I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 333 The Revenge of Prince Ainos (the 4D chapter) Extra plot, if you don't like it,

Hahaha, are you also worthy of being the prince of the Nolan Empire?? It's a joke that makes even the goddess laugh.

Your mother is a despicable maid, and the blood flowing in your body is also the most despicable blood. You have lost all the face of the royal family of Nolan.

I heard that your magical talent was abolished by a group of thieves?? Hahaha, what a pity...

You're that jerk and coward...Prince Ainos??

I am the daughter of the Duke of Ornke. I have the blood of the noble Duke flowing in my body. It is absolutely impossible to marry a waste like you! ! The engagement we made earlier is terminated!

Ainos, your mother was so ashamed of your existence last night that she took poison and committed suicide. By the way, it was the alchemy poison made by the Cornelian Snake Clan. I watched her corpse decay bit by bit with my own eyes. Yes, Enos, if you kneel down and beg me, maybe I will pity you for sending your mother's skeleton back to you... Hahaha, isn't it touching? My... King Brother...

Brother Wang...

Brother Wang...

A demonic voice echoed in Ainos' ears, as if to devour his soul.


Ainos opened his eyes suddenly, sat up subconsciously, stared at the room illuminated by the magic lamp with wide eyes, gasping for breath, his back was already wet with sweat.

But after waking up, the nightmarish scenes still haunted his mind.

His hands subconsciously clenched the quilt, and the humiliating language engraved in his soul made him feel the anger from the depths of his soul.

Those are all enemies, all enemies he wants to avenge! !

Ainos Nolan, the prince born of the maid, the most shameful existence of the Nolan royal family.

The name Ainos is a joke in the capital of Nolan, a prince that even beggars on the roadside will laugh at.

Because everything about him is too humble.

From the day he was born, he was seen as a disgrace.

So did the princes who sneered at him, and so did the father he had never met.

Because his birth was a mistake.

A hilarious mistake.

Isn't it a huge mistake to have children with a lowly maid bought from the slave market after the kingdom was drunk?

If it wasn't for the decree of the ancestors, maybe that humble slave maid would have been a bone before she gave birth to him.

After he was born with the title of prince, Ainos did not receive preferential treatment from the king, and even the father who had never met him always regarded him as a disgrace. After all, he gave birth to a child with a vile maid, how could such behavior be worthy of it? The noble aura of his king.

And this is just the beginning.

Ainos has grown up in a discriminated environment since he was a child. He finally found out that he has the talent of a mage, but he was abolished by several level 3 thieves on the day when the talent was tested.

Originally, she made a marriage contract with the newly promoted Duke Ornke family when she was young, but after the Ornke family gained a firm foothold in the capital of Nolan, the eldest daughter of the Ornke family immediately came to the door and mercilessly tore up the marriage contract. .

This made Ainos a joke in Nolan's capital again.

With a humble background, low talent, and being humiliated by a fiancée who tore up the engagement in front of everyone, Ainos lived a humbler life than a beggar even though he held the title of a prince.

If he was just an ordinary person, no one might talk about him, but with jealousy, insulting a prince brings more pleasure than insulting others.

Thinking of this, Enos Nolan took a deep breath, and the young face was full of stubbornness and unyielding.

As long as he is not dead, he will not give up, unless he stops breathing, or he cannot stop his revenge.

Although he has a surname that is regarded as a glory in the Nolan Empire, Ainos has always regarded it as a shame, a shame imprinted in his blood.

Send me from the capital to the southern province, kill all my bodyguards, deprive me of all my property... Do you think you can stop me like this?

This young man, who was only seventeen or eighteen years old, was raging in his heart at this moment.

But after a while, slowly suppressing the flames of anger, a moving figure with long black hair appeared in his mind, and those twinkling eyes poked into the soft place in his heart.

In an instant, his face softened.

Three years, Fianna, three more years.

Three years later, I will set foot on the capital again, and I will make all the damn bastards pay... Fianna... Wait for me, I will not let you marry the lame man in the north Legged old aristocrats, never! !

Ainos knew that his mother was killed, that his magical talent was abolished by hired thieves, and that his assignment to Green City, the city he never came to, was designed by others.

However, he is too weak, so weak that he has no room for resistance when facing the enemy.

