The more the soil is dug, the more it will be.


Chen Feng spat out a few mouthfuls of sand floating in his mouth, picked up the shovel and shoveled hard.

After passing the lower soil, he found that there was no cargo, so he threw it away and shoveled again.

In this way, one shovel after another, Chen Feng shoveled more than ten shovels in a row.


Chen Feng became more and more excited as he shoveled, and changed his posture to continue.

The deeper the cargo, the bigger the cargo, Chen Feng remembered it.

Will the refrigerator door be there now?

Chen Feng accelerated his movements and dug a hole. Finally, under Chen Feng’s thoughts, the detector sounded.


Chen Feng raised his eyebrows when he heard the sound, and began to shake the soil with a smile on his face.

I hope the cargo is bigger, so I can just put together two refrigerator doors, or a compressor.

Chen Feng shook several times in a row, and seeing that the detector was still ringing, he couldn't help but fiddle with the shovel with expectation.

Soon, when Chen Feng saw something, his smile froze.

A small silver grain lay quietly in the shovel, and it was estimated that it was no more than ten yuan.

"I TM..."

Chen Feng was speechless. It was said that the deeper the cargo, the bigger the cargo. Are you kidding me?

You are a ten-yuan silver grain, and you deserve to lie so deep?

It's really the opposite of the sky!

Putting the silver grain into the bottle, Chen Feng turned the pit again without giving up, and finally sighed and stood up.

Chen Feng looked into the distance, thinking about something, and he remembered a classic saying.

Life is like this, you never know what the next gold tastes like.

It seems to be said like this...

Pick up the detector, Chen Feng continued to walk forward. He was actually very curious about the earthen mound now, so he wanted to take a look.

It always felt that there would be big goods there.

On the way to the earthen mound, the system did not ring at all, so Chen Feng soon walked to the earthen mound.

When he got closer, Chen Feng realized that he was very familiar with this earthen mound.

Isn't this another mine cave?

It's just that Chen Feng was behind it at that time, so Chen Feng didn't see it.

He walked to the front and took a look. The structure was basically the same, but the difference was that the system didn't ring this time. Of course, Chen Feng didn't dare to go in, but just looked at the door.

Chen Feng picked up a branch and poked the wood used for the support at the door. Chen Feng poked the wood with the branch a few times, and it actually started to fall off.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng was shocked and walked back with his eyes wide open, not daring to stay at the door.

"Damn, they are all the same holes, why is there such a big difference between this and that?"

Chen Feng was a little confused. Why are these things treated differently? The previous hole was left for the leader to check, and this one was for the workers, right?

Chen Feng threw a stone in, and there was an echo in the hole. It is said that this hole is dozens of meters deep. Of course, Chen Feng has never been in it, but he has heard about it.

Clapping his hands, Chen Feng picked up the detector and turned back to leave. He was not going to stay here any longer.

After all, this hole is too dangerous. Even if he was told that there are countless refrigerator doors inside, he would not enter.

Just after walking a few steps, the system sent a prompt, and Chen Feng couldn't help grinning.

Just say that there feels like something in this place.

He circled a range with his eyes, picked up the detector and started to explore.

Of course, it may be because of the hole. A lot of garbage was blown here. He had to kick the garbage away with his feet while exploring.

With a whoosh of wind, a plastic bag was blown to the head of the detector and stuck tightly to it.

Chen Feng tried to shake it hard, but it didn't work. It annoyed Chen Feng enough.

"Damn, we need to put up a sign in the future. Anyone who litters here will have their hand chopped off!"

Chen Feng squatted down, tore the plastic bag on the detector, threw it aside, and then stood up to continue detecting.

When there was only one-third of the detector left, the detector rang.


Chen Feng squatted down after hearing the sound, took out a small shovel with his backhand, and put the detector down beside him.

After one shovel, the detector didn't respond, so Chen Feng shoveled it away and continued the second shovel.

Chen Feng didn't expect to dig a refrigerator door or something, as long as he could get more fragments. If he accumulated enough fragments, he would have a guarantee, which would be enough for a day.

He shoveled one shovel after another. Chen Feng shoveled one shovel, and there happened to be a headwind. The shovel of sand that Chen Feng shoveled was not wasted at all, and it all blew on Chen Feng, blowing all over his body and hair.

"Fuck you, why are you going against me today?"

Chen Feng cursed, brushed the sand out of his hair, and continued digging in a different direction.

A few shovels

Down, the detector sounded, Chen Feng shook the sand while looking at the detector.

He shook it three or four times, and when Chen Feng shook it again, he saw with his own eyes that a dark yellow thing was shaken to the ground.

His eyes instantly straightened, looking at the dark yellow piece on the ground.

Chen Feng's mouth corners gradually rose, and the unpleasantness of being blown by the wind and sand just now was instantly forgotten.

He reached out and picked it up, with a happy smile on his face.

"Look, this is ridiculous, isn't there a refrigerator door now?" Chen Feng said while playing with the gold in his hand.

This piece of gold is not as big as the one turned out from the ground, but Chen Feng estimated that it can be worth eight or nine hundred, and a refrigerator door is definitely safe.

Taking out the bottle of gold, Chen Feng threw the gold in, and couldn't help talking to himself in the bottle.

"Your brother is here to find you. Don't forget to call more of your brothers for me. I will reunite you all."

Chen Feng's words were not nonsense. In the end, he sent the gold to the gold shop and used a spray gun to bake it. Isn't it a reunion for the whole family? It's all round.

Less than an hour after arriving, he harvested a refrigerator door. He was lucky. Chen Feng didn't plan to go far away, so he wanted to explore near the mine.

There are a lot of goods here. Chen Feng estimated that there must be more.

This time Chen Feng turned to circle around the mine. After walking for about twenty minutes, the system rang again.

"Come on, baby, let me see what the fragments are this time." Chen Feng took out a small shovel and squatted on the ground and said.

After a few shovels, Chen Feng dug out the goods. It was a small silver grain, but this silver grain was not small, it was a large one.

"The refrigerator fragment multiplied by two, not bad." Chen Feng smiled and threw the small silver grain into the bottle.

On the other side, Huang Fei had been exploring for more than two hours and found nothing.

He stood there, looking at the sun above his head, and took a sip of mineral water from his bag.

To be honest, he had had enough of exploring. Although he found the goods last time, the frustration of this business was too strong.

Although it was very satisfying to ship goods, it was normal not to ship goods.

There was nothing for several hours, who could stand this.

Huang Fei took a deep breath. He made so many trips yesterday and made a lot of money. It was right for him to take a break.

Yes, no problem.

Huang Fei convinced himself very quickly, returned to the van, put down the tools, and adjusted the backrest comfortably.

The moment he lay down, Huang Fei moaned with satisfaction.

"Ah~ So cool~"

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