I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 279 The ancestor of the blood clan vs God bestows the blood, the terrifying blood mage

, Update the latest chapter of I became the ancestor of the blood family as soon as possible!

Line up!!

The Horseshoe Legion is ready!!

Longbowmen shoot arrows!!!

Sam Horseshoe, a level 15 centaur chief, was standing at the forefront of the entire 15,000 centaur army, his dark eyes hidden behind the armor staring at the equally huge army beyond Thousand Blades—— Black Wind Tribe.

The place where the two tribes faced each other was a flat open space. The yellow and hard, slightly cracked land was covered with low weeds. Because the sowing season was approaching, it also looked a bit green.

In the sky, the sun is covered by dark clouds, and the dense clouds are like a towering mountain lying in the sky.

The air seemed to become very cold because of the confrontation between the two sides, and the breeze that blew was like the blade of a knife.

War is coming.


Many centaurs and horseshoes subconsciously dig pits on the dry and hard loess ground, and their weapons are gradually tightened in their hands, and the atmosphere in the air is getting more and more depressing.

But the centaur warriors of the Horseshoe tribe were rarely worried, but their morale was extremely high.

Because more than a third of the warriors in their tribe wear dwarven-forged armor, yes, dwarven-forged armor.

They were fascinated by the signature dark patterns of the dwarves on the armor.

The sturdy armor gave the Horseshoe tribal warriors the courage to face all enemies. They longed for a war and a victory to prove their strength.

The Horseshoe Tribe will eventually rise.

On the other side, the Heifeng tribe confronted it, but at this time it seemed extremely shabby.

The army of 18,000 centaur warriors is majestic and majestic, but most of these warriors are wearing leather armor sewn from animal skins, a few are bone armor, and all they carry are stone spears. He Bone Spear, an army of nearly 20,000 people, can easily count the iron weapons and armor in their hands.

Primitive and barren.

Putting it together with the elite Horseshoe Tribe, the Black Wind Tribe's imposing manner was suddenly a little shorter at this time.

But under the scolding and encouragement of the upper-level figures of the Black Wind Tribe, these centaur warriors did not flinch because of their poor equipment.

As centaurs who have built empires, they never lack courage.

Victory will belong to the Black Wind Tribe! !

Chief Sam, Lord Kachar hasn't come yet... Do we need to attack now?!

A centaur wearing heavy armor, Tada~Tada~, came to Sam with vigorous steps, and there was a flash of eagerness in his eyes.

Three days ago, the mysterious and powerful city lord of Kachar, their ally of the Horseshoe Tribe, the Hand of Glory, delivered the 3,000 sets of rare-level armor he had promised.

To this end, the power of the Horseshoe tribe has once again increased sharply.

With the first two deals, the Horseshoe Division already has 5,800 heavily armored fighters.

This is a force that can shock everyone, and the Horseshoe tribe already has the strength to face any formidable enemy.

The Black Wind Tribe, who occupied their precious mines and were unwilling to return them, would surely become the souls of the dead under their iron hooves.

Wait a minute, City Lord Kachar...will come...

Sam glanced at his capable subordinates, shook his head, and didn't say much.

Although the strength of the Horseshoe Tribe has been qualitatively improved in this war, in the face of the Black Wind Tribe, which has more numbers than them, if there is no foreign aid, they will have to pay an unimaginable price even if they win.

He is waiting for that mysterious and great figure, waiting for the arrival of that powerful existence that can control the situation of this battle.

Black Wind Tribe.

A centaur with a height of 3.4 blades and the lower body of a pure white horse, Zhan Zhan looked at the iron-hoofed tribe in heavy armor outside the thousand blades.

He is the king of the Black Wind Tribe, Morton Black Wind, a centaur with a level of 16, one of the most powerful warriors in this area.

But at this time, the mighty level 16 centaur was very excited, because the countless armors in the Horseshoe tribe made his heart move.

Armor?!! The weak iron-hoofed tribe is not worthy of having as many armors. After the war is won, these armors will be the spoils of the Black Wind tribe!

No one knows better than the centaur how difficult it is to obtain armor in the low hills.

But now there are thousands of sets of armor on the other side, which is absolutely rare even if it was placed in the Royal City of Wind in the low mountains and hills.

However, Morton firmly believes that everything from the other side will become his trophy!

Hundreds of years ago, the Heifeng tribe was able to snatch territory from the Horseshoe tribe. A hundred years later, the more powerful Heifeng tribe would have enough mental advantage to face the Horseshoe tribe who gave up their own territory.

Just as Morton was about to take the initiative to attack, a group of dark dots suddenly appeared in the distant sky.

