I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 448 Kill 3 gods, the harvest is amazing

In a dimly lit space.

When Li De heard the words of the god of halflings, his expression was a little strange.


Do people in ambush still roar this year? Could it be that he was kicked by a donkey and ruined his brain?

Out of the corner of his eye, he looked around, and two dwarves wearing sturdy armor and carrying warhammers and tomahawks appeared in his eyes.

However, unlike ordinary dwarves, the color of the beards and the skin of these two dwarves is an unspeakable gray.

Grey Dwarf.

There was a bit of playfulness in Li De's eyes.

Halfling, is this your support? Two gray dwarves like you?

If Gugu heard this here, he would definitely be hooked. This is the real provocation. His long-winded words are lethal.

Sure enough, the three gods were angered by Li De's words.

The halfling gods were able to bear it, but the two grey dwarven gods, who were as ill-tempered as the dwarves, were furious.

Damn Twilight God, you lowly vampire!! You should be drowned in goat excrement!!

How can you insult the great gray dwarf? Believe me, when I catch you, you will definitely know what the most painful punishment in this world is!


The gray dwarf cursed a few words, and a cold smile suddenly appeared on the halfling god's face.

God of Twilight, do you think you are talking nonsense with you in order to listen to your incompetent rage that is about to be destroyed?

Hahahaha, this void is my kingdom of god, although I can use the power of kingdom of gods less than half...

However, when the magic circle I engraved in the kingdom of God was activated, even if you regained the strength of a demigod, you could not escape death today! !

The moment the words fell, the area where Li De was located suddenly changed, and lightning flashed.

Countless silver dragon lightnings suddenly appeared around this area, and these lightnings directly formed a death prison, forcibly isolating the area where Li De was located.

Li De even saw that the rules were circulating on the thunder and lightning at this moment. Obviously, this was the hidden killer move of the god of halflings. This guy has definitely planned it for a long time.

After watching Li De trapped in the thunder, the halfling god showed a very excited smile on his face.

This damn vampire is still fooled by him!

As long as this vampire is killed, he will gain dominion over the underworld...

Later, with the resources of the underground world, it is possible to regain the peak again.

Even with proper operation, he can invade the surface world after recovering his power, conquer a large area of ​​land on the surface, take this opportunity to break through to medium power, and even transform into a powerful god! !

The halfling god smiled wildly at the thought of the bright future ahead.

Li De looked at the almost desperate situation on the scene with a somewhat interested expression on his face.

Can't I escape from this space?

There was a Thunder Cage in front of him, and there were three gods staring at him outside. No matter how he looked at it, it was difficult for him to escape.

When the halfling god heard this, he laughed wildly.

Escape? This is my kingdom of God!!

In order to ensure that I will kill you, I have sealed this area, even if you have allies, it is absolutely impossible for you to come in from the outside world! !

Now even if I want to leave, it takes a lot of hands and feet,

What about you? !

God of Twilight, after you die, your followers, your godhead, and everything you have will belong to me! !

Li De heard the words and blinked, revealing a bright smile.

If that's the case, then I'm relieved.


Seeing Li De's abnormal expression, the three gods were stunned for a moment, but before they could make the next move, Li De suddenly pulled out the saber that was straddling his waist and threw it straight out.

Master of the Darkness, the soul I gave you has arrived...


At this moment, the world is dark.

The saber flying in mid-air collided with the thunder cage, the silver dragon danced wildly, and the thunder struck the blade completely.

The slashing saber, which exudes a dark light, seems to be provoked, and an incomparably dazzling power burst out from the blade, like an ancient beast tearing apart the sky and killing it.

That force burst out straight, forming a huge shock wave.


Sweeping and releasing, the thunder cage condensed with rules is like a piece of paper in the wind, and it is torn to shreds in an instant.

After the shock wave dissipated, the thunder cage collapsed directly, leaving no trace except for the burnt smell in the air.

The magic circle that this halfling god had high hopes for was torn apart so easily.

And when several gods had not recovered, the light of the saber broke out again.

The terrifying energy condensed in the void to form a stalwart phantom with a golden crown, a human skin cloak, and a long sword of white bones.

The fifteenth monarch of the Undead Plane - Lord of Darkness.

At this moment, this void and dark space is trembling, fearful...

No one can describe how powerful the aura was when the phantom appeared. The three gods were like children standing under the ten thousand zhang-high mountain peak, facing Huanghuang Tianwei.

The moment the Dark Lord appeared, he sensed all of this Void Plane.

As the undead monarch, his power is so terrifying, it has already surpassed the limit that the world can imagine, even if the main body is outside countless planes, he still has an invincible posture.

Dawn Lord God... They are the gifts you gave me?

There was a slight surprise in the indifferent tone of the dark master. Li De originally said that there was only one god, but now there are three.

