I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty-Nine Divine Creatures - Divine Sin

Quick!! Load the arrows and let these son of a bitch monsters taste Daddy Jake's arrows!!

The little brat of the Abeno family, be quick with your hands and feet!! Don't make me look down on me like those eggless bastards.

Remember, you are fighting for the City of Dawn, for the glory of Kachar! ! Don't embarrass Your Majesty!

Lika!! What the hell are you doing, bastard?? Pull the trigger in your hand, if that damn cave spider rushes to the city wall, I swear I'll kick your slush out with my boots. brain!!

In the huge stone tower on the city wall of Greystone Castle, dozens of new recruits of the King's Blade who had just switched to the defense were roared and taught by the veteran captains one by one.

In the past three months, no one knows how many times this tower has been replaced, but the tower made of boulders has always been nailed here like nails.

Become every cave spider's nightmare.

The light in the tower is not bright, even under the illumination of the magic lamp.

Rocky roofs, rocky walls, rocky floors, rocky shooting holes, everything here is made of solid grey rock, nothing superfluous.

The front of the city wall is the shooting hole of the city tower. In the two-edged rock wall there is an arm-wide hole. The crossbow is placed in front of the hole. The crossbowman behind him only needs to aim and pull the trigger of the repeater.

This process seems simple, but when the innumerable number of cave spiders flood in like a tide, the psychological pressure of the crossbowmen will be magnified countless times.

Moreover, it is not safe inside the building. Cave spiders will use their abdominal mouthparts to spit venom. Even if they are hidden deep in the tower, people will still die every day.

After a crossbow arrow was shot in the air, several soldiers immediately stepped forward, neatly withdrew the empty crossbow arrow box, and replaced it with a new one.

After a little debugging, it was confirmed that there was no problem. The two soldiers who controlled the repeating crossbow stepped forward again, and several logistics soldiers carried the empty crossbow arrow box to the rear of the pile of crossbow arrows to reload the crossbow arrows.

The whole process went smoothly, as if it had been done countless times.

Seeing the scene where the arrows were fired again after only 30 seconds of changing the crossbow box, the veteran with a pair of sharp eagle eyes laughed.

The repeating crossbow newly researched by the Magic Industry Research Institute is really great, rookies, I have to feel your good luck.

Half a month ago, when the batch of repeating crossbows that only needed to replace the crossbow arrow box had not been delivered, the repeating crossbow had to be pushed down and reloaded after each shot.

That's when we had the hardest time, because those damn cave spiders would grab the brief gap and kill the tower.

The 47 soldiers killed in our 15th tower in the past three months were all killed during the replacement of crossbow arrows.

So, praise the great lord of Kachar, you have the weapons for victory!

Just as the old soldier finished speaking, several cave spiders rushed directly to the tower, making him shiver.

shouted angrily.

Look at your shooting holes, those damn cave spiders will spit venom from the outside, you are going to shoot their heads with crossbow arrows!!

You only need to stay in the tower for 10 days. After 10 days, you will switch defenses, and the warriors who perform well in these 10 days will obtain the fruit of the military's bloodline evolution.

Trust me, young lads, if you want to survive and have great power, try to kill those damn cave spiders.

The veteran's voice was hoarse, but it lifted everyone's spirits.

The fruit of bloodline evolution, this is the magic fruit just launched by the military last month.

It has the magical effect of purifying blood and stimulating potential. After eating it, many warriors not only soared in strength, but also reused them.

It is a pity that the fruit of bloodline evolution can only be exchanged for military merit, and there is no doubt that if you want to obtain military merit, you can only perform well on the battlefield.

The stimulated warriors suddenly became swifter and quicker, and the attack frequency and accuracy of the repeating crossbow immediately soared.

The veteran nodded slightly when he saw this scene. These new recruits didn't say anything, but it was these visible gains that would stimulate them more.


Less than a minute after the veteran's voice fell, a huge explosion suddenly came from the front of Greystone Castle.

