But he didn't plan to ask them one by one.

Why are you so polite, you lackey of the Celestials?

Just read it directly with your mind.

The memory images of the nine people flooded into his mind like a tide.

They didn't know much about the other members of the Celestials, but they didn't know nothing at all, for example.

A member of the Celestials, the Judge, Arisum.

A member of the Celestials who was responsible for judging whether a planet had value to continue to exist.

Seven thousand years ago, He also sent the Eternals to Earth to help the fragile humans fight against the Mutants who harmed humans.

This was the common mission memory of the other eight people when they first came to Earth.

But he found something different in Ikaris's mind.

That is, the Mutants are actually life forms created by the Celestials, but they are out of control.

And the real purpose of the Celestials letting the Eternals come to Earth is not to help and protect the fragile humans.

The reason for protecting humans is to leave enough nutrition for the new member of the Celestials, Tiamu, who was planted by Him on Earth.

Those rations are naturally humans themselves. Just as Odin said, when humans reach a certain number, new gods will be born.

At the cost of the lives of the entire earth and billions of creatures in it!

"Heh... Gods..."

Arno's eyes were cold and he continued to read.

However, the following memory scenes were a bit boring. Apart from the scenes of them occasionally destroying the mutants, only their in-depth discussion with others on the source of life was a bit interesting.

However, it must be said that the nine people of the Eternals not only have correct skin.

Even the character settings are correct to the extreme!

What a homosexual black fat man Phastos.

The love-hate relationship between the yellow-skinned Serhi and the white Ikaris.

Spike, the yellow-haired brat who loves Ikaris but never grows up.

Makari, the dumb little black girl who likes the psychic druid.

Madonsi Girshmega, who takes care of the mentally unstable female war god Tina and develops feelings for her.

I like to be a clown star who sings and dances rap in Bollywood, King.

Arno rubbed his eyes which were a little irritated.

This is a mess, it can make a movie with perfect zz!

Just when he thought there was no important information and was going to get these memory pictures out of his brain so that this pile of shit would not pollute his brain, a memory picture caught his attention.

That was a picture that made him more angry than the Celestial Group raising the Celestial Seeds on Earth!

In the picture, the fat black man Phastos was kneeling in a ruin filled with gunpowder smoke.

He looked at the island city that was destroyed by the atomic bomb, and shed tears of repentance with a face full of grief.

Black people, homosexuals, kneeling in the island city.

Arno smiled brightly, slowly descended from the sky to Phastos, gently helped the little black fat man up, and patted the ice chips on the corner of his clothes for him.

"Come, tell me, you think your little life was bombed and you feel innocent, you like to confess, right?"

Fastos didn't know why he asked this, but he didn't like this American arms dealer at all.

"Of course they are innocent. If it weren't for me, do you think you humans could develop so fast?

From the plow in ancient times to the nuclear bomb in modern times, if it weren't for my secret help, you humans couldn't make it by yourself!

But do you know how many innocent people died because of the nuclear bombs produced because of me? More than 200,000! More than 200,000!

I shouldn't help you invent these things to save you. Humans are not worth saving at all!

Especially damn arms dealers like you, you are the termites, scum, and demons on the earth!

You should be the ones to die, not those innocent people!

Because the weapons you sell indirectly killed countless people, and my technology killed countless people!"

Fastos was so excited at the end that he even poked Arno's chest with his hand.

"Hey, Brother Hei, calm down, don't get too excited, be careful not to get angry."

The gentle Arno did not get angry because of his rudeness, but smiled and patted Fastos on the back to calm him down.

Looking at Fastos who had calmed down a little, Arno smiled gently, but his eyes were cold.

"I can understand your feelings, but do you know what can make you more desperate than the hundreds of thousands of people who were killed by the nuclear bombs you made?"

Fastos frowned at Arno with a gentle smile, and realized that something was wrong. How could the demon who had just blown up Ajak's head for a disagreement be so nice to him?

Is it because I have helped humans invent various things, and as a human being, he is grateful to me?

HeHe didn't quite understand, but Arno's words did make him curious.

"What can make me more desperate?"

Arno gently placed his hands on both shoulders, his eyes becoming colder:

"That is the plow technology you invented, but it is used to enslave turtles like you!"

Phastos' eyes widened when he heard this, and his heart was struck by lightning.

This is the fact he knows in his heart, but he never wants to face it!

Arno's words are simply murderous!

"You damn beast, you will be in trouble..."


Before he cursed the word death, Phastos was interrupted by the severe pain from his shoulder.

He turned his head in horror and saw that Arno's hand on his right shoulder slowly tore a bloody wound on his body.

The continuous severe pain and the scene of seeing his body torn apart made him scream.


Blood spurted out like a fountain, covering the eight people kneeling on the ground around them.

Although the strong pressure made them unable to raise their heads, they felt the warm liquid spilling on their bodies again and heard Phastos' screams. It was not difficult for them to understand what kind of inhumane torture Phastos had experienced.

With such psychological fear, the Eternals who had fought for thousands of years were a little scared!

Arno's smile was still gentle, and he slowly tore Phastos' shoulders open bit by bit, without any hurry.

The battle suits with strong defensive power made for them by the Celestials were like a fragile piece of white paper in Arno's hands.

He tore it if he wanted to, including the owner of the battle suit!

Blood kept splashing out, but was blocked by an invisible force when it approached Arno's body.

He was not opposed to the blood of the enemy, but he didn't want his stinky blood to pollute himself.

Who knew if he had been contaminated by nuclear weapons?


After a long period of blood splattering and the sound of flesh being torn apart, our great inventor, the compassionate and kind-hearted man, Phastos was finally split into two.

The upper body of Phastos was thrown to the ground at random.

The blood from his internal organs flowed all over the ground, which made the Eternals who were kneeling on the ground and could only see the ground even more terrified.

The left upper body and head were together, and the right upper body with legs was still standing in place.

But the strong vitality of the Eternals prevented Phastos from dying immediately.

Even because his heart and brain were not damaged, he was still quite energetic.

If you don't believe it, look at how hard he was howling.

"Ahhhh!!!!!! You are a demon, a beast, you are so cruel and inhumane, sooner or later you will be punished by God, and you will be retaliated by the gods!!!"

Arno sneered, and he felt ridiculous that Phastos was still stubborn when he was about to die.

"Divine punishment? God? Hahahaha! There is no such thing in heaven!

I am the only one in this world who can stand forever in heaven!

I am divine punishment, I am the only God!!!"

Arno raised his foot and stepped on the ugly head of Faustos, slowly pressing down, causing the skull under his feet to shatter under the huge pressure, and letting the pain fill his brain contaminated by nuclear radiation!

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