I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 447 God of Twilight, you are ambushed by us, hahahaha! !

September 9, dry and cold.

Underworld, the main city of halflings - the city of Lucy.


The desolate and low voice of the war horn is like the roar of a giant beast handed down from ancient times, and it crosses the battlefield with a cold war.

The Daybreak Legion had a total of 580,000 people, but after advancing below the city of Lucy, the total number of troops not only did not decrease, but swelled to 1 million.


The densely packed army looked down from the sky like marching ants, and the whole land was covered.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the city in front of the city that was crawling like a giant beast, and their eyes were cold and chilling.

The city of Lucy is a city built in the mountains. The towering peaks are the city walls, and the solid rock walls are the shields. The highest point of the outer city wall is even more than 200 blades. If you want to attack the city from the front, only the ground tribes or even Can't even climb up the city wall.

Coupled with the shooting holes all over the city walls and the cracks in the mountains, the halfling's best bows and arrows are like hedgehogs showing cold arrows. It is not an exaggeration to call the city under such armament.

The city of Lucy has only the front wall, and the other three sides are all towering peaks with a height of seven or eight hundred blades. With the defensive army, only flying troops can cross.

So if you want to capture the city, you can only attack from the front.

But under the front city wall, there is only one road that is about a hundred knives wide leading to the city.

But this passage is also blocked by a city wall with a height of 50 blades, although this city wall is very different from the surrounding rock walls with a height of 100 blades.

But the guards were the toughest.

Your Majesty, all the armies are ready to attack?

Garp stood behind Li De and reported respectfully, and other senior officials of the Dawning Army also looked at Li De with burning eyes, waiting for him to issue an order.

Only the undead blood dragon withered bones flew in midair with his younger brother, Atlan, the giant frost dragon. The commander of this guy was confiscated by Li De after the three armies were assembled.

It's really that the performance of this chatter commander is so bad that Li De loses his mind to support it, so let this guy be a meat shield... A cheap mouth also has the advantage of being a cheap mouth.

Li De stood on a raised mountain,

Staring coldly at the halfling main city in the distance, the breath on his body is murderous.

After hearing Karp's report, he immediately gave the order without much hesitation.

As planned, attack!

His tone was flat, but he was full of murderous intent.

This battle represents the final ownership of the underground world. Whoever wins will rule this vast land.

The halfling has absolute confidence, and so does he, he does not believe that there is a power of the same level that can stop the dawn's blade.

Silent farming and development for several years, with countless hard work, how can the battle knife he forged by himself be described in a single word?

The current City of Dawn is no longer the old Kachar Castle with only 200 blood descendants. Its edge has been revealed, and it is enough to make any power in the main plane look at it.

Upon receiving the order, the level 25 legendary orc king Karp immediately nodded, with a tyrannical look in his eyes, he waved his hand violently, and the messenger below immediately blew the horn.


The war horn sounded again, but unlike before, the horn this time was deep and long, full of chills.

When the officer team in charge of the front heard the sound of the horn, their expressions changed, and they immediately began to give orders.

Goblin bomber ready!

Kacha, Kacha~ The long chain turns, and the sound of the winch winds up.

A goblin bomber with magic symbols engraved on it began to emit faint magic fluctuations under the control of the soldiers next to it.

The power of the goblin bomber has been vividly demonstrated in the last attack on Naga City, so the crystallization of these goblins has become the key research project of Dawn City, and the magic symbols painted on it are the biggest improvement.

Under the blessing of magic, not only the range has been greatly increased, but the weight of the alchemy bombs that can be thrown has also increased a lot.

It might be more appropriate to call it the Magic Bomber at the moment, but given the growing importance of the goblins in Dawn City, the name Goblin Bomber has been retained.

The soldier next to him immediately placed alchemy bombs in a sunken bomb-carrying area, and placed 5 at a time.

The newly developed bomber not only guarantees the bombing distance and shooting accuracy, but also increases the number of alchemical bombs loaded at the same time.