His only hope now is the territory assigned.

Thinking of this, Ainos clenched his fists.

If he can get a piece of fertile land in Green City, and he manages it well, he may not have the chance to complete his revenge after three years.

He has only three years left. Three years later, the girl he loves the most, the girl who not only gave him all of his savings to help him escape from King Nolan, but also the girl who will meet for his serious injury, will meet in three After the year, the marriage contract was completed - to marry an old aristocrat in his 60s with a lame leg.

A damn marriage, a damn family marriage! !

bang bang bang~

A sudden knock on the door interrupted Enos's thoughts.

Prince Ainos, Archduke O'Kelly invites you to come over.

The voice of the guard outside came into the room through the closed door.

Okili Nolan, the lord of Green City, is also the grand duke who manages the entire southern province, and is a member of the Nolan royal family.

As a royal family, Ainos has the blood of the Nolan royal family flowing in his body no matter how humble he is, so when he leaves the capital, he can be assigned a piece of fief.

Yes, a fief that belongs to him.

Although this fief needs to be confirmed by the controller of the southern province, Archduke Okari, he has his own territory.

This fief is Aenos' only hope...

I'll be right there.

After responding, Ainos took a deep breath, turned his head and glanced at the humble house. This is the room used by the city lord's mansion for the servants...and his room...

He didn't pay too much attention to these details. After today, he will have his own land, and there is a bit of longing and hope in his blue eyes.

Stand up and go to the mirror.

A handsome young man appeared in the mirror, with blue eyes and short blond hair. He was wearing luxurious aristocratic costumes that were known to be very expensive at first glance.

But what is discordant is that the slender body looks so thin and weak, unable to support luxurious clothes.

He sorted out the messy clothes on his body, which were sewn for him by his mother when he was alive, and it was the only clothes he could get his hands on now.

Ainos bit and pressed, and the anger in his heart was hidden by him.

Don't be controlled by your emotions.

This was what his mother told him, and he never dared to forget it.

After a long time, ah, the door opened, and the two guards at the door looked at Ainos who pushed the door out with a strange expression.

Prince Ainos, you have been wearing this outfit since you came to Green City three days ago. Shouldn't you change it? Today is to see the Grand Duke...

Ainos shook his head with the same expression, No need, let's go.

Said and walked straight out, the two guards looked behind them with a bit of mockery in their eyes, So I thought the legend was fake...

I didn't expect that this Prince Ainos was really such a waste that he couldn't even afford a suit of clothes, so he was still a prince? ?

There is a perverted pleasure in scornful language, a lowly guard insulting a noble prince, and lo and behold, how dazzling it is.

I heard that Prince Ainos was born by the king after drinking with the maid. He has always been hated by the king, otherwise he would not have been sent here from King Nolan...

The other guard was also not stingy with his own ridicule. It was indescribable to watch such a big man become inferior to them.

There is always a dark side to human nature... The pleasure of mocking a once-big man is much greater than mocking a beggar on the street.

Ainos, who was in front of him, did not hear the contemptuous words, and he was still looking forward to tonight's banquet.

If you can allocate a good territory, as long as you manage the future seriously, there will be a chance for revenge...

The humiliation and hatred I once had, I will repay with blood...

After the skirt of the Evernight Goddess enveloped the earth, the air entered darkness and silence.

However, the long skirt of the goddess of darkness in the city lord's mansion seemed to have become transparent, and the magic lights all over the corridor illuminated the road, which was completely unaffected by the coming of night.

It took twenty minutes to walk through the winding paths and the splendid and extravagant mural corridors before Enos was led by the guards to tonight's banquet hall.

Before I got close, I could feel the crowd inside.

After the guards behind him left, Ainos approached the banquet hall and looked at the indifferent guards on both sides for a moment, but didn't say anything, and planned to open the closed semicircular door carved with holy angels.

But the guards waiting by the side stopped him indifferently.

I'm sorry, today is the official banquet of Archduke O'Kerry, and no one will be allowed to enter.


Ainos frowned and his body froze, I am Prince Ainos, I was invited by Grand Duke O'Keli...

The young guard who stopped him showed a sneer, Prince Ainos? Haha, has there been such a person in the Nolan Empire? I have never heard of Prince Ainos!

