed the head and an arm of the God of Plague, he had obviously injured the bones of the God of Plague, otherwise the other party would not have made such a move.

Li De couldn't help but feel a lot of heartache.

This prodigal son, a good artifact was left unused, and it was ruined like this.

Now the three artifacts are left with a hammer...

Looking at the inconspicuous hammer floating in the sky, he couldn't help shaking his head.

He is the ancestor of the dignified blood clan, the master of Dawn, and it is impossible to use a hammer with anything.

However, I still opened the properties panel with a bit of curiosity.

Forged Hammer

Quality: High Artifact

Features: It can forge weapons of various levels in the world. The higher the forging skills, the better the forging effect.

Introduction: The artifact of the first generation of the god of forging. According to legend, as long as the weapon is forged by the hammer of forging, it will have incredible characteristics.

The attributes are simple, but the origins are extraordinary.

The first god of forging... that's a big guy who can be traced back to the beginning of the world.

Li De shook his head, a good thing is a good thing, but it doesn't match him at all.

With a wave of his hand, he directly held the hammer of forging in his hand.

After feeling the weight a little, he completely dispelled his last illusions about this divine weapon.

This thing gave him at most a mallet that couldn't be destroyed, and it couldn't exert its characteristics at all.

After thinking about it, Li De's eyes lit up.

I can't use it, but others can. Valen, the dwarf forging master, has obtained the priesthood of smelting and quenching, and has also reached the level of 25 legendary.

Wouldn't it be enough to let this guy help me forge top equipment?

If the artifact can't be forged, can't even the semi-artifact be forged?

After a little calculation, Li De's mood instantly improved a little.

Although he did not encounter other old evil gods this time, his idea of ​​slaughtering a few more gods to plunder his power was lost, and he only got one divine weapon, but it was not a loss.

After all, the plague kingdom left by the god of plague is enough for him to earn a lot of money, and there is this forged hammer as a gift...

Since he was earning money, he decided to ignore the behavior of the prodigal son of the god of plague.

Immediately, he seemed to remember something, and Li De looked at Freya curiously.

Freya, why did you just cut off that mountain? These artifacts are hidden in the mountain?

The sword of this death seraph just shocked him.

The sword shadow with the height of ten thousand blades is such an exaggeration.

Your Majesty, that mountain is the core of the kingdom of God. As long as it is destroyed, the rules of the kingdom of God will be chaotic. Maybe we can take advantage of the chaos to find the stone of the plane...

Ruining the summit to cause chaos in the rules? Li De understood this, no wonder the speed at which the Bone Burial Ground devoured increased.

Have you found the Plane Stone?

No, the power contained in the kingdom of the plague is too huge, and I can't perceive the stone of the plane protected by the rules.

Freya shook her head. Although she has reached level 36, the Plague Kingdom is a complete plane, and the power it contains is extremely exaggerated.

However, if you allow me to destroy this plane, then I am sure to find out...

However, although the power of the kingdom of plague is huge, no one can mobilize it, so Freya has absolute confidence that she can smash this kingdom of gods.

Li De's mouth twitched, destroying this plane? Then he is not blood loss.

This plane is now our trophy. The Bone Burial Ground is devouring the power of the plague kingdom. Now not only can it not be destroyed, but it must be protected.

Follow your orders, Master. Freya responded with a respectful expression, and then stopped talking.

After transforming from the twelve-winged seraph to the death seraph, Freya's personality has undergone a lot of changes, and now she seems very taciturn.

Li De didn't care about it, it was a myth that it remained unchanged after being eroded by the power of death.

Turning his head and looking at the kingdom of the plague god, things have progressed to this level, and the matter of the god of plague has been completely resolved.

It has been more than two years since I first learned that the evil god was sealed in the city of Lisl, to the complete killing of this old evil god...

This made him feel inexplicably emotional.

Just when he was about to leave the plague kingdom, there was a rippling connection to the main plane, and then Amy's figure appeared in front of him.

This former blasphemer, who now controls the extraordinary bloodline of the plague priesthood, is holding a half-rat corpse that is as tall as one person.

Your Majesty, the body of the God of Plague has been taken...

There was excitement in Amy's eyes, and he could sense his body's desire for the power of the God of Plague.

Especially the plague priesthood, it is the same power of the same ancestry.

Li De nodded, he kept the body of the God of Plague so that Amy could achieve greater improvement, and naturally he would not be stingy.

He had great expectations for the priesthood of plague.

Well, this divine body will be handed over to you.

Freya, you go out and let Frey and Karp come in to take over the scene. The Plague Kingdom only needs people to guard it, and don't let outsiders stop the burial place from swallowing it. Those violent half-rat people don't need to care too much.

I'm going back to the City of Dawn, and you are temporarily stationed here.

Follow your orders, master.

After Li De explained, he did not hesitate, and returned to the burial place with Amy from the space gap.

After returning to the burial place, Amy went directly into the depths of the ground and began to devour the power of the god's body.

Li De appeared in the weapons factory in Dawn City directly through the Burial Ground.

From the city of Lisle, which is thousands of miles away, to return to the City of Dawn in seconds, this time-travel journey can really save a lot of time.

Seeing the bustling weapons factory with people coming and going, Li De was very satisfied.

In order to bring the dwarves back to the City of Dawn, he had spent a lot of effort. In recent years, although the proportion of dwarves to the total number of weapons factories has been very small, their role is absolutely irreplaceable.

Holding the forging hammer in his hand, he went straight to the weapons factory.

A few minutes later, Valen, the dwarf forging master, cried bitterly and held the hammer of forging without letting go, and finally swore that he would forge the best equipment for Li De.

This is an artifact that the dwarves have lost for tens of millions of years. Their treasure, Li De never expected to find it back.

After the other dwarves heard the news that the hammer of blacksmithing had been found, none of them were any better than Warren, and there was a wailing sound in the weapon factory.

Li De watched the corners of his mouth twitching, and a large group of unshaven dwarves were crying bitterly with their snot and saliva. The scene was really unsightly.

I quickly found an excuse to leave, it was too hot for my eyes.

As soon as he returned to the office, Harrison, who noticed his breath, quickly knocked on the door.

The first sentence of the city hall speaker when he saw Li De made his eyes light up.

Your Majesty, news has just come from the Scarlet Mage Tower. Your teacher sent you a letter saying that news of the Shard of Destiny was found in King Nolan...

After speaking, his expression was a little weird, and he said with a bit of hesitation.

Your teacher also said that he found you three very suitable wives, and has successfully persuaded two of them...

Three, three? ? ?

Li De had a black line on his face.

What is this sloppy old man doing in King Nolan all day long?

Why are you looking for him, I'm afraid it's an excuse to go to the red light district for yourself...

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