Great for the first wave of bombing and scrubbing the ground before the enemy has reacted.

The halflings on the walls of the city of Lucy have sharp eyes, and can clearly observe what the Dawn Army is doing.

Although these halflings were wary of the movements of the Dawning Army on the surface, they were somewhat disapproving of them.

With such a towering wall in the City of Lucy, it is impossible for an alchemy bomb to destroy it no matter how strong it is.

Moreover, the distance between the two sides at this time is seven or eight hundred knives. It is a joke to want to attack from the flat ground beyond seven or eight hundred knives to the city wall with an average height of 150 knives and a maximum of 200 knives.

Those stupid heresies, guarded by the high city of the city of Lucy, even 10 million people can't hurt us!

Hahaha, I laughed so hard, do these idiots want to blow our city walls down with catapults and those alchemy bombs not much bigger than my toes?

Your Majesty Kapolots is high, and under your brilliance, those damn heretics have lost their minds!

Come on, goddamn twilight god, I'm standing on the city wall, come and bombard me with your alchemy bomb!


The Dawn Army used a lot of alchemy bombs in the process of advancing, and the halfling was not an idiot and naturally found out this information.

However, most of the previous attacks by the Dawning Army were air-dropped alchemy bombs, and the halflings had already defended them.

The number of black pecked eagles in the sky has gathered more than 50,000, and the crossbow arrow array on the ground has already been prepared, they will not give the magic bat a chance to fly into the city of Lucy.

The catapult on the ground couldn't be thrown so far, and the sky was absolutely safe, so the halfling at the moment didn't feel threatened at all.

As for the opponent's failure to throw the city wall and want to bombard the city wall with alchemy bombs... If the Dawn Legion thinks so, then the halflings are waiting to see the joke.

Using the mountain as the city wall, the widest thickness reaches 200 blades, not to mention the alchemy bomb, even the forbidden spell may not be able to collapse such an exaggerated rock wall.


At this moment, accompanied by a roar, the warrior who had turned the winch to the extreme suddenly released his hands, and the magic energy was also instilled into the catapult at this moment.

Bang~ The huge force rebounded and smashed the 5 alchemy bombs on the thrower directly.

The alchemy bomb flew into the sky in a high parabola, and then, under the stunned halfling, flew straight over the city wall and smashed into the interior of the city of Lyus.

Seeing this scene, these half-orcs lost their minds, what the hell is this shit? ? ?

How could it be possible to blast from the ground to the back of the city wall with a height of more than 100 blades at a distance of seven or eight hundred blades? ?

But no one will explain the doubts for them.

When the first alchemy bomb fell on a house, the firing pin of the alchemy bomb was triggered, and a deafening sound exploded.

The flames that filled the sky were like the breath of a giant dragon, instantly swallowing everything in the more than 20 blades around it.

The house was directly set on fire under the exaggerated high temperature, and the surrounding halflings were burned to coke before they could dodge.

And this is just the first alchemy bomb.

Bang bang bang ~ When the tens of thousands of ammunition thrown by more than 2,000 goblin bombers exploded, all halflings now re-acquainted with a word - devastating blow.


The explosion of the alchemy bomb was like a divine punishment to destroy the world, and even the earth was trembling.

The halfling on the city wall swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and the bow and arrow in his hand looked so pale and powerless against the backdrop of the flames in the sky.

This is a dimensionality reduction strike, the most brutal war, and the side at a low latitude does not even have any resistance.

The city wall and the military area behind the city wall were all covered by fire at this moment.

Nightmare is coming.


Under such a terrifying bombardment, the halflings could not resist at all, even the top level 15 combat power would be swallowed by the artillery fire in an instant.

The guards who were still full of ridicule on the city wall just now looked as ugly as their dead parents. Many people could not wait to slap their two big mouths, making you cheap...

But soon they had no such idea, because the second round of alchemy bombs directly covered the city wall.


The towering city walls were originally like ravines, powerful guards, sharp crossbows, and solid walls, these were all things they were proud of.

