The next morning, Chen Feng woke up from the early morning. It was getting earlier and earlier. He remembered that it was still dark at this time before.

Now it was gradually getting brighter.

"Mom, what are you going to cook?" Chen Feng walked out and yawned.

"I'll steam some egg cakes for you. There's nothing to eat in the morning." Liu Ping beat the eggs with chopsticks.

"Okay." Chen Feng nodded and went to brush his teeth and wash his face.

After the two finished their meal, Zheng Ping came to Chen Feng's house and called him.

"Let's go, Fengzi." Zheng Ping hadn't been to the abandoned mine for several days. He had been watching Chen Feng panning for gold. He was a little excited to set off today.

Chen Feng got on the bus with his stuff and found a seat to sit down. However, after he sat down, he found that there seemed to be a few fewer people today than yesterday.

"Is there anyone not going today?" Chen Feng looked around and couldn't help but said curiously.

"Haha, the one missing is Lao Sun. That guy was panning in his own field until dawn yesterday. Not to mention him, his wife and children couldn't stand it in the second half of the night."

"His father even fell asleep sitting on the field. He was just waiting for the old man."

"He is catching up on sleep at home today and can't come."

Some people couldn't help laughing when they mentioned this. It was really funny.

"The rest of them were panning until midnight last night and couldn't get up today."

"We had agreed to pan for gold today, but we were so sleepy in the morning that we couldn't get through on the phone. We didn't come no matter what."

Others added a few words, also with a smile on their faces.

Chen Feng couldn't help but shrugged when he heard this. This has nothing to do with him. You guys have to pan for it yourself.

But in comparison, Old Sun still had some gains, while others really had no gains at all, and it was all in vain.

"Don't talk about them, even I am so sleepy. I turned the land all day yesterday, and I had to pick up and drop off several families. At night, I went to the fields to pan for two hours."

"If I hadn't made an appointment with you to go panning for gold today, I wouldn't get up no matter what, and I would sleep until noon." Huang Fei yawned in front.

"We are sleepy, but you should not be sleepy, and don't scare us." Someone saw this and reminded him hurriedly.

"It's okay, you said this thing is also strange, if you say not to turn the land, no one will turn it, if you say to turn it, all will turn it together."

"Seeing others turning the land, I will also be anxious." Huang Fei said helplessly.

"That's right, isn't that the case." The person sitting behind him said.

Chen Feng leaned back in his seat, ready to take a nap, listening to them talking all the time, making him sleepy.

When Chen Feng opened his eyes again, he had arrived at the place.

"Come on, come on, gold is coming." Someone got off the car with an instrument and said enthusiastically.

Everyone got off the car and chose a location to start panning. Chen Feng also got off and prepared to choose a direction that he liked.

But Chen Feng had just walked a few steps when he saw a hole dug on the ground.

Chen Feng frowned and walked over to take a look, confirming that it was a trace left by other gold diggers.

And this hole was not like the previous one, there were still leaks to pick up, but this one really had nothing.

Chen Feng changed direction and walked a few steps. After walking for seven or eight minutes, he found another hole.

"Damn, what's going on?"

Chen Feng squatted on the ground and touched the hole. It didn't feel like it was dug a long time ago. It was newly dug.

Chen Feng walked back with the instrument and saw that others had also discovered this problem.

"This won't do. This place seems to have been explored by others."

"Damn, what the hell? This must have been done by the surrounding villages."

"We need to change places. Others have already dug it. What else can we dig out?"

Everyone gathered together and spoke up. Huang Fei also discovered this situation.

"This place won't do. We need to go deeper." Huang Fei asked everyone to get in the car and prepare to change places.

Soon Huang Fei drove everyone to another place, and even saw a few people panning for gold on the way.

Continue to drive further, everyone in the car stretched their necks to look out, and only after confirming that no one had dug before let Huang Fei stop the car.

"That's it, this place is okay."

"There are more and more people panning for gold recently."

"Who knows, why are they all doing this business?"

"Maybe they heard that Fengzi made money, so they all wanted to try it."

Chen Feng did not comment on the words, but it is undeniable that since the news of Chen Feng making a lot of money came out, more and more people have indeed started to think about panning for gold.

They all felt that they were the chosen ones. If Chen Feng could do it, so could they.

And the number of gold diggers around was increasing. With so many people watching, it seemed that there would be more and more.

"It looks very clean here, with no signs of digging. Let's stay here."

He looked around and got off the car after confirming that it was ok.

Chen Feng also got off the car with the detector, chose a direction that looked okay, and walked forward.

Today's luck was okay. Just a few minutes after walking out, Chen Feng's system rang.


"There are precious metals within a three-meter radius of the host!"

Chen Feng drew a range with his eyes and began to detect carpet-style.

Maybe he did it more. In the past, Chen Feng had to circle around the place to determine the location within a three-meter radius.

Now he can determine the location with a rough sweep of his eyes, and he doesn't need to shake back and forth like before, like dancing Yangko.


Chen Feng stopped when he heard the sound, took out a shovel with his backhand, put the detector on the ground, shoveled up a shovel of soil, and put it on the detector.

No sound, then another shovel.

When he shoveled the third time, the detector rang. It hadn't rained in the past few days, and the ground was almost dry, so there was no need to dig, just shake it gently.

Each shake passed the detector. After shaking off half a shovel of soil, Chen Feng found that the detector was still ringing, so he dug it up in the shovel.

A silver grain soon appeared in front of Chen Feng, which was worth about thirty yuan.

"Multiply the refrigerator fragments by one, and collect 130 to exchange for a refrigerator." Chen Feng put the silver grain into the bottle and smiled.

After Chen Feng packed up, he walked forward. He found a small hill in the distance from a long distance, so he decided to go there to see what was going on.

After seven or eight minutes, Chen Feng's system rang again, and Chen Feng couldn't help but smile.

It seems that this direction is really good, there are a lot of goods.

Holding the detector and sweeping left and right, Chen Feng's detector rang when he was halfway through.

So he squatted down and took out the shovel, first scraped the surface stones to one side to reveal the sand underneath, and then Chen Feng started to shovel.

Chen Feng didn't shovel down with the first shovel, and was blocked by a dry grass root.

Chen Feng used a shovel to dig back and forth, then reached out and pulled out the grass root directly.

If he hadn't pulled it out, he would have thought it wasn't very long, but when he pulled it out, the grass root was half a meter long, and the dust flew up. Chen Feng turned his head to avoid it.

Finally, he pulled hard and pulled out the whole grass, and Chen Feng threw it aside.

It seemed that after the grass died, it was buried in the ground by the wind and sand.

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