I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 328: Prelude to Server Opening (5,000 words)

The latest website: In the ward of the best first hospital in the magic city, a very cute lady wearing a nurse uniform came to the ward excitedly.

Zhou Bo, this is your test sheet, it's really fine.

It's unbelievable, your cancer is really cured!! God bless~

The girl looked very excited because she was too excited. She looked at the handsome boy on the hospital bed with genuine joy on his face, and his eyes seemed to have twinkling stars.

This is a medical miracle. Your cancer is already in the advanced stage, and it can completely subside!

Looking at the nurse who suddenly broke into the ward, Zhou Bo was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously closed the official website forum of Glory. When he clicked the cross, he remembered that the post he had just edited was not saved...

But he no longer thought about it, and his attention was all attracted by the nurse's words.

Thank you Xiaoyu, if I didn't take care of you during this time, I'm afraid I wouldn't get better so quickly.

Zhou Bo took two deep breaths, and there was an undisguised surprise in his eyes.

Although he can always feel that he changed his job to become the hidden profession of the undead race in Glory - after the hand of death, his body is gradually turning around, slowly becoming stronger, and the weakness in his body no longer exists.

And the spirit is recovering quickly day after day, but after getting the test sheet at this time, I can't help but feel a huge surprise in my heart.

The hands under the gray and white sick clothes were already clenched into fists.

Undead monarch, undead tribe...Glory...

I don't know what kind of secrets are hidden here, but you gave me a new life.

It's okay, I didn't help you much. Miss Nurse smiled sweetly, and hesitated for a moment after speaking.

Zhou Bo, the attending physician will come to give you a comprehensive physical examination later, and may ask you some tricky questions. If you don't want to, you can leave it unanswered...

Hearing this, Zhou Bo's heart warmed, and his heart moved slightly when he saw this girl who had been with him for almost two years.

There was a little nervousness on that handsome face.

Xiaoyu, I was discharged from the hospital...

What's wrong?

I...can I treat you to a meal...and...a movie?

After stuttering, he suddenly looked nervously at the innocent and lovely girl in front of him. He subconsciously grasped the sheet with his right hand. Zhou Bo only felt that his heart was beating very strongly at the moment.

Looking at the pair of hopeful eyes, the girl froze for a moment, pursed her lips subconsciously, and hummed slightly shyly.

After Zhou Bo heard the other party's promise, he only felt that the whole world was lit up.

Just as he was about to speak, there was the sound of hurried footsteps outside the ward.

Then, what?? That patient with terminal cancer has really recovered???

Are you kidding me? I have already given a critical illness notice three months ago, can I still survive? …”

A middle-aged doctor in a white coat and thick glasses hurriedly stepped into the ward.

Seeing that Zhou Bo, who was clearly in good spirits, suddenly felt like he had seen a guinea pig, his eyes shone brighter than seeing a beautiful woman.

Zhou Bo trembled in his heart, mmp, why is this guy more terrifying than a demigod-level undead monarch??

a day later.

After Zhou Bo unbelievably checked him twice by a group of cancer experts, all the experts had to admit that this man had only a few months to live at most, and they even gave him a morgue bed. The guy who was ready has recovered at this time.

This is simply a miracle in medical history.

Zhou Bo was immediately promoted by the First Hospital as a role model, and will be used by the First Hospital for a long time to show medical miracles to the outside world, and to encourage patients not to give up at any time.

For a time, Zhou Bo became the pillar of faith for many patients.

But Zhou Bo, who has returned to normal, naturally knows why he is good, and he doesn't say much about it.

In the ward of the hospital, Zhou Bo, who had been tidying up his clothes in the past two years, dragged the suitcase that the nurse Xiaoyu helped him to buy. The ward where death passed by.

After completing the discharge procedures, the two came to the door of the hospital.

The girl in the nurse's uniform was very happy to see Zhou Bo's back, but she seemed to remember something for a moment, and then she felt a little lost in a split second.

In the two years of getting along, she has long been accustomed to the existence of boys, and seeing his smile every day is the warmest picture.

Seemingly aware of the girl's mood, Zhou Bo turned around and showed a bright smile.

Xiaoyu, don't think I'm discharged, you can pretend you don't know me.

Remember tomorrow's appointment... ahem, dinner.

When the girl heard this, she regained her senses, with a look of anticipation and embarrassment on her face.

Pretend not to care.


Go back first. Last time, you sold your house for medical treatment, so you definitely need to find another house to live in.

After speaking as if remembering something, his voice subconsciously lowered a bit, If...if you can't find a house for the time being, there is still an empty room in my house...

As he spoke, his tone became lower and lower, and there was a shy blush on his face.

Didi~ At this time, two untimely horns beside the road interrupted the conversation between the two.

A latest Porsche President slowly stopped on the road in front of the two.


The co-pilot's door opened, and a young and capable man in a suit quickly got out of the car, then came to Zhou Bo under the surprised gaze of the girl, and greeted him respectfully.

