I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 332 The sequelae of raising pigs, raising spiders as pigs

At this time, a new change appeared on the scene again.

After level 19 Astraga emptied a small area around him.

There are still cave spiders who are not afraid of death.

A level reached 19, the defense is amazing, the bone armor spider let out a hoarse roar, attacking and killing Asleigar.

With its terrifying defensive power, this skull armored spider was unscathed when facing the long sword of the 18th-level orc king Garp.

And when facing Asrega, although his soul is shaking, it still has confidence, it is invincible.

However, the bone armor spider suddenly stopped when it rushed to the 50-blade range of Asregar, and its huge body shook almost to the ground.

Because a terrifying breath attacked its soul, bloody, violent, and evil.

At this moment, the bone armor spider can clearly sense that its soul is rapidly collapsing, and it seems to be pulled out of the body.

This is the bloodline of Asrega - the 5-ring demon aura attached to the blood of the most evil, soul enslavement, the enemy within the range of 50 blades will be hit by a 5-level spell every 10 seconds, and the mental resistance cannot pass the test. The soul will be enslaved.

And this halo has also added a lot of help to this unscrupulous slaughter.

At the moment when the bone armor spider was impacted by the fifth-ring spell, a powerful force came from its soul to help it stabilize its almost collapsed soul.

Soul chain, that is, the super spider queen shares its pressure and gives it strength support through the soul chain.

After the Bone Armor Spider withstood the impact of the 5th-level spell, his aura became violent again, and his eyes were full of terrifying cruelty.

Killing intent is directed at Asrega.

At this time, Asleigar shredded the cave spider that was blocking the way with his sharp claws, and his narrow and violent eyes saw the bone armor spider rushing towards him.

Feeling the killing intent of the bone armor spider, the extremely evil aura on his body became more and more intense.

Destruction...death...to chaos and silence...

The ancient profanity was like a shock wave of the soul, blowing up on this battlefield full of death breath.

When a group of orc warriors heard the blasphemous words that did not belong to the human world, their eyes turned red, and the blood surged wildly at this moment, desperately killing the cave spider in front of them.

Confused mind, murderous intent.

Ancient blasphemies, even these sturdy warriors are still unable to resist when their level is not high enough.

Terrifying and appalling.

Seeing that a creature dared to challenge his majesty, Aslegar became more violent in his eyes, his body speed was in vain, and he slaughtered towards the bone armor spider.

The sharp fangs in the bone armor spider's mouth are as sharp as a sickle, and they bite directly at Asleigar.

The violent Asrega's momentum was like a landslide, and his five sharp claws were torn away directly.

The two collided at this moment.


The 19th-level bone armor spider was so sharp and hard that it could easily pierce the thick shield of the warrior. At this time, it was like a broken rotten tree, and it was directly chopped into slag by the gods.

Then, with that extremely vile aura flashed by, the bone armor spider was directly torn to pieces by Asley.

The stumps were flying, and the blood filled the sky.

The hard bone armor that can resist a continuous crossbow without being damaged can't last a second.

The scene looked extremely bloody and full of blood-thirsty violence.

With the death of the skeleton spider, Asleigar's second round of performances began.

Killing, gore, death.

No one can describe how terrifying the gods on the battlefield are. This kind of divine life that even gods fear is the ultimate evil in this world.

It is no exaggeration that all the negative adjectives are piled up on this god.

Asleigar's slaughter caused the cave spider, which had held back the top combat power of Greystone Castle, to suffer a tragic annihilation.

No cave spider can escape the hunt of this space-governing god.

This life fighting force that has lived for millions of years has reached the extreme level of 19,

Divine beings can never use ordinary levels to calculate their combat power.

Even if the cave spider wants to escape, it is impossible for him to obtain the space control ability of the bronze dragon. As long as the prey he targets will die.

There are no surprises.

When a goddess has the attack ability to tear space and gives him invincible mobility, it will become the most terrifying killing machine.

Born to kill,

The hundreds of level 15 cave spiders were dwindling at a frantic rate under the indifferent hunt of Asrega.

And several top combat powers that were originally restricted by the cave spiders were also restored to freedom. With this storm, the orc warriors began to attack frantically and quickly recovered the city walls that were originally occupied by the cave spiders.