Brush la la ~ The tower made of boulders was shaken by the terrifying explosion, and the dust fell like salt.


At this moment, several human soldiers standing at the firing port watching the enemy suddenly looked up to the sky.

Immediately, countless huge figures flying out of the cave of Greystone Castle attracted everyone's attention.

Magic bat, that is magic bat! !

Several recruits were immediately excited when they watched the scene where they flew into the depths of the cave spiders and started the ground scrubbing bombing.


I saw that the magic bat started to drop bombs at a height of 500 blades, and the dark alchemy bomb smashed down at an extremely fast speed after it broke away from the bullet-loaded armor.

Although the cave spiders below tried their best to intercept them with their webs, they were all in vain under the dense numbers.

The smoke of gunpowder lingered, and countless firelights rose into the sky.

The densely packed cave spiders were torn to shreds like straw in a storm after being hit by exploding alchemical bombs.

From a distance, you can see bang bang bang ~ After the explosion sounded, thick smoke rose, and the densely packed cave spiders were lifted into the sky by the huge air waves. The scene was extremely magnificent.


Ready to fight!!!

Li De's first fanatic, Olly, was waving an air cavalry spear in the air at this moment, with a very solemn expression.

Under his seat is a 12th-level dawn bat, and behind him are thousands of magic knights with fixed crossbows in the air. These heroic magic knights form a semi-circular three-dimensional formation.

Keep 500 magic word bats loaded with alchemy bombs in the central area, these magic word bats are recklessly dropping special alchemy bombs just produced by the alchemy factory.

Flying at a high altitude of hundreds of blades, the distance of ordinary cave spiders spinning silk is simply unreachable.

But Ollie didn't dare to take it lightly at the moment.

The eyes are always on strong vigilance.

Because their enemies are never ground.

After a while, a group of black shadows like locusts appeared on the horizon in the distance. The light in the sky dimmed all the way from the distance, as if the magic lights went out one after another, and it seemed like dark clouds came over the city.

When the creatures flying in the sky approached, names familiar to everyone came to Ollie's mind.


But these are no ordinary spiders, because no spider can fly.

These mutant cave spiders are only two-thirds the size of normal cave spiders, but they have two huge black wings growing behind them.

With the unusually inconsistent appearance of the spider's eight arthropods, can the spider fly? ?

The scene is eerie and shocking.

Seeing this scene, Ollie's face was still as serious as before, and he did not despise these monsters with a wingspan of less than 3 blades.

The magic word bat with a wingspan of 10 blades has a huge size advantage in the face of these flying spiders, but the opponent is not a soft persimmon. Olly, who has played against flying spiders, knows this very well.

After the two sides approached, the battle was about to break out.


With an order resounding through the sky, the magic knight with an aerial crossbow began to show his fangs.

The air knight behind the magic bat instantly adjusted the repeating crossbow to aim at the flying spider that covered the sky like a locust in front, and pulled the trigger.

Bang~ The bowstring slams, the sharp arrows flash with a deadly cold glow, and the arrows mixed with pure gold are the sharpest minions.

呲la~ With such a dense distance and an exaggerated number, the flying spider could not avoid the crossbow arrow at all, and was directly pierced through the body and fell from a high altitude.

Some crossbow arrows even lost their sharpness after piercing five or six flying spiders in a row.

And the picture of thousands of magic knights shooting crossbow arrows at the same time was extremely shocking.

The flying spider next to it was directly hit hard, and the surrounding area of ​​200 blades was emptied in just one round of attack.

Those falling flying spiders fell to the ground like raindrops.

Ollie's face was sinking like water at the moment, and he drove the dawn bat under him to fly straight to kill the spider, without the slightest fear.

Because the magic word bat behind him has not dropped the alchemy bomb in the expected area, the magic word knight must complete today's escort.

No one can stop them.

However, war is always war, and it is far less easy than ideal.

There are not many flying spiders in the air that slip through the net after the first salvo.

The two flew opposite each other, and the flying spiders had already approached the magic word bat group in a few breaths, and the bowstrings continued to bounce, and most of the flying spiders were killed again.