Morton raised his head slightly, and he sensed something different.


Is that an airborne unit?

A moment later, a huge bat with a ten-blade wingspan appeared above this battlefield.

More than a thousand bats were flying under the thick dark clouds, very much like a doomsday disaster, and the scene was shocking.

Morton frowned.

bat? ?

vampire? ?

The 16th-level powerful warrior smelled something unusual, and turned his head sharply to look at the Horseshoe Tribe who were confronting him in the distance.

From a distance of a thousand blades, Morton saw the chieftain of the Horseshoe tribe, Sam, with a smile on his face.

Are these damn dark beings local reinforcements?

Archer ready!


The full 5,000 archers in the rear raised their longbows in unison and aimed their arrows at the sky. As long as those darn bats dared to come down, they would mercilessly pull out their longbows and send out the most powerful arrows. deadly attack.

Morton is not too afraid of these dark beings. The centaur's longbow can attack the height of 200 blades, and if it exceeds the height of 200 blades, the ground troops have enough time to dodge.

But to Morton's surprise, the bats flying high above the thousand blades did not make a diving attack on them.

Instead, it spread out slightly, shrouding the entire centaur army below.

Morton frowned. He couldn't figure out the purpose of these dark beings. Could it be that these thousands of bats still want to encircle their army of nearly 20,000?

A moment later, just as everyone was wondering, hundreds of bats flying above suddenly threw dense black stones from their abdomens.

Those black stones fell towards the ground with great speed.

Morton was stunned for a moment, and then a mockery appeared on his face, and he wanted to laugh a little at this moment.

Are these damn bats trying to attack us by throwing rocks over our heads?

It's really a kid's stuff.

Prepare to avoid those rocks, don't get stoned by those damn bats!

The surrounding centaurs burst into laughter when they heard this.

Throwing stones? It's really a laughable attack, is the other party only capable of this? ?

In the blink of an eye, the first stone hit the ground unprepared by the centaur, bang~ That stone directly smashed a small hole in the dry and hard loess ground, and was tightly embedded in the ground. Inside.

The mocking smiles on the faces of the centaurs who were not smashed around were even more obvious.

Even a few centaurs took a few steps forward and leaned their heads to look at the stone with only one spire exposed, wanting to see what kind of stone the other party threw...

But at this moment.

Bang~ The terrifying explosion sounded like thunder, erupting in everyone's ears.

The bodies of the centaurs were torn apart in an instant.

Buzzing ~ The surrounding centaurs only felt tinnitus and dizziness in an instant.

A huge fire soared into the sky.

The shrapnel after the explosion of the alchemy bomb scattered with a speed that could tear through steel.

More than 50 centaurs who were standing densely were pierced and torn apart by shrapnel, blood dripping and stumps splashing.


The second alchemical bomb that fell to the ground also arrived.

The burst of air waves was like a tsunami, and the strong centaur warriors were so weak in the face of natural disasters that they were blown over like wheat.

The centaurs near the alchemy bomb were blown up to the height of seven or eight blades, and then smashed to the ground, splashing blood.

The moment he heard the explosion, the 16th-level Black Wind Tribe Chief Marton suddenly sank, and a name that made his hand with the long-handled axe tremble appeared in his mind.

Alchemy bomb! ! !

Damn bastards, those bats weren't throwing some hell of a rock! !

But the alchemy bomb! !

The centaur tribe, who had been isolated for so long, hadn't seen the already rare alchemy bomb for hundreds of years, which is why this unsuspecting situation arose.

Morton opened his mouth sharply to shout.

But the first batch of alchemy bombs all landed at this moment.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The loud explosion made all the sounds in the land meaningless.

There was unimaginable chaos in the dense army formation. Painful screams, angry roars, and screams for help accompanied by explosions became the main theme on the battlefield.

The terrifying lethality of the Alchemy Bomb destroyed the willpower of these centaur warriors in an instant.

So the centaurs are scattered like crazy, but they are too dense.

The centaurs in an army formation are like ants huddled together, crowded by each other.

The alchemy bomb attack in the sky came too fast again.

He didn't give the Black Wind Tribe even a second more time to prepare.

The Heifeng tribe of 18,000 people was baptized by more than 2,000 alchemy bombs in less than a minute.

After this round of attacks, the crowded and defenseless centaur tribe left 18,000 people with less than 8,000 people...

Instant melt.

These unsuspecting guys were like lambs, easily slaughtered.

This is still the result after the centaur raised the crazy alchemy bomb after the explosion.

Morton looked at the smoke around him, the smell of flames burning the earth and corpses from the tip of his nose, plus the stench of blood, the complex smell made him breathe a little faster.