Hearing this, how could Enos still not know that he was being targeted.

A bit of anger flashed in his eyes.

Hmph, are you sure you want to stop me?? I don't care who is instigating you, but if things get bigger, are you sure the people behind you can protect you?!!

The tone was strong and powerful, without the slightest flinch.

Although he was surrounded by people in the depths, Ainos knew his own advantages. No matter how unpopular he was, he still had the aura of a prince. No matter how bold a guard was, he could not easily stop him.

Sure enough, the guard hesitated for a while, but in the end he gritted his teeth and didn't let him in.

Sorry, you can't enter without the order of the Archduke O'Keli...

Humiliation, the humiliation of being despised again came to Ainos' mind.

But what can he do? beat? After the magic talent was abolished, his current level is still level 1...

scold? A prince scolding a guard at the gate? It was only him who was embarrassed.

go? Today is the time to allocate territory, and when this time is gone, all those hopes will be in vain.

Child, you have to remember that in this world, being weak is the only sin...

Enos recalled the words his mother had told him the night before his death.

Weakness is the only sin.

Because he is weak, even the guards at the door dare to stop him. The saddest thing is that he can't resist it...

Five fingers clenched into fists.

My heart roared at this moment.

Be strong, I must be strong! ! !


There seemed to be a commotion at the door.

The huge living room door was pushed open, and a young man in luxurious clothes walked out at this time with a flat face, and after seeing Ainos, he gave him a cold look in his eyes.

What happened?

Before Ainos spoke, the indifferent guard just now stepped forward aggrievedly and pointed to Ainos and complained.

Master Lika, just now I wanted to invite Prince Ainos into the hall, but he was extremely disdainful. He insisted that Archduke Okali come out to greet him. He said he was a prince and had a noble status...

Ainos looked at the guard who slandered him in front of him and his face changed again and again. He was about to speak, but the boy who came out said coldly.

Prince Ainos, why are you embarrassing our guards? Although you are a prince, Archduke Okali is your elder!

Hmph, that's all for this time, if there is a next time, I will definitely report to the Grand Duke.

come in.

After speaking, he turned and left without giving Enos a chance to speak.

Only Ainos, whose body was trembling slightly, remained.

Looking at the guard who had returned to the state of disdain just now, he only felt a surge of blood in his mind.

Don't be manipulated by your emotions...don't be manipulated by your emotions....

North tried to suppress the anger in his heart, he knew it was a conspiracy, and those who did it were trying to provoke him.

Turning his head, Enos could only pretend that nothing happened and walked straight into the house.

This 18-year-old boy is at the age of boiling blood, but at this time he has to endure the unimaginable humiliation of outsiders.

And he was powerless to resist.

Weakness is the original sin. There is no mistake in this world, it is just that you are not strong enough.

Hmph, you're lucky, the great Prince Ainos... Hahaha, it's really a funny name.

The guard looked at Enos who was about to enter the room, and smiled indifferently.

Just the tone is disgusting.

Ainos didn't look back, but his fingers were almost bleeding.



Stepping on the luxurious floor made of precious Derek maple, Enos entered the banquet hall.

But the arrival of his prince was not even comparable to that of a maid... he was ignored at all.

In the banquet hall, there are hundreds of nobles in luxurious clothes sitting and talking with each other.

The splendid hall is surrounded by brightly colored oil paintings, most of which sing praises to those great hero kings who once founded the Nolan Empire.

Although Enos entered the banquet hall, he was like a transparent person, and even the waiters regarded him as nothing.

Even wearing gorgeous clothes, but it is out of tune with everything around, like a dwarf mixed into the party of the elves, it looks so strange.

Just when Ainos was extremely embarrassed, he suddenly felt a tap on his shoulder behind him.

Turning his head sharply, a middle-aged man in a baron's costume appeared beside him.

Ainos looked at the person with some unknown reasons, and just wanted to ask, the other party said directly.

His Royal Highness Ainos, I am the baron of Green City, Gris Bob, and it is an honor to meet you.

After saying this, Enos actually felt a sense of flattery.

He has grown up so much, and he has never been so respected by others. Although the other party is only a baron, this is much better than what he had experienced before.

Baron Gris, it's my pleasure...