But the flying spiders, who were extremely reliant, were too late to intercept them. These strange creatures arched their bodies sharply, and the huge mouthparts of their abdomens opened.


The venom that brought strong corrosiveness was spit out.

The bubbling venom made people tremble, and a few magic bats that didn't have time to dodge were directly sprayed by the venom, 呲la~

It made a loud noise like pouring cold water over a charcoal fire.

A magic bat with a 10-blade wingspan turned into pus together with the air knight and air crossbow behind him, falling straight from the sky, and finally hit a cave spider on the ground that had no time to dodge, and entered together with the cave spider the kingdom of death.

And the battle really begins at this point.

Bang~ The sound of the bowstring banging constantly, the flying spiders fell from the sky like raindrops.

Although the magic word bats are pressed against the flying spiders in all aspects, the invincible venom can kill a group of magic word bats every time.

After the last arrow was used up, Ollie looked at the empty sky in front of him and realized that the group of flying spiders that numbered more than 30,000 just now had been wiped out by the thousands of magic knights he led.

Turning his head to look at the ground, the cave spider after being bombed by the alchemy bomb has become sparse, and the special alchemy bomb will release a strong pungent breath after the explosion. The cave spider smells that breath. Immediately away from this area covered with corpses.

After a while, the army on the wall of the Greystone Castle watched the magic bat swooped down from the sky, and the two sharp giant feet grabbed the body of the cave spider on the ground and began to fly back into the Greystone Castle.

After the first batch of magic bats flew back to Greystone Castle, more magic bats began to fly out of the cave and plunder the corpses of cave spiders on the ground.

The warriors on the wall did not respond much to this.

This scene has been staged countless times, and all the soldiers who have seen it have already seen it.

After the alchemy bomb washed the ground, the magic bat entered the field to clear the remaining cave spiders and transported the corpse back to the cave.

This process lasted about half a sunday each time, and the soldiers guarding the city wall were very clear, so they relaxed at this time and started to repair it while taking advantage of the precious time.

The recruits in the tower obviously didn't know how to cherish them, and they looked around curiously. The veterans didn't bother to pay attention to them, and squinted for a while.

Just half an hour later, the pungent smell after the explosion of the alchemy bomb had dissipated, and the cave spiders in the distance gathered again.

The dense number of magic bats can no longer be resisted by magic bats without alchemy bombs. The magic bats that have emptied the corpses of the cave spiders near Greystone Castle no longer hesitate, and they all lift off into the cave behind Greystone Castle.

And a new round of battle began again after the cave spider rushed under the walls of Greystone Castle.


Shortly after the start of the battle, a rapid horn sounded from within a sub-fortress.

At this time, several 15-level ghost-faced spiders appeared on the 30-blade city wall of the secondary fortress.

No matter how heroic the orcs are, they still seem so powerless in the face of absolute strength.

Even a level 15 ghost-faced spider was ready to enter the fort.

And after the rapid horn sounded.

In the main castle, a Miaoman figure wearing black personal armor and holding a giant sword jumped directly from the 35-bladed city wall.


The legs were slightly bent and fell to the ground, 呲la~ The ground was like broken glass, and there were spider web-like traces.

In the exclamations of the orc warriors on the city wall, the slender figure with the giant sword looked like a giant running wild.


All the cave spiders they passed were smashed to pieces by the great sword.

The heavy sword in her hand was like a fluttering feather, and was swung wildly by her, but the cave spider that was hit by it seemed to have been hit by a heavy truck, shattering and bursting directly.

In just ten seconds, the figure that was rampant in the densely packed cave spider group had already reached the bottom of the secondary fortress where the urgent horn was heard.

That's it!

Betty's sharp eyes narrowed slightly, and she sensed the breath of a level 15 ghost-faced spider on the city wall.

Under the 30-blade-high city wall, densely packed spiders formed a passage leading to the top of the city wall by stacking human walls.