This is, buy one get two free? As expected of my ally...

Master of the Darkness, in order to hunt the souls of these three gods, I spent a lot of hard work and planning, and paid a lot of money to attract them.

But since it's a gift for you, everything I've paid is worth it.

You can take away their souls and leave the body to me.

Li De's words are righteous and dignified, and the Lord of Darkness is quite moved when he hears the words. He is really an ally worthy of deep friendship...

The three gods next to him trembled when they heard this.

They felt the terrifying aura of the dark master. Although it was just a phantom, the aura on the other side was so terrifying that it was impossible to describe in words.

With their knowledge, they naturally know that such a terrifying existence is definitely not something they can shake. Even in the heyday of facing such a character, they have no other way but to escape.

Not to mention that their current strength is less than 5% of their heyday...

The halfling god, who had just held Zhizhu, almost spat out a mouthful of old blood when he heard Li De's words.

Pointing at Li De, with disbelief and a bit of resentment on his face.

You, you actually calculated me??!!

Li De's mouth twitched, I didn't know you were such an idiot, you not only locked yourself in this plane, but also pulled two gray dwarf gods as backs...

Of course, he wouldn't tell the halfling god in front of the master of darkness that all this was done by the opposite halfling himself...

At this moment, the god of halflings only thought that he was caught in Li De's calculations, and he couldn't help but feel remorse. Fortunately, he didn't know the truth, otherwise he would vomit blood.

He thought that Li De was on the fifth floor and was scheming, but the other party didn't move at all, and the pestle was on the first floor...

Li De said slowly, Master of the darkness, this is the kingdom of gods for halflings, maybe he has other backers, start early, and finish work early...

The halfling god's face froze, the resentment in his eyes thickened a bit, but the small movements behind him also sped up a bit.

He didn't dare to be angry with the master of darkness, so he could only put all his anger on Li De.

If he can escape, he swears that he will hunt down this God of Twilight to the end of the world! !

The most unlucky are the two gray dwarf gods, all of which happened in a few breaths.

They had just finished swearing, but they were still not satisfied, and then they were trapped in the Thunder Cage. It was like Li De, who was about to slaughter a lamb, didn't talk about martial arts and directly shook people, and summoned the extremely terrifying existence such as the Lord of Darkness.

At this moment, the two of them could not wait to slap the god of halflings to death.

Didn't you fucking promise us that there is only one person in this God of Twilight? ?

Isn't it guaranteed to be foolproof?

Now even the gods of his mother's powerful divine power have appeared! !

After the advent of the old days, there are only the terrifying gods of the abyss and the undead plane that can maintain such a powerful divine power.

Thinking of this, the two gray dwarf gods couldn't help but face despair, facing the evil gods of the abyss and the undead with their current strength, they are simply seeking their own death!

Although there is only a simple phantom dominated by the darkness, it is like the eternal stone tablet that suppresses the heavens, making everyone's heart flutter.

Those empty eye sockets glanced at the god of halflings faintly, as if they had noticed something, and the blasphemous words of the undead resounded throughout the space.

Want to escape?

The halfling god's face changed greatly, and he quickly spoke respectfully.

Respected undead, I am willing to dedicate all my wealth to you, as long as you can let me go...

No, I'm willing to surrender to you, I don't need you to do anything, I'll help you hunt down these two gray dwarf gods and sacrifice their souls to you...

The god of halflings is also a ruthless man, who sells his teammates without even blinking an eye.

When the two gray dwarf gods heard this, their expressions were as ugly as eating dead mice.

If they scolded the country, they would point at the halfling god's nose and yell... I fuck you, uncle, you fool, it doesn't count us, and you plan to stab us in the back!

Just as he was talking, the space around the god of halflings suddenly shattered, and his cautious face just now showed a bit of ecstasy, and he stepped out of his figure and disappeared in place.

This guy actually used such a little effort to escape directly...

The two gray dwarf gods not far away immediately showed a bit of joy when they saw the halfling god open the space, but the space closed before the blink of an eye.

My heart fell directly from heaven to hell like a roller coaster.

The hatred for the god of halflings in the eyes of the two has surpassed Li De at this moment... This bastard is too bad.

It’s okay to run away, but I didn’t take them with me, leaving them behind to die! !

Li De frowned, can this run away?

But just when he was about to speak, the shadow of the dark master suddenly pulled out the long sword of bone.

At this moment, the sun and the moon stopped rotating, the stars dimmed, and the surrounding void even stopped rotating at this moment.

A terrifying coercion was like a mountain peak falling from the sky, bringing the most shocking impact to everyone.

I saw the Lord of Darkness flutteringly swinging the long sword of white bones towards the space where nothing existed in front of him, and then a force that seemed indescribable, indescribable, and indescribable pressed up.

The space in front of him exploded as if the concrete floor had been hit by a boulder.


