I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 468: The domineering of the place where the bones are buried, swallowing the kingdom of God

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Time passed quickly, and the body of the old god had been hanging in Green City for half a month.

In the past half month, the growth rate of the Dawnbreak Sect believers has been exaggerated. At this time, the entire population of Green City has more than 4 million people, and more than 3 million people have become Dawnbreakers.

Although the belief level of most people is not high, it is enough to explain a lot of things.

And the original Old Breaking Dawn believers also felt proud and proud during this time.

Their majesty has finally returned!

From now on, they will also be blessed.

Can the believers of other sects see the gods they believe in? Can you be blessed?

There is no harm if there is no comparison. Compared with the situation where he prayed hard but could not get the slightest response, the Dawnbreak Sect with the true God in the seat seemed so attractive at this moment.

Of course, Li De's remarks after he killed the God of Plague also played a role in promoting the spread of the Dawnbreaker Sect. It is no exaggeration to say that those remarks captured the hearts of most civilians.

As long as I survive, I will always be your backing, and you will never walk alone...

How great is this sentence.

Who doesn't want the deity they believe in to be a powerful and upstanding backer?

Everyone hopes to get help from others when they are in danger, and the purpose of most gods is the same.

And whether it's what Li De said or the power he showed, it can make everyone's heart break.

So it is not surprising that a large number of believers have changed their beliefs.

On December 20th, it was cold and windy.

Today, the entire Green City is boiling.

Because this is a special day.

The great Illo will clear the biggest hidden danger in the southern province - the city of Risir, before Dawn comes.

This great city established by the last imperial royal family, once a bright pearl comparable to Green City, has now become a dark forbidden place in the south of cholera.

There are still three artifacts on the God of Plague that have not been found. This is not a big temptation for Li De, who doesn't even have any equipment he can handle.

Moreover, Lisle City has become the base camp of the old monsters. This hidden danger is too great. If it is not removed, Green City will not be stable.

Therefore, it is necessary to calm down the city of Lisl, the gathering place of the old monsters.

No one can feel at ease until the threat is removed.

Lord Li De, please pay attention to safety.

In front of the scarlet mage tower, Wei Na was carefully arranging the black and white weaving robe for Li De, and those slender, lightly white hands slowly smoothed the tiny folds on it.

Li De smiled and Wen Chun looked at this little maid who already belonged to him, and was very satisfied.

In the past half month, Wei Na has completed her transformation from a girl to a young woman.

The girl who was originally a little green has already brought the unique charm of a mature woman, and her every move has an alluring atmosphere.

No need to worry, you can just protect Green City.

After reaching out and pinching the delicate face, Li De looked at Isa and Betty.

Isa, when the teacher comes back, I will take you to the Stormwind Sea to find your clan.

He has always been curious about the red-eyed clan, what happened to the city-state of the Glory of the Silver Moon? Are there all the owners of the golden bloodline?

If you can conquer a race that is full of golden blood... it seems like a good idea.

Isa nodded obediently.

Well, teacher, you have to be careful... The little girl didn't know that Li De had other plans, so she just looked at him eagerly.

Although in the little girl's heart, Li De is the most powerful person in the world, she is still a little worried.

Li De smiled slightly, and after saying goodbye for a while, he no longer hesitated, and directly got into the carriage drawn by nine pure white unicorns and headed to the barracks.

After Li De's carriage disappeared in the street,

Wei Na held her hands slightly in front of her chest and silently prayed for him.

Little Isa was holding Betty's hand, and her mood was obviously a little down.

The central square of Green City, because of the wide terrain, has become a temporary garrison place for the Pegasus Legion and the Dawn Bat.

After Li De arrived, everyone turned their attention to him in unison, and looked at their king with respect.

In the crowd, the Orc King Garp, the second-generation blood descendants Frey, Stanley, Archduke Okari, and other high-level executives are all present, and these will be the generals who will go to Lisl City this time.

Good day, Your Majesty! All the high-level officials saluted.

Li De glanced at his generals and waved his hand without talking nonsense.

Let the whole army go.

The order was issued, and the air force immediately began to lift off.

