I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 434 The gods who descended on the main plane, the beginning of chaos

Grand Duke, Snowmelt City was breached three days ago by the violent half-ratmen of Lisl City, led by more than 100,000 corrupted gnolls.

All 20,000 people in the city who have not been transferred to Green City were killed...

The road to the Blue Ocean Province has been closed since February 1st, but it has not been opened so far. The main reason is that the 20,000 troops we sent were attacked by distorted old monsters on the way...

Finally, the number of Heretic God believers in Green City has become more and more proliferating recently, and even strangulation cannot stop the activities of Heretic God believers...

What's more serious is that the current population in the city has exceeded 3 million people. Although we have stocked up food in advance, we don't need to worry too much this winter.

But if the power of the old days doesn't wear off and our farmland isn't tilled, it will be a disaster like never before...our food will last up to a year.

Archduke Okali stood by the closed window, looking at the snow-capped Green City through the glass window, looking down from the top of the highest nine-story attic in the city owner's manor, overlooking a third of the city .

The bishop of the god of nobility is reporting the latest news with a worried face at the moment.

Judging from the news he reported, it can be perceived that the situation is getting worse and worse, and the whole situation is sliding towards an unspeakable erosion.

After a long time, Archduke Okali spoke slowly in a hoarse voice.

Is there any news from King Nolan?

No, it has been three days, and all our spellcasters have been unable to use magic to contact the capital.

The effect of the spell is extremely poor, and even the magic scroll of the message cannot be successfully cast.

The carrier pigeons have been sent out in three batches, and it will take at least a few days to get the news...

Hearing this, Archduke Okali's vicissitudes of blue eyes narrowed, and his face sank.

Tell me some good news, Your Honor.

It's February 3rd, the sky is broken, and a whole month after the old days come, I've never had a good news...

Speaking of this, the ruler of Green City looked up at the sky that was cracked like a mirror, with a very complicated expression.

The disaster of the past is too unbearable...

The bishop had a wry smile on his face,

good news? Perhaps the biggest good news is that Green City can hold out for a while.

After thinking for a moment, his eyes lit up.

Grand Duke, if you insist... The Dawnbreaker sect seems to have developed very well recently, and the number of believers has almost exceeded 500,000.

Archduke Okali turned his head slightly when he heard the words, and looked at the bishop with some unknown reasons.

His Majesty Yiluo has not returned, even if the believers of the Dawnbreak Sect reach 1 million?

Grand Duke, the number of believers is not the key, the key is that the priests of the Dawn Sect still retain the ability to cast spells...

In the past month or so, the Dawnbreaker Sect has cultivated more than 500 priests. The power of the Holy Light in the hands of these priests has a great restraint effect on those monsters eroded by the power of the past.

Archduke Okali's expression softened slightly.

The priests of other sects lost their power because their gods disappeared, but the Crown Prince Ilo has not lost his power, and those believers can naturally have the power bestowed by the Crown Prince Ilo.

But 500 priests are still unable to meet the needs of future wars, continue to support them, I hope the Dawnbreaker sect can cultivate at least 2,000 Dawnbreaker priests...

The fact that the Dawnbreaker sect can grow so fast is inseparable from the strong support of Archduke Okari, the ruler of Green City.

And at this critical moment, a priest with spellcasting ability is definitely a rare resource that Green City desperately needs.

Spreading the Dawnbreaker sect is a win-win for both parties.

In addition, be sure to do your best to find out the news of His Majesty Ilo... Green City, only His Majesty Ilo can shield us from the wind and rain at present.

Archduke Okali sighed deeply. At this moment, the archduke, who had reached the peak of his power, felt a little powerless for some reason.

After the advent of the old days, the order in the south, no, even the order of the entire Nolan Empire has collapsed.

More than a third of the twenty cities in the southern province fell, and more than half of the remaining cities were cut off from Green City.

Looking around, he suddenly realized that Green City was like an island at the moment, and no one could send troops to help them.

