I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 435: Super Features brought by Three Million Believers (7,600 words)

My God's glory will live forever!!

These damned orcs should all be hanged on the city wall!


For my god!

The 270th floor of the abyss, the western area of ​​the gravel plane.

Roaring, screaming, scolding, the voices of more than 20 people mixed together like a stormy sea when an eighteenth-level storm blew.

This is where the abyss orcs live - an abyssal scrub filled with disgusting brimstone.

At this moment, Naga, who shouted the slogan for the God of Twilight, brought a chaotic army of corrupted gnolls, evil lizardmen, seducers, inferior demons, etc., was besieging the abyss with a number of about 70,000 or 80,000, and its appearance was distorted and distorted. Half-orc.

Chaos and killing are the eternal themes of the Abyss.

At this time, it was only a week before the Discord Legion defeated the Seducer.

After the lord of the tempted demons escaped, Li De, relying on the terrifying majesty of the lord of the gods, directly overwhelmed the entire army of tempted demons, making the number of disorderly legions directly exceed 180,000.

This is how the abyss really opens up, and in this wicked land, the winner will win everything, be it wealth or armies.

Reed spent a few days sorting out the harvest and reorganizing the army after incorporating the seducer.

In terms of harvesting, apart from some poisonous foods that are suitable for abyss life, other things are pitiful, and Li De has no interest in taking a second look.

If it weren't for a large area of ​​land that might be able to detect mineral veins, he really didn't bother to occupy the territory of the lure.

On the contrary, he took a few more glances at the more than 70,000 fascination demon legions. These are all demons above level 10, and their single combat power is even stronger than that of professionals of the same level on the surface.

It is a pity that in the terrifying high-level map of the abyss, this legion only belongs to the level of cannon fodder.

After reorganizing the legion, Li De did not hesitate at all, and directly waved his army westward, brazenly killing the abyss orcs.

It is hard for outsiders to imagine what kind of experience it is to have wars break out all day long, but the main theme of the abyss is only killing and death.

These damn abyss worms!! We can't stop it, get back to the city of Orcs!!

The Orc Commander watched the Discord Legion be fierce and invincible,

Suddenly his face changed greatly, and he immediately issued an order to retreat.


After a short horn sounded, the abyss orcs who were in a state of rout began to completely retreat, running behind them one by one.

The Disordered Legion, which had achieved a certain advantage, was naturally indifferent, and began to frantically attack and kill the orcs.

In the end, the half-orc commander left an army of ten thousand people as cannon fodder to stop the slaughter of the disorderly army.

The battlefield between the two sides stretched for more than ten kilometers, and the smell of blood could be smelled even from dozens of kilometers away. I don't know how many evil monsters were attracted to peep in the shadows, trying to get a broken body from it.

Li De floated in mid-air, watching the scene calmly. This time he still didn't make a move. He needed to check whether the reorganized Disorder Legion had achieved results.

The Abyssal Orcs are a fraction of the single power of the Enchanters, so the Discord makes much quicker progress in the face of these evil beings.

After the battle with the lure, Li De has figured out the general routine of the abyss war.

To sum it up - there are no tricks.

Yes, it's that simple.

No matter how these chaotic beings are arranged before the war, once the war begins, they will fall into chaos and will not obey orders at all.

Any military formation is just like playing, and it is useless to arrange it.

At the end of the fight, you will definitely find that this war relies on hard power to fight each other, and whoever is stronger on both sides wins.

Fortunately, the same is true for the enemy. Even if they use certain tactics, it is extremely simple to flank and surround them.

Affected by the will of the abyss, it is impossible for these chaotic beings to be as precise as the army of the main plane.

But killing pigs and butts, each has its own way of killing.

In response to the chaotic characteristics of the abyss, Li De created a new tactical system for the Disordered Legion.

First of all, he recruited the Naga tribe. As a rare lawful evil being, Naga can listen to commands and cooperate in war, so it is very important.

Before Li De let Naga command other demons, it was a waste of these upper races, because Naga could not command at all, but the demons would make Naga fall into chaos like them.

So Li De simply divided the Naga into two legions with a number of nearly 10,000, and became the sharp knife army.

Once you encounter a tough battle, send the Naga up.

As a high-ranking race, the corresponding demon in the abyss is a high-ranking demon, and its strength is beyond doubt.

Coupled with the neat cooperation of the Naga, dealing with the half-orcs who are not as strong as them is completely in a state of annihilation.

As for the remaining demon army, Li De also ingeniously gathered the strongest part to form a legion, and then used this as the second core and placed it in the second echelon of the attacking column.