The power of the top combat power on the battlefield is absolutely beyond anyone's imagination.

Reed wasn't idle either as Asleigh swept across the country.

At this point, he was already flying in mid-air, and the magma fireballs on his hands were bubbling.

But unlike before, three magma fireballs appeared in his hand at this time.

Ultimate Skill - Triple-casting.

The theory is that while activating the magic models of the two magma fireballs, quickly activate the magic model of the third magma fireball.

The limitation of mental power allowed him to control only two magic models at the same time. At this time, Li De adopted a rotation system, and used extremely high frequency to input magic power into the magic models, so as to maintain the most extreme state.

It can achieve the effect of triple casting. Of course, doing so requires a test of magic affinity and magic control, and most importantly, not afraid of death.

As long as the magic input is stagnant for more than 0.1 seconds, the magic model will collapse directly and cause backlash.

Li De had to switch back and forth between the three magic models within 0.1 seconds, and it was accurate enough to ensure that there was no error in each input of magic power.

This extreme spellcasting technique is more terrifying than dancing on the tip of a knife. It can be called walking a tightrope in mid-air while holding a knife on the wire, placing a needle on the tip of the knife and letting him play the floor action on the tip of the needle.

However, at this time, Li De had his bloodline purified by the divinity of the remains of the gods, and his affinity for magic power had reached the pinnacle that he could reach.

So to die like this.

If you change someone, you are afraid that if you can't release it even once, you will be turned into an idiot by backlash.

It was only after Li De tried countless times that he really mastered this technique beyond the limit.

Speaking of which, I would also like to thank the artifact fragment that can reduce the magic backlash by 50%.

Of course, in addition to the danger, the side effect is that when double casting, the casting time of the magma fireball has been increased from the previous 3 seconds to 4 seconds.

However, it is still a huge improvement, and now it can release 3 magma fireballs in 4 seconds, while only two can be released in 3 seconds before.

One for 1 second, one for 1.5 seconds, using the triple-casting technique to increase the casting speed by 50%.

Before Li De's bloodline was activated and evolved, it would take at least 20 seconds to release 4th-level magic, but when his potential was tapped, the speed of casting spells began to increase wildly. reduced to the extreme.

And Li De, who can have hundreds of magic power recovery speed per second under normal conditions, is a well-deserved magic fort at this moment.

He was suspended in the mid-air of Greystone Castle, and every second he was able to smash out a bubbling magma fireball.

The densely packed cave spiders on the ground in front of Greystone Castle were emptied by his own firepower.

The earth was torn apart under the tyranny of magic, and the mud and stones melted into magma in the heat.

Its lethality is even more exaggerated than that of the gods who control the space rampantly.

Asleigar is to kill high-level combat power, while Li De is full of firepower. Whether it is high-level or low-level, it will be turned into ashes under his magic.

The difference between a warrior and a mage is vividly reflected at this moment.


When the horn of war in the castle sounded again, more soldiers pouring out of the cave began a full-scale counterattack.

Although this cave spider's raid was very resolute, even if Li De hadn't arrived, Greystone Castle would have fallen at this moment.

However, the power of Dawn City is not vegetarian either.

After the cave spider lost its top combat power, it was time for Dawn City to fight back.

Li De had time to scan the surroundings after another round of magic bombing out to kill a circle of cave spiders that were just about to gather.

The first one that stands out is, of course, the level 19 evil Asregar.

In just a few minutes, this goddess has hunted and killed more than 40 cave spiders above level 15, relying on his unique talent - controlling space.

The exaggerated results directly reversed the situation that was about to collapse.

Li De felt a move in his heart when the general situation changed, and he directly flapped his wings and flew from the air to the top of the city wall.

He came to Karp, the orc king who had just escaped, and stared at the lion with burning eyes.

Kapp, order all warriors to follow me.

The cave spider sent such a powerful force must have used most of its cards.

Li De's tone was firm, even a cave spider occupying half of the plane could not easily mobilize hundreds of level 15 combat power.

After we eliminate this power, the power of the cave spiders outside will inevitably be in a vacuum period for a period of time.

And this open space is the best time for us to occupy the spider cave.

Magic crystal veins...will be branded as the City of Dawn.

There was a bit of dazzling light in Li De's eyes.