But under the exaggerated washing of the alchemy bomb, all this was easily destroyed like a piece of paper, and the halflings who were completely unprepared for the alchemy bomb all became living targets at this moment.

Incendiary bombs, shotguns, and even poisonous fog bombs, blinding bombs and other alchemy bombs with special abilities were also thrown out, and the compound damage caused even more exaggerated losses to the halfling army.

This is the crushing of technology, and the two sides are not on the same level at all.

The tactics for dealing with the city of Naga are now being staged again in the city of Lucy.

The most powerful thing about technology is that even if you know the strength of the other party, if you don't have the same means to deal with it, you are blind and you can only be beaten.

Exaggerated range, terrifying power, the halfling experienced for the first time how sharp the Dawn City blade was.

Quick, go find your majesty!!

What's going on? Why is there so much chaos on the front lines?

What's ringing?

The halfling officer corps who were supervising the battle at the rear looked confident and full of expressions as they watched the entire area of ​​the city wall was shrouded in a sea of ​​fire, and all of them suddenly looked very ugly.

Why do those goddamn infidels have such powerful weapons? ?

Doesn't the intelligence say that these alchemy bombs are not many and can only be thrown with bats? !

Those damn intelligence officers should be hanged!

Black Pecking Eagle, immediately organize an attack to destroy those damn catapults!

Mage cast spells!

Quick, go to His Majesty and ask for support...

The officer corps was in a mess for a while, and after the fierce noise, brushed the wall of the city of Lucy, and suddenly a transparent magic shield rose up, wrapping the entire city.

The halfling spellcaster was in action.


When the alchemy bomb below smashed up again, it was like hitting plasticine, and it was bounced straight out. The alchemy bomb, which can only explode after a violent impact, could not be detonated when it faced the magic shield.

Then those alchemy bombs failed to perform as well as before, and fell under the city wall. Although they were also detonated, they did not cause any damage. How many alchemical bombs would it take for a city wall with a thickness of several hundred blades to collapse? ?

Seeing this scene from the rear, Li De's expression was calm, and his eyes did not change much.

After all, this is a magical world. As long as the other party is prepared, it is not too strange to be able to resist the attack of the alchemy bomb.

But... Dawn has built up so much power that a little magic shield can stop it?

After the Bombardier Corps saw that the two attacks did not work, the commander immediately changed his order.

Replace the magic bomb!

Brush ~ order prohibition.

Immediately, the soldiers took out the specially marked boxes next to the ammunition depot, and then took out pure white magic explosive bombs one after another, and immediately replaced the loaded ordinary alchemy bombs.

Soldiers who have been trained thousands of times can operate the bomber with their eyes closed. After the replacement, the commander roared without hesitation.


Accompanied by this roar, a dazzling light erupted from the bomber driven by magic, and then a powerful energy burst out, and the thrower, which originally carried a huge elastic force, was injected with power again.

Bang~ The thrower bounced, and the magic bomb placed on the thrower made a whistling sound, smashing towards the city of Lucy like a locust.

The halfling soldiers who survived the artillery fire by chance on the city wall breathed a sigh of relief, and then saw the shocking epic scene above their heads.

The dense alchemy bombs should be bounced off when they hit the magic shield, but those white magic bombs did not bounce off after hitting the magic shield.

Instead, the energy on the magic shield activated the magic circle in the magic bomb, and then ~ rumbling~

The sky is falling.

These tens of thousands of magic bombs exploded directly on the magic shield.

The terrifying shock wave swept down from the sky like a level 12 storm.

The flames in the sky are like large fireworks, gorgeous and deadly, bright and dazzling.

Fireworks of death.

Under such a terrifying impact, the originally thick magic shield thinned as quickly as snow melted, and the magic energy was consumed at an extremely exaggerated speed.

The magic circle is strong, but it has a very fatal or inexplicable disadvantage. If you want to resist external attacks, you can only consume your own magic energy.

