I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 278: Try 1 to test the edge of the blood family (mini chapter of 4,600 words)

, Update the latest chapter of I became the ancestor of the blood family as soon as possible!

On the evening of March 14, the office on the third floor of the City Hall.

Moore and Warren were sitting on the sofa flipping through a pile of scribbled drawings with interest. Li De was sitting across from them, and Harrison was standing behind him, his back facing the dim light.

Outside the window is the sound of the sparse wind blowing through the woods, and inside the house is the crisp sound of flipping papers.

Li De looked at the blueprint he had recited in front of him with a very subtle expression.

Walun, are these sets of bullet-carrying armor useful?

The master blacksmith of the dwarf with a height of less than 1.5 blades shook his head and nodded again, looking at Li De with an expression hesitant to say.

Lord City Lord...

It's alright, just say it.

After getting Li De's approval, Warren breathed a sigh of relief before speaking.

These bullet-carrying armors are undoubtedly very sophisticated and must have been designed by countless people with a lot of effort.

But the problem is that they are too sophisticated to match the rough fighting style of the Whisper Bat.

And these designers must have never been in contact with magic bats. Their designs seem reasonable, but they are extremely contradictory to the flying habits and attack habits of magic bats.

In addition... Speaking of which, Warren took a deep look at Li De.

The design drawings of these sets of armor must not be the product of the main plane of glory...


Hearing this, the corner of Li De's mouth hung a smile that was not a smile.

As expected of a dwarf forging master who has dealt with weapons all his life, this observation is indeed extraordinary.

Looking down at the design drawings of the bullet-carrying armor on the desktop, Li De nodded.

That's right...

This is after he returned to Earth two days ago to deal with the crimson moon, and by the way, he redrawn the armor designed by the data analysis department in glory.

He didn't remember until he ordered the production of Air Force One,

Let the data analysis department also design the armor.

Immediately embarrassed.

Hurry up to find a space to return to Earth, and bring all these data back to glory.

The development of Crimson Moon is very healthy. The time he left on Earth for more than a month has not affected Crimson Moon at all. His trident is still being steadily forged, waiting for the launch of Glory.

The armor designed by the data analysis department did not receive feedback after the design was completed due to his sleepiness, so the data analysis department designed the second and third models when it was idle...

After reading the drawings designed by the data analysis department, Li De could only smile bitterly.

Because of his deep sleep, he could not give timely feedback to the other party. The armor designed by the earth could only be simulated with a rigid model. They did not know the real state of the magic bat, which caused the decoupling of design and use.

Dwarves and goblins can use magic bats for flight experiments without restrictions. Once errors are made, they will be modified immediately. Air Force One has been modified hundreds of times. Naturally, there is a gap between the design on Earth and the one that has not been modified once. .

And at present, Air Force One can basically meet his current needs, so he is not too concerned that the earth does not meet his requirements.

Yes, this is indeed an alchemical creation from another plane.

Warren, this is just their original design drawings without any modification. Do you think there is anything worth learning from?

Warren got an affirmative answer and checked again with great interest, is the blacksmith of the other plane? It's really fun.

Lord City Lord, I can guarantee that you must have given them the body data of the magic bat, but they have never seen the real magic bat.

Although the design of this armor is very precise, it is quite different from the real state of the magic bat.

But some of these points are still worth learning.

For example, the design of bomb-dropping is controlled by the riding air knight, and the alchemy bomb is fixed to the mechanism with exquisite alchemy technology. The knight can immediately drop the bomb by pressing the button on the back. This idea is definitely a great idea.

Also, the idea of ​​remotely controlling bombs is to set up double magic circles, one on the abdomen of the magic bat, and one on the ground. After using magic, the bomb can be directly controlled on the ground. It's unbelievable that the blacksmiths of other planes can be so familiar with magic? ?

Moore, the goblin patriarch who had not spoken all the time, couldn't hold back any longer, and hurriedly opened his mouth to talk to Valen.

Your Majesty, the masterpiece you brought out must have been made by a very great alchemy.

Look at this, the idea of ​​​​the development of an air alchemy bomb, the development of an alchemy bomb designed to attack air units... This is a genius idea!

And here, the precision-guided alchemical bomb can actually control the alchemical bomb to attack the target you want to attack... The goddess of life is above, which is simply shocking!

Also, Armored Alchemy Bombs... Incendiary Alchemy Bombs... Surface-to-Air Alchemy Bombs...

Moore and Warren, two guys with similar heights, looked more and more excited, and even screamed involuntarily when they saw the excitement.

Li De breathed a sigh of relief, mmp, the technology of the earth can amaze the natives of this world, otherwise it would be a bit embarrassing.