The purpose of his launching this war has not changed - magic crystal ore, obtaining the power of death is only a report in this process, that rich magic crystal ore is the ultimate goal.

Needless to say, the importance of magic crystal ore veins, no matter what the cost, he must get it.

This time, plus the strangulation of the previous three months, the spider plane has already lost countless levels of combat power above 15 in front of Greystone Castle. The layout of the magic crystal ore vein can be closed.

Moreover, with the presence of the god Asrega, the danger caused by the high-level cave spiders to the army of Dawn City has also been reduced to the extreme at this moment.

No cave spider can survive the hunt of the gods.

The reason why he had not taken up the magic crystal lode before was because of this, because it has strong mobility and can support or even destroy the high-level cave spiders that appear at any time. No one under him can do it.

He can, but he can't stay in the underground world all the time, so he decided to kill the high-level power of cave spiders. After the high-level power of cave spiders is reduced to a certain level, the power of Dawn City can deal with it before seeking the magic crystal ore vein.

Originally, he still had at least three months to go to the next step in this plan, but the power of the goddess Asrega made his plan ahead of schedule.

And the effect could be better.


Following Li De's order, the long-closed gate of Greystone Castle was opened.

Numerous neatly dressed orc warriors walked out of the city gate in heavy armor, and their king, the lion lion of the barren wasteland, led the charge.

At this time, after the flying spider in the sky was defeated by the cave spider on the ground, there was a scream, and it quickly left the battlefield under the gaze of everyone.

Li De's will is the direction of the City of Dawn. From the beginning to the present, this eternal core has never changed, and it will not change in the future.

The magic word bats that lost more than 300 in the sky returned to the passage behind the mountain to supply alchemical bombs and crossbow arrows.

The horn of war is like a voice handed down from ancient times, making all the warriors blood boil at this moment.

Fight, fight! !

The cave spiders on the surface could no longer stop the Dawn City army that was soaring at this time.

The momentum was overwhelming, and on the wetlands that had become a sea of ​​corpses in front of Greystone Castle, the cave spiders were retreating steadily.

Castro and Withered Bones also regained their freedom at this time. These two giant beasts, which had just been submerged by countless cave spiders, slayed their inner anger towards the still surging cave spiders.

Castro, wearing extraordinary armor, had no worries at all after Li De took charge, and soared his speed to the extreme.

The sharp blades on the two wings were like slicing tofu, swooping down after supersonic flight in the sky.


The body of the cave spider burst into pieces directly.

Extremely sharp (70% chance to directly cut off armor below extraordinary quality when attacking with wings, the lower the quality, the higher the cut chance)

It is obviously impossible for the body of the cave spider to reach the extraordinary level of equipment hardness, so when facing the low-level cave spider, Castro is invincible.

The whirlwind from the wings is the scythe of the god of death, and the boundless fear spreads.

The cave spider on the ground was immediately dealt a tragic blow to the furious steel behemoth. This behemoth, which once destroyed the dwarf city in the dwarf valley, once again showed the coercion that belonged to the newborn king.

Even if the battlefield is rampant, a 19th-level goddess Asrega who blew up a cave spider face to face is not as dazzling as Castro at the moment.

After the 16-blade blade wings were unfolded, they swooped down from the sky and slashed a bloody and brutal death road on the ground. Within the width of the 16-blade, all the cave spiders were torn into pieces.

Like a scythe, before turning on the unparalleled mode to mow the grass.

And several other top combat powers that were just suppressed have all erupted at this moment.

Although the level 18 bone dragon is not as fast as Castro, the dragon language magic in his mouth makes him a super battery.

Without the high-level cave spider to confine it, the magic of this chattering skeleton is as dense as the words of his mouth at this moment.

Damn cave spiders, how dare you offend the great Lord Bone!!

The sins you have committed cannot be forgiven, and death and silence will be your only destination.

The great Bone Lord will crush your ridiculous and weak souls, tear your humble and weak bodies, and trample your everything.

I am——Dragon of Destruction!!

It is the great existence that ends everything, the eternity of this world, the only undead that has crossed multiple planes, wow quack quack quack, humble ants, welcome the dragon's breath of your withered bones, your filthy body It's time to be purified by the dragon's breath...