The other troops had already assembled outside the city.

In the past two weeks, the battle policy for Lisl City has been formed, and it was jointly produced by dozens of high-IQ staff officers in the army, and it was detailed enough to take every point into consideration.

So he doesn't need to worry too much, he sits in person in order to deal with the top combat power that may appear in Lisl City.

After all, no one can tell whether there are other evil gods in the city of Risir.

The army to conquer Lisl City this time consists of three parts. The first is the Air Force, including the Pegasus Legion and the Magic Bat Legion. The second is the human army of Green City itself, with a total of about 600,000 people. This time, 400,000 people were mobilized. .

The third is the largest player legion.

When they heard that they could participate in such a huge war, both the players in Ainos City and the players in Green City were very excited.

Now the mainstream level of players is between level 7 and 9, and the level of elite players has reached level 10.

If it weren't for the lack of top-level combat power, the player's power would have even been stronger than the army currently serving in Green City.

Of course, this is theoretically powerful. In fact, it is very difficult for players to command. It is good for a small number of players. Once the number is in the hundreds or thousands, it will not work, let alone the number of millions.

Bring them to the battlefield, and they will most likely be defeated.

These guys are especially brave when they are good. If the wind direction is not right, most people will not bear their experience, and they are very likely to turn around and run.

As for what kind of desperate resistance, don't joke, except for the core members of the Great Guild, who would risk their lives?

The higher the level, the more experience you will drop after death. It hurts too much.

Players are not a whole, and they cannot be viewed with a holistic thinking. They are scattered individuals formed by the aggregation of countless individuals.

If you are crazy, you can dare to fight no matter who you are, but sometimes thieves are afraid of death...

Of course, the Crimson Moon has not yet integrated the players of Lisl City, so Li De will not force the players to do anything.

Anyway, the task has been released, and the high reward is in front of you, you can do it yourself.

With or without rewards, the combat power of the player is completely two people.




Outside Green City, an exaggerated army was like a torrent of steel, smashing the ground.

The weather at the end of December was already very cold, and there was light snow in the sky. Although the snow was not heavy, the soldiers' armors were quickly turned white on the marching road.

Marching for a long time in winter has always been taboo, but after becoming a professional, your physical fitness will be greatly improved, and a soldier who can become a soldier must have reached level 5 and become an intermediate professional.

The weather has not affected them so much, and their strong physical fitness can make them face the cold indifferently.

Lisle City is hundreds of kilometers away from Green City. If the air force is flying, it can be reached in about two sundays.

Ground troops were much slower.

But Li De was not in a hurry. He sat in the warm carriage and slowly set off towards Lisl City.

The army of Green City is composed of ten thousand people and marches forward in a net shape.

Wherever they have passed, once they find the old monsters, they will immediately exterminate them.

He's about to do a carpet-cleaning of old monsters.

But what’s interesting is that this time the players who participated in the attack on Green City were nearly 1.5 million, nearly four times more than the army of Green City, so Green City’s army was often emptied by players before encountering the old monsters. .

For ordinary warriors, if the old monsters can be avoided, there is no need to fight the opponent, but in the eyes of the players, these are all experiences, how can they be let go.

So there was a dramatic scene in which the player rushed up to meet the old monsters and shouted, while the Green City army watched the play.

In this way, although the speed is relatively slow, the place where the army passed is empty, and all the old monsters have been swept away.

Really achieved the purpose of purging.

After the plague god was killed, the raging half-rat people began to flee, causing the entire South to flood.

A large part of this escaped back to Lisl City.

Because of the lack of backbone, the old monsters could not organize an effective resistance under the attack of the Green City army, and how could a scattered sand face the army with Li De in charge.

One day, two days, three days...

Until the fifth day, the army that swept all the way finally saw the city of Lisle in the distance.

On December 26, it snowed heavily.

The wind and snow in the winter months were exceptionally cold, and the sky was so white that it was impossible to even see the cracks in the sky.

The wind whipped the snow and scraped it against the skin like a knife.

Nearly two million troops tightly surrounded the city of Lisle in the snowstorm.

Iron Soldier.

Morale is high.