Even pessimistic enough to wait for the attack of the old evil gods who will suddenly appear at some point.

If only dealing with the servants of the evil gods, it would be fine. Green City, which has concentrated the power of several cities, has now reached 400,000 troops. With more than 500,000 scattered professionals, he has enough confidence to defend Green City.

But if the power of the old evil gods reaches the level of legend or even higher, then the entire Green City will be exposed to the enemy's slaughtering knife without reservation.

The role of high-level combat power in war is like a nuclear bomb. Even if you have 200,000 troops, you can't equal a big Ivan.

Under such a background, it is very necessary to find a combat capability at the level of nuclear deterrence, and such an existence is currently only the powerful Yiluo.

The bishop priest heard the words and nodded, and answered respectfully.

Grand Duke, looking for His Majesty Ilo has been listed as the most important project by me, as long as His Majesty appears...

But when the bishop was halfway through speaking, a hoarse voice from the door of the room interrupted the conversation between the two.

You don't need to do this, that Yiluo is nothing but a false god...

Hearing this, Archduke Okari changed color.

He turned sharply to the door.

In an instant, a mysterious figure wearing a gray cloak with a face hidden in the shadows, only revealing a tall and straight nose appeared in the room.

The bishop was furious and immediately scolded.

Where is the bastard?!! How can you slander the great Ilo...

But halfway through the conversation, the mysterious man in the cloak in front of him suddenly pushed back the cloak on his head, swiping the clothes that covered his entire body and fell to the ground with a bang.

In an instant, the bishop priest and the mysterious man who took off his cloak looked at each other.

After seeing the mysterious man, the bishop priest, who was still furious just now, stood on the spot as if struck by lightning, his eyes filled with unbelievable shock.

Then, Pusu~ His legs softened, with endless surprise and fear on his face, he knelt straight to the ground, his eyes filled with unimaginable frenzy.

His Majesty Field!! My God, your humblest regards from your most devout believers!!

After seeing the person coming, Archduke Okali's eyes widened for a long time and he couldn't return to his senses. The shock on his face was no less than that of the bishop priest who had already knelt down and bowed.

Because the figure in front of him wearing a pure white robe is the god of nobility - Field, the god that the entire Nolan noble system believes in.

This ancient life that has survived for millions of years is standing in front of him at this moment.

The impact was so strong that Archduke Okari almost forgot to salute.

It stands to reason that this grand duke has not seen the gods before, after all, there is Yiluo in front of him.

But what Li De gave him was the shock of strength, while what the god of nobility gave him was the impact of myths shining into reality, which were completely different concepts.

It was not until Field, the god of nobility, that he stepped into the house, and the Grand Duke O'Kelly regained his senses.

O'Kelly Nolan has seen my god, and your presence makes the whole city of Green shine...

Field's deep amber eyes were condescendingly looking down at Archduke Okali, his tone was ethereal and indifferent.

Get up, O'Kelly.

Yes, Your Majesty. Okay stood up straight and sensed the breath of the other party, his eyes moved slightly. He had believed in the god of nobles for decades, and he was naturally no stranger to the power of the god of nobles.

But after sinking his heart at this moment, he found that the aura of the noble god in front of him was very unstable, like...he was hit hard?

The discovery surprised him a little.

Noticing Archduke Okali's gaze, Field frowned and said slowly.

O'Kelley, I just heard that you were talking about the Crown Prince Illo?

This remark made Archduke O'Kerry look a little hesitant. He didn't want the other party to misunderstand. After all, talking about another god in front of one god is not a wonderful thing.

Yes, Your Majesty, His Majesty Yiluo is an extremely powerful existence, he...

Grand Duke O'Kelly wanted to explain, but as soon as he said these words, the expression of the noble god changed slightly, and the god interrupted him mercilessly.

O'Keli, the so-called Crown Prince Ilo is just a false god, a true false god!

On the third day of the old days, the god of nobility actually descended into Green City.

But because of the shattering of the Destiny Slate, his divine power has been deprived, and the power on his body is not even one ten thousandth of what he had at his peak.

