"That's right, the weak should submit to me, not to my head."

Arno stood in the air with his hands behind his back, looking down at the ten people wearing different colored uniforms.

Seeing the end, even Arno couldn't help but applaud them.

But he didn't praise their strength, but praised the races they chose. Obviously, the internal structure is similar, but there are too many choices in appearance.

I can only say that it's so right.

"White, black, yellow, Indian, and a child, your combination is so right.

The inside is not human, but the appearance is different from that of humans. It's simply a group of bastards."

"Shit! What are you talking about, you bastard..."

It was annoying to be shot down and landed in a mess, and Arno's words were like lighting a powder keg.

Strange runes lit up on the bodies of the Eternals, and the battle was about to break out!

"Stop, don't forget our purpose!"

The leader of the Eternals, Ajak, who has the ability to heal all injuries and make people forget pain, reached out to stop Gilgamesh who was about to step forward to show Arno a lesson, and also calmed everyone down.

Although she was also angry at Arno for smashing their spaceship and mocking them in his words.

But she, who claimed to be a righteous person, still suppressed her anger and planned to mediate with words to see if she could solve the problem without fighting.

It was definitely not because Arno's performance in several battles on Earth was too terrible, and she was afraid that her people would not be able to beat him.

"God of the Earth, we have no intention of being your enemy. We, like you, are the existence of protecting mankind, but you cannot enter the center of the earth, because this is not..."

But before Jak finished speaking, he was interrupted by Arno with his index finger on his mouth.

"Shh... As a good dog, you are not allowed to bark without the permission of your master. I didn't allow you to talk..."


Ajak was completely enraged by Arno's rudeness, and his fingers were shaking with anger!

In the past, after the Eternals showed their abilities in front of humans, anyone who dared to talk to them like this respected them as gods.

Now that the Earth has its own gods, they are increasingly looking down on them, and even now a native of the Earth dares to treat them like pigs and dogs!

We are the noble Eternals under the great Celestials. How can we bear this? !

What's more, she is the only one who knows that the Earth is pregnant with new members of the Celestials, so Arno cannot be allowed to enter the Earth's core no matter what.

Since the conversation can't go on, just turn the table over and don't talk!

Deciding to tear the face, Ajak's tone became cold and tough:

"We have our own mouths, and it is not your turn to decide whether to speak or not!"

"What mouth?"

For this talkative woman, Arno just glanced at her lightly, and Ajak was horrified to find that she could not speak.

Under the touch of her fingers, she was even more horrified to find that her lips had disappeared completely and turned into a flat skin!


In the surprised or horrified eyes of the other nine Eternals, Ajak's eyes burst with bloodshot, and then...


Blood and brain matter exploded all over their faces.

All the Eternals were stunned, and they couldn't believe that Ajak, who had led them for thousands of years, died just like that.

The human with the ability very similar to Ikaris, looked at his head for one more time and his head exploded!

According to the information they got, Arno didn't have this ability!

This kind of ability to explode if you look at it for one more time!

Even a strong man like Ikaris was stunned as he touched the warm mixed liquid on his face, somewhat unbelievable.

Although Ajak's ability was not suitable for fighting, he should not have died so strangely with the battle suit made by the Celestials and the strong body of the Eternals!

"Because of your rudeness, now, kneel down and listen to me again."

Before they could recover from Ajak's strange death, Arno's faint voice came from above their heads.

We are rude? You blew up our spaceship at the beginning, mocked us with words, and blew up our leader's head without saying a word, saying that we are rude!

Their angry eyes subconsciously raised their heads and glared at Arno's dark eyes!

"Who allowed you to look directly at me."

Arno glanced over, and the space around the remaining nine Eternals suddenly felt a huge pressure!

It was as if the surrounding space became heavy and continued to oppress their backs!

Bang! * 7

The members of the Eternals were overwhelmed and one after another were forced to kneel down by this sudden huge pressure!

In the endOnly Ikaris, who had the strongest overall strength, and Gilgamesh, who had the strongest power, were still gritting their teeth and holding on.

Arno applauded their persistence, but said coldly:

"Well, that's really good willpower and strength. Fiora, go up and slap them twice to make them behave."


Fiora obeyed without saying a word, and slapped the two men into the ground with two slaps!

Boom! ! ! * 2

Fiora's force was so great that the ground cracked, ice chips flew, and several teeth fell out of the two men.

Seeing the Eternals kneeling and lying on their backs, Arno nodded with satisfaction.

"This is the etiquette to treat the Lord of the Earth. Didn't your dog master of the Celestial Group teach you etiquette?"

The Eternals looked up suddenly and stared at Arno in disbelief.

Ikaris's eyes flashed with golden light, and he raised his head from the broken ice with a ferocious face:

"How do you know about the Celestials?!!"

He wanted to shoot a cosmic beam to kill Arno, but the strong pressure in the space kept pressing his head, making it impossible for him to aim!

"You are not qualified to know how I know."

The platinum light in Arno's eyes lit up, and the power of the mind in his hand covered the nine people and began to read their memories.

"I want to know more about what you all know..."

Arno did not kill the Celestial cub on Earth immediately after returning to Earth, of course not because he was kind.

It was because he felt a wave of consciousness sweeping over him as soon as he returned to Earth, and at the same time he instantly located the place where the consciousness finally landed.

A spaceship like a tile, belonging to the Eternals.

On them, he felt a similar breath to the Celestial cub underground, and guessed that they were the lackeys of the Celestials on Earth.

And they were also coming towards him, so he simply waited there for a while.

Obviously, someone didn't want to disturb the sleeping Celestial, so they sent someone to intercept him.

Compared to the Celestial cub under his feet, who he could turn back to dust at any time.

He was more interested in the Eternals and the news they knew about other members of the Perfect Celestials.

After all, they might have to confront each other soon, and if someone sent someone to his door, it would be nice to get some information from them.

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