I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 135 I want 9 dragons to pull the cart

But in order for the Cyclops to mine ore, the key now is to prepare tools for these big men.

Although these guys with the blood of ancient giants are amazingly powerful, it is impossible to mine with hands.

And human shovels, stone hammers, like chopsticks in the hands of the Cyclops, can hardly be seen.

So now it is necessary to customize a batch of hand-sized weapons for these big guys.

Harrison, take the peso to the smithy

Are you going to make mining tools for these cyclops?

Immediately there was a strange look on his face.

Patriarch, although Cyclops are relatively bulky, they are very powerful creatures. Will they be used for mining...

The second half of the sentence is not finished, but the meaning is obvious.

Although Harrison doesn't like war, he also likes the simple and honest creature like Cyclops.

If these big men can be given heavy armor and weapons, it must be a very powerful fighting force.

For the blood clan lacking ground troops, it can be regarded as a compensation.

Li De shook his head, No, now Dawn City doesn't need to start a war with the outside world, we use this group of big men to produce.

Take them to the smithy and build a suitable batch of shovels and hammers for them to mine, I don't think there's anything more important.

Harrison shrugged and glanced at the Cyclops playing outside the window with a pity.

The picture of the Cyclops man with heavy armor rampaging through the enemy's army was invisible for a short time.

The blacksmith shop was built in the north of the central area, not far from the city wall. Ironware will be the control material of Dawn City for a long time in the future.

During World War II on Earth, steel production was an important indicator of a country's strength. Although Glory is a magical world, the role of steel here is no less than that of the Earth.

By the time Reed arrived at the smithy, Harrison had already arrived with Peso and another Cyclops.

Two huge figures are like hills,

Directly block the door of the blacksmith shop tightly.



After seeing Li De's figure, the two cyclops immediately greeted respectfully.

The voice hummed like a muffled thunder, and the sound was naive.

They respect this master who can make them full.

Koso is okay, his intelligence is almost the same as that of human beings, although he is still very simple when he comes into contact with human society.

But other Cyclops are different. They only have the wisdom of twelve or thirteen-year-old human beings. Although they are not stupid, their thinking is still relatively immature.

The mere fact that they could have a full meal in Dawn City made them extremely happy.

Corso, Dawn City will no longer provide you with free food.


When Koso heard Li De's words, he panicked. They had been eating well and living well in Dawn City these days. If there is no food now, will they go back to the days when they were hungry again? already?

Who wants to be hungry? Corso, which has been corroded by the sugar-coated cannonballs of capitalism, will never return to the simple era when he can eat a bite and fill his stomach.

Master, Koso is willing to fight for you, as long as you can continue to provide food, even the Cyclops will not be afraid of it!

Corso patted his chest hard, a high-spirited promise.

Li De couldn't help laughing and laughing at this guy who hummed for a bite of food. If he knew this earlier, he would still be fighting.

Corso, in the future, you will have to earn your own food, and I will provide you with a job that is very suitable for you - mining ore.

The smithy will help you build the right tools for you, and the iron ore in the Valley of Giants will be handed over to you to mine.

In the future, I will hire you with food and Gimpuk. The more ore you mine, the more food and Gimpuk you will get, and you and other Cyclops will not be hungry.

Koso's eyes lit up instantly.

He knew that the Thunder tribe in the underground world had a mine, and they would mine some ore and transport it to the halfling city in exchange for food and weapons.

This job is very easy and works for them too.

Master, I will.

Corso's tone was full of joy, not starving was the greatest happiness for Cyclops.

This group of powerful creatures who are accustomed to starvation has no idea how low their requirements are.

Li De nodded with satisfaction. Although these big guys are not very smart, they are better at being obedient. There is nothing wrong with them. As long as they are full, they are as obedient as puppies.

very good.

Harrison, go and call the head of the smithy.

Not long after, Harrison led a small but extremely strong old man with gray hair and a gray beard to Li De.

Good day, esteemed Kachar City Lord, I am the head of the blacksmith shop, Nuggets, it is an honor to obey your orders

Li De was a little curious when he looked at the Nuggets, who was only as tall as his chest, but whose muscles couldn't even hide his clothes.

Your Excellency Nuggets, are you a human race?

The Nuggets laughed.

City Lord Kachar, I am a mixture of human and dwarf, and half the blood of dwarves flows in my body

Li De suddenly realized that the reputation of dwarves in the world of glory is not small.

Although he is short, his body is extremely strong, and dwarves like to forge weapons. The weapons produced by dwarves are absolutely fine, which is unanimously recognized by the world of glory.

Mr. Nuggets, can you help Cyclops build a handy mining tool?

As you must have heard, we found a wealth of iron ore in the Valley of Giants outside Dawn City for a day. We need workers to mine the ore. Cyclops is undoubtedly the best choice, but the lack of tools bothers me.

Li De's words made the Nuggets full of admiration, City Lord Kachar, your lofty vision is enough to be praised by the God of Blacksmithing.

If it was those short-sighted and despicable human nobles, the first thing they would think of was to use the Cyclops to pull a carriage for them.

Hearing this, Li De was slightly taken aback.

Cyclops pulling a carriage?


Very cool look?

Think of Corso, a cyclops with a gray-white wrinkled skin that is immune to three-ringed mages, 7 blades tall, level 15, exploding muscles, and a terrifying deterrent force pulling his carriage.

It seems very emotional.

Heart fluttering.

But after thinking about it, Li De still suppressed this very tempting behavior.

In the future, when the City of Dawn develops, let alone the Cyclops, I will enslave two giant dragons to pull carts, bah, nine.

Li De gritted his teeth and snorted.

Kowloon pulls a cart, it is so urinal.

That's for the future. Can you forge such a big tool?

Forging general tools is not the same level of difficulty as manufacturing large-scale appliances. The bigger it is, the more difficult it is to manufacture, especially in this world without modern machinery and equipment.

The oily black face of the Nuggets showed a bit of embarrassment, even if he inherited the forging talent in the blood of the dwarves, he felt embarrassed.

City Lord Kachar, with the current manufacturing technology of the blacksmith shop, it is very difficult

After he finished speaking, he turned his head and glanced at the empty blacksmith shop. No matter how clever a blacksmith was, it was impossible to create an artifact without tools and materials.

Is there any difficulty? Li De said without any nonsense.

If you can get 100 Holy Light Blood Race adults to assist me, no, maybe 50 will be enough, I am confident to give it a try.

But the steel needed for forging...

I will have 100 vampires to help you, UU reading www.uukanshu.com Now I have no way to find more steel.

However, there should be thousands of farm implements left in the blacksmith shop, right? Melt these irons for me and recast them

Hearing these unquestionable words, the Nuggets nodded without any hesitation.

Follow your orders, Lord Kachar, I will create a mining tool that will satisfy you

Well, very good, tell me if there is any difficulty, Koso, you stay here to cooperate with the Nuggets test

After Li De explained the matter, he turned around and left.

It's just that after I left, I recalled the words of the Nuggets, a guy with half dwarf blood.

Cyclops pulling carts...

Why is it so visual?

Why are you so excited?

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