In this way he has three powerful legions.

Although only Naga can be controlled, although the demon is chaotic, the power that emerges from a concentrated burst is not much weaker than that of Naga.

The first wave and the second wave of the army will be cannon fodder, the third wave will be the core demon army, and the fourth wave and the fifth wave will be the Naga, which will form a huge wave like the sea, and each wave will be stronger than the next wave. Strong state, and finally completely overwhelm the enemy.

This attack on the Orcs used this kind of military formation. Although the Orcs guarding outside were only less than 100,000 people, the fact that they were overwhelmed in just one day of the sun was enough to show that this strategy was still effective.

In fact, these demons who are not afraid of death are definitely the best fighters if they are not too chaotic. The demons are strong alone, their morale is always high, and they are cruel and bloodthirsty. They are not afraid of threats, and they are not afraid of death. Who would face such a The military will have a headache.

Fortunately, the rules of Glory are balanced, giving the demons powerful individual strengths, while depriving them of their ability to obey orders, so that their power is confined to individuals.


Kill these lowly orcs!

For Your Majesty!

The Disordered Legion below saw the abyss orcs begin to rout, and each made a roar of excitement.

Unlike the lure monsters who went out to fight the whole army, the abyss orcs only sent one-third of the army to fight, and more troops were still guarding the city they built - the city of the orcs.

Li De saw the disorderly army advancing inward, and his eyes also looked at the behemoth in the distance.

The city of half-orcs was built in low bushes. At this moment, it looked like an abyss beast that was tearing apart the plane and was crawling on the ground. It seemed that it might stand up and roar the world at any time.

The outside of the huge rock city wall is uneven, and the inside of the city wall is even more solidified with black marks.

The whole city wall is filled with an unpleasant stench of blood. If you look carefully, you can find that it is dried blood. How many lives would it take to make such a vast city wall black with blood? ? Perhaps this question can be seen from the pile of white bones several blade high under the city wall.

The city wall of the city of Orcs is purely made of stone blocks, and there is no craftsmanship at all, but when the height of the city wall reaches 40 blades, it still feels like a natural danger.

After the defeat, the Orcs have already retreated into the city. If the Discord Legion wants to destroy these Orcs, they need to break through the strong city wall first.

And the almost crazy Disordered Legion seems to really want to rush to the tower in the flesh, regardless of it.

Fortunately, this behavior was stopped by the 19th-level Naga Commander Oli Kabal.

It is completely blind to the city wall without a siege weapon.

The abyss races are very good at fighting, but they know nothing about forging weapons. Except for the abyss dwarves, basically no races can forge weapons.

This caused the ground troops to appear somewhat powerless when facing the city wall.

The whole army!


Counting the numbers of their respective legions...

Commander Naga's voice was still wafting, apparently planning to make a whole wave before attacking.

After killing the tens of thousands of orcs who went out to fight against the city, there were still 170,000 legions left in the Disordered Legion, and there were at least 200,000 abyss orcs in the city of orcs.

If it is hard to open, it may cause extremely tragic losses.

Under the command of Naga, more than 100,000 people began to slowly restore a certain order. They lined up in a mess outside the city. Looking down from the sky, Li De had an inexplicable feeling.

As long as he waved his hand, the more than 100,000 people below will sacrifice everything to fight for him.

This feeling of waving thousands of troops and horses obeying orders is quite heart-warming.

Li De looked at the disorderly army that was slowly lined up below, and was just about to make a move, but he suddenly remembered a system prompt that made him stunned.

Ding~ Your total number of believers has reached 3 million, activate the believer system.

Belief system: As long as you reach enough belief levels, you will be blessed by the power of the gods. Your believers are divided into mad believers, devout believers, believers, and pan-believers.

Pan believers: You may believe in multiple gods, and if you believe in unfaithfulness, you can get a 1% increase in all attributes.

Believers: Only believe in one god, with a solid belief, you can get a 5% increase in all attributes.

Pious believer: Your belief is firm and extremely pious, and you can get a 10% increase in all attributes.

Crazy believer: treat you as the only one, and will defend your glory with your soul and life, and you can get a 20% increase in all attributes.

Li De was stunned for a moment. He didn't pay attention during this period of time. The total number of his followers has reached 3 million?

Subconsciously opened his own sect panel.

Sure enough, the total number of believers of the two sects at this moment has reached 3 million, of which the number of believers of the Dawn sect is 820,000, while the number of believers of the Twilight sect is an exaggerated 2.18 million. The two together just meet the conditions.