Betty saw the surging fighting spirit on her body in this scene, and this Northland Valkyrie was like an unstoppable steel cutting knife at the moment.

Body muscles compress violently, and then—explode.


The ground under Betty's feet collapsed directly, and the huge force made her body rush forward frantically, and the air burst into several layers of waves because of her speed.

In the blink of an eye in the future, dozens of afterimages were left in the air.

When Betty was running wildly, the giant sword in her hand burst into light with more than ten blades.

The exclusive characteristic of the northern warriors - extreme intention.

This is a characteristic that only extraordinary warriors can activate, domineering and powerful.


Betty slammed straight into the mass of hundreds of cave spiders in a frenzy.

And hundreds of cave spiders are like balloons stuck in needles.


Bursting continuously from the left, the 20-blade-high cave spider-man wall collapsed directly under Betty's unstoppable blade.

In the end, Betty's extremity, which had been compressed dozens of times, burst out suddenly, 呲la~ radiant.

Countless sword lights in the body scattered, the surrounding ground shattered, and dozens of scratches appeared on the city wall.

After the sharp sword light burst out, the pile of flesh composed of hundreds of cave spiders was directly smashed to life.

All the cave spiders were torn to shreds in the sword glow of extreme intent.

In this exaggerated visual effect, the movements of the surrounding people even paused for a second, and everyone trembled when they saw this scene.

Is this the incarnation of the gods?

After seeing what Betty was wearing, the morale of the defenders above immediately rose.

That's their reinforcements.

And at the moment when Betty stopped in her footsteps, a ghost-faced spider that was not yet dead slammed towards her, but Betty seemed to be unaware of all this.

Just when the fangs of the ghost-faced spider were about to stab her.

Betty turned around suddenly, the sword light flashed, and the head of the level 10 ghost-faced spider behind him flew high.

Then the Valkyrie made an even more exaggerated movement, using her right leg to kick the ghost-faced spider's corpse into the air in an extremely violent way.

At the moment when the ghost-faced spider corpse flew up, Betty's leg muscles tightened and her body pressed down, and after reaching a certain extreme, bang~ the strength of her whole body exploded.

Under the reaction force, Betty's body climbed to a height of 20 blades in the blink of an eye, and the ghost-faced spider body that was kicked by her just landed at this time.

Betty stepped on it, and her power exploded again. After the second time, she directly jumped onto the city wall with the attitude of an angel descending from the earth.

The close-fitting armor made her figure charming and charming, coupled with the clear facial features and the perfect appearance of a half-breed, she was an angel at this time.

Five level 15 ghost-faced spiders?

It's... woefully weak...

After Betty stepped on the city wall, the killing intent on her body swept the whole sky like frost, but the weakness of her opponent made her shake her head.


Without hesitation for even a second, Betty's body disappeared in place, and more than a dozen afterimages appeared in the air again.

The level 15 ghost-faced spider closest to her was slaughtering orc warriors unscrupulously, but when it was about to kill a level 6 orc warrior, its head burst directly, 呲la~ green juice splashed all over the ground.

In an instant, the 15-level ghost-faced spider has no room to fight back when facing this Northland Valkyrie.

Not even the ghost-faced spider had time to react.

After a few breaths, Betty personally decapitated the last level 15 ghost-faced spider.

In the end, she ended the support with the etiquette of the Northland, and raised the trophy in her right hand and signaled to everyone.

This is her prey!

Seeing this incomparably heroic scene, the orc warrior immediately burst into cheers.




A month ago, a Miaoman figure with a black giant sword appeared in Greystone Castle.

In just one month, everyone knew the title of Valkyrie.

Its frenetic and extremely violent fighting style is worshipped by almost all warriors of Greystone.

She seems tireless and fighting is her only thing.

And never back down, fearless, she is a powerful god of war who will appear in front of them at the most critical moment.

Valkyrie, this is the most respectful name given by the Greystone Army to this northern royal family who has been fighting on the front line for a month.