This level 16 centaur was only feeling dizzy at the moment. An alchemy bomb just exploded beside him. Although he was able to resist with his level 16 strong body, several centaurs around him were torn apart right under his nose. Broken into pieces.

Turning his head and looking around, he saw the extremely tragic scene around him through the thick smoke, and the boundless anger occupied Morton's chest.

But what made this centaur chief extremely painful was that the bats that dropped bombs at a height of thousands of people never came down, and he had no way to deal with it except staring.

Thousands of blades, that is no longer their attack range.

After a while, the terrifying sound of explosion that sent the Black Wind Tribe's soul flying away finally disappeared.

But before the furious Morton regrouped his flag officers and prepared to gather all the troops to fight back, a scene that shocked him even more occurred.

Hundreds of vampires could be seen through the smoke of gunpowder flying to the low altitude of the two hundred blades, and the flapping bat wings were like demons in the abyss under the thick clouds.

Then, on those hundreds of vampires, a dense crowd of blood-colored bats suddenly appeared.

Tens of thousands of blood-colored bats frantically poured out of hundreds of vampires, and the sky instantly turned blood red.

Like the plague of locusts encountered in a year of drought, Hu Hu ~'s wings fluttered and Zizi screamed.

The scene is like a torn abyss, and the endless end is coming.


The uncountable number of blood-colored bats rushed into the centaur army that had just been baptized by alchemy bombs under Morton's terrified gaze.

The blood on the ground was not clean and the corpses were swallowed by the killing bats.

After a slaughtering bat burrowed into a corpse like a sponge, the surrounding blood and energy were all absorbed by it, and the centaur corpse became pale and rotten in an instant.


When Killing Bat emerged from another wound, its size had tripled in just a few seconds, and its aura became more ferocious. The sharp claws on its feet and the fangs in its mouth were transformed with sufficient energy. become sharper and deadlier.

And another killing bat that acted in this way shook its body after flying out of the corpse, and split into a second killing bat directly from the middle.

Divide, multiply, grow.

Bloody storm.

Tens of thousands of injured or dead centaurs became the best food for killing bats.

The original number of tens of thousands of killing bats tripled in just two minutes.

The scene became extremely shocking.

Looking down from the sky.

A red cloud composed of blood-colored bats directly covered the entire area, and everything it encountered was swallowed up by it.

No matter how hard the centaur warriors struggled, it was useless in the face of a horrific number of slaughtering bats.

The Slaughter Bat announced to the world with the blood of the Black Wind Tribe that the Blood Mage, a powerful profession that caused countless killings in ancient times, has returned again.

The tall body of the centaur has become the best target at this time. Every centaur is madly bitten by dozens or even hundreds of killing bats. No attack, no sharp spear, could cause lethal damage to these enchanted beings.

The attacked killing bat will only consume the energy in the body. Unless a simple physical attack is strong enough, it cannot instantly kill the killing bat.

The centaurs who did not command and lead to organize an effective resistance had completely entered the stage of collapse at this time.

The giant axe in Morton's hand ripped apart the sky, and more than a dozen slaughtering bats were instantly smashed under the furious power attack of the 16th-level warrior.

When Morton watched the red ocean wrap him around, the chief of the Black Wind Tribe, the 16th-level centaur warrior's heart sank to the bottom of the valley, and his back was wet with cold sweat.

The anger in his heart seemed to be poured into a basin of cold water, and the anger in his eyes turned into endless despair.

He watched helplessly as the people around him were devoured by those damn bats. The strength of the warriors simply could not resist countless bats.

He wanted to organize his tribe, but these uncountable bats forcibly isolated him from the outside world.

There were too many, so much that he couldn't kill them at all.

The top of his head, his side, and even his feet are all screaming blood-colored bats, and he has no other color in his world.

Bat, bat! !

Even he can't see the scene beyond ten blades, the bat covers everything for him.


Morton started roaring like crazy.

The long-handled hurricane axe in his hand swayed wildly from side to side, and the huge force made the killing bat that had been transformed into a magical life burst directly, turning into blobs of blood-colored energy rippling in the air.

But, too much, too much.

But it all fell into an unsolvable predicament, the screams of the centaurs around him did not know when it had stopped, time seemed to stand still here, the endless bats and the screams that invaded the soul were the only melody .

In a daze, Morton could only mechanically wave the weapon in his hand to resist the endless attack of the bat.

Maybe ten minutes have passed, or a sundial hour.

He has lost the concept of time.

Suddenly Morton felt a bit of blockage in his hand. The original two palm-sized bat swarms suddenly appeared with half-blade wingspan, and even huge bats with one-blade wingspan were interspersed in the bat swarm.