The believer system activated by 3 million believers seems to be a bit unusual... At first glance, there are not many bonuses, but this goddamn is the overall bonus? ?

3 million believers, all bonuses... This is too perverted.

There was a bit of joy on Li De's face. Just as he was about to check it out, the system's prompt sounded again.

Ding~ Your total number of believers has reached 3 million, open the priest system, and open the sect spell system.

Ding~ Your holy priest, Nilo, has uploaded 24 sect spells. You can now bestow sect spells on your priests. Sect spells are gifts from gods to priests, and gods can take them back at any time.

The priest system is - junior priest, intermediate priest, senior priest, bishop priest, white archbishop, red archbishop.

Ding~ You have activated the priest system, whether to upload your spells. After the spells are uploaded, you can give the spells to your priests.

After the system prompts quietened down, Li De's heart instantly filled with thousands of waves.

The total number of believers has reached 3 million, which not only opened the believer system, but also opened the pastor system.

Was it too exaggerated this time? ?

Although the previous sect was not bad, it still relied on two divine arts to support it in essence.

One that can assimilate the soul and accept the younger brother, and the other that can consume the power of faith to improve the strength of the subordinates, is the most core magic.

But for the lower-level believers, the benefits are not high, at most it is to buy peace of mind.

It was only now that he truly understood the value of a sect of faith.

Not to mention that 1% of pan-believers is too little, just being a believer and getting 5% of the full attribute blessing is enough to make people excited.

Not to mention that devout believers increase all attributes by 10%, and mad believers increase by 20%.

This kind of visible benefit will definitely make his believers reach a new height, and it will be too convenient to preach in the future.

The opening of the priest system represents the official formation of the sect's power. In the future, the sect can cultivate its own power, and there is no need to send external forces to guard the sect.

Ding~ upload your spell? If you don't select it after five seconds, it will be automatically canceled...


Spell upload?

Li De raised his brows, seeing the reminder that this is also a part of the welfare, naturally there is no reason to hesitate.

Confirm last time.

Ding~ Uploaded successfully.

After the system beeps subsided, Li De had more than 2,000 points in his mind at the moment, and after a little sense, he immediately came to a realization.

The more than 2,000 spiritual points belong to his pastor. If he responds to someone's call and prayer, he can communicate with the pastor through the spiritual connection point.

As an extension of the power of the gods, the priest has always been the most important part of the sect.

The previous Dawn priests were completely castrated versions, with only simple self-healing abilities, instead of powerful spellcasting abilities like priests from other sects.

At this moment, his sect is a big step in perfection, and his god is becoming more and more formal...

But there is a problem, if it is too cumbersome for him to reward priest spells one by one, when will thousands of people have to get them?

After a little thought, Li De immediately granted this permission to his holy priest, Nilo.

After sensing the admiration and joy from Nilo, he recovered his mind.

Sure enough, it is necessary to train a few capable subordinates...

After Li De heard the system prompt, the underground world, those dark races that believed in the God of Twilight suddenly showed surprise at this moment.

Because they felt that a powerful force was shrouded in them, their power was instantly improved.

It was a reward from the great Lord of Twilight.

The feeling of being watched by the gods instantly made these believers flattered, and the level of belief increased steadily.

Many people have risen directly from believers to devout believers, and the power they have gained after reaching devout believers has increased even more significantly, which makes them think that they are appreciated by the gods, and their faith levels have followed suit.

In a short period of time under the virtuous circle, there were a large number of devout believers and fanatics on Li De's panel. The higher the degree of belief, the more belief power the believers provided.

This time, the key to Li De's activation of the sect's characteristics - the caveman, after realizing that his power has increased and being watched by Li De, he knelt down to the ground almost crazily, and began to pray extremely devoutly and fervently.

How could these humble lives have been valued by others, and now they have been rewarded by the great gods, how glorious this is.

The speed with which the caveman's faith has grown is astounding.

The prayers in Naga City floated out from the various giant caves and remained in the sky for a long time.

It's not just the Twilight Sect that has been blessed with power, but so are the followers of the Dawn Sect.

At this time in Green City, due to the erosion of the old power, the outside world is full of threats, and many cities have even been captured by monsters.

Coupled with the disappearance of the gods, the power of the sect has almost collapsed completely, and those believers who originally believed in various sects have fallen into confusion.

The gods they believed in have disappeared, so do they still need to continue to believe in a group of missing gods?

Except for a few fanatical believers, most believers have this mentality.

And at this time, those believers who were shaken in their hearts came into contact with the Dawnbreaker Sect with the true God in charge... So the speed of the Dawnbreaker Sect's preaching was unprecedentedly fast.

