I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 428: The old days come, and new players enter the glory

Era of Glory January 1, 3526, the coldest day of the Winter Moon, when snow and ice blanketed the earth.

In the early hours of the morning, a blood-colored crescent moon rose into the sky, and even a blizzard couldn't hide its light.

That round was like the beginning of a day that was recorded in the glorious annals of the blood moon over everyone's heads.

The old days have come.

If no one knew what the old days were all about before the blood moon lifted off today, then after the blood moon lifted off and the ice and snow covered the earth, the residents of the main plane of glory experienced the fear of being dominated by the old days for the first time. .

The whispers from the endless exotic city-states are like the roars of demons from the deepest depths of the abyss, and the weird, evil, and twisted language resounds in everyone's ears.

Humans, dwarves, elves, murlocs, orcs, centaurs...

All the intelligent races were on the plane tonight, and in the endless evil whispers, everyone seemed to suddenly see a strange being with an octopus body and a human aberration breaking into their souls.

Send out fear to them unscrupulously, and send out that unique - the breath of the old days.

And the deepest old whispers from the abyss continued until nine o'clock the next morning, but at the moment when the evil whispers stopped, a more terrifying thing made most people even forget the tormented whispers last night.

Because the sky of the main plane of glory is broken, yes, broken.

Just as it was literally described, the entire sky shattered with a crisp sound.

Indescribable cracks appeared in the sky shrouded in thick dark clouds, as if a mirror had been shattered and glued back together again.

What's even more terrifying is that from the cracks in the sky, countless old breaths that are more terrifying than the abyss aura surged out.

The old days, representing decay, representing eternal silence and destruction.

The most extreme evil in the world is eroding the world at the moment, even if the bottomless abyss collides with the main plane, it cannot cause such a terrifying scene.

The gray-white breath of the old days poured in from the gap in the sky, like a quilt that was cracked and seeped out by water.

It is the darkness left from ancient times,

It was a great terror enough to make even determined warriors tremble.

God, it's broken.

No one can describe the shock of the entire inhabitants of the main plane of glory, their hearts are shrouded in fear, their eyes are swallowed by panic.

At this moment, countless believers are pouring into the church to pray to the gods they believe in and are loyal to, praying that those stalwart existences can save the world.

But something even more shocking happened.

All believers could not perceive the existence of gods at this moment. The gods they believed in, prayed, worshipped, and longed for day and night disappeared.

It was as if the world had never had a trace of their existence.

Boom~ Countless believers were struck by lightning, and the sky seemed to collapse at this moment.

They knelt on their knees and put their heads on the ground, trying to use their piety to reconnect with their beliefs, to prove their piety to the gods, and to seek that safety in the midst of countless fears.

However, it is still useless, the original connection in each believer's heart is completely cut off at this moment.

Their god, can no longer be felt.

The panic began to spread uncontrollably.

With the influence of the disappearance of the gods, the ranks of priests and church knights of various sects began to retreat rapidly, and their power inevitably fell into an exaggerated decline.

Even believers and priests of powerful gods like the Lord of the Dawn, the Sun Goddess, etc. are no exception, everyone's power is declining...

This shocking discovery made the already turbulent fear spread again in an uncontrollable state.

An unacceptable thought arises in the minds of believers. Could it be that the great gods they believe in have fallen?

As soon as the idea arose, they refuted themselves.

How can it be! ! God, how could it fall? ?

But this blasphemous thought grows like wild grass after it arises.

If not fallen, then why can't they sense the breath of the gods? ?

As believers, although gods rarely give feedback to believers on weekdays, as long as believers pray, they can always perceive the existence of gods, which is why some believers are so devout.

But at this moment, this feeling no longer exists...

The domination of the sect is a source of stability in the main plane of glory, and this source was impacted at this time, causing great chaos immediately.

Countless people were swallowed by fear, and the security began to fall into chaos, burning, killing and looting, rising in almost every city.

The heretic god believers are extremely excited at this moment, they feel, feel the coming of that evil aura... bloodthirsty, tyranny, cruelty, this sky has all the darkness they yearn for at this moment.

