I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 136: I'm going to make a fortune this time

Although Li De was very moved by the idea of ​​the giant dragon pulling the cart, after thinking about the various legends of the giant dragon, he still suppressed the heat in his heart.

Although the enslavement of dragons is very cool, the strength required is enough to make Green City, a large city with extraordinary mages, to feel difficult.

It takes effort to make this day.

When the number of blood clans exceeds 10,000, it may not be impossible.

Koso, the cyclops, knows where there are black dragons. He hasn't forgotten about the world below. He will become stronger in the future.

After Li De left, Nuggets, a half-blood craftsman with an obvious dwarf-style name, mobilized all the blacksmiths to discuss.

It is not an easy task to help the Cyclops with a height of 6 or 7 blades to build a mining weapon. The huge size alone is enough to make the blacksmiths with all kinds of iron-making equipment scratch their heads.

The naive figure of Corso made the Nuggets suddenly head big.

For a while, he couldn't help but frown.

Li De didn't know how much of a problem he had caused the blacksmith.

The Church of the Breaking Dawn has been built.

Amy, who has a fanatical research on becoming a god, stared at the construction site almost non-stop, repeatedly urging the workers of the construction department to speed up the construction of the church.

Under the strength of Amy, the church that was originally rebuilt from the abandoned manor has been completed in just a few days.

Although it is far from the luxury and sophistication of the cathedrals in Green City, it is enough for the City of Dawn, which lacks everything.

The most important thing is that Amy can preach openly.

The Dawnbreaker sect, this sect that even had its priesthood named a few days ago, has to let go of its hands and feet.

In Amy's cognition, the gods are just a group of more powerful creatures, and there is nothing to worship.

With the title of blasphemous, he has never put the gods in his eyes. Although he respects the strength of the other party, he will not fear them.

But now, the ancestor of the blood family, the great Kachar, has the key to how to become this group of powerful beings.

For Amy, a guy with a strong obsession, it was a great gift from the goddess of luck.

He couldn't wait.

In the eyes of civilians, gods are omnipotent beings, they are powerful, they have eternal life, they can decide the life and death of civilians at will, and everything makes them in awe.

The spread of faith is often caused by powerful forces and mysterious unknowns, and Amy, who has been a priest in the Temple of Knights for decades, knows all of this.

Therefore, he is confident that the Dawnbreaker Sect will quickly become the only sect in Dawnbreaker City that everyone believes in.

In this regard, he is full of confidence.

Li De came when the church opened, no, it should be said to be the unveiling, unveiling a new scene.

A new sect will appear in Dawn City from today, and it will be the only sect.

Outside the Dawning Church, ten young girls in white priest robes stood against the wind with the flowers in their hands.

Definitely an eye-catching color in the cold winter months.

Your Majesty, the Church of Dawn is great because of your presence

Welcome to your arrival, Your Majesty the great Kachar.

After Amy took the lead in bowing, the young girls who formed a team behind them all bowed and bowed with deep admiration in their eyes.

These are the saintess of the temple personally selected by Amy. Each girl has a talent for spellcasting and can be transferred to become a priest in the future.

Dawn City has a scale of nearly 10,000 people, and it is not difficult to find some beautiful girls of the right age.

Li De nodded slightly and looked at the church that belonged to him.

Because of the reconstruction, the reliefs, colorful murals, etc. on the top still have obvious blood clan style.

The church is 12 feet high and has four floors. The exterior is made of white boulders, which reveal the unique frosted feeling of rocks under the light of dusk.

Entering the white gate carved with the relief of the vampire's wings, entered the hall on the first floor.

There are more than 500 wooden seats in the church hall, and the surrounding white walls exude an indescribable holiness.

On the wall directly opposite the center of the church, there is a 4-bladed, splendid colorful relief, which is extremely gorgeous.

The figures on the reliefs are as imposing as standing in front of them.

A huge and handsome bat wing unfolded behind it, as if it had just returned from the abyss.

The fangs exposed on the mouth represent the identity of the blood race.

The powerful creatures behind it, giants, titans, elves, dragons, great demons, seraphs, etc., are all bowing down and surrendering.

This colorful relief is shocking at a glance, and it is definitely carefully carved by the master who is best at it.

Li De's mouth twitched slightly when he looked at the relief that looked exactly like him.

This feeling of being carved on the wall is really indescribable.