At this moment in Green City, there are already more than 500,000 Dawnbreak Sect believers in the eyes of others who seem to be crazy and kneel down on the street together, their eyes are full of unbelievable fanaticism from outsiders.

My God! Your humble believer senses the power you bestow!! Praise you, your light will surely shine on the darkness!

I feel the gaze of my god!! Great god of dawn, I will pray to you in the most devout way...

That breath... Is the Crown of Yiluo?!! The power in me has become stronger?! This is the gift of the Crown, this, what kind of glory is this, I actually won the Crown of Yiluo. reward......

The surrounding residents who heard the prayers of the Dawn believers had strange expressions on their faces. These are obviously ordinary believers like them. Can they get the attention of the gods? is it possible?

But those fanatical expressions made the crowd hesitant again, and it seemed that it was really possible... After all, the one from the Dawnbreaker Sect, but the crown of Yiluo.

The number of residents who went to the Dawnbreaker Sect hit a new high that day, and when those who became new believers were blessed with power, the surprising news was immediately passed on.

It didn't take long for the news of the belief that His Majesty Ilo would be rewarded with power spread throughout Green City, and the threshold of the Dawnbreaker Sect was about to be broken.


The Ruined Stone Plane is hunting the disordered army in the city of Orcs. After the believer's system was activated, the momentum rose in vain.

Many seductresses even made extremely weird roars, like crying when they were enjoying themselves to the extreme, ah~

All the demons who were forcibly conquered by Li De and believed in him felt the increase in their power at this moment.

It was a gift from the great god in the sky, the God of Twilight.

My God's reward, I got my God's reward...

My strength has increased!!

Praise Twilight!

The members of the Disordered Legion are basically believers, because most of the unbelievers and pan-believers have been pushed out as cannon fodder, so most of them are enjoying the blessing of 5% increase in all attributes at this moment.

Although only 5% does not seem to be much, each of the more than 100,000 people has increased by 5%, which is an increase in overall strength.

The light of a match is very weak, and the strengthening is not conspicuous at all, but when 10,000 matches are strengthened at the same time, the effect is completely different.

Li De waited until the army below had adapted to the increase in strength, and this time he turned his attention to the city of Orcs.

The key now is to first incorporate the gravel plane into the territory, completely conquer this plane, and make it the stronghold of the City of Dawn in the abyss.

He can't wait to start the plan of raising pigs in the plane.

Looking at the towering orc city in front of him, filled with a strong smell of blood, Li De's eyes moved slightly.

In the two wars, he has basically figured out the routine of the abyss war, and now he does not need to use human life to fill it.

After a little contemplation, he stretched out his hand and waved, and only two seconds later, a bubbling four-ring spell—Magma Fireball appeared in his hand.

After the level was raised to extraordinary, the four-ring spells that were considered top-level for most spellcasters had become simple magic as a small fireball in Li De's hands.

The affinity and manipulation of the blood of the golden ancestors to magic has exceeded the limit of most life's imagination.

The magic model in his mind continued, and he began to input magic power continuously. The magma fireball seemed to lay eggs, and one appeared every two seconds.

Later, in order to speed up, Li De simply released multiple releases at the same time.

The powerful and terrifying fourth-ring spell - magma fireball, in less than three minutes, hundreds of them appeared around him.

The entire sky was distorted by the terrifying magma ball.

Looking up from the ground, it can be clearly found that the originally dark sky has appeared chilling hot energy.

Like the sky collapsed, the magma of the earth poured up.

The Disordered Legion below sensed the movement, and immediately a deep fear and uncontrollable worship rose in their hearts.

The abyss where strength is respected, strength is the best pass.

And Li De, no matter before or now, every time he shows his posture, makes these abyss races tremble sincerely.

Li De casted magic with a calm expression. When he sensed that his control had reached a limit, the surrounding space was already densely filled with more than 200 magma fireballs.

The sky is like a big hole burned by the hot magma, and the surrounding light has been replaced by the scorching heat of the magma.

After reaching the extreme, Li De's eyes narrowed and he waved his hand.

At this moment, the sky collapsed.

Countless magma fireballs pulled the long flame tails, drawing arcs in the sky and smashing towards the city of Orcs.

The abyss orcs above the city wall had already discovered Li De's actions, but they were helpless. Seeing this scene at this moment, their faces changed greatly, and they were instantly swallowed by fear.

The power emitted by the magma fireball was so terrifying and terrifying that before they even hit them, these orcs were already shaking their legs.