However, because of the existence of magic power in this world, and the system of alchemy bombs and the system of chemical gunpowder on the earth are not the same concept at all, the difference between the two is very large.

Most of these earth ideas are very difficult to realize in glory, and magic must be added to achieve the desired effect.

This is an alchemy bomb designed with the advanced thinking of the earth in the magical world. Although the fusion of the two is a bit strange, it is definitely a direction that can be developed in the future. It can be regarded as a guiding concept for future research and improvement of alchemy bombs.

When Li De returned to Earth, he also gave the data of Air Force One to the data analysis department, and the Earth was also improving Air Force One.

Because of the disjointed information, Li De sometimes couldn't make Dawn City and Crimson Moon connect in time.

It is impossible for him to do nothing to act as a contact between the two forces.

Poor communication is currently the biggest problem with Dawn City and Crimson Moon.

Of course, it is easy to solve it.

As long as the game is open, he has enough players in his hands. At that time, he can open an information point in Green City, and let the people of the Dark Covenant directly contact the players of the Crimson Moon.




After letting Moore and Warren discuss the pile of drawings, Li De turned his head to look at Harrison behind him.

After his right-hand man was transferred to become a Scarlet Hunter, his aura was obviously different, and his previous feminine aura had now become feminine and powerful.

There is a faint coercion of being a superior race between his actions.

Harrison, have Odis and the others' actions have been counted?

After formulating a plan to open up trade in the low hills and hills, all the vampires who have changed careers in the past few days can be described as crazy looking for centaur tribes to trade in the low hills and hills.

The first transaction process is relatively straightforward.

First, let the 18-level withered bones deterrence by force, and then the vampires come into the field to propose their intentions, and directly put on the armor to trade.

With strong force as a guarantee, and affordable armor as a temptation, this set is especially useful in the centaur tribe who consider themselves strong.

Of course, it was a little rough at the beginning, especially the first tribe, the Stonehoof tribe. When Otis stepped forward to negotiate with the other party, the centaurs who were mocked by the dry bones for half the sun went crazy.

Otis was almost not killed by two level 15 centaur armored warriors, all the centaurs chased him like crazy, and finally the vampire had to give up the deal with this tribe.

Afterwards, the second-generation blood descendants of Otis learned to be smart, and each time they only let the dead bones deterrence briefly, and then quickly began to trade.

After doing this, the success rate has greatly increased. In just one week, the first transaction has been made with 6 centaur tribes, and judging from the reactions of these tribes, the second time is probably easier.

Your Majesty, Otis has successfully traded 6 times in the low mountains and hills this time, and he has confirmed that he will continue to trade with these 6 centaur tribes in the future.

In these six trades, Calm traded 1,000 sets of rare armor each time, and each set was exchanged for 5 wasteland rhino skins.

Tribes without wasteland rhino hides have replaced them with other beast skins of equal value.

When in total, 6 trades, we made 6,000 sets of rare-level armor in exchange for 30,000 pieces of Wilderness Rhino furs worth 30,000.

A wasteland rhino hide can make 5 magic scrolls, and the profit of five magic scrolls is 35 gold poke.

Converting 30,000 pieces of wasteland rhino skin into gold pucks, according to rough statistics, we made a total of... 1 million gold pokes this week! !

The vainly increased volume caused Li De's mouth to instantly form a thick smile.

In the Middle Ages of the earth, when Europe developed the New World, those ancient European merchants earned dozens or even hundreds of times of profits from each sea transaction. Li De felt that the City of Dawn had an impact on the low mountains and hills at this time. Trade is very earthy.

Take advantage of the extreme inequality in industry to conduct value-to-equivalent transactions with centaurs who are still in primitive society.

There is no ordinary difference between the two.

An extremely precious armor in the centaur's cognition, the City of Dawn can produce a thousand sets a day, and even more if he wants.

This model is very much like the people of the primitive tribes of the new continent of the earth exchanging gems and treasures for the tobacco and alcohol made by modern civilization.

From the centaur's point of view, this price is definitely not a loss. After all, other humans come to trade with them, and the rare-level armor requires at least 15 wasteland rhino hides.

This deal only costs 5! ! This is already a big profit. The centaur is very happy, and even the blood family is labeled as loyal and reliable, and worth trading.

With the low price strategy, the vampire led by Otis established the foundation for the next cooperation with the centaur tribe that had already completed the transaction.

This is also the reason why Li De is reluctant to set prices that are too outrageous. Slow development is the last word, and the potential of the centaur tribe has been squeezed out at one time. How can we play in the future?

Transport the beast fur to the Crimson Mage Tower as soon as possible, I need the Crimson Mage Tower to replace this batch of raw materials with Jinpuke...