The impact of the explosion of tens of thousands of magic bombs directly caused the magic circle, which originally stored terrifying energy, to collapse.

To hedge against equal shocks, how much more magical energy would this require than exaggeration?

Simply outrageous beyond description.

Among the several magic towers in the city of Lucy, the magic array that provides energy for the magic shield at this moment is under the gaze of the halfling spellcaster, 呲la~ It seems that the wires are short-circuited, and countless sparks burst out.

Then because of the huge load, the magic circuit was directly overloaded, bang~ those magic circles burst like balloons.

Fortunately, there was no big explosion because most of the magic energy was completely consumed, otherwise the explosion of the magic circle would definitely devour the surrounding hundred-blade items.

When the halfling spellcaster noticed this scene, it was too late to do anything, so he could only scramble to his superiors with a terrified face to report that their magic circle only existed for a minute...

Seeing that the magic shield was collapsed, Li De's expression remained calm.

Since the development of Dawn City, more resources have been provided to scientific research units such as Dawn Mage Tower, Weapon Factory, and Alchemy Factory.

Green-skinned dwarves like goblins can't do anything else, but they are really talented in alchemy bombs. Li De gave them some tips before, and they can study different alchemy bombs for various situations to strengthen their background.

Unexpectedly, the goblins are really powerful, and all kinds of strange alchemy bombs have been developed.

The magic bomb for the magic shield is one of them. There is a corresponding magic array in it. As long as the magic bomb touches the powerful magic, it will activate the magic array and detonate the bomb.

In order to prevent the explosion of magic bombs, the white shell is made of materials that isolate magic power, and the magic circuit will be connected only after the pull ring is pulled out.

A variety of settings make this magic bomb a killer against magical defenses like magic shields.

And there are many similar weapons in the booming City of Dawn. In a safe, prosperous, and resource-rich environment, these researchers bear a lot of expectations from Li De, and their output is indeed satisfactory.

Push forward 200 blades and continue to bomb!

After the magic shield was broken, the commander in front immediately issued an order.

The city wall and the back of the city wall have been bombed again, and the continued bombardment has little effect.

After the bombardment corps received the order, they were very skilled, and four or five soldiers picked up the bomber and drove forward. Just looking at their posture, they knew that they had undergone rigorous training.

The surrounding troops also followed and put on cover to prevent the enemy from attacking.

Soon, the goblin bomber that moved forward started a new round of bombing again.

The halfling only recovered from the stunned state at this moment, but before the senior generals could come up with a countermeasure, a more ferocious artillery attack came again.

Looking at the flames in the city, the high-level halfling's face was as ugly as eating a dead mouse.

What the hell is going on? ? What about the magic shield? Didn't you just turn on the magic shield?

When they looked up, there was no magic shield in the sky, and it was completely white.


Behind the city walls of the City of Lucy are military areas, and those who have advanced 200 blades are already less than 500 blades away from the city walls.

The throwing distance of the goblin bomber equipped with the magic device has now exceeded 1,500 blades, which means that the 1,000 blades behind the city wall are all within the striking range.

The halfling, who was still extremely confident just now, experienced despair for the first time when he faced the Dawn Army.

The whistling black alchemy bombs were the scythes of the god of death, and each one hit the ground would cause the earth to tremble.

The shock waves and flames that swept across the four directions became a deadly demon mouth.

Li De looked at the advance of the army and shook his head.

He found that once the technology was one level higher than the other side, the war was very boring.

Totally grandpa beating grandson.

Moreover, the opponent's air army was also restrained by the magic word bat. The magic word bat with the air continuous crossbow has a great advantage over the black pecked eagle, and the other party did not dare to take the risk to attack the bombing force below.

It's really lonely as snow... If there is no top-level combat power, the army of Dawn City can sweep half of its glory with this alchemy bomb...

The truth exists only within the range of a cannon, and it's true.

The magically transformed goblin catapult has twice the range of a normal catapult throw.

What do these halflings do with Dawnbreak?