At this time, another sub-fortress blew the trumpet, but Betty had no extra action, because she had already seen the bone dragon in the air inciting the broken dragon wings to go.

The hunting team was specially used to hunt high-level cave spiders. She became a member of it after being transferred by Li De a month ago.

In the past three months, this scene has happened countless times.




City of Dawn.

Li De was sitting in the office on the third floor of City Hall, in a very good mood.

Three million power of death, it is unimaginable that this war has accumulated 3 million power of death in the burial ground.

Three months is not a long time, but it is definitely not short.

The City of Dawn has only one theme for these three months - war.

A war with cave spiders that occupy half a plane.

In addition to the construction of the new city, all the planning of Dawn City revolves around this war.

He also controlled the war in the underground world for three months.

He appeared in Dawn City at this time because the game was about to be beta in five days from Glory Time.

He had to take the time and energy to deal with these sand sculptures.

And another important point - that mysterious bronze egg will hatch today.

Yes, it took a full two million death power, and even the system was unable to determine the specific race and life of the bronze egg to hatch.

In this three-month-long war, Li De gained 3 million Death Power, but was consumed by the bronze egg in the middle of 1.8 million, and currently there are only 1.2 million left.

But even so, Li De was happy enough.

Because the power of death needed to upgrade from rare to rare is 1 million, which means that he can not only hatch bronze eggs but also upgrade the burial, which is definitely a pleasant thing.

The Burial Ground will usher in a qualitative change when it rises to a rare level.

Because the burial ground reaches a rare quality, it can recruit a special unit - the Frost Dragon.

That's right, dragon! ! Frost Dragon! !

Compared with the unreliable method of mass training bone dragons, it is obviously more reliable to directly recruit frost dragons.

If the Frost Dragons can be recruited in batches.... Then the City of Dawn is really going to rise, and there is a Frost Dragon on hand, and whoever is unhappy will fight.

So several things were added together, and Li De had to come out of the underground world.

Of course, at this time, the power in Greystone Castle was enough to suppress the extraordinary cave spiders.

Level 18 Orc King Garp, Level 18 Bone Dragon, Level 17 Grote, Level 16 Betty, Level 15 Castro, Level 15 Corso.

These top-level combat powers wearing extraordinary equipment forged with expensive materials are completely crushed in the face of cave spiders who can only rely on body arthropods to fight.

Ordinary level 15 ghost-faced spiders can't pierce extraordinary armor no matter how high their attack power is. Although the high-level power of cave spiders above level 15 is much more than that of Dawn City, their combat power is far worse.

One has quality and one has quantity.

So let the cave spider organize high-level forces to break through the defense line, and still can only become the younger brother in front of these local tyrants.

bang bang bang~

A sudden knock on the door interrupted Li De's thinking.



Patriarch, I have already issued your order. If there are a large number of adventurers who have lost the world in 5 days, each faction will respond in accordance with the established methods...

Harrison, wearing a white mage robe, entered the room and respectfully reported to Li De.

Sensing that the bronze egg might break out of its shell at any time, but there was not much movement, Li De shook his head and recovered his mind, not paying too much attention.

Look at Harrison.

The adventurer of the lost world will be the biggest variable in the main plane of Glory.

Everyone has to be prepared, and so does our City of Dawn.

This will be an unprecedented change. Whoever seizes the opportunity in this change will be able to obtain the greatest profit, and even rise to become a new eternity.

Speaking of this, Li De's eyes became very serious.

Harrison, I repeat, the advent of adventurers will affect the entire main plane of Glory, and we must be mentally prepared to deal with it.

Harrison was stunned for a moment. It was the first time he had seen Li De repeat something to him so solemnly.

After regaining his senses, he immediately understood what Li De had in mind about this matter, and immediately agreed without the slightest objection.

Li De's will is his direction.

Yes, patriarch, I have informed the think tank and the intelligence command center to formulate a corresponding plan based on the adventurer information you gave, and it will be released within three days.

Li De took a deep look at Harrison and said nothing more.