Mr. Zhou, the car is ready.

The company's high-level meeting has been scheduled to start at 4 pm today. In addition, the administrative department has already booked the restaurant of the five-star hotel in Linjiang in the evening, and will welcome you in the evening.

Seeing this scene, the girl grew up and looked at Zhou Bo stupidly, wanting to say something but she didn't know how to say it.

Zhou Bo showed a warm smile to the girl.

Xiaoyu, this is my assistant, Wei Feng.

I bought a company two months ago and I haven't had time to tell you yet...I'll take you on a tour over the weekend...

By the way, what did you just say? I didn't hear it clearly?

The girl's face suddenly showed a thick blush, and she shook her head sharply, I didn't say anything, you heard it wrong.

Go ahead, I still have patients to infuse...

After speaking, he turned his head down and left in a hurry, still a little dazed in his heart.

The girl doesn't understand why the big boy who sold his house to save himself suddenly became the boss of a big company...


Looking at the back of the girl leaving at this time, Zhou Bo only remembered what the other party said just now, and slapped his head violently.

Looking at the capable young man in front of him, he gritted his teeth.

Who made you come so early?

I still have a spare room in my house... ah, what the hell did I just miss? ?

Mr. Zhou?

The young assistant looked dazed, was it wrong for me to come early? ?

Taking a few deep breaths, Zhou Bo suppressed the mess in his heart and got into the CEO.

After the car started, Zhou Bo began to ask.

Xiaofeng, how many copies of Glory have you acquired?

Assistant Wei Feng replied after thinking for a moment.

Mr. Zhou, it seems that someone in the game warehouse is controlling the number of sales, and we have only purchased 500.

It seems that 500 is the bottom line. After acquiring 500 last week, no matter where we go to the release location of Glory, there is no way to buy the game warehouse.

Hearing this, Zhou Bo narrowed his eyes slightly.

From the day he entered the game, he felt that the glory was not simple. This was Gao Jian's keen awareness, because his ID was - the knight of the broken sword.

As a professional player who started playing games like crazy at the age of 10, his eyesight and perception are much sharper than the average person.

After discovering the speciality of Glory, he is ready to expand his advantage in Glory at all costs.

And the undead that can be resurrected by the player has become his most exciting force, so he also wants to form a team composed entirely of players for him to use.

In the undead empire, as a hero who personally pulled out the sword of holy light and released the undead monarch who had been sealed for 100,000 years, he not only obtained a hidden occupation, but also became a disciple of the undead monarch.

With a huge influence among the aborigines, he can cultivate a team of players that has always been strong.

At that time, the reputation of the knight of the broken sword will definitely become a god among players forever.

Zhou Bo was already thinking about the future after his body gradually improved.

It is also the idea of ​​acquiring a company. Everything in this game is worth his effort.

Here, there are treasures buried enough to make everyone's heart flutter.

Two days later will be the time for the game's public beta. Regardless of whether you can still buy the game warehouse, I hope you will increase your efforts to search, even if you buy it from other players at an increased price.

Xiaofeng, this game is not as simple as you think...

Yes, Mr. Zhou.

After explaining, Zhou Bo seemed to remember something and asked curiously.

By the way, last time you told me that the club called Crimson Moon contacted us and wanted to obtain the dark summoning technique to summon bone dragons from me. How is this matter?

Wei Feng said softly, Mr. Zhou, last time the other party was willing to offer 500 Second Ring Magic Scrolls to exchange with us, but we have not agreed for the time being, and we need you to make the final decision.

Hearing this, Zhou Bo's eyes showed a bit of surprise.

500 magic scrolls??

In his opinion, the dark summoning technique that can summon the bone dragon must be worth 500 magic scrolls, but what surprised him was that someone could take out such a huge number of magic scrolls at this time point.

He is a person who understands the market. According to the news from Glory, except for the southern province of the Nolan Empire, which seems to have more magic scrolls, other regions are in a state of scarcity.

Now that you can come up with so many magic scrolls, the power in Glory will definitely not be small.

Zhou Bo suddenly became interested.

What is the name of Crimson Moon's faction in Glory? Why haven't I heard about them?

They wouldn't give specific names.

Is there any other news?

According to them, Crimson Moon established a chamber of commerce in Green City, the largest city in the southern province of the Nolan Empire, and that chamber of commerce has established a relationship with several great nobles.

So as long as you can find things on the market, you can trade with them.

And these 500 magic scrolls are the proof of their strength.

If this transaction goes well, Crimson Moon also hopes to establish a strategic and cooperative relationship with us in the future, and hopes that we can trade the specialties of the undead empire with them.

Hearing Wei Feng's words, Zhou Bo naturally had a shadow of a huge force in his mind.

Crimson Moon, the name was deeply engraved in his mind.

By the way, Mr. Zhou, this is a screenshot of the other party's warehouse. They told our negotiating staff that maybe you will be interested after seeing it.

After Wei Feng finished speaking, he handed over the phone.