When everyone was fighting, only the bone dragon in the air inciting the broken dragon wings was screaming, bragging about his strength and invincibility over and over again, completely forgetting that he had just been dragged to the ground by the cave spider. The embarrassing scene of being beaten for a long time and unable to lift off.

The bronze Cyclops Koso, the scarlet hunter Frey, and the son of the North, Grot, who was still violently killing on the battlefield, all showed the edge of the top combat effectiveness of the City of Dawn at this moment.

The power of the cave spider's outbreak just now was too ferocious. Hundreds of cave spiders of level 15 and above were accumulated over countless years, and the City of Dawn was incomparable.

It is normal to be pressed and beaten, and there is no major problem under this level of siege, which also shows the strength of this army that Li De spent a lot of money forging.

Without the restraint of those high-level cave spiders, their sharpness is terrifying.


As more and more orc warriors came out of Greystone, the cave spiders that had been on the offensive began to rout.

Especially under the unscrupulous killing of several top combat powers, this rout has been exacerbated. Once a dense cave spider group appears, it will be madly targeted, and it can no longer become a climate.

Li De was suspended in mid-air, and the army advancing below appeared in his sight.

Looking down from the sky, the scene looks like a scene from an epic myth.

The densely packed orc warriors walked on the battlefield after being washed by alchemy bombs and magic. There were potholes after being bombed everywhere, and the surrounding air gave off the stench of scorched hair.

The broken bodies of spiders piled up on the ground, sizzling with corrosive green mucus on the ground, the thick gunpowder smoke in the air never dissipated, and the bodies of cave spiders that were not completely dead were twitching from time to time.

This original wetland is no longer what it used to be, and it has become a doomsday after the war of the gods.

Orc warriors marched across the shattered battlefield in sturdy armour forged by dwarves, while stubbornly resisting cave spiders were slaughtered without command.

When the army of tens of thousands of orcs was dispatched, the battlefield was again in the hands of the army of the City of Dawn.

The raid by cave spiders was drawing to a close, especially when the resupply Magic Bats began to re-emerge on the battlefield to bombard the battlefield.

One sunday later.

Li De looked at the dimly lit cave in front of him and the smell of spiders in the air, his eyes were cold.

He turned his head to look at Frey and the orc king Garp behind him.

According to the original plan, first investigate the situation in the underground passage,

And in the process of occupation, the secondary underground passages were blown up, leaving only the necessary main passages for the convenience of defense.

In addition, build a level at regular intervals to fight against cave spiders, so that even if a level is overrun by cave spiders, there is a buffer level.

At the same time, after occupying the magic crystal vein, we will build a defensive fortress around it to resist the counterattack of the cave spiders.

Finally, a fortress camp should be set up at the exit of the spider plane to encircle and suppress the cave spiders.

Li De's thinking is very clear, and his goal has always been very clear, that is, to occupy the magic crystal veins in the cave.

And now the cave spider is the only obstacle to his capture of the magic crystal vein.

If there are obstacles, they must be removed.

This time, the action plan is not complicated. Riding on the emptiness of the power of the cave spiders, they directly cut off their retreat.

Build fortifications at the exits of the Spider Plane to prevent large-scale formation of cave spiders.

Then rely on this to encircle and suppress the cave spiders around the magic crystal ore. Without the new power of the spider plane, even if there are more cave spiders around the magic crystal ore, it will not help.

The plan is simple, and the only difficulty in executing it is uncertainty about how many high-level cave spiders still exist in the current underground passage.

After hearing Li De's order, Garp and several top combat powers immediately started the operation to attack the cave spiders.





He originally thought that breaking into the spider cave would be a huge challenge, but Li De was surprised to find that this time it was unexpectedly smooth.

Although the number of cave spiders is still numerous, and the resistance is very fierce.

But only a handful of level 15 cave spiders exist.

Most are level 5-9 cave spiders.

Therefore, although the number of cave spiders is quite large, they are under the attack of the Dawn City army with top combat power as the spearhead.

Fall apart.

In addition, the exaggerated number of cave spiders was limited by the underground passage, and the battle situation became more smooth.

After all, even the largest underground passage can accommodate a limited number of cave spiders.

In the case of high-level combat power, the pressure faced in the underground passage is countless times less than the pressure of facing the cave spiders in Greystone Fort.