Looking at the excited and flustered teenager in front of him, the smile on Gris' face became purer.

His Royal Highness Ainos, you should be here today to divide the land, right?

Ainos's face moved slightly, and he looked at Gris with some vigilance.

Don't get me wrong, Your Highness Ainos, I learned about tonight's sealing ceremony from the guards of Grand Duke O'Keli... Gris spread his hands, and then had a meaningful smile in his eyes.

And I also inadvertently learned the information about a few parcels of land today from the guard's discussion... I think maybe you will need it...

Hearing this, Ainos's eyes lit up, but Gris's sudden appearance and gracious behavior made him still very vigilant in his heart.

Baron Gris, I want to know what your purpose is?

There is no free lunch in the world, and Ainos is not relieved by the news of Gris.

He seemed to have known that Enos had this problem, and said with a smile.

His Royal Highness Ainos, after your territory is established, I hope that my caravan can get some tax relief in your territory. Believe me, my merchant will bring additional development opportunities to your territory... ..

Hearing this, Enos was relieved in vain, and it was only reasonable to have a request.

Welcome, Baron Gris...

After hearing this, Gris smiled more and more brightly.

The goddess is above, this is the best news I have received today. I swear to the goddess of wealth, Your Highness, you will not be disappointed.

After speaking, Gris took a few steps closer, and after approaching Ainos, he whispered.

Today's enfeoffed land has a total of 6 pieces, of which the best piece is called the Eagle River, the worst piece is called the Chiyue Territory, and the other quick pieces are...

So, Your Highness Ainos, if you want to develop well, you need to get the territory of the Eagle River...

But no matter what the circumstances, don't choose Chiyue Territory.

Hearing this, Enos' face showed a bit of thought.

Why can't you choose Chiyue Territory?

Gris shook his head, If you want to see Death, just choose.


The Red Moon Territory is adjacent to the low mountains and hills to the east, and the sea to the south...

What's wrong with that?

The low hills and hills are the territory of the centaurs. Those brutal creatures like to plunder the human nobles the most, while the sea in the south is the ruled area of ​​the murloc empire. Now the murloc empire is still fighting against us. what went wrong...

Forgot to tell you, there are 10 masters in the Chiyue Territory in front of you, without exception, all of them were killed in the territory...

Hearing this, Ainos subconsciously shivered, all ten masters were killed? ?

He immediately thought that this was definitely the Jedi that the black hand had prepared for him.

Baron Gris, thank you for your advice, I think we will become friends in the future...

become friends? A meaningful smile appeared on Gris' face.

Yes, we will be friends...

Just as the two were talking, a new change appeared in the house.

O'Kelly Nolan, the city lord of Green City wearing a luxurious grand duke costume, walked into the banquet hall with firm steps under the protection of the guards at this time.

When the surrounding crowd saw the figure of Grand Duke Okaili, they all stood up and bowed to the noble Grand Duke.

Good day, Archduke Okeri...

It's an honor to be invited by you...

Dear Duke O'Kerry, Greetings from the Kiel family...

Compared with the situation when Ainos came in, this scene was like the gap between a goblin and a giant dragon.

Seeing this scene, Ainos flashed a bit of yearning in his eyes.

If he can have such power, then... he must be able to take revenge, must!

Moments later, the dream was one step closer to him.

Because, Archduke Okali announced tonight that the royal family of Nolan of the right age will be assigned the territory.

It is the tradition of the Nolan royal family to divide the territory.

The young royal family can get land after they reach adulthood and distribute it to various provinces. The Nolan Empire uses this method to firmly control the entire country.

And there are 5 people who have divided the territory with Ainos today. One of them is the third son of Grand Duke Okaili, and the others are also branches of the Nolan royal family in the southern province.

The Nolan Empire has been established for 3,000 years. The history of these thousands of years has been passed down. The Nolan royal family has already spread all over the country, so every year, there are a group of young people who are entrusted to the land.

According to the laws of the empire, all members of the royal family who are assigned to the territory must make certain merits that are beneficial to the empire within three generations, otherwise the territory will be taken back.

Young guys, the land is the foundation of the empire, I hope you can build a powerful city on your own land.

The future belongs to you.

Director Akara, you are here to preside over this canonization ceremony.