Those ferocious bats left a deep imprint on his armor with every attack.

But Morton was like a statue poured in steel at this time, and he continued to wave his weapon frantically without getting tired.

He can't stop, he wants to kill, and his clan is still waiting for him!

The strength of a level 16 centaur armored warrior is invincible at this moment.

Although the number of slaughtering bats is large, the ancestors cannot overcome the essential power gap.

But after a while, the situation changed again, and the bat swarm around Morton became stronger and stronger.

Half-blade bats have become mainstream, with two-blade and even three-blade bats mixed in.

The terrifying offensive has become more ferocious, even the strength of a 16th-level warrior is slowly exhausting physically and mentally at this moment, and the attack becomes slowly weak.

Morton is like a reef on the coast, bearing the brunt of the wind and waves.




Sam looked at the tragic scene in the distance, and the palm holding the giant axe was shaking uncontrollably.

Inexplicable dryness in the mouth at this time.

Turning his head to look at the old man who came to his side at an unknown time, his tone was trembling, Father, is this the power in the hands of the Kachar City Lord?

At this point he was hit harder than almost anyone else.

Those blood races first blew up the dense centaur army with a round of powerful alchemy bombs, and then followed.

Blood and bats.

Hundreds of vampires released tens of thousands of blood-colored bats to form a long river of slaughter, heading from the sky towards the Black Wind Tribe, which had been bombarded by alchemy bombs.

The blood stump became the nourishment for the growth of those blood-colored bats.

The bats that devoured blood split into more numbers like demons, and some of them became stronger after consuming blood.

The Black Wind Tribe suffered an unimaginable fiasco, and was even slaughtered unilaterally without the ability to fight back.

Eighteen thousand centaur warriors, under the gaze of him and all the centaurs of the Horseshoe Tribe, were swallowed up in less than half of the sun.

In the surrounding battlefield, only the blood-colored bats that shrieked sharply and shrilly were left, and as many as 200,000 or even 300,000 bats had become the object of all centaurs trembling.

Those who flap the bat wings and devour blood demons are the source of their fear at this moment.

Just a few hundred blood races have already exterminated the centaur tribe that is stronger than them... And which mysterious Kachar city lord has not even done it, the bone dragon that makes the Horseshoe tribe powerless did not appear.

Sam couldn't imagine what would happen to the Horseshoe tribe if they were the ones attacking the bats.

After the scene appeared in his mind, Sam shivered subconsciously.

Sam, never underestimate anyone, from the moment we traded with Lord Kachar, we had no choice.

It should be said that the city lord of Kachar chose us... The old man's tone was low.

No one wants to control their own destiny, but the world has always been so cruel.

The weak obey the strong. This is the survival law of the low hills and the whole glorious world.

But now, we are allies with Lord Kachar, Sam, we are not enemies.

It's not the enemy... As he muttered a few words, Sam's eyes slowly lit up.

It seems that as long as he does not become an enemy with the other party, he can have endless courage




Is this the end? ?

Li De sat on Castro, watching the scene of killing bats raging below with a slightly strange expression.

He didn't expect it to go so smoothly. At the beginning, the centaurs who threw alchemy bombs were so stubborn and stubborn, and there were a few more to watch the fun.

Are you kidding me by stretching your neck so long?

The first actual combat of the alchemy bomb directly caused unpredictable and exaggerated damage to the centaur tribe, and the opponent's attrition directly exceeded half.

The shards of limbs all over the floor gave the Blood Mage the best chance.

The super big move Bloody Storm is launched directly.

The only limited skill: Bloody Storm (consumes 50% of the blood in the body to summon 100 inanimate killing bats composed of magic and blood to attack the enemy. After the bat devours the blood, it will continue to grow, multiply, and split. Duration: blood energy consumption exhausted)

In addition to the necessary strength to protect the City of Dawn, Li De brought 300 blood mages this time, and at the same time, he used his ultimate move to instantly summon 30,000 killing bats.

The stump fragments after the explosion became the best food for killing bats.

Unable to organize a resistance amid the chaos of the explosion, the Centaurs did not stop the Kill Bat from performing its most crucial action - devouring blood.

By the time the centaur reacted, the number of slaughtered bats had grown from 30,000 to 100,000, because the centaurs who were too chaotic and had no command immediately fell into even greater panic.

Like countless small knives slicing flesh, although there are still seven or eight thousand centaur troops left, there is no way to organize them.

And the centaur who lost the last resistance ability has completely become the food for killing bats.

That's it... In just half a day, this powerful force was wiped out before he made a move.