Countless Evil God believers began to firmly believe that the end is coming, and the world is about to be destroyed. Only by turning to the Evil God can they obtain final salvation.

Although some of the priests of the evil god believers have the same spellcasting ability as the priests of the light faction, the spellcasting power of a considerable number of evil god believers has not weakened.

The emergence of this event undoubtedly culminated in the notion that Doomsday is coming.

Cthulhu worshipers and believers began to unbridled and loudly preached the doomsday, and they who only dared to exist in the underground and shadows in the past also appeared in the area ruled by the church.

The madness of the followers of the evil god has also led to a further deterioration of the situation.

But this is not all.

On the third day of the sun after the fission of the sky, a voice sounded in everyone's ears, which made the main plane of glory fall into despair again.

My children, the Slate of Destiny, which determines the future of glory, has been stolen by the old evil gods.

They used the time gear to crush the Fate Tablet, and the broken Fate Tablet has been scattered on the multi-dimensional plane because of the uncontrollable time gear.

The fate of glory is no longer predictable, and the darkness of the past will cover the land.

The glory of the gods will be dimmed, and the gods will descend into the world in the form of saints.

Only by rediscovering the Slate of Destiny and condensing the power of destiny can the gods be qualified to become gods again, and the multiple planes of glory will be reborn.

I can no longer protect the glory, after this I will fall into a deep sleep, I hope you can wake me up...

Countless intelligent beings have tears in their eyes at this moment.

Everyone felt that breath, that is the goddess of life, a great existence that all intelligent beings in this world respect.

Legend has it that the God of Creation created the world, but the Goddess of Life gave the world life.

She is the mother of all people, even the most evil abyss demons and dead souls must maintain enough respect for the goddess.

Hearing this shocking news at this time, the whole glory trembled.

The Slate of Destiny was stolen by the evil god, the goddess was going to fall into a deep sleep, and the gods actually lost their power to come to the mortal world as saints? ?

This series of shocks made the whole glory unable to return to God for a long time.

Especially for believers, if the gods are no longer shining, are they still worth believing in?

Or, do human beings and other beings have the opportunity to seek the divine status? ?

Ambitioners, believers of evil gods, legendary powerhouses, and believers of gods all fell into a strange atmosphere at this moment.

Some feared, some panicked, some flinched, but others were excited, excited, and frenzied.

The gods have fallen, and the stars in the sky will no longer be bright.

Looking up at the sky, the shocking crack filled the whole world with an unspeakable breath.

Dark Cataclysm.

The real change has come.




The sun seems to have been shrouded in dark clouds after the sky shattered.

Grand Duke Okali stood in the backyard of the city owner's manor, looking up at the crack in the sky, and the extremely evil aura emanating from the crack.

The Grand Duke, who was determined and fought all his life, could not restrain a bit of fear at this time.

That is the fear of the future, the fear of the last exhortation of the goddess of life, and the fear of the near-doomsday catastrophe.

The Slate of Destiny is broken and all the gods have fallen, so in this world, who else can resist the invasion of the old evil gods? ?

He thought of the blasphemous words over the city of Risir that he could not forget.

I'll be back at last...  

The words of the God of Plague were entangled in his mind like a spell.

Will come again! !

How should the Nolan Empire respond at this time? What about the southern provinces? In the end, what about Green City, on which he rested?

At this moment, the blue eyes of Archduke Okali could not help but be confused.


The footsteps behind him interrupted Archduke Okali's thoughts. He turned around abruptly, and frowned when he saw the figure of the bishop priest of the noble god running in fear.

His Excellency, you...

Before he finished speaking, the bishop priest suddenly knelt down in front of Archduke Okali, and then looked at him with endless fear, his voice trembling uncontrollably.

Grand Duke... Your Majesty, have you really fallen into the mortal world?? I can't feel His Majesty's breath at all, I can't feel it...

I, my power has faded to level 10...

Fear was eating the bishop's heart.

No one could imagine how terrifying the shock would be after a devout priest lost the news that he believed in a god.

Archduke Okali's face is sinking like water. Unlike people of different beliefs, he is the ruler of the southern province, holding hundreds of thousands of troops in his hand, so no matter how big the changes in the world, he still has enough confidence.