After Zhou Bo took it, he looked at the opened photo album and took a deep breath.

Four-ring magic scroll manufacturing technology...

Extraordinary weapons...

Thousands of rare, perfect armor sets...

Ten thousand gold pucks...


Originally thought that he had become the disciple of the undead monarch, and changed to the hidden profession of the undead tribe, he is definitely standing on the top of all players.

But looking at the pictures on the phone at this time, Zhou Bo was immediately hit hard.

how can that be? ?

How could someone get such precious treasures and resources in this time period? ?

Did this damn crimson moon pry open the treasury of King Nolan's empire?

Too much nonsense.

At the same time, there was an unstoppable feeling in his heart towards the crimson moon, that such an invisible force actually possessed resources that he was far from incomparable.

This crimson moon is too awesome.

At this time, Zhou Bo was afraid that he couldn't believe that these exposed things were just a batch of materials randomly selected by Li De. This batch of resources was prepared in advance for the upcoming server opening.

In terms of real strength, I am afraid that the strength in Li De's hands at this time is far beyond Zhou Bo's imagination.

The Crimson Mage Tower, the Covenant of Darkness, the Dwarf Valley, the Dwarf Mountains and Hills, plus the murloc tribes that are fighting and cooperating, and the core of all forces - the City of Dawn.

Li De's power map has been huge to the point that players can't imagine.

A big boss who is controlling everything behind the scenes is slowly taking shape.

Mr. Zhou, what do you think about the cooperation with Crimson Moon?

After reading the picture on Wei Feng's phone, Zhou Bo took a deep breath and said firmly.

Be sure to cooperate with each other. To have such a strong cooperative ally in the human empire, I believe it can bring huge benefits to both parties.

Without Li De's knowledge, his coveted dark summoning technique that can summon bone dragons was quietly transferred to him because of the appearance of several screenshots, which greatly reduced the time cost of his search.

A solid step has been taken for the birth of the Bone Dragon Sea.

When the server opens the day after tomorrow, all professional players in the company must go online on time to establish a small account.

If you can choose an accurate birth place, you must choose the undead empire.

The Undead will be at the heart of our strategy.

Yes, Mr. Zhou.

Also, about...

Zhou Bo arranged several tasks in the car, relaxed his mood, opened the official website of Glory, browsed through the game data that had not changed in ten thousand years, and then opened the player forum.

The moment he saw those posts, he felt the joyful atmosphere in the air.

Hahahaha, there are still two days before the game will start! ! ! My eagle is already hungry and thirsty, the azaleas of Jasmine Street, do you miss me? Great Sword·jpg

The server will be launched soon, and I will introduce to you three places suitable for the big sword in the royal capital of the Cassano Empire. I have personally experienced it. If you have enough Jinpuke, you can also experience the beauty of half-elf~ Half-elf·jpg 》

Hahaha, looking at a post and looking forward to the public beta of the game the day after tomorrow makes me so happy, a bunch of scumbags, do you think you are going to pretend to be in Glory? Hahahaha, when you realize that every day to fill your stomach, you go to the wharf to move bricks, help people unload cars, or even fall into the dust, and you will know how exciting this game is when you receive noble women over 50 every day. , don't give up, dog head jpg

In The Slaughtering God Guild is hotly recruiting, there are cute and cute little sisters, local tyrants who give red envelopes at every turn, and little brothers with 88 fast abs. What are you waiting for, come and sign up soon~ Loli shows her thighs. ·jpg

The latest news, the amount of the reward game dog planning address has been supported by 78,000 players, and the current amount has reached 2.35 million RMB, and this number is still increasing rapidly.

Among them, the most tyrannical tycoon made 100,000 RMB alone. But unfortunately, no one knows the official website of Glory so far. Those goddamn dog plans are still missing. No one can take away the reward for the time being. We will continue to broadcast for you at the same time tomorrow. 》

Zhou Bo's mouth twitched when he saw the last message.

The ability of these sand sculpture players to do things is simply invincible.

In order to protest the inaction of the official website and make Glory extremely difficult, several players took the lead in offering a reward, just to find the office address of the official website of Glory.

It was just for fun at first, but then more and more players who were miserable by the aborigines of Glory became angry.

The bitter sand sculptures were abused a thousand times by the cunning aborigines. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

More and more people joined this reward, and even some local tyrants directly smashed 100,000 RMB in anger, just to find an address where the official website is located... It can be called the craziest behavior in history.

Now, besides the opening of the Glory server, what attracts the most attention is where the office address of the developer or operator is.

During this period of time, the reward of more than two million has attracted countless gamers, and even caused a frenzy in the outside world to find the official office address of Glory. As long as the address is reported, it can be proved to be correct. Ten thousand RMB, this is simply picking up money.

It is a pity that the official website of Glory seems to have reached the bottom of the Pacific Ocean.

The address of the official website of Glory has also become the first of the ten suspense of Glory.

Set a small goal first, such as 1 second to remember: Shukeju

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