After a brief speech, Archduke Okali did not continue to preside over the ceremony. After reading the rules, he turned around and left, as if he had something important to do.

Archduke Okali is the most honorable person in Green City. Even the extraordinary mage Locke must be respected, and no one dares to say a word about his behavior.

After Archduke Okeli left, an old man with a hook nose in a black tuxedo walked slowly into the crowd.

With a wave of his hand, the guards behind him unfolded a huge map sewn with sheepskin under everyone's attention. The map shows the southern provinces, and several of the fiefs circled by red dye are so conspicuous.

Now, please list the members of the royal family who have entrusted the territory.

Immediately, five young people walked out of the crowd, without exception, all of them were luxuriously dressed and imposing, including the young man Enos met at the door.

This is the third son of Archduke O'Kelly? He's so handsome...

Oh, my God, the eldest son of Marquis Mike is so old, and our family's engagement with them will be fulfilled by them...


After the five aristocratic teenagers came out, they immediately aroused countless discussions. They were young and handsome, and they would have their own territory soon.

A variety of factors are mixed together, and it is properly paid attention to.

The hook-nosed butler in a tuxedo glanced at the few people in front of him and nodded slightly, then glanced at the list in his hand, glanced at the surrounding crowd, and said slowly.

And there's another one? From the capital, Prince Ainos...

Hearing this, the hall where there was a lot of discussion suddenly seemed to be strangled by everyone's neck, and the scene fell into silence.

Immediately afterwards, someone let out an uncontrollable laughter, and then the audience burst into laughter in an instant, and the air was filled with a cheerful atmosphere.

Hahaha, I didn't expect that the despicable son of a slave would actually dare to come to our Green City to claim land??

Prince?? Our Nolan Empire does not have such a prince, and even His Majesty the King has not recognized his existence...

I heard that this Prince Ainos is only level 1? Hahaha, my 7-year-old son has two levels. Why does His Majesty the King let him come to Green City for such a waste?


Everyone is talking about all of this with impunity.

A child born to a servant girl who was originally a slave, after birth, the king regarded it as a disgrace.

This kind of experience can definitely be called a legend. Of course, this legend can't help but laugh.

Ainos stood there and looked at the unbridled smiles of the crowd around him, his clenched fists clacked.

A rush of blood rushed to my mind.

Humiliation, the humiliation of being stripped and thrown on the street and then shown to everyone.

It was the humiliation that trampled on his soul.

But what made Enos even more humiliated was that he was powerless in the face of this situation.

Yes, he is just a level 1 waste, the child of a slave servant girl, and a prince who is regarded as a disgrace by his own father.

He was angry at the injustice the world had treated him, but he was even more angry that when he faced these injustices, he was powerless to resist.

Even he was almost deprived of the right to refute.

Because of a weak person's verbal rebuttal, it is only shameless, without self-knowledge, and a humble speech will only make people laugh.

Your Highness Ainos, don't give up...

Just when everyone was sneering and disdainful, the voice from behind made Ainos's almost collapsed heart slowly condense.

Baron Gris...

After turning his head to glance at the middle-aged man behind him, Enos turned around and stepped forward, gritted his teeth.

The surrounding discussion sounded like surging waves slapped at him. He was a lonely boat moving forward in the wind and waves, and it might capsize at any time.

Seeing this scene, the old butler with hook nose did not change his eyes at all.

Dignity is obtained by oneself, without strength, who can be blamed for being insulted?

Now, let's get started.

Without paying too much attention to Ainos, the hook-nosed old butler turned slightly sideways and began to indicate the map that was unfolded vertically by the guards behind him.

I have already circled six areas above.

Everyone can choose a piece of territory as your territory, but remember that once a territory is selected, it will be permanently bound to you and cannot be changed again.

Your descendants must make the merits stipulated by the royal family within three generations before they can continue to inherit this territory. Otherwise, you will lose the right to inherit the land.

Now, let's get started, you are free to choose.

After the hook-nosed old butler finished speaking, he didn't say any more.

The matter of enfeoffment comes every year, and most of these lands that have been enfeoffed will return to the control of the empire after a hundred years... There are too few, too few, that can continue the family and territory.

Hearing this, in addition to Ainos, the other young people all turned their attention to the leader - the third son of Duke Okali.