There was only one level 16 Batu Chieftain surrounded by hundreds of thousands of slaughtering bats.

Li De took a deep look at the blood storm that was still blowing on the ground.

The strength of the blood mage made him extremely emotional and surprised. This profession is definitely the pillar of the rise of the blood clan in the future.

The only thing he regrets is...

He turned his head and glanced at the blood-sucking sword guard, the blood-colored blade, and a few scarlet hunters who were about to be dispatched but were forced to stop, and shook his head with a strange expression.

I thought it would be a tragic battle, which could test the combat effectiveness of the various professions of the blood clan in an all-round way.

It's good now... Throwing too many alchemy bombs directly caused the centaur tribe to collapse, and then the blood mage's strength exceeded his estimate, and a big move directly destroyed the remaining centaurs.

Only the other three professions that are awkward in the air are left.

Sometimes it's too strong, and it's a pain.

Li Detian laughed shamelessly, it was really cool.

After a while, Li De rode Castro and slowly descended to the ground under the fearful gaze of the Horseshoe Tribe.

Roll over and face the 3.5-blade-tall Centaur Chief Sam.

At this time, behind Li De were endless slaughtering bats, and the blood-colored storm was devouring all enemies.

The sky is full of magic bats with ten-bladed wingspans. These beasts have just thrown alchemy bombs that destroyed tens of thousands of troops.

The bearer Huang Huang is coming, and Li De's coercion at this time is magnified to the extreme.

Compared with the level 15 centaur chief who is 3.5 blades tall and looks mighty and majestic, Li De at this moment is the protagonist here, dazzling and dazzling, with all the glory.

Taking a few steps forward to Sam with a calm pace, Li De looked at the pale centaur with an indifferent arc on the corner of his mouth.


Sam looked at Li De's faintly scarlet eyes and suddenly his mind rumbled, as if struck by lightning, and an indescribable fear hit his mind from the bottom of his heart.

The huge body took three steps back in a row, and his legs were so soft that he almost fell to the ground.

Immortal King (...you have a strong oppression to dark life, when facing dark creatures with a legend below 10 points, the other party will fall into negative states such as fear, panic, weakness, etc., and the attributes will be reduced by 20 %...)

After experiencing the scene just now, Sam's reverence for Li De has been raised to the extreme. At this moment, this title for the dark life is triggered, and his heart is filled with fear at the moment.

Li De's handsome face seemed more terrifying to Sam at this time than the devil.

Your Majesty, Sam sends you my humble greetings.

This level 15 centaur chief with 3.5 blades trembled and bowed deeply to Li De, no longer proud of being a chief.

At this time, none of the centaurs around who saw this scene showed surprise and dissatisfaction.

Because the figure standing in front of them at this time is a bone dragon who has enslaved, and has the power to easily destroy a centaur tribe stronger than them.

Treat the strong with respect.

Li De was keenly aware of this, and looked at the centaur chief with a half-smile in his eyes, Sam, my friend, I think I have won the war. Next, it's time to count the spoils.

After speaking, he seemed to sense something, and Li De turned his head and glanced at the old man beside Sam who was about the same height as him. He looked at the faces of the two who were looking at each other a little, with a playful smile on his face.

Who is this?

When the old man heard Li De's question, he clenched his fist and hammered his chest with five fingers and bowed his head to Li De.

Your Honor, Kachar, I am the last Chief of the Horseshoe Tribe, Milou Horseshoe.

Old Chief? ?

Li De narrowed his eyes slightly, showing a thoughtful expression, Chief Milu, good day...

Just as he was about to say a few more words, a huge roar suddenly erupted from the center shrouded in the blood-colored storm in the distance, and an angry scream interrupted Li De's next words.

Immediately afterwards, in the center of the whirlpool formed by the killing bats, a cyan light rose.

The dense group of bats was bombarded with a vacuum of dozens of blades wide, and hundreds of thousands of killing bats shattered directly at this moment, bursting into blobs of blood-colored fireworks.

At this moment, a very powerful centaur with a pure white handsome body and blood-stained shattered armor appeared in Li De's sight.

Li De's eyes narrowed slightly, and he naturally recognized the centaur. When observing in mid-air, this centaur was the strongest existence of the Black Wind Tribe - the level 16 centaur chief.

But now the momentum...

Level 17.

Li De was a little surprised that this centaur broke through level 17.

Sam beside him was even more surprised than him, and his tone was filled with undisguised shock.

Actually, the blood of the wind was awakened?!...

Li De turned his head in confusion.

Blood of the wind??

Sam nodded, his face full of jealousy, envy and hatred, as if this bloodline was very precious.