So for safety, he hid among the refugees, taking the opportunity to observe everything in Green City to determine what to do next.

And what he observed made him both delighted and angry.

He was delighted that the ruler of the city, Archduke Okali, was his believer, which showed that as long as he could get the support of the city lord, he could gather the believers to restore his strength.

But what angered him was that the believer seemed to be betraying him, because the other party had been promoting the Dawnbreaker sect he had never heard of.

And the god of this strange sect is a false god that has never been heard before - the god of dawn.

This made him hesitant. Is it safe to just go to the door?

If the Archduke O'Kelius still believed in him, then the matter was relatively simple.

But if the other party has already taken refuge in the false god, and he still appears in front of the other party after losing his power, he is likely to face unimaginable threats.

Slaughtering the gods, this is an irresistible temptation for the gods.

That's why the god of nobility has been hiding for more than a month, and during this time, he infiltrated the city lord's manor after he inquired about the news that the crown prince of Ilo seemed to have left Green City and hadn't returned for a while.

I have never heard of the existence of the Dawnbreaker Sect and the Dawnbreaker God among the gods, and in my opinion, the Crown Prince Ilo must be a false god.

O'Kelly, you were deceived by that false god using some power...

The Noble God's tone was somewhat dissatisfied, and anyone who saw his followers promoting other sects would do the same.

Archduke Okari, who was still very excited at the moment, seemed to be poured from head to toe by a basin of cold water, and his whole body became cold.

Part of the source of the power of the noble god is the believers, but the most important part is actually the nobles.

The higher the title, the more noble the nobles believe in the god of nobility, the stronger the power of the god of nobility will be.

The god of nobility is among the gods in the sky, and there are very few gods who are not dominated by ordinary believers, but are dominated by a small number of noble believers.

In this case, the higher the status of the nobles, the greater the influence on the god of nobles.

It is also for this reason that among the high-ranking nobles, the attitude of most people towards the god of the nobles is not a respectful belief, and in their view, the two parties are only cooperative.

Yes, cooperative, nobles need gods to help them justify their rule, but to a certain extent they exclude gods.

With kingship in hand, divine power can only limit them, so the nobles have a very ambiguous attitude towards the god of nobles.

As the Nolan royal family and the controller of the southern province, Archduke Okali, whose status and status can be counted in the entire Nolan Empire, can be counted in two palms.

Therefore, his attitude towards the god of nobles does not have much worship at all.

But Archduke O'Kelly is different to Li De. He saw Li De in Lisl City with his own hands to burst three extraordinary horrors, and he also saw him wave his hand to freeze the whole city and kill millions of gods and servants. Classic picture.

Archduke Okali treated Li De with respect and adoration from the bottom of his heart.

At this moment, when he heard the indifferent words of the god of nobility belittling Li De, his first reaction was not to believe or to justify, but a surge of anger rose in his heart.

It feels like someone you admire and respect a lot, but you're belittling and humiliated by outsiders.

Why? ?

This is the first reaction of Archduke O'Kelly. Why do you accuse Ilo of being a false god? ?

Just wanted to open his mouth to refute, but looking at the cold eyes of the noble god still forcibly suppressed his inner dissatisfaction.

After taking a deep breath, he said slowly.

Your Majesty, I sense that your aura seems unstable... Do you need me to let the city guards promote the noble sect?

Although the words are open and upright, they have a hint of temptation. Grand Duke Okali dares to be angry because the aura of the noble god in front of him is unstable.

If the other party appears to be a domineering and unparalleled divine coercion, he will not or dare not be dissatisfied.

However, after the appearance of the noble god, there was no aura that made him feel dangerous. It was very different from the false god Ilo, who was called by the other party. That's why Archduke Okali has so many emotions.

After all, strength is the only glory.

Without power, even the former gods may not be respected.

The god of nobility didn't seem to realize this at this time. Seeing that Archduke Okali didn't refute him, he subconsciously thought that the other party had realized his mistake.