The sound of the broken space was crisp and clear, and the god of halflings who had just disappeared was spitting out blood and fell directly from the space.

This sword cut off countless spaces, and the halflings who had escaped were cut off and retreated.

The majesty of the monarch is dazzling.

And the dark master who started it slowly put away the white bone long sword, as if nothing happened just now.

But it was this understatement of pressure that made it difficult for the three gods he was watching to even breathe.

Especially at this moment, the halfling god who vomited blood is even more pale, and his heart has been swallowed by despair.

What he just invoked was the power of the kingdom of God, leaving directly from the countless levels of meta-space.

Under normal circumstances, it would be impossible to find him in countless dimensional planes, but even in this case, the Dark Lord still cut off his path with one sword, leaving him with no escape.

If it was the heyday, he could mobilize all the power of the kingdom of God and he might have a chance to leave, but at this moment... he has already smelled the breath of death.

Your Majesty the Undead, I am willing to give my soul, I am willing to give my everything...

Under the pressure of death, the god of halflings had endless fear on his face, without the slightest scruples, he got up directly, then knelt down on his knees, and bowed to the master of darkness.

The gray dwarf god next to this scene was inexplicably relieved after seeing it. This damn bastard should let him see the god of death! !

The Dark Lord turned his head and glanced at Li De. Although it was only a phantom, the fire of his blue soul still scorched his eyes.

Dawn Lord God, I have accepted your gift...

After saying this, without waiting for Li De to respond, the empty eyes once again threatened the three gods, obviously going to do it.

The gray dwarf gods looked at each other and knew that it might be difficult to escape this time, but they would never admit defeat!

Surrender is inevitable, but if this phantom can be shattered, they may still have a chance.

They clenched their teeth violently, and then raised their battle axes and war hammers in their hands, all the power erupted from their bodies, and the surrounding space began to distort and oscillate under divine power.

As gods, even if they are only legends now, they must not be underestimated with all their strength.

The two gray dwarf gods are like meteorites from a broken star, slashing towards the dark master with indomitable power.

What... a weak and foolish resistance...

The blasphemy of the undead is the death knell resounding in the world at this moment, with a rumbling sound.

The Dark Lord saw the two attacking, and the long white bone sword in his hand slashed out again.


Even this time, Li De didn't notice any energy fluctuations, and the two gray dwarf gods who fought to the death burst out the power of space distortion,

At this moment, the figure flying in the sky suddenly stiffened, and then all the strength condensed in the whole body collapsed, and the body fell down like a broken kite.

But because of the strong inertia of the body, after hitting the empty ground, it stopped after a distance of dozens of blades.

When Li De sensed their breath again, he found that the souls of the two gray dwarf gods had disappeared.

Double kill with one sword.

Li De was in awe of the Lord of Darkness. Although this undead was a bit upright, his strength was definitely on the level of dangling the sky. One sword killed two gods in seconds, which was not ordinary power.

Although the two gray dwarf gods have lost most of their power, don't forget that the master of darkness is just a phantom that descends on the main plane.

The god of halflings, who was still kneeling down, sensed that all the blood was cold, two gods, he originally expected the two gray dwarf gods to break out the last trump card and hold the dark master for a while, so that he could do it again. get away.

But now, it's just a dream.

Killing two gods with one sword is terrifying.

The god of halflings at this moment can only be like his followers, repeating the words of willingness to surrender to become gods, praying humbly, and bowing.

The Lord of Darkness looked at the god of halflings who was kneeling, and stepped out, and the figure appeared in front of the other party out of thin air.

Feeling the terrifying pressure approaching, the god of halflings trembled.

Your Majesty the Undead, I am willing to be your most loyal servant, I am willing to be your undead god, I am willing to sacrifice the entire halfling race as your nourishment, Your High Undead, your humble servant is willing to give everything I beg your pardon...

Li De couldn't help feeling a little emotional when he heard this from the rear.

Although the god of halflings is not very capable, he is definitely a ruthless person.

In order to survive, he can even abandon the race he once blessed, this guy has no bottom line.

But it has to be said that such people may sometimes live longer...

The gloomy lord's empty eyes looked at the halfling god who kept kneeling and worshipped, without the slightest wave in his heart.

Are you still running?

No, don't run away, Your Majesty, your brilliance is enough to dim the God of Creation, how can I run out of your palm? I...

The god of halflings raised his head and looked at the Lord of Darkness frantically, but before he could finish his words, he saw the illusory white-bone long sword in the hands of the Lord of Darkness flashing with light.


Cut in two.

The halfling god's body was intact, but his soul was severed by this knife... and all signs of life were lost in an instant.

When the Dark Lord saw this, the white bone long sword in his hand was slightly raised, and then the surrounding wind blew wildly.