The appearance of players is only afraid that no one can imagine how much influence they will have.

Don't look at these sand sculptures as garbage in the early stage, and even the strength, level, and influence will be weak for a long time in the future.

But as time goes by, these undead existences can slowly mix up even if they mix poorly.

Moreover, the player's organizational skills and the spirit of not being afraid of death allow them to grow much faster than the aborigines.

You must pay attention to this...

Now, first report on the development of various departments in Dawnbreak City.

The player's business made him just want Harrison and Dawn City to pay attention. Of course, they still have enough time to deal with the player before they grow up.

Hearing Li De's words, Harrison nodded and began to report on the development of Dawn City in the past three months.

Patriarch, in terms of the construction of the new city, the second phase of the project has come to an end, and it is expected to be completed in early November.

After the completion of this project, it can accommodate 60,000 people, and the third phase of the project will start after the winter months.

The construction of the new city is currently the only core project that can compete with the underground world, because it is related to the plundering of the population in the upcoming Winter Moon.

This may be the last easy looting of the population when the player is about to arrive.

In terms of food, all spring wheat has been harvested and stored, and our grain storage has now reached 350,000 people for a year.

Winter wheat has already been planted, and next year's grain production will remain in a stable range.

Li De nodded with satisfaction and didn't ask too much. He was very relieved that Harrison would manage these matters.

He asked the other party mainly to understand the general situation of the current city, so as to facilitate him to make decisions.

How is the farm now?

Currently, the farm has expanded to 10, and the reserved land has been used up.

At the same time, according to your last request, we recruited 2,000 orcs from the Dwarf Valley to open up a new breeding farm in the Dawn Plains.

At present, the construction of the farm has been completed, and it is expected to be able to breed by the end of October.

That large farm can raise 60,000 pigs at the same time, and the number that can be accommodated can be doubled if it is expanded later...

As the main point for the expansion of the magic word bat, the importance of the breeding farm is undoubtedly in the forefront.

Later, because the place where the bones were buried required the power of death, and a large amount of combat power was needed to fight the underground world, the expansion of the farm was logical.

At present, with the number of pigs on the farm, the magic bat has expanded to 7,000.

4,000 of them have been allocated to Dawn Wings, and the remaining 3,000 are used as transport.

All our dealings with the Dwarf Hills and Murloc tribes are currently done through magic bats.

7,000, Li De was a little dazed when he heard this data.

He still remembered clearly that at the very beginning, the number of magic bats in Dawn City was only more than 400, less than 500. At that time, his biggest wish was to expand the number of magic bats to 1,000.

But three years later, the number of magic bats has doubled by nearly 20 times.

Li De's expression was a little emotional, and it took a long time to recover.

The farm is about the magic bat, and the magic bat is the most important means of transportation and air combat force in our Dawn City.

So this aspect must be treated with the most serious attitude.

In addition, how is the progress of my asking you to find suitable monsters for breeding?

If you can raise monsters, then whether it is to obtain the power of death or to obtain the fur to make magic scrolls, it is a great thing.

Harrison shook his head, Patriarch, the time is too short to find a suitable beast.

The several types of Warcraft we have domesticated are all out of proportion to the input and output, and have no value in large-scale breeding at all.

Farms still need time...

Li De nodded and didn't put too much pressure on it. After all, this kind of thing can't be solved in a day or two.

Well, just follow up on this matter.

Keep reporting.

Yes, patriarch.

Next is about the Magic Industry Research Institute.

At present, the Institute of Magical Industry is working on three large-scale projects - divinely bestowed holy armor, repeated crossbow, plus alchemy and magic potions for cave spiders.

Because of the existence of the Dawning Sect's holy relic, the Heart of Thorns, the divinely bestowed holy garment can perfectly make up for the deficiency of the divinely bestowed holy garment that is not strong enough to resist the Holy Light.

It has now entered an extremely mature experimental stage, and it is expected that in a month or two at most, the immaculate divine outfit will be equipped on every vampire.

Hearing Harrison's words, Li De nodded in satisfaction.