Orderly, the third in line to the grand duke's position is definitely not comparable to their status.

Originally, the status of the prince was the most honorable here, but Ainos obviously did not have this qualification.

This prince, who has no family background, no talent and no strength, is even regarded as a disgrace by his father, even the guards dare to laugh at him, how could it be his turn to choose.

But just as the others were waiting for the third son of Archduke Okari to choose, Ainos, who was ignored by them, took two steps forward and pointed directly at the territory in the middle of the map.

Your Excellency, I choose this territory...

All of a sudden, the crowd around was stunned, and looked at him in disbelief.

Is this crap crazy? He dared to choose before the little duke.

The hook-nosed butler nodded without speaking, and asked the guard to take out a red sticker and put it on the territory.

And the mark of that territory is exactly - Eagle River.

But Ainos was not happy for long, and the little duke who felt that he was being ignored immediately stepped forward and glared at Ainos.

Who gave you the guts to choose the Eagle River?!!

After he finished speaking, he tore off the sticker under everyone's attention, and then threw it on the ground with extreme carelessness. He reached out and asked the guard to put his sticker on it.

After this action was completed, he gave Enos a contemptuous glance.

Prince Ainos, recognize your identity, this is Green City...

Several noble sons behind him also showed the same expression. No one paid any attention to Ainos, and they stepped forward to choose their favorite territory.

In fact, before choosing a fief, they had already determined their territory. If Ainos didn't come, even this ceremony could be omitted.

In their opinion, the royal family's rules on the division of seals are just a passing game.

A rush of blood rushed to my mind.

At this moment, Enos was almost ignited by anger.


It was a humiliation that ruthlessly trampled on his dignity.

Sure enough, he would take out his long sword without hesitation, tear all these damn nobles to pieces, and burn their souls in hell.

The territory of the eagle belongs to the little duke, and the territory of Dekerry belongs to the little marquis of Macleay...

The old butler with a hook nose read to the end, turned his head to look at Ainos, who had bitten his lips, and said lightly.

The Scarlet Moon Territory, which borders the low hills and the sea, belongs to Prince Ainos.

This is the end of today's encapsulation, please enjoy your dinner to the fullest.

After the last sentence was finished, the hook-nosed old butler turned around and left without looking at Ainos who was forcibly robbed of his territory.

The surrounding crowd sneered when they saw this scene.

Hahaha, it's really too much to want to grab territory with the little duke.

It doesn't mean that you have the title of prince, you can choose first...

Red Moon Territory? Hahaha, it's really a good place. It is said that the centaurs in the low hills and hills like to plunder the property of human beings.

The last owner of Chiyue Territory seemed to have been chopped into meat sauce by centaurs five years ago, right? Really poor Prince Ainos, he may become food for centaurs within a few days of getting his territory...

The Red Moon Territory is still close to the sea. The Murloc Empire has been attacking our coastal cities recently, surrounded by centaurs and murlocs... Hahaha, even if this territory is given to me, I would not dare go......

After the passing ceremony, Enos became the laughing stock again.

Everyone was laughing at his overreaching, and at the same time laughing at the tragic encounter he was about to face.

Scarlet Moon Territory, that is the place where the famous lord of the southern province died.

There have been 10 masters of this land, large and small, but without exception, all of them died in their own territory, and only one nobleman who never dared to step into his own territory and finally gave up his territory survived.

And now, this despicable Prince Ainos is about to become a mortal person, which makes these nobles talk a lot, most of them are ridiculing and watching the play, and only a few feel pity for the tragic experience of this prince in his life.

But turning his head to the music and wine and forgetting that compassion.

The sky is falling.

All hope was dashed when the old butler spoke of the Scarlet Moon Territory.

Ainos stared blankly at the bright red sticker on the map.

Surrounded by centaurs and murlocs...

He thought of Gris' repeated instructions.

The words of the surrounding people also confirmed all this.

The tragic encounters of the lords of the Red Moon Territory told him the cruelty and bloodshed of this world.

Those who hide in the dark must dominate all this.

They want him to die, they want him to die in disgrace to the royal family...

If someone was sent to kill him, he might get attention because of his status as a prince of the Nolan royal family, but if he died in the territory, he would just be a laughing stock, and no one would care about a waste.