No one can resist such a high-frequency bombardment of fourth-level spells.


After the first magma fireball hit the city wall, it exploded in an instant, and the flames in the sky rolled up a wave of air, and the high temperature of nearly 10,000 degrees instantly devoured the orcs within a hundred blades in diameter.

Under the erosion of flames, these strong abyssal beings were unable to resist and directly turned into coke for even half a second.

And this is just the beginning.


What is a spell turret.

What is a fireball scrub.

At this moment, Li De perfectly showed the horror of a master mage.

The famous scene of the fireball Gatling, the magic machine gun that has not been used for a long time, is reproduced.

da da da da~

The magma of the four-ring magic was like a small fireball improved a few years ago, bombarding the towering half-orc city wall one by one.

1st, 2nd, 10th, 50th...

Under the shocking gaze of more than 100,000 Disordered Legions.

That side was 40 blades high, built with countless boulders, and the unimaginably strong city wall began to melt under Li De's terrifying magical bombardment.

Yes, not because of being bombed, but because of the extremely terrifying high temperature.

The megalithic city wall could not withstand the temperature of the explosion of the magma fireball. It turned red and melted into magma like ice and snow encountered boiling water.


The whole world seemed to be scorched clean in the scorching air.

Even at a distance of nearly 2,000 blades, the Disordered Legion was still affected a lot.

The demons, who are highly adaptable to harsh environments, feel uncomfortable at the moment, and every breath feels like a spark is burning their throats.


The hot waves made the abyss orcs feel that the sky was collapsing. They had never felt such a terrifying scene.

How could this be done by humans? ?

The collapse of the plane, the divine punishment of destroying the world is nothing but the same, right?

They are about to be destroyed by natural disasters.

These evil and chaotic beings dared to fight even in the face of five-colored evil dragons, but in the face of this heavenly mighty disaster, they all roared, roared, and wailed and ran back.

More than 30,000 and a half orcs were turned into coke under the first round of bombardment...

At this time, an ancient abyss blasphemy emanating from the flames brought the resistance of these abyssal orcs to the extreme.

I am the God of Twilight.

The abyss orcs, the gravel plane will be controlled by me, and all believers who are not me will be punished by the gods.

Resisters, die!

Unbelievers, die!

Those who believe in me can recite my name and receive my blessing in the midst of destruction.

And after Blasphemy came to mind, an incomparably terrifying divine might permeated out, pressing across the entire city of half-orcs.

It looks like a chaotic virtual beast that can devour planes is now opening eyes larger than Sun Moon Xinghe and staring at everyone brutally.

god! !

It is really God! !

Feeling the pressure that penetrated deep into the soul, all the orcs were shocked to realize that the terrifying magic was actually done by the God of Twilight, who believed in Naga!

Thinking of this, these evil beings only felt suffocated.

They had also heard the news before that Naga was blessed by gods, but most people didn't believe it, but at this moment they couldn't help it.

After thinking about it, fear instantly eroded their souls. With the power of the orcs, how could they be the opponents of the gods? ?

And at this moment, a loud noise completely overwhelmed the will of the orcs.

A section of the city wall that was attacked by Li De was melted into magma by the high temperature at the base of the wall, and it collapsed at this moment.

The city wall smashed into the magma, splashing the sky with sparks.

Submit, or destroy?

With the extremely evil words, no one in the abyss orcs dared to resist at this moment.

Submit, the great God of Twilight, we are willing to submit to you!

We are willing to spread your brilliance.

Your majesty, your power shocks us, and surrendering to you will be an honor for the Orcs...

Feeling the actions of the orcs, Li De, who was far away from the outside world, looked at the more than 20 magma fireballs remaining in the sky, and waved his hands to disperse these four-ring spells.

The corners of his mouth twitched, UU reading www.uukanshu. com is a little uncomfortable.

It didn't last a round... what a miscalculation.

Orcs will definitely vomit blood when they know what he thinks. Why don't you try to be bombarded with hundreds of four-circle spells? ?

Wait until the flames dissipate and go into the city and take over the city.

Li De gave an order directly to the Naga Legion below.

These orcs will be the vanguard against the two-horned demons...

At this point, this war without any suspense came to an end. The Orcs didn't even have extraordinary combat power. If it wasn't for his attitude of training soldiers, he could wipe out the city alone.

Li De's current combat power is at the level of destroying a city, and there is no problem in suppressing a city.

If you go further, you will reach the level of natural disasters - the plane of destruction.

Further up, there is the ultimate existence that he can't even detect - the gods.

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