The bloodline of the hurricane is the most powerful bloodline among the centaurs. In ancient legends, the bloodline of the hurricane is a gift from the great centaur god to the centaur, and it is the bloodline that best fits the centaur, so it is also called the bloodline bestowed by the gods. .

Every centaur has a chance to awaken after reaching level 15, but it's too hard, too hard...

It's been a long time since I heard of a centaur with an awakened wind bloodline in the low hills...

Li De looked at the centaur with a light cyan power on his body after the upgrade, and his eyes showed a bit of curiosity, the bloodline bestowed by the god of centaurs? ?

At this moment, the scene in the distance changed differently.

The light blue energy fluctuations on Morton, the level 17 centaur chieftain, were like burning flames, and even extended to the weapon in his hand.

Every time the light cyan energy is waved like a sharp blade, the killing bat will directly shatter and explode when it touches it, and Morton can directly clear a large area around him every time he attacks.

And the bloody storm formed by the killing bat devoured tens of thousands of people. At this moment, it was like a moth encountered a flaming torch, and could no longer easily approach each other.

The fierce slaughter bat can no longer be attacked by the centaur that was crushing it like just now.

Blood of the wind, God-given blood?

After Li De murmured a few words, the corner of his mouth hung a high arc.

The dark eyes flashed a little scarlet.

I don't know. Compared with the ancestor's bloodline, how long can this so-called god-given bloodline last?

Li De turned around abruptly, Sam, have your men hunt down the centaur that just escaped.

This god-given centaur... belongs to me.

Sam was stunned for a moment, and just as he was about to speak, Li De's aura suddenly changed, and the elegant real body of the vampire appeared in front of him.

The handsome face is as smooth and perfect as a master carves, enough to drive any opposite sex crazy.

Scarlet eyes, more eye-catching than the most precious ruby.

The dark red bat wings were slightly opened behind him, and the aura on his body was like a god who had climbed out of the abyss, with the pressure of infiltrating bone and blood.

When Sam saw Li De's eyes, he felt that he saw a bottomless abyss, and there were countless terrifying and ferocious demons roaring at him heart-rendingly.

Dong Dong Dong ~ three steps back in a row, the forehead of this level 15 centaur is now full of beads of sweat.

A great fear took over his heart.

The legendary level of will detection that comes with the title of the Immortal King is not something this level 15 centaur can resist at all.

Li De felt the power bursting out like magma in his body, and a bit of fascination flashed in his eyes.

But.... not enough.

Blood shackles, open...

Bloodline shackles:...Release the shackles of the body to open the bloodline of the ancestors of the blood family. After the bloodline is turned on, the strength, body recovery speed, and magic power recovery speed increase by 1000%. This effect doubles at night, which can consume blood in the body to maintain this state for a long time. .

bang bang~

bang bang~

The power hidden in the bloodline suddenly recovered at this moment, endless power poured into the body, and a strong wave of air instantly swayed in the surrounding space.

Mud splattered all around.

Li De stretched out his right hand, and the scarlet energy above was slowly fluctuating like a magic flame.

Five fingers clenched fist, 呲la~ scarlet energy escapes everywhere.

Turning around slightly, after turning into a blood clan, the face value has reached the limit of human imagination and the perfect face, hanging a touch of indifference.

Domineering and evil.

Li De's slender and slender body stepped out in one step.

Under the gaze of Sam and all the centaurs around him, he disappeared into the air.

Shadow Blade (can enter the dimensional space after transforming into a blood family, immune to exploration techniques below the god level, gain 500% attack speed in the shadow and night, obtain the cutthroat feature, cutthroat: concentrate all your strength when you attack for the first time 1000% power burst out.)

After entering the dimensional space, the air entered a dead silence in an instant. Li De seemed to be looking at the main plane through a layer of gauze in the mosquito net, and there were hazy and slightly blurred scenes up and down.

Slightly flapping the wings, walking in the dimension feels very special, like drilling into a thin cloth, every time you move forward, there will be invisible ripples, and you can feel the pressure belonging to the space.

But the scarlet energy on his body seems to be extremely compatible with that space resistance, allowing Li De to easily move in the direction he wants to move forward.


Flicking his wings slightly, he moved forward in the dimensional space a little faster than outside.

He felt the presence of the level 17 centaur.

Because in the dimensional space, the level 17 centaur looks like a raging fire, exuding infinite coercion.

Li De approached the other party quickly, but when he approached the more than thirty blades, he found that the dimensional space produced huge ripples.

Li De frowned, and he keenly felt that if he continued to approach him, he would be forcibly squeezed out of the dimensional space. Even if he tried his best to hide, he would be able to enter the opponent's ten-blade range at most.