O'Kelley, now you should shut down the churches of false gods and spread my faith.

The corrupting forces of the past will soon roll up more terrifying threats around Green City, and I must quickly restore my strength!

These words made Okaili's brows wrinkle, and the discomfort in his heart became a little more intense. The aloof voice of the noble god made him very unhappy.

And this order also makes him not cold, it is no problem to spread the noble sect in an all-round way, but shut down the church under the crown of Ilo? ?

Are you kidding me?

The other party is an existence that has frozen a city with a magical technique. It is said that you have not recovered your strength. Even if you recover your strength, can you really beat the crown of Yiluo?

In fact, Li De's image in the heart of Grand Duke O'Keli is too strong and stalwart.

The god of nobility, whom he should have been closer to originally, seemed extremely unfamiliar at the moment.

The correct way for the god of nobility should be to establish prestige directly after meeting the Grand Duke O'Kerry, and then issue an order.

But the god of nobility overestimated his influence on Duke O'Keli and underestimated Li De's might.

Moreover, his current state is very unstable, and the strength needed to establish majesty is enough to make him feel distressed, so he just skipped this step.

This led to the unpleasantness of Archduke O'Kerry by giving excessive orders without establishing his prestige.

But as an old aristocrat, Grand Duke O'Kelly is not going to contradict the god of nobility because of this. Although the respect in his heart is almost exhausted, there is still a somewhat standard aristocratic smile on his face.

Your Majesty, I obey your orders...

During this period of time, you can restore it in the city owner's manor, and I will immediately order the spread of the noble sect...

Before the words were finished, the God of Nobles interrupted Archduke O'Keli, No, not only the sect of nobles, but also the sect of the God of Knights will follow along to preach...

God of knights? He also came to Green City?

Archduke Okali was a little surprised. So there are three gods in Green City?

I was both pleasantly surprised and a little worried in my heart. The surprise was that the stronger Green City was, the safer it would be. What I was worried about was that if His Majesty Ilo returned, how would he treat these two gods?

He doesn't want Li De to fight with the two gods. If he does, let's not say who loses who, that is the question of whether Green City can exist...

Yes, the god of knights has also come to Green City, and the other party is looking for a blasphemer who has blasphemed him a few years ago. He has tracked down the soul of the blasphemer, and it may appear after a while. …”

Archduke Okali couldn't help but take a deep breath. He felt that Green City was getting more and more chaotic, and the gods had already left the scene in person. Are those evil gods also coming?

Your Majesty, it is my duty to spread your glory!

After the words were spoken, Grand Duke Okaili thought of Li De inexplicably, and there was only one thought in his heart. If Iluo was still there, maybe he wouldn't have to be so afraid of those old evil gods.

The Grand Duke always had an inexplicable admiration and trust for Li De in his heart. It seemed that the crown of Yiluo represented everything.

Li De, who was still in the abyss at the moment, did not know that the city of Green, which was extremely important to him, had already appeared at this moment in the form of a saint and descended into a mortal god. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

And these two gods, more or less, have something to do with him and are hostile...

The changes in Green City are only a trivial microcosm when looking at the entire main plane of glory.

In the central area of ​​the ancient deep forest, a few days ago, twelve figures in green cloaks entered it. The next day, news came from the elves that the twelve spirits of the elves had all returned...

One of the most powerful human kingdoms on the main plane, the Purple Maple Leaf Empire, the Sun Goddess Palace in its capital is shining brightly... The great Sun Goddess has quietly descended.

In addition, the God of War, the God of Justice, the God of Forging, the Lord of Dawn... and other powerful gods have more or less spread the news of their arrival in the world.

The old evil that shrouded the world, the gods who came to the world as saints, the kingdom order that has gradually collapsed, the careerists who are ready to hunt the gods, the evil god believers who watch in the shadows, and the undead who have not yet moved. and the abyss...

Countless forces are intertwined on the main plane at this moment, and the direction of the main plane of glory begins to turn in a direction that no one can predict.

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