The holy vestment bestowed by God is an important step to release the shackles on the blood race's neck, and he has been holding it tightly.

No one can imagine how terrifying the blood race that is not afraid of the sun will be.

The second is the repeating crossbow. Originally, the aerial repeating crossbow jointly produced by goblins and dwarves was an equipment exclusively for the air force. After modification, it has now become an important defensive equipment for Greystone Castle.

Especially after the Magic Industry Research Institute designed an incredible alchemy equipment - the crossbow arrow box, the strategic significance of the continuous crossbow has been raised countless grades.

We no longer need to wait until the crossbow is fired and then install it one by one. We only need to install the crossbow arrows into the crossbow arrow box first, and wait until one of the crossbow arrow boxes is empty, and then replace the crossbow arrow box.

The design of the crossbow box has greatly improved the endurance of the repeated crossbow, and has now become the ace product of the Magic Industry Research Institute.

Listening to these magical and realistic words, Li De's mouth twitched in confusion.

Crossbow box... He really just mentioned it casually last time, why not get a replaceable arrow box, and then replace the crossbow after the repeated crossbow shooting is empty, isn't it very troublesome?

Earth's guns are not that backward.

The dwarf forge master Valen and the goblin patriarch Moore, who came to the underground world to investigate how their products performed in actual combat, suddenly lit up their eyes when they heard these words, and a month later, the repeating crossbow that could replace the magazines was in the air. born.

I have to say that the magic world really doesn't need to make any sense. The bullet clips of the ballista can be obtained. These races with full manufacturing skills really make Li De speechless.

Harrison's debriefing continues at this point.

Alchemy and magic potions for cave spiders are the key research projects of the Magic Industry Research Institute. The first version can cause slight confusion in the spirit of cave spiders, and it can also make them feel extremely disgusted and stay away from the area.

I believe you have seen it countless times in Greystone Castle.

The second version, an alchemy potion that can directly poison cave spiders, and even make cave spiders infected with plague like humans, is still under development.

But recently, Dean Horn, the great scholar, seems to have come up with a long-collected ancient book, which has made some progress in research. Maybe in the near future, we can easily use alchemy to destroy cave spiders...

This is so awesome, Li De couldn't help but give a thumbs up after hearing it, magical.

This is completely biological genetic warfare in the wizarding world.

An alchemy potion that can kill these cave spiders has been developed specifically for cave spiders, which is really not what most people can imagine.

And the most important thing is that they have also researched some results, which makes Li De have to admire the research spirit of these guys.

At this time, he felt more and more the importance of the Magic Industry Research Institute, which was formed by integrating the Dawn Mage Tower, Dawn Academy, Alchemy Factory, and Weapon Factory.

He is also pleased that he made this decision in the first place.

Communication and integration is the right way, and closed doors will not lead to long-term success.

Patriarch, this war in the underground world has brought us a lot of gains.

Harrison seemed to think of something at this time, and his expression was very emotional.

The previous ideas of the Magic Industry Research Institute have been realized on the battlefield.

The war gave us the most direct feedback, those functions are useless, those functions are lacking in the battle, these can be exposed mercilessly during the war.

This war gives us an opportunity we never had before.

Let Dawnbreak's accumulation of magical and alchemical research have an experimental occasion, so you can see that we're producing something new that's faster than the previous two years combined.

Harrison said this expression was a little emotional, and looked at Li De with more admiration.

Perhaps the great patriarch saw this long ago.

At this time, he had to admire that the battlefield that opened up the underground world brought benefits to Dawn City far beyond imagination.

After the proving ground, all aspects of magic and alchemy in Dawn City have exploded.

The most typical representatives are the repeating crossbow that can replace the crossbow box and the alchemy potion developed for cave spiders.

It is foreseeable that the repeating crossbow will become a big killer in the City of Dawn in the future. Such extreme heavy weapons can play a huge role in any occasion.