Nodding thoughtfully.

It seems that hiding in the dimensional space is impossible to touch the other party too close. The stronger the strength, the farther the range should be able to enter. Only the weaker can get close to the other party.

The stronger the strength, the greater the power contained in the body. Although the warrior class cannot cross the dimension, the powerful power in their body can affect the dimension space around them, so that the assassin class cannot directly open the dimension space to his neck or even his heart. Inside.

It seems reasonable to say, so the assassin can really enter directly from the dimensional space to the level of overlapping with the opponent, then this world should have been ruled by assassins for a long time, and it should not be a mage becoming a master mage.

After thinking about it, he no longer hesitated, stretched out his hand and waved, 呲, the space in front of him was shattered like a mirror.

Li De's body exuding the endless majesty of the life of the superiors appeared in front of Morton, the chieftain of the Black Wind Tribe who had awakened the blood of the 17th-level centaur.

Morton is now immersed in the ecstasy of breaking through the bloodline and the mixed feelings of despair that his people have been slaughtered.

After seeing Li De's standard vampire image at this time, boundless anger ignited him.

It's these bloody vampires! !

Without any extra nonsense, Morton violently charged towards Li De with the three-bladed long-handled axe.

He's going to crush this damn dirty bug! !

The light-blue energy on his body is skyrocketing wildly, like hot oil has been poured on a torch.

As soon as the slaughter bats rushing up around touched the light-blue energy, it exploded directly, blasting clumps of blood-colored flowers in the air.

The 3.4-blade centaur chief who launched the charge was like a siege vehicle capable of smashing towering walls.

bang bang~ bang bang~

Every time the horse's hoof stepped on the ground, large cracks appeared on the hard yellow ground, and the speed skyrocketed in vain.

Violent and ferocious, the great axe he wields can tear apart any obstacle.

Li De looked at the galloping body of the other party without the slightest idea of ​​dodging, an indifferent arc hung on the corner of his mouth, his right hand was stretched out, and his five fingers were slightly clenched into fists.

The exclusive spell of the blood race, blood control (super): can control the blood in the body of the creature.

Morton, who was running at high speed, suddenly froze, with a very painful expression on his face.

Because he felt that the blood in his body was about to burst at this moment, gushing out from every blood vessel in his body.


The level 17 centaur chief let out a tragic roar, and the light blue energy on his body surged wildly, blocking the power that controlled him with endless energy.

Then he felt in control of his body again.

Li De felt that the blood in Morton's body lost control and his expression did not change at all, and the curvature of the corners of his mouth never subsided.

bang bang~

bang bang~

Morton charged with all his strength under the madness, and the huge force made the ground shake.

Seeing that the centaur, who had been completely in a rage, attacked him again.

Li De's body tightened suddenly, without dodging in the slightest, instead he directly charged towards the level 17 centaur.

Eyes are scarlet, murderous.

Every step you take, the hard ground is crumbling.

The distance of more than twenty blades has passed before the blink of an eye.

The level 17 centaur wielded a giant axe and collided with Li De in the most violent way.


The long-handled axe was directly resisted by Li De with his fist.

Huge air waves erupted, and the surrounding soil was swept up into dust.

To outsiders, this scene was extremely shocking. The giant axe wielded by a centaur with a height of 3.4 blades was caught by a figure with a height of less than two blades.

At this time, Li De's right hand made a fist and directly hit the axe of the long-handled axe, slightly staggering the axe blade.

Killing Hands (combat awareness, combat skills, battlefield smell, etc. are upgraded to extraordinary levels), gain special characteristics: danger perception (can perceive the approaching threat)

After the bloodline shackles are released, the strength increases by 1000%, allowing him to directly smash the charge attack of this huge centaur like a stone sculpture.

Sam and all the centaurs couldn't see more details, only saw Li De slamming the 17th-level centaur chief, who had awakened the blood of Gale, with his bare hands, and his heart was filled with shock.

Sam's eyes in the distance are about to come out.

Too fierce! ! !

The moment the two collided, an unbelievable anti-shock force made Morton's hands numb, and the level 17 centaur immediately sensed the horror of this vampire.

Huge power erupted, and he wanted to withdraw the long-handled axe in his hand to attack again.

Whoever it is will die under his axe.

But just as Morton drew his hand, Li De's scarlet eyes narrowed slightly, and his extraordinary combat skills were already keenly aware of the opponent's extremely subtle pause.

The power contained in the body is extremely compressed.

Like a spring taut to the extreme.

A tsunami-like force erupted from his legs, and his body burst forward. When Morton slightly raised the handle of the axe, Li De was already close to Morton's body.