The halfling's most powerful crossbow shooting distance is only four or five hundred blades, and a heavy weapon such as a siege vehicle is only six or seven hundred blades. Under the exaggerated range of the goblin bomber, such a short distance is all beaten. target.

Even if there are so few weapons that can reach the bomber, the number of bomber is as many as 2,000, and it is useless to destroy so many dozens or hundreds of them.

Many halflings who hid under the mountain fortifications and attacked with shooting holes survived.

But facing the army of dawn can only be said to be a drop in the bucket, especially when the vampire caster team stepped forward to cast spells and protected the goblin bomber with a magic shield, the scene was even more embarrassing.

Li De had no choice but to sigh at the end.

No wonder in those myths and legends left over, goblins once ruled the world, and that lost era is also called the alchemy era.

Although alchemy is fundamentally different from Earth's technology, there are still similarities in the most fundamental logic.

Before the halflings thought that the city that never fell in the sky had officially collided with the army of the dawn, it had already lost most of its resistance.

Technology changes warfare...

However, Li De did not take it lightly, because the better the battle situation, the more intense the next battle will be, because the opponent's biggest trump card is not some unattainable city wall, but the ultimate existence of this world - the gods.

Even if the god of halflings lost most of his power after the advent of the old days, the existence of this level, no matter how powerful the opponent is now, must be vigilant enough.

Who knows what kind of backhand a god might hide? He can have so many trump cards, so the opponent will definitely be worse?

The war is continuing, but the current situation can no longer even be called a war, but a one-sided crush.

After several rounds of bombing, the goblin catapult had advanced to a distance of 300 blades from the city wall, and the surrounding army also followed.

The halflings would never have imagined that the City of Dawn now only displayed a part of their weapons, and the main city, which had gathered all their strength, had almost lost its resistance.

No one knows how many halflings died in the alchemy bombing, not even the halflings themselves.

They only know that the preparation area that was originally prepared to resist the enemy has now been buried in the sea of ​​​​fire, except for a small number of people who escaped.

Despair began to permeate the city of Lucy, and those believers who were confident that they would be able to wipe out the invading enemy were all at a loss at the moment.

Why were they beaten so badly with the blessing of God? ?

At this moment, the atmosphere in the halfling temple is also very dignified.

All the high-level halflings looked at the magic mirror reflecting the battlefield in the air, their faces were stiff, and their eyes were full of anger and some unspeakable fear.

Why does that goddamn twilight have such terrifying firepower? ?

They originally thought that the city walls of the city of Lucy would be able to withstand at least a few days, but they didn't expect to be knocked down even for a day, no, ten minutes...

If it goes on like this, I am afraid that their army will not be in contact with each other, and the city will fall.

Thinking of this, the eyes of the high-level halflings couldn't help but look at the god of halflings sitting on the altar.

Your Majesty...

Seeing this, the god of halflings took a deep breath, and his face was a little ugly.

After all the calculations, he did not calculate that the army of Dawn City was so fierce. He also thought that when the opponent could not attack the city wall and took the initiative, he would be ambushed.

Now ambushing a fart, if you wait any longer, the whole city will be gone.

He turned his head and looked down at the halfling senior who was eagerly looking at him, with a solemn tone.

I will lead the God of Twilight into my kingdom of God, and at that time, you will immediately lead the army to defeat his followers!

The underground world can only belong to halflings!

After hearing the words of the god of halflings, the morale of the people who had just fallen to the bottom immediately surged, and they shouted loudly one by one.

Yes, as long as that goddamn heresy is dead, the victory of this war still belongs to us!

Your Majesty, rest assured, the halfling army will crush those damn cultists!

Your light will guide us to victory...

Looking at the frenzied crowd below, the Halfling God took a deep breath and immediately decided to do it.

If you wait any longer, the city will be gone.

Pay attention to the official account: Book Friends Base Camp, pay attention to get cash and coins!

Go down and command the army, the battle of gods is about to begin!

After the voice fell, the figure disappeared in the temple before the crowd could react.