Steady and steady.

After losing most of its high-level powers, the cave spiders were devoured by the army of Dawn City step by step.

There is not much power to resist at all.

Five sundays, ten sundays...

Li De was a little surprised when the entire cave spider's lair was occupied by the Dawn City army.

Originally, he was ready to fight a battle in this underground passage, but in the end, even Asleigar didn't even take a shot, so he easily included this labyrinth-like spider's lair.

Among them, there is also the magic crystal ore vein that Li De never forgets.

Father, is the space passage of the spider plane in front?

Li De stood in the underground passage, and the goddess Asrega asked.

In the huge and open underground space in front of him, several top combat powers of Karp and the most elite troops surrounded and killed the cave spiders in front of the space passage of the spider plane.

Here the cave spiders are the last of the resistance.

The cave spider also knows the preciousness of the magic crystal ore, and has not given up, and has been pouring out of the space channel.

However, under the hunting of several top combat powers, the cave spiders that lacked equal power, or that if they had equal power, would be hunted down by Asrega immediately, could not set off a huge wave of resistance, even if there was a new Power supply, but the number is still declining, and the number of supplies cannot keep up with the number of deaths.

That's right, Asrega, I found you on that plane, and there are two supernatural beings in it...

Li De stood on a rock and looked down at the battlefield below, watching the scene where the overall situation had been determined and did not participate in it.

It's just a little complicated when looking at the space channel built on the rock wall.

The taste of death is not pleasant, and the eternal silence is difficult for outsiders to understand.

The scene of him being killed by the extraordinary blade spider still lingered in his mind.

Asleigar's long and narrow scarlet eyes revealed an endless aura of violence.

Father, I felt a familiar breath... The power of this plane, I once swallowed...

Li De nodded, there was this introduction on Asleigar's attribute panel, swallowing the power of the plane.

After a little thought, his eyes lit up.

Can you control this plane?

The spider plane has no master. Although the rules of the plane are incomplete, if Asrega can control it, the extraordinary spider hidden in it will not be a hidden danger.

Hearing the words, Asrega immediately felt the power in his body and shook his head after a while.

Father, the rules of this plane have been seriously missing. Unless the stone of the plane can be found, no one can control it...

Although Asrega had lost most of his memory, he could still easily identify some common-sense questions.

Li De nodded, this was just a whim, and there was no disappointment.

After pondering for a while, he seemed to remember something, and stared at this level 19 godly evil with burning eyes.

It's not surprising that you can't control this plane, but you have obtained the power of space in this plane, can you close these space channels?

Close the space channel?

Asleigar was also interested, Father, please wait a moment...

After speaking, the body disappeared directly in place, and after a few breaths, Asregar's figure appeared in front of the rock wall that was like a hive full of space gates.

The extremely evil breath of God's Sin spreads out in the underground space at the moment he appeared.

The cave spider, who had just defended the immortality just now, seemed to have encountered an ancient giant beast.

That pure evil aura obviously caused a huge panic to these monsters.

The surrounding soldiers saw this scene strangling even more crazy, and did not give these cave spiders a chance to breathe.

Asleigar ignored this, inciting his gray fleshy wings to suspend in front of the rock wall, his narrow eyes staring at the door of space in front of him.

The momentum of the body began to permeate, and even the surrounding light became even more dim at this moment, as if the terrifying life of the ancient times was reviving, full of indescribable evil.

The cave spider, which had been frightened before, was even more manic at this moment, and the roar in its mouth pierced the eardrums.

Asley's strong right arm stretched out, and the sharp claws were god-killing daggers.

Hu~ I waved my right hand out of thin air, click~

Like porcelain shattered, more than a dozen space doors in front of them burst directly, and the crystal clear space fragments turned into phantoms.

Several cave spiders that had just climbed out halfway were directly smashed by the blasting space, and did not survive for a second.

When he looked at it again, the original door of space had disappeared, leaving only one hole after another on the rock wall.

Li De, who had been observing Asleigar, saw this scene and his eyes lit up.

Is it really possible? !

The space door on the rock wall is the only way to link the spider cave, but there are too many space doors on this nearly 100-blade-high rock wall, and the cave spiders can accumulate a huge number in just a moment.

If some of the space gates can be closed, the pressure on the troops stationed here will be reduced by most.