His right foot slammed into Morton's forefoot thigh like a pendulum clock.



The extreme strength erupted, and the horse's hoof protected by the solid armor snapped and fractured in an instant. Morton let out a painful roar, only to feel an uncontrollable pain, his body softened, and he quickly tilted toward the ground.

At this time, Li De's body was raised quickly, and the fist in his hand was directly uppercut against Morton's chin.


With super power (extreme), super physique (extreme), and super agility (extreme), how terrifying is Li De's power to increase by 10 quilts? ?

The 3,000-pound level 17 centaur was punched directly in the chin by him, and then the huge body flew off the ground and fell back crazily.

The scene is like a myth and shocking.

The centaur's body flew upside down for half a circle and then slammed into the ground, bang~ The ground made a dull sound, and the surrounding ground shook significantly.

At this time, Li De didn't stop thinking about a fair fight. When the centaur chief was stunned, he rushed forward and grabbed the other front leg of the level 17 centaur that was not broken by him. , his slender body is like clockwork releasing energy after being wound to the extreme.

The centaur's huge body with a height of 3.5 blades and a length of nearly 5 blades was discussed by Li De like this.

The centaur chief only regained his senses at this moment, felt his body lift off the ground, and a bit of panic and unconcealed anger flashed in his eyes.

He was crushed by a damn vampire on his mighty power? ! !

The light-blue energy on his body is skyrocketing wildly, attacking Li De, and the energy sharper than the blade can easily smash steel.

But the scarlet energy on Li De's body is not weak at all, and the light blue energy that can directly explode the killing bat did not pose any threat to Li De.

At this moment, Li De slammed his hands violently, and after turning the centaur chieftain half a circle in the air, he smashed the behemoth to the ground.


The hard yellow ground burst like a tortoise shell in an instant, and the soil splashed and scattered.

More than a dozen cobweb-like gaps erupted on the ground.

And this is not the end.

After Li De smashed the level 17 centaur to the ground, he exerted his strength again, and the power in his body seemed to be endless.

The level 17 centaur left the ground again.

Then bang~





Sam in the distance was stunned to see that the centaur, who had awakened the legendary bloodline of the hurricane, was lifted up and rammed by Li De like a toy.

That, that is the centaur who awakened the blood of the wind!!! A level 17 centaur warrior!!

What is the origin of the city lord of Kachar? ? Is the other party really extraordinary? ?

Sam is completely messed up at the moment.


When the earth shakes for the last time.

The hard yellow land around Li De was now covered with potholes of all sizes, and in addition to the yellow soil, the land was also covered with crimson blood.

Looking back at this time, a bloody figure on the ground is unknown.

Morton, the level 17 centaur chieftain, had already shattered and shattered the armor he had snatched from humans at this time, and his body had already exposed Chi Guoguo's upper body.

There is no one intact place on his body, scars are dense, his bones are almost broken by two-thirds, and the light blue energy on his body has already been smashed by him.

At this time, Li De's face was still as calm as ever, and his body was not even stained with soil or blood.

The surrounding slaughter bats screamed to tear their souls, and the blood-colored storm lingered wildly around Li De like a tornado.

The earth is broken, the blood is covered with loess, and the scene is vicissitudes of life, like the dark demon king in the epic mythology has come to the world.

The level 17 centaur warrior lying on the ground became Li De's background board at this moment.

Elegant and bloody, powerful and terrifying.

Li De looked at Morton, the level 17 centaur who had only one breath left, and shook his head regretfully.

In fact, he is far from enjoying himself, this centaur is too inexperienced.

too weak.

Sora has a powerful power, but he didn't even use 50% of his power... He could feel an indescribable power bred in the opponent's blood, UU reading www. uukanshu. com But the other party may have just awakened, so he can't control that power at all.

At this time, Li De somewhat understood why Betty was able to kill the 17-level dark bishop transformed into a 19-level lava demon with only two swords when he subdued Grote.

Their combat skills are no longer at the same level, and he only needs to seize a slight flaw to make the opponent no longer have the possibility to shoot.

Compared to Betty's two swords to kill the 19th-level lava demon... My trophy is just a 17th-level centaur, is it a bit low-level...

With his exaggerated physique, Morton, who was slightly awake, heard Li De's self-talk, and once again spit out a mouthful of blood, and then he was completely awake...

The only thought the centaur had before he passed out was... the bloody vampire!

ps: Don’t keep urging me guys, I’ll get up to work today at seven o’clock. The revision is not the one you think, just change two words at random. You need to proofread, supplement the plot, delete unnecessary dialogues, add It is very troublesome to describe the supplement and examine the rationality of the plot.

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