The beheaded souls of the three gods seemed to be attracted by something. They flew out of their bodies and were directly absorbed by the long sword of white bones.

If you are close to the white bone long sword, you can see that there are three marks on the upper part of the sword, two of which are gray dwarves and one is a halfling... And such marks are all over the whole white bone long sword. .

Can break the routine and become the fifteenth monarch of the Undead Plane, how easy is it for this terrifying existence to come all the way?

The blood of the gods in his hands is beyond everyone's imagination.

Li De's expression was quite subtle when he saw this scene.

The darkness dominates this knife, and the sharpness of the knife is beyond imagination.

Dawn Lord God, I have stripped their souls from their bodies, and their godheads are still there. I am very satisfied with this gift.

The Master of Darkness waited until everything was completed, and came to Li De with a bit of joy.

He received three gods' souls at one time, and because the opponent's strength declined, the souls he stripped were more complete.

He can completely use it to cultivate a few divine beings as his subordinates, and the harvest this time is not bad.

Li De smiled slightly.

The highest realm of killing someone with a knife is that the other party helped him solve the big trouble, and he also felt that he owed him favor.

Without the Master of Darkness, he would be trapped alone in the kingdom of God, the god of halflings, and besieged by three gods.

Although he has absolute confidence in his own strength, in the end it will be difficult to achieve any results.

The biggest possibility is that maybe the other party can't do anything to him, but he can't do anything about these three gods. After all, it's no problem for the three gods to escape.

A lose-lose situation is most likely.

Now that the Dark Lord has shot, all this has changed.

Now, he has three bodies of gods in his pocket...it's just arrogant.

Although the three gods lost their souls, the one thing he cared about the most was the soul, because he had no means to control the souls of the dead, but the value of the gods was more precious to him.

In this wave, he made money by sitting and watching the play, and sold the Dark Lord to a favor, which was really cool.

The harvest is not too big.

Master of Darkness, my friend...

This is a testimony to our friendship, and I will continue to stay on the Lord's plane during this time until my goal is achieved.

If you encounter these gods who come to the main plane again in the middle, I will directly activate the saber with divine power, and you can feel that you can prepare for the coming.

If it weren't for war, I would call you more lightly...

The dark master heard that the fire of the soul suddenly rose a little, this time is not over yet? The mood is getting better.

Okay, as long as you meet these gods, you can call me...

At this time, the undead monarch's goodwill towards Li De was rising steadily, and he was deeply happy that he had made such a reliable ally.

Li De's smile is also very bright, this knife is really good...

But he suddenly seemed to remember something, turned his head to look at the long saber in his hand and shook his head.

Master of the Darkness, do you have any other equipment that can carry your power? This saber-cutting saber is too conspicuous and is not suitable for my identity.

The Dark Lord nodded slightly when he heard the words, Indeed.

Then he stretched out his hand and waved, and the saber flew straight to his side.

Under Li De's eyelids, the horse-chopping knife melted like ice and snow, and the most essence of it slowly condensed into a ring with a mysterious inscription.

After the ring was formed, it flew back to Li De's hand.

This ring contains my divine power. You only need to input power to activate the divine power in it, and I will perceive it immediately.

Li De took the ring and put it on his hand in front of the Dark Lord, showing his incomparable trust in him.

When the Dark Lord saw this scene, he became more and more satisfied with Li De.

See you next time, Dawn Lord God.

Goodbye. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Brush ~ The shadow of the dark master collapsed directly, turning into energy and pouring into Li De's ring.

After the aura of the dark master completely disappeared, Li De smiled. With the system in place, it was natural for him to know whether the ring was harmful to him.

Dark Lord of the Rings

Quality: Special Item

Skill: Summon Undead Lord

Introduction: The Lord of Darkness presents the utensils to the Lord of Dawn, and it is limited to the Lord of Dawn for use by one person. Outsiders cannot view the attributes. Once activated, outsiders will face the wrath of Lord of Darkness.

Good guy, it is still a limited item, and if it is not activated by him, then it will face the master of darkness.

Li De is quite satisfied with this. In his opinion, this is a life-saving trump card. He can summon an undead monarch as a thug at any time.

And if you encounter someone who is unhappy in the future, can you encourage the other party to activate the magic ring, and when the other party sees the scene dominated by darkness, I don't know what mood it will be.


After Li De looked at the attributes several times, he adjusted his mood.

After thinking for a while, he still held a somewhat cautious attitude and used the power of faith to completely isolate the Dark Ring. If he did not summon it, the ring in his hand would not be able to perceive any outside atmosphere.

Although he knew that the master of darkness could not do anything to harm him, it was considered a double layer of insurance.

After confirming that there was no problem, he turned his eyes to the three gods, as well as the battle axe and war hammer that the gray dwarf had dropped on the void land.

These are the biggest gains today...

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