His Excellency, the words of the goddess must be true, at this time our majesty may have descended on the mortal world.

But this is nothing to be afraid of. We are all loyal believers of His Majesty. It is what we should do to find His Majesty and assist His Majesty to return to the Kingdom of God.

Fear, can't solve any problem.

Although his inner shock was no less than anyone else's, Archduke Okali showed his firmness and unshakable determination.

Anyone can concede defeat, but he cannot. He is the support of everyone in the southern province.

After hearing the words of Archduke Okali, the bishop priest's eyes lit up immediately, You are right, find your majesty, and let your majesty return to the kingdom of God!!

After speaking, he said urgently, Grand Duke, what should we do now?

Archduke Okari shook his head, a bit of bitterness on his face.

Although the words are simple, it is hard to imagine the difficulty of finding a noble god who does not know his appearance or situation in the vast crowd.

Although the main believers of the god of nobles are concentrated in the Nolan Empire, the other party may not necessarily come to Green City.

After taking a deep breath, he said slowly.


I have sensed the imminent approach of evil, and it is bound to take a long time to find the Crown Prince. Now, we need to stabilize the residents of Southern Province and Green City.

Has Ilo come back?

Compared with the ethereal god of nobles, the visible and tangible Iluo's crown is the real backer of Green City at present.

The bishop shook his head, Grand Duke, when the elves returned to Green City three days ago, they said that the plane they were exploring this time had collapsed, and that Ilo and the sealed god were missing... .

You say, is His Majesty Yiluo trapped? Or His Majesty just made an excuse to leave Green City...

Archduke Okali frowned, No, Your Excellency Bishop, His Majesty Ilo will never leave Green City so easily.

It's more likely that he was entangled by the sealed evil god... The tone was a bit complicated, and this was their last resort.

Ah? Why is that?

The Dawnbreaker sect is spreading in Green City, and more than 100,000 believers are all looking at it.

Moreover, the old days have come, and only believers can provide the most direct power to the gods. His Majesty Ilo, will not leave so easily, he must be trapped in some area.

Archduke Okali said his eyes brighter as he spoke, as if he had seen the truth of the matter through the layers of fog, and his tone was extremely determined.

This perfectly logical statement also persuaded the bishop priest.

You're right, let's wait for the return of the Crown Prince Ilo...

No, you can't just wait like this without doing anything! Grand Duke Okaili's eyes narrowed, and murderous intent emerged.

Green City, as the core of the south, must not be chaotic! Immediately mobilize the army to suppress those evil god believers and maintain law and order.

At the same time, send someone to invite all professionals above level 15 in Green City to come to the city owner's manor to discuss the future. If there are any who don't come, kill them!

At the same time, let the Green City Mage Association and the major professional guilds send personnel to assist.

Green City entered a state of war, and everything was prepared according to war.

Whoever disobeys the military order, kill!

An order, bloody sky.

As the true ruler of this city, Archduke Okari is definitely an existence that no one dares to ignore.

Even in the western district where the evil gathered, the pause button was pressed immediately after the order was issued, because the Green City army of more than 50,000 people directly bloodbathed 17 underground forces, and those gangsters who took advantage of the chaos to burn, kill and loot were killed. head rolls.

The big change has just happened, and the authority of the nobility is still deep in everyone's mind.

At this moment, he has not been able to compete with Grand Duke O'Kerry.

But as the goddess of life said, everything is changing, and no one can say what the future will be...




The old days have come, and great changes have swept across every land.

The biggest changes among them are the areas of the old gods that have broken the seal.

The violent half-rat people in Lisl City began to spread unscrupulously from a distance of 100 kilometers. In a short period of time, half of the southern province could see these dirty, stinky, cruel and murderous mice.

In this land, evil forces began to gather, and those wild beasts began to transform into pure evil beings under the erosion of the old breath.

For a time, the frequency of dark life in the wild was dozens of times higher than before.

Corrupted gnolls, corrupted kobolds, bloodthirsty cavemen, maddened boars...

Most of the lives that were often seen in the wilderness in the past have been corroded by the old days, and the power they obtained after the fall has increased several times.