At this time, the success of Asleigh undoubtedly gave Li De hope.

When the figure flashed, Li De appeared directly beside Asleigh.

Aslegar, can you reopen the space door after destroying it?

Father...I'll try.

Asleigar did not give a positive answer, and stretched out his right hand again, and the gray twelve-winged Seraphim skin engraved with the ancient blasphemous inscription was full of frightening breath at this moment.

The terrifying energy spurted out from the body, the claws waved, and the space shattered again.

But after a while, the broken space stabilized, forming a gate.

At the other end of the broken space, the unique breath of cave spiders came.

Father, I can perceive the coordinates of the spider plane. It is not difficult to open the door of space...

After sensing a little, Asrega replied, But my current strength is limited, and I can only solidify one space door at most every day...

Li De nodded with satisfaction upon hearing this response, as long as it can be turned on, it is enough, the rest is not important.

Very well, now we only need to leave the bottom twenty space gates, and destroy the rest.

The gate of space cannot be completely destroyed. If it is destroyed, the cave spider will not come out.

Now the cave spiders are no longer a threat to Dawn City, especially with the evil Asraegar in charge.

As long as the two extraordinary spiders can't pass through the door of space, this place is absolutely safe.

With the City of Dawn secured, the cave spider itself became a resource.

And it's a valuable resource.

What is he missing now? Nothing is missing...but the most urgent is undoubtedly the power of death.

And cave spiders can undoubtedly become the source of the power of death after causing no danger.

Biological resource point, perhaps this name is more suitable for the current cave spider.

Or it can also be called - pig farm, which is the side business of the pig boss.

Thinking of this, Li De couldn't help but smile.

This is pig-raising syndrome... Sure enough, raising pigs is the right way.

After fighting for so long, in the end even you yourself became my spoils, which is really interesting.

Of course, this rough idea still needs to be improved in the later stage, and now the most important thing is to clear the entire spider nest.

There are a lot of cave spiders in this labyrinth-like spider lair, and even the exploration has not been completed in this day's time. It is too big.

If the remaining cave spiders are not cleaned up, the next digging of magic crystal ore will undoubtedly add a lot of unnecessary trouble.

Click ~ click ~

While Reed was thinking, Asleigar had already acted.

The sharp claws with powerful space power were swung in the air, and the crackling sound continued to explode.

The space doors on the rock wall in front of them were extinguished one by one like magic lamps, leaving only the bottom twenty.

After more than half of the space gate burst, the number of cave spiders that appeared in the underground world immediately decreased, and without the support of the new force, the surrounding army's strangulation of cave spiders also came to an end.


When the last cave spider outside was minced, the only remaining cave spiders were fresh from the space portal.

But the largest of the twenty gates of space can only accommodate three or five cave spiders at a time, which is not enough to see.

The war has turned into a game of whack-a-mole.

As long as the cave spider dares to show its head outside the door of space, it will be immediately attacked mercilessly.

Li De's expression was a little weird when he saw this scene. Why does this scene seem... so funny? Seeing the excited fighters made him want to try the live-action version of Whack-a-Mole.

Shaking his head, Li De still left this level 19 evil spirit here to guard him just in case.

Asrega, you are stationed at the gate of space here. Although the two super spiders can't come out, they will definitely not be reconciled after their lair is occupied.

Although these cave spiders have already played their cards in order to attack Greystone Castle this time, hundreds of level 15 cave spiders will definitely be broken by us killing them.

However, no one can be sure what will happen, and perhaps there is a stronger power hidden behind them.

Your strength is enough to guard these twenty gates of space.

Guarding the gate of space with the 19th-level evil Aslegar is completely using dragons to kill goblins, which is a bit of a waste, but the magic crystal ore is too important, and now it is necessary to keep a firm hand, and wait until the fortifications of the magic crystal ore are built. It's not too late to take it away.

Naturally, this matter does not pose any challenge to Asleigh.

Even if a large number of 15th-level cave spiders surged out of these twenty space gates at the same time, they could easily be killed with Asrega's fighting power.

Cave spiders are just ordinary life, not even a strong fighting race, let alone an existence that is incomparable with the gods and blood races.

Therefore, under the same level, killing a cave spider is like killing a chicken, and the other party has no room to resist.