Li De, who was short of money and had never understood what it was like to be poor, had a rare sense of urgency in this regard at this moment.

The forging of Air Force One in the past few days and the addition of alchemy bombs have directly led to the fact that the city hall now has only Kim Puke in the early 10,000s.

10,000 gold pucks are indeed a lot compared to when Li De first came to Glory, and it can support the development of Dawn City for at least three months.

But now, the City of Dawn, with a population of 50,000, has become a powerful production machine. To maintain the current development situation, at least 60,000 to 80,000 Kimpokers are consumed every month.

That's not counting military spending.

If you count the cost of making alchemy bombs, then 150,000 gold pucks can't stop it...

Of course, most of these Kim Pucks entered Dawn City by purchasing supplies from the outside world.

Although the cost is so high, he still has no plans to levy taxes in a short time.

At this stage, the level of residents' savings in Dawn City is still at a very low level.

Li De has been releasing water to raise fish. Until a viable market is developed, he will not consider large-scale taxation for the time being.

The market in Dawn City right now is deflationary, which means a lack of money.

According to his estimation, after the large-scale and continuous construction, when the winter months come this year, the market of Dawn City will be able to conduct regular taxation operations.

After all, for the better part of a year, he will be investing in Kim Puck at dawn to make up for deflation.

At that time, Dawn City will truly move towards the right path that no longer requires him to continuously input funds on a large scale to revitalize the market, and the self-reliance of tens of thousands of people is enough to keep the city on the right track.

In addition, after the farm and school are established, we will build a magic scroll production factory in the Dawn Mage Tower.

Hearing this, Harrison looked at Li De in surprise, Your Majesty, are we going to withdraw the Scarlet Mage Tower?

Li De shook his head, No, we will trade more and more frequently with the low mountains and hills in the future, and having our own magic factory can directly digest some of the raw materials.

The Crimson Mage Tower is limited by the outside world, and I intend to keep it at its current size for a short period of time.

In the future, we will be responsible for a large part of the production, and even in the end, the Crimson Mage Tower will be sold directly from the City of Dawn with magic scrolls.

Eggs cannot be put in one basket.

And now as the Dawn Mage Tower gets bigger and bigger, he has workers who produce magic scrolls.

Although it is far from the maturity of the Crimson Mage Tower, once the factories in Dawn City are cultivated, Li De definitely believes that the potential of the factories in Dawn City is greater than that of the Crimson Mage Tower.

After all, this is his site, and he can build it as he wants, and no one will have an opinion.

On the other hand, the Crimson Mage Tower is constrained by too many rules and regulations.

My idea is that the Scarlet Mage Tower will be engaged in higher-end magic manufacturing in the future, such as three-ring magic scrolls, or even four-ring magic scrolls...

Harrison, you will inform Stanley later. From now on, people will pay attention to whether there is any technology related to the manufacture of three-ring and four-ring magic scrolls. If there is, get it back at all costs.

Li De's thinking is very clear.

In the outside world, the development of the Crimson Mage Tower will inevitably be limited. If it is too large, Spark, a 19th-level Archmage, may not be able to protect the Crimson Mage Tower.

After all, profit is the most frightening demon in the world.

No one can escape its temptation.

The benefits created by the Scarlet Mage Tower have already made countless people jealous.

Yes, Your Majesty.

After arranging these two things, Li De stood up from the sofa, walked to the window, put his hands on the edge of the wooden bed, his dark eyes looked at the colorful clouds lit by the dusk, and his expression slowly changed. Got cold.

Inform Ollie, gather all the forces of Dawnwing.

Inform Stanley, except for the Holy Land and other important left-behind forces, all the vampires who have been transferred have gathered.

We are going to engage in a war.

It was Li De's agreement with the Horseshoe Tribe to win the concentrated iron ore vein, and of course his desire to control the concentrated iron ore vein.

This high-quality resource point, UU reading www.uukanshu. It's not a waste of resources to occupy the com Dawn City.

As for the Horseshoe Tribe, this poor centaur tribe will dig for him like the orcs in Dwarven Valley after he has captured this vein.

The only difference is that the orcs in the dwarf valley need to provide all logistics support, and the ironshoe tribe only needs to provide a small amount of weapons and equipment in exchange.

He didn't know if the Horseshoe Tribe made any money, he just knew that he would definitely not lose.

Of course, this war has another most important purpose.

After testing the blood race, it's really fighting ability.

Blood Mage, Vampire Sword Guard, Scarlet Blade, Crimson Hunter, plus Dawnwing's Air Force - a fully loaded magic bat that can carry 20 alchemy bombs.

This will be a brand new war for the blood clan that is completely different from the past.

He was going to try the fangs of the vampire.

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