Outside the major cities, the level of danger began to increase tenfold and one hundredfold.

The sky is shrouded in dark clouds, the chirping of birds has turned into whining, the crops are turning yellow, the lake water is cloudy, the grass is drying up, the trees are withering...

The uncontrollable panic began to spread wildly, and the villages were slaughtered by the servants of the evil gods who suddenly appeared, and a large number of lives were slaughtered.

What is even more frightening is that in such an environment, no one has the ability to go to the villages and towns to protect the safety of those farmers.

The army can only rely on the strong city walls to hold the big city. Because of the disappearance of the gods, the priest, who was the most lethal to the servants of the old evil gods, lost his deterrent power.

As the main fighting force, the church is like a lion that has lost its teeth at this moment... is being phased out.




It was a time of absolute darkness for Glory, but it was a new day for Earth today.

January 1, 2052, today is New Year's Day.

More than a year after the glory public beta, the second public beta, including the closed beta, is the third open game list.

The number of people who have qualified for the game this time is as many as 110 million.

Although there are so many game warehouses, they are still sold out in the face of hungry players.

Many players who did not grab it even paid a dozen or twenty times the price to buy it online at a high price.

Many people have made hundreds of thousands of dollars by selling them, which is the fastest way to get rich.

The time for the second public beta of Glory is set at nine o'clock in the evening.

Almost all the players who snapped up the game warehouse were lying in the game warehouse early to prepare for the arrival of the new world.

But the waiting time is always boring. Before the game is open, the forum's popularity began to rise, and most of them were novice players' expectations for the game.

I have been following Rongguang for more than a year, and this time it is finally my turn to play! ! Hahahaha, Miss Elf, wait for me to be lucky

Fuck, the official is definitely intentional, Nima is coming today, and these new players are here. This expansion is too scary. I suspect that this wave of the official website has become too big. But I'm really looking forward to how these newcomers will feel after entering the glory... Hey, hey, the old days just come, just wait to be ravaged

I'm a little white dragon in the waves, the king of night scene transitions in the capital, and he is known as the strongest sea king. After being undercover on the forum for a long time, I have successfully collected the detailed addresses and lists of the red light districts of 127 cities in Glory.

Recently, I want to invite partners to create a great cause together, open up a catalog of famous prostitutes in the red light district, send real people to experience, give advice to the old gentlemen, and score and judge each red light district, so as to avoid everyone being deceived.

At the same time, we also plan the market to avoid price gouging. We are now recruiting people with ideals, aspirations and pursuits to seek common cause

I heard that this game is very difficult, I just graduated from college after 30, I don't know if there is a little brother to take me, if your skills are good, you can chat with me in language~Black silk thigh photo.jpg

I, Long Aotian, announced today that this game has been conquered by me, don't ask me why I am so hung up, because bragging doesn't need to be reasonable at all

Most of the new sand sculpture players are looking forward to it, and only a small number of players who have been following the forum for a long time are a little uneasy.

In the beginning, these old guns knew the situation of the players being hanged and beaten by the aborigines. Now it is their turn to experience being beaten, and their feelings are really hard to describe.

Of course, the most excited is actually the old players.

Although Glory had 10 million players before, the branches were scattered all over the glory.

There are not many players in a city, UU reading www. uukanshu.com wants to find a team, but I can't even bring my sister.

It is different now. The influx of hundreds of millions of people has greatly increased the density of players, and there are at least 40 million female players among them. With the exaggerated realism of Glory, it may be possible to find a few female players...

Glory has greatly improved the physical fitness of reality, especially when it was discovered that it can lose weight and beautify, which made many women crazy. If it weren't for the fact that there were so many male players, they might not be able to win over female players.

Of course, there are also many players who are waiting to see the fun of new players at the moment.

After all, the hard core of Glory has made them experience the hardships of life.

And just in the heat of discussion, the hour hand reached 9 o'clock in the evening, and the second public beta of Rongguang officially started.

At this moment, the players who entered the game warehouse all appeared in Glory.

Not only Chinese players, but also tens of millions of foreign players have entered the glory for the first time...

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