Your Majesty the First Ancestor, this is what I carved with my own hands

Amy also has deep satisfaction in his eyes. He has carved religious murals for decades in the Temple of the Knights, but this one is what he is most satisfied with.

Okay, let's not talk about that.

Do you have any ideas for missionary programs?

Li De stared at Amy with burning eyes.

No matter how well the Church of Dawn is made, it still has to be a mission in the end. What he wants is the power of faith, not a beautiful building.

He has only one believer in Ollie now, and he can only gain a little faith power every day, and he can't study anything if he wants to.

Li De's understanding of the power of faith is still at a very early stage. He only knows that the power of faith is a very high-level energy, but how to use this energy is still a complete mystery.

His knowledge of the power of faith is the knowledge instilled in him by Amy, the 15th-level shadow high priest, and Amy is only a 15th-level existence, and his knowledge of the power of faith also benefits from him. Invaded the kingdom of the god of knights.

So both of them are now in a state of confusion.

Now Li De seems to have obtained the necessary shaft elements to make nuclear weapons, but he doesn't know how to make nuclear weapons at all.

The original intention of establishing the Dawnbreaker Sect was to manufacture nuclear weapons in this world.

In terms of energy fluctuations, Li De doesn't even feel that the power of belief is as good as magic, but he also knows that his current knowledge is not enough. Are nuclear weapons of the same weight on the same level as tnt bombs?

He needed a key to unlock the lock, and the Cult of Dawn was the key.

Your Majesty the First Ancestor, leave the mission of the Dawnbreak Sect to me. After the Winter Moon passes, you will see a completely different Dawnbreaker Sect.

If your belief power changes during this period, I hope you can let me know as soon as possible.”

For this priest who has been in the Temple of Knights for decades, missionary is not a big deal, especially in Dawn City, where he has absolute home field advantage.

There are no foreign sects here to steal followers from him, and he can't develop in such an environment. He can really commit suicide and apologize.

Okay, what do I need to do for the church now?

Amy smiled slightly, and respectfully gestured to the high platform in front of the colorful relief.

You need to declare the Dawnbreaker here, and declare your priesthood at the same time.

Is this an opening ceremony?

Li De looked at Amy's serious eyes a little funny.

The Dawn Church has just opened, and few people are willing to go out in the cold winter, so apart from 10 young girls in the church, he and Amy are the only ones left.

Forget it, have a good time.

Li De stepped forward and stood on the high platform of the church under the watchful eyes of several people. His deep eyes saw the white walls around him inexplicably raised a bit of solemnity in his heart.

His face was straight.

I, Kachar hereby announce that the Dawnbreaker Sect was established, and the doctrine of the Dawnbreaker Sect is

A paragraph from the news network suddenly appeared in Li De's mind.

Persistent self-improvement, tenacious struggle, unity, bravery and fearlessness, love of home and country.

It seems that there is nothing wrong, right?

Li De looked at Amy's dazed eyes below and coughed lightly, ignoring the other party and continuing.

I am the God of Dawn, in charge of the two priesthoods of blood clan and blood donation. I declare in the name of the ancestor of the blood clan, the Lord of Dawn.

Dawnbreaker Sect is officially established!

After finishing the last sentence, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com suddenly got a system prompt in his mind that made him confused.

Does this work too? ? ?

Ding, Reid Kachar swore to establish the Dawnbreaker Sect, clergy: blood, blood, teachings: self-improvement, tenacious struggle, unity, bravery, love of home and country.

It was detected that Reid Kachar owns the city - City of Dawn, owns the tribe - Holy Light Blood, and owns 1 fanatic.

Meet the minimum requirements for establishing a sect, and the Dawn Breaking Sect is established.

Ding~ You established the Dawnbreaker Sect and opened the Power of Faith attribute panel.

Ding~ You are free to appoint various priests in the Temple of Dawn.

Ding~ You established the Dawnbreaker sect, gained a reputation of 5, and received a character experience reward of 5,000.

Ding, your total reputation has reached 6 points, open the reputation panel, get the title, and become famous.

Famous and famous, features: 1. When all races face you, the respect level is increased by one level; 2. There is a certain probability to deter creatures below their own level to make them defect to you; 3. Increase the chance of surrender of captives.  This time it is To be developed? ? ?   Li De looked at Amy with a serious look below, and he wanted to tell the other party at this time.  He found the key to make nuclear weapons.

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