Looking down from the sky, you can clearly see that the gathering place of this old monster is surrounded by layers of troops, and there is no water leaking.

This scene is like an epic mythical shock.

But what makes people curious is that this city, which used to be crowded with old monsters, is surprisingly safe at this moment. After the army surrounded the city, there were no violent half-rat people charging outside.

There's something weird and weird about it all.

Li De stood on the back of withered bones, staring sharply at the broken city, but because the old forces condensed into thick fog, and the ice and snow covered everything, it was difficult to see what was inside.

Your Majesty, the army is ready, do you want to attack the city now?

The second-generation blood descendant, Frey, incited Batwing to report that Frey had been appointed as the supreme military commander of Green City and had command over the army of Green City.

Of course, Li De is here, and everyone has to listen to him.

Order, follow the plan.

Li De nodded, the army below was the main force to destroy the monsters of the past, and he was only responsible for dealing with the enemy's gods.

It is impossible for him to do everything himself, or would he raise these troops for dry rice?


With the sound of the bugle, the army that had surrounded the city of Lisl immediately began to attack.

The city walls of Lisl City have long been tattered, and there are broken areas that can enter the city. There is no need for ordnance such as siege vehicles.

The first to attack was not the army of Green City, but the dense army of players.

An exaggerated number of nearly 1.5 million poured into the city of Lisle like a tide.

These respawn guys are definitely the best cannon fodder...

Kill, brothers, I heard that there is an artifact in it, hurry up and grab it!!

For the Alliance!! For Azeroth!!

Demacia Cup!!

The players' morale is so high that they don't need too much nonsense encouragement from outsiders. They are like wolves and tigers, hungry and thirsty than they are in their 40s and 50s.

In the eyes of the players, it is time to make a profit. Whoever goes first will be served first, and if you don't go, you won't go.

Li De also stared closely at the broken city-state hidden in the dark fog. The shrinking forces of those old monsters looked a little weird.

But his legendary danger perception didn't perceive too much danger, which made him a little strange.

After the player entered the city of Rysir, the berserk half-ratmen who hid in the mist finally reappeared.

However, different from the outside world, these old monsters are extraordinarily powerful at this time, and their overall attributes have increased by at least 30% compared to outside the fog.

This made many leading players go back to resurrection directly...

Players are afraid of death because of their distressed experience. At this time, relying on the large number of people, one by one did not retreat, but angered and moved forward.

Fuck, the old monsters here are twice as experienced as those outside!! These are all elite monsters!

Hahaha, don't rob me!!

Players soon discovered that although the monsters became stronger, the experience they gained also increased significantly. The old monsters had three times more experience than ordinary Warcraft, and the experience in the fog of the old days was double that of the outside world. , which is six times as much.

It's a blast to go down with a knife.

Beneficial players are definitely natural disasters that give everyone a headache, not necessarily worse than the old monsters.

Some of the soldiers who followed the player into the exploration news were also stunned at the moment.

Those players didn't care about death as if they were crazy, the wolves swooped in, and swarmed to kill those disgusting raging half-rat people.

The number of violent half-rat people in Lisl City is also somewhat unexpected. Although they are all strong, they are not as many as imagined.

Soon, under the attack of millions of desperate players, the army advanced layer by layer, and in less than half a day, it directly killed the center of Lisl City - the black altar that once sealed the god of plague.

But when they came here, the players did not dare to go any further.

Because the central area is a place of decay with a diameter of a thousand blades.

The earth seemed to be formed after countless corpses rotted, green bubbles gurgling on the ground, and even the air exuded a violent stream of poison.

As long as you get close to smelling the highly poisonous breath, you will be poisoned immediately, and many players who have just arrived are directly turned into a pool of corpse water after approaching.

The scene was terrifying.

And the atmosphere of the old days is even more intense here. If the people here are not professionals, just farmers, I am afraid that in a few minutes, they will be eroded by the power of the old days and become monsters that are neither human nor ghosts.

After seeing the negative state on their attribute panel, the daring players were also cowardly, and did not dare to go inside without restraint.

After Li De got the news, his expression was a little weird.

He had prepared so much, and he pushed in.