If there is no war, I am afraid that the Magic Industry Research Institute is still proud of improving the air repeating crossbow fixed on the back of the magic bat. How could it be possible to design a repeating crossbow that can replace the magazine so quickly.

And now that the new generation of repeaters is experimenting again, maybe it won't be long before even better heavy weapons will be equipped on the warriors of Dawn City.

In addition, the alchemy potion developed for cave spiders is said to be researched for cave spiders, but in a different way of thinking, is it not enough for other monsters except cave spiders? The same is possible.

Li De looked at Harrison's adoring eyes a little funny, just about to speak, suddenly there was a system prompt in his ear.

Ding~ Mysterious bronze egg hatching progress is 99.9%...

Ding~ Because the Bone Burial Ground is completely yours, the advanced function is triggered, may I ask if you consume the power of death (unknown) to advance the mysterious bronze egg.

The advanced effect of this time is unknown, please choose by yourself.

Originally, he thought that the hatching was successful, but the system's prompt made him frown again.

Advanced?? Consume the power of death?

He faintly felt that this might be another big hole, but when he looked at the 1.2 million power of death left on the attribute panel, his eyes narrowed.

I can't bear that my sister-in-law can't catch the wolf...

They have spent 2 million death force, and the sunk cost is too high. It is impossible to give up, and you can only continue to bet.

Confirm to advance.

Ding, choose success, and the advanced level begins.

Immediately afterwards, under Li De's attention in the Bone Burial Ground, the power of death that was so strong that it had been atomized was poured into the bronze egg under the altar of white bones like a tide.

Li De looked at the beating frequency of the force of death on the attribute panel and the corner of his mouth twitched fiercely.

1.2 million...1.1 million...1 million...

Every minute consumes 100,000 Death Power, and the 1.2 million Death Power can last for ten minutes at most.

Sure enough, the thing that worried Li De the most appeared.

The power of death is not enough.

Twelve minutes later, the Bone Burial Ground, where the power of death was so strong that it turned into mist, returned to its former state of poverty and whiteness.

Ding~ The power of death is not enough, please provide energy to the mysterious bronze egg in time as an advanced supplement... If you don't get enough energy supplement, the mysterious bronze egg will have unknown consequences after three minutes.

I have something I don't know if I should say it or not. I'm so stupid. I only know that there will be wolves in winter. Bah, this scumbag has a big appetite, and I'm still advanced...

Taking a deep breath, he glanced at his attribute panel. UU reading www.uukanshu.com suddenly had nearly 300,000 Faith Power on the panel of the Dawnbreak Sect, which made Li De's eyes light up.

But then there was some hesitation. He didn't forget the scene when he tried to hatch bronze eggs with the power of faith, but it didn't work at all.

With the mentality of trying it out, Li De silently chose the power of faith in his heart.

Ding~ Do you choose the power of faith as the mysterious bronze egg advanced energy?


Ding~ Advancement continues...


Li De was greatly relieved. Now his followers have reached 80,000. Although most of them are pan-believers, they can provide him with more than 20,000 and nearly 30,000 beliefs every month.

In addition, he has not been in a hurry to use it in the past few months, so he has accumulated a lot of energy.

The cave spiders are all controlled by the extraordinary spider queen, and the power of faith has no way to transform those disgusting underground creatures, Li De has tested it before.

Unless he transforms the extraordinary spider queen, otherwise, those cave spiders whose souls are controlled by the extraordinary spider queen are just empty shells.

The power of faith is obviously more advanced than the power of death, and the rate of decline on the attribute panel has slowed down a lot, dropping 10,000 points per minute...

The power of 300,000 beliefs can barely last half a sunday hour.

After another 20 minutes, when Li De's power of belief just stopped at 100,000 points, the reminder he was looking forward to finally sounded.

Ding the mysterious bronze egg hatched successfully.

In the next second, the second system improvement made Li Dexin's expression froze, his eyes full of disbelief.

Ding you, you hatched a divine creature - God's Sin, and gained 200,000 character experience points

what, what? ? ? ?

God's sin? ? ?

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