This is the gap between the bloodline and the essence of life. Both are level 19. The cave spiders are at most ordinary or elite templates, while the goddess Asleigar is a legend or even a mythical template, which is completely crushed.

After arranging these things, in the dark underground passage, Li De took Frey and turned away to go to the magic crystal mine, with Castro, who had become smaller, resting on his shoulders.

Withered Bones and Corso can only be stationed outside the underground passage because their bodies are too large and they do not understand Transfiguration.

Grote and Garp were left by him to rectify their armaments. If there is no accident, the Magic Crystal Mine will be guarded by these two people with Asrega for a long time.

After Betty saw that the situation was under control, she raised her head slightly and followed Li De with her giant sword.

In the previous battle, his perception was affected by the magic spider, and he almost fell into a state of death.

But this Northland Valkyrie has returned to her former wildness after recovering.

More than 20 heads of level 15 cave spiders are the best illustration.

The glory of the North has always been shining on her, and the soldiers of the North have never flinched.

Your Majesty, the magic crystal ore vein has been controlled by us, but the underground passage here is too complicated, and the exploration has not yet been completed.

Although we have been sending Blood Blades to map here in the past few months, there are still many areas that are unexplored...

Frey followed Li De and reported that this arrogant second-generation blood descendant has been fighting in the underground world for the past few months.

With a smart head and a tough wrist, Frey became the second largest commander in the army of Greystone Castle after Garp.

Li De has never been stingy with promotions for talents, but it is a pity that Frey is currently in charge of the low hills and murloc tribes, so he cannot stay in the underground world all the time.

These two resource points are important material sources for the City of Dawn, and they must be controlled by people who can be assured.

Well, be sure to speed up... notify Harrison immediately and let him dispatch the construction department.

I need to get through the magic crystal ore vein with the underground passage of Greystone Castle.

The magic crystal ore vein will be the core resource point for our expansion in the underground world in the future.

There is still some distance between Greystone Castle and the magic crystal ore.

Those war fortresses that have been built cannot protect the magic crystal ore vein, and the fortress must be rebuilt here.

After a while, Frey, who was leading the way, stopped and gestured for the passage ahead.

Li De nodded slightly, but he suddenly remembered something and turned his head to look behind him without speaking. His eyes were vigilantly looking around at the Valkyrie, with a smile on his face.

Betty, in the future, the Crimson Mage Tower and Dawn City will no longer lack magic spar.

Come, let me show you the magic spar mines belonging to the City of Dawn.

Betty looked at Li De who was in high spirits and nodded slightly, and those wild eyes showed a bit of interest. She seldom saw Li De have such an expression.

Following Li De's footsteps, Betty stepped on the underpass that was a little stubborn, sniffing the rancid air, and stepped forward step by step.

When Li De reached the entrance of the passage, his figure suddenly stopped, and he reached out to Betty with great interest. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

This is our trophy!

When Betty saw this scene, she stepped forward with a giant sword and walked to the exit of the passageway in the middle of the cliff.

Suddenly, the underground space dug up by the cave spider appeared in front of him.

The northern royal family shrank suddenly when they saw the scene below, and there was a bit of shock that could not be concealed on his face.

In this huge underground space with a length and width of more than 2,000 blades.

There are densely packed splendid magic spar like crystal.

Under the illumination of the luminous plants on the top of the cave, the whole scene is bright and bright, like paved with diamonds.

Even the dragon's treasure trove would be eclipsed in such a scene.

Anyone who sees this scene can feel the sincere shock.

This monstrous wealth is enough to drive the king of the human empire crazy.

Here, is the future of Dawn City.

This this.......

Betty opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end she could only shake her head and couldn't say anything.

This scene can no longer be described in words.

The northern land is poor, and the few magic crystal veins she owns are all too small. Although she is a royal family, it is the first time she has seen such a shocking scene.

Even the treasure trove of the King of the North is not one-tenth as large as this underground space, not even one percent.

Li De was also very emotional when he looked at the expression of the magic spar with strong energy fluctuations below.

No one thought that those cave spiders that suddenly appeared on the ground to hunt miners would guard such a shocking wealth.

With these magic spar, his long-awaited magic industry is about to officially start.

The City of Dawn has a chance to rise.

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