Not to mention the old evil gods at the level of the God of Plague, even if he didn't even see one of the extraordinary, all these violent half-rat people were killed by the players.

I even have a knife ready...it's useless??

He felt like he had punched the cotton.

But he didn't think much of it, and flew directly to the center of Lisl City on the dry bones.

As for Freya, this Seraph of Death has been hiding by his side, and will take action as soon as he encounters danger.

Moreover, Li De is not afraid of the enemy's sneak attack. His talent is not ordinary, and even if he is killed, he can still be reborn.

Withered bones flew into Lisl City, and Li De clearly felt the change of old power in the air.

If it is a thin mist outside, it is pouring rain inside.

Those rotten, ancient, and formidable forces have long since transformed the city into a place of chaos and desolation.

He even dared to conclude that even if the old power faded, this place would no longer be suitable for human beings or other normal life to survive for thousands of years.

Everything is in chaos.

Looking down and looking around, you can see that the buildings in the city have become ruins, and the corpses everywhere are also telling what happened in the past.

Only those houses that were lucky enough not to be destroyed can barely prove that this place was once a glorious city.

What a disgusting old-fashioned vibe... Lord Witherbones doesn't like this place...

Withered bones exhaled a gray-white death energy from his nostrils.

There is an essential difference between the power of the old days and the power of the main plane. As long as it is a glorious life, it cannot be accepted.

That is the difference of origin, once eroded, they will fall, even the undead that symbolize death and evil.

The huge body of the 26-blade wingspan shuttled through the thick fog, the scarlet power was burning like magic flames on his body, and the flames in the empty head exuded a cold light.

In the fog of the sky, this undead blood dragon is more like a monster of the past.


Soon Knuckles carried Li De to the center of the city, and the huge body slowly landed on the ground, and the surrounding players showed longing looks when they saw Kakuro.

This mount is so fucking handsome...

Although Kugu talked a little bit, he had to say that this guy really didn't have to choose his appearance, otherwise Li De wouldn't have been using this guy as a means of transportation recently.

Not to mention the strength, the appearance alone is very intimidating.

Li De rolled over, and after landing on the ground, he didn't care about the curious eyes of the people around him, and went directly to the rotten ground in the central area.

Mental power spread out like the tentacles of an octopus, and the range of hundreds of knives around him was shrouded in him.

After sensing it carefully, his eyes narrowed slightly.

The expression became dignified, what kind of rotten place is here, it is obviously another plane.

The God of Plague has actually anchored his kingdom of God to the main plane. In other words, if you walk in from this land now, you can directly reach the kingdom of the God of Plague...

This guy is really bold, but yes, the old days have come, what can you do as the old evil gods without eroding the main plane?

After sensing that there was not much danger, Li De pondered for a moment and then floated straight into the air, flying towards the center of this rotten land.

After stepping into this area, Li De felt a very strange feeling.

At this time, he seemed to be walking in the center of the intersection of two planes. One side was the main plane, and the other side was the kingdom of the God of Plague. The two planes were overlapping.

Under the gaze of the players outside, Li De's figure disappeared from sight abruptly shortly after stepping into the rotten land.

Even Withered Bones was stunned for a moment, because he could sense through the fetters in his soul that Li De did not leave, but just stayed where he was.

But from the outside, he could no longer perceive his existence. It was not the effect after the spell was cast, it was very miraculous.


The moment Li De disappeared, he appeared in a plane full of decay.

Turning around and looking around, in the center of this plane stands a high mountain that connects the heavens and the earth.

Infinite thunder and lightning erupted on the top of the mountain, and the silver dragon dancing in the clouds could be faintly seen from a long distance.

The clouds in the sky are pale green like venom, and the smell of the decadent old days in the air is extremely rich.

Ordinary people will be eroded into old monsters even if they only take a breath of air in it.

The earth is a rotten place exactly like the center of Rysir, full of forces that are extremely repelling from the glorious life.


At this time, the furious half-rat people on the ground, which were as dense as ants, noticed the aura of Li De that did not belong to the old days.

These ferocious monsters roared at Li De one by one, as if trying to tear him to pieces.