The sky darkened, and the luxurious scenes around him looked like dead tombs, lifeless to Ainos.

The humiliated heart was hit hard again.

All hope is gone.

The idea that originally supported his revenge was the territory.

If he could have a territory, he still had hope, but now, the territory that was more terrifying than the Jedi completely shattered his last hope.

Endless despair haunted him.

He thought of his mother, those tender eyes were full of reluctance before leaving that night, she must know what she would encounter that night, it must be.

He remembered the father who had never met in his life and regarded him as a disgrace to the Nolan royal family,

He thought of the eldest daughter of the Ornke family who was aloof and tore up the engagement in front of him.

He remembered the king brother who told him indifferently in front of him that her mother was killed by the poison, and even the corpse was rotten...

He remembered the scene where he was attacked by several thieves and forcibly abolished his spellcasting talent...

He remembered the girl who was full of tears, looking forward to and waiting for him to go back...

He remembered all the humiliation, sarcasm, contempt, ridicule, ridicule and humiliation that he had encountered.

Weakness is the greatest sin.

At this moment, Ainos is unforgettable.

Only strength can have everything...

As long as I can gain strength, I am willing to give my all! !

Even my soul! !

The inner roar almost burst from the soul.

The prince, who stood in the middle of the crowd but was regarded as nothing, clenched his teeth, and the corners of his mouth had a scarlet color.

Because the fingers were too hard, the clenched palms were cut by the nails, and the blood slowly dripped on the white velvet carpet, showing a little blood.

But no one cared about it.

A waste, who will take a second look?

Ainos seemed to have lost his soul, staggered, staggered, and rushed out of this still joyful hall.

The surrounding environment is like a mountain, pressing firmly on his head.

All were trampling his soul, trampling soles on his head, taunting and humiliating him in every way possible.

A waste...a lowly prince from a lowly maid...

Nightmarish words kept echoing in his mind.

Ainos forgot everything around him, he staggered out of the city lord's mansion, his eyes were full of ashes.

No wandering aimlessly on the street.

Poof~ After stepping into the air, he seemed to fall into a quagmire. Ainos subconsciously got up, and his unfocused pupils looked at the front meaninglessly.

Young man, do you long for power?

Just when Ainos didn't know how long he had been running, he was huddled in a corner of a street, with people coming and going but no one cared about him.

A gentle voice rang in Enos' ears.

His eyes were no longer emotionally fluctuating, and Ainos, who was holding his knees with both hands, raised his head and looked at the face in front of him, which was hidden under the hood, revealing only a high nose bridge.

Who are you?

The sound was unusually hoarse, like the harsh sound of sand rubbing against the ground.

Hearing this question, the hooded man hidden in the shadows revealed a meaningful smile in his eyes.

You may call me—the Eternal.

Aenos, do you desire power?

Are you, UU reading www.uukanshu.com longing for eternal life?

Are you longing for revenge?

Are you eager to trample your former enemies under your feet, tear their bodies to pieces, and ravage their souls?

You, longing to take back everything you've lost and make the world tremble for you?

Ainos trembled in his heart, and the devilish whisper kept echoing in his ears.

It hit the deepest longing in his heart.

Power... Only power can solve all the problems of the present.

I crave, I crave everything he says.

From the rise to the shatter of hope, Ainos, who was suppressed to the extreme, suddenly raised his head and used all his strength to roar hoarsely.

I crave everything you said!!! Everything!!

I need strength!! The most powerful strength!!! Even if I pay my soul for it!!!

The loud sound echoed on the street, but the strange thing was that the pedestrians around were indifferent to all this, as if they did not hear the roar of the beast.

Even if you become a demon for this? The cloaked man's eyes flickered in the shadows, Even if you hide in the darkness forever?

Even become a dark life enjoying the evil?

Ainos trembled in his heart, but he didn't hesitate at all.

I! Will! Will!

Word by word, resolute and firm, his tone was full of unshakable firmness.

Very well, young man.

From today you will have immortality, power, and everything you want

We will avenge you, and we will help you win everything you have ever lost.

Even, we will put you on the throne of the Nolan Empire - crown you as king.

You just need to remember, we are - the Holy Light Blood Race

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