The leading legendary old halfling sensed the disappearance of the god of halflings, turned his head and glanced at the halflings around him with an excited expression, his tone was hot.

Your majesty's battle of gods is bound to be won, that goddamn god of dusk cannot escape the siege of the three gods!

Immediately return to the army, we will capture the entire army of the Twilight God, and they will all become the new believers of the crown!

These words immediately made the already high morale even more surging.

Victory will belong to them, and all have the firmest belief in it.

God of Twilight? Hehe, let's talk about being able to survive...

Outside the city of Lucy, the Dawn-breaker Legion, which had planned to advance again, suddenly stopped.

Because an extremely terrifying breath is now permeating from the sky.

It was like a prehistoric beast crawling out of the vast ocean, and its brutal eyes were staring coldly at the earth.

Standing tall and majestic.

The terrifying coercion permeated the entire sky, and the world seemed to be trampled underfoot at this moment.

That is the coercion of the gods, the most original breath, and all the troops feel the fatal danger, as if their souls will collapse and explode if they take a step forward.

And Li De, who was at the back, narrowed his eyes slightly.

The final boss finally appeared.

God of Twilight... I haven't seen you for a million years, why did you attack my main city and kill my followers?

The voice with a bit of anger sounded like a rolling thunder crashing down in the sky, and the lower-level soldiers in the army below even had their legs weak and almost knelt down.

The coercion of the gods is unavoidable, it is the breath that penetrates the soul.

Li De narrowed his eyes.

Pretend in front of me than what? ?

Taking one step, the body appeared directly in the air.

Looking at the sphere with amber light in the sky indifferently, his tone was flat.

Attack your main city? Kill your followers?...

so what?

The god of halflings was stunned when he heard these words, and instantly blood rushed to his mind, his face flushed with anger.

God of Twilight, you are provoking me, do you want to start a battle of gods?!

God war? Li De smiled.

You too?

I! ! !

I wanted to pretend to be Bobby just now, and the halfling god who would kill Li Dehao to harvest his faith was suddenly mad at this moment.

This damn bastard! !

How dare he! How dare you be so provocative! !

As a god, how many years has no one dared to treat him like this? ? !

You are courting death!!

The god of halflings let out a roar, and then, under the watchful eyes of millions of troops below, rushed straight towards Li De.

It seems that he was provoked by Li De and wanted to confront him head-on.

Li De's expression is quite subtle, these days, there are still people who change the law and die?

Although the god of halflings exudes a powerful momentum, he has just sensed it. This guy shows strength, but he is actually bluffing. This acting skill is not even half his level.

As an expert in this field, he saw through the god of halflings at a glance, and his strength is still legendary at most, and he is still a few blocks away from the demigods.

No, the other party's anger... is fake.

Li De's eyes narrowed, and his thoughts turned instantly. The god of halflings is not a fighting god at all. There must be a reason for daring to do this. Do you want to avoid it?

But after Yu Guang glanced at the saber that he was hanging around his waist, his face returned to calm again...

I'm sorry, no matter what conspiracy you have, this time I borrowed a knife you can't imagine...

All of this is a long story, but it just happened between lightning and flint. Just when the god of halflings approached the distance of Li De's hundred blades, the face that was full of anger suddenly changed, and there was a bit of joy in his eyes. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com


With a roar, the whole sky exploded together, and then the range of the thousand blades around Li De was shrouded in a force, and even before the blink of an eye, the whole world disappeared.

Turn around.

After a few breaths, Li De appeared in a dark space.

The earth is an ethereal phantom, and the sky is bleak and dim. It looks like a plane that has just been destroyed.

But what made Li De's expression extremely exciting was the three figures that appeared in front of him... He didn't expect that the god of halflings would pull him directly into a plane, and it was obvious It's a trap designed first, and it takes three to hit one...

The god of halflings looked at Li De with a strange expression, and a cold smile appeared on his face.

Did you really think I'd be irritated by your clumsy provocation?

Hahaha, God of Twilight, you are ambushed by us! !

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