Li De lowered his head and glanced at it. After a little bit of understanding, most of the violent half-rat people who fled back to Lisl City have fled to this old plane, because they still have a lot of the breath of the main plane.

Freya, go and see if there are other old evil gods in this kingdom of God...

Obey, your orders, master...

After a crisp voice came out from the side, the level 36 Seraph of Death quietly disappeared, and the other party did not show up from beginning to end.

After Li De waited until Freya left, the spiritual power spread out and spread out towards the surroundings.

After a little induction, there was an undisguised surprise on his face.

Because he sensed an incomparably familiar aura, that was—the place where the bones were buried.

Does this work too? ?

Immediately after a thought, he stretched out his right hand and waved.


Cracks appeared in the space in front of Li De, shattering like a spider web.

After just a few breaths, infinite power burst out from the crack, and the space in front of him shattered directly.

In an instant, an irregular space gap with more than ten blades in length and width appeared in front of him.

A familiar breath wafted out.

Huh? Your Majesty?

Amy, who had been stationed at the Bone Burial Ground, immediately teleported after feeling the breath of the strange world, but Li De appeared in front of her eyes.

Amy stepped out of the space gap, and when she saw this plane full of old power, she was suddenly surprised, This is?

This is the kingdom of the god of plagues.

No wonder I feel a sense of intimacy here...

Amy is the extraordinary who devoured the power of the God of Plague to break through, and even the priesthood he obtained was taken from the God of Plague. It is not surprising that he has a natural kindness to the kingdom of the God of Plague.

Li De nodded, just about to speak, but his face changed slightly.

He turned his head sharply to look at the irregular space gap with a diameter of more than ten blades.

At this time, he actually sensed that the place where the bones were buried was using this space gap to devour the power of the god of plagues...

Although the gap is small and the power of swallowing is very weak, the feeling is extremely clear.

The power of the plane slowly flowed into the space gap, and then was sucked by the buried bone.

This scene is like putting a wooden barrel in the lake that will never be filled. The surrounding old power is repelled by the burial ground, but the foundation of the kingdom of God - the power of the plane is slowly swallowed .

As his thoughts turned around, Li De's expression was a little weird.

When the God of Bones forged the burial ground, it seems that he used a similar method to strengthen the burial ground...

Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for a god's kingdom of gods to be so easily swallowed up by its core strength.

But... the god of plague has been killed by Freya. In other words, this kingdom of gods is now a land without owners, no matter how excessive the burial ground is, no one cares.

Thinking of this, Li De was heartbroken.

The burial site, once at its peak, spanned thousands of kilometers, no smaller than the southern province.

Although the current burial ground has grown to a diameter of 50 kilometers after his cultivation, it has shrunk by many times compared to before.

The most direct way to expand the Boneyard is to use the power of death to increase its level.

But the biggest problem now is that the Bone Burial Ground, which has reached the extraordinary level, needs 1 billion death force to be upgraded to the legendary level, and the number of death force required to go further is likely to reach tens of billions.

This is simply an astronomical figure, even if the abyss pig raising plan has been going on, UU reading www. uukanshu.com also takes a long time.

Before, I could only honestly accumulate the power of death, but now there seems to be a turning point. If the Divine Kingdom of the God of Plague can be swallowed up, the Boneyard will definitely usher in a leap-forward growth.

The Divine Kingdom of the God of Plague has existed since the beginning of the world, and no one can know how much power this place has accumulated over the years.

Li De thought of this heart beating gradually faster, this is definitely a great luck.

Not all planes can be swallowed by the Bone Burial Ground, only a few planes with matching attributes can be swallowed.

He has most of the memories after the birth of the Bone Burial Ground. He knows how difficult it is to find a suitable plane. It is no exaggeration to say that it is countless times smaller than winning the lottery, so he is very excited at this time.

Even the few artifacts that have not yet been found are far less than the value of this unmaintained plane.

If it is done properly, it can completely transform the Bone Burial Ground to a new height, and then he may really be able to smelt it into his own kingdom of God.

After the god of plague died, he gave me a big gift bag...

Hahaha... Good people live in peace.

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