I am Vardy

Chapter 67: A Happy Mascot

The actual role of the mascot is to enliven the atmosphere on the sidelines before the game. The staff helped him organize his outfit while reminding Vardy of precautions.

Vardy nodded seriously, then his left ear listened to his right ear.

I am a man who wants to be funny, according to your rules, I still play a bird?

After finally getting rid of the nagging staff, Vardy rushed into the stadium excitedly.

Who should start with?

At this time, the players on both sides were warming up on the field. Vardy felt that he should make trouble for the opponent, so he shook his head and ran to Southampton's half with his big nose.

According to the habit, usually the mascot will interact with the fans under the stands on the sidelines, but today's mascot actually came out and went straight to the stadium. The fans who saw this scene were very strange.

The mascot looks a little weird today, doesn't it?

Of course, this is a trivial matter, and no one will take it to heart.

Vardy happily jumped onto the field and ran around the Southampton players who were doing pass training.

Very happy to rush!

Southampton's players are a bit confused, don't know what this Everton mascot is doing, is it interesting?

Playing happily, Vardy felt a little uncomfortable, so he ran two quick steps, interrupted their pass from the middle, and then ran away with the ball while everyone was stunned.


The Everton fans in the stands burst into laughter. Today's mascot is simply invincible, and he actually used this method to make trouble for the visiting team.

The Everton players saw Vardy wearing the mascot costume just now, so they naturally knew that it was Vardy under the elephant costume, and they also laughed so hard that their stomach hurts. This is so funny!

Southampton's players all looked like beeping dogs.

Brother, are you kidding me?

They really want to go to the staff of the FA and the League Committee to complain. Everton used such off-the-market tricks to count them.

But the problem is, no matter how you look at it, it just looks like the mascot's own antics. If they really care about it, they will lose and may be looked down upon by others.

Well, if you have the ability, don't come here again!

Naturally, Vardy wouldn't pass by in a stupid way. Looking at the Southampton players' expressions as if they could eat people, he would only pass if he was crazy!

After the misfortune to the opponent's players, it should be the turn of Everton's players.

Rushing all the way to the other side of the field, Vardy attacked from behind, directly picked up Osman, hugged him and swung him around, and then rushed to Carsley before others could react, and played with his bald head , Finally, Vardy ran up to Cahill again, pointed his long nose at Cahill's mouth and sent...

Cahill was dumbfounded, and opened his mouth wide in surprise. Just in time, he was sent in by Waldy's elephant's long trunk, and then pumped!


This picture is simply unbearable to look at!

The fans in the stands were about to go crazy. Did today's mascot have a rabies attack?

Seeing that Cahill showed signs of reacting, Vardy quickly ended the action, and finally went to molest Gravesen again.

However, his good luck came to an end. Just when he ran in front of the Vikings, Gravesen grabbed Vardy, hugged him and threw him to the ground, and then he greeted his teammates. Happy kicking against Vardy circle...

Even the TV commentator was so surprised to see this scene that he forgot to speak.

Perhaps tomorrow's headline should be like this-Everton internal strife, players beat mascot violently

The Southampton players saw what happened on the opposite side, and suddenly felt that what the Everton mascot did to them just now seemed nothing at all...


You bastards, it hurts!

After finally getting rid of the beatings of his teammates, Vardy grinned and groaned.

Gravesen tore off Vardy's headgear, revealing his colorful hair and familiar face.

The stands burst into laughter, and everyone couldn't help laughing.

It turns out that this mascot is played by the suspended Vardy, so it's not surprising, as long as he is such a funny guy, he can do such a funny thing.

Moyes had a weird look on his face. He felt that he might have introduced a big problem...

From Vardy's loan at Everton to the present, the news of this guy has never survived. Maybe other people's entire careers are not as exciting as his few games, and this guy is still causing trouble.

Given the choice - well, he admits, he'd still choose Vardy.

Who allowed Vardy to score!

In the face of goals, all shortcomings are not shortcomings.


After Vardy made a fuss on the stadium as a mascot, the game finally officially started.

I don't know if it was because of Vardy's funny behavior that the game lost a lot of chill atmosphere and became much more dull.

Southampton really wanted to show off Everton, but their strength was not enough;

Everton really want to win at home, but their offense is not good;

How can such a game be exciting?

After watching for more than ten minutes, Vardy fell into a drowsiness. If he was on the court, he would definitely be able to hit an explosive counterattack climax, but now, Bent is more like sleepwalking on the court.

If it weren't for Cahill's ability to carry the banner of offense, I am afraid that the striker pair of Ferguson and Bent would be able to relegate Everton.

Towards the end of the first half, Cahill finally received a cross and dived to the top to give Everton the lead at home to Southampton.

Well, it's time for Vardy's mascot to appear again.

He originally wanted to go up to harass and tease the players on both sides when they walked off the field, but when he never expected, the players on both sides had already become wary of this unprofessional mascot, as if you dare to tease me, I dare Like killing your whole family.

Under such circumstances, why should life safety be considered? Valdy thinks it is better not to seek death.

So, Vardy finally did what a mascot should do, interacting with fans on the sidelines.

A cute little fan is waving to the mascot on the sidelines. He has big eyes and ghosts. He is so cute that he is almost turning into Vardy.

So Vardy stretched out his hands, took the little fan from the child's father, held him and played with him, raised it high, and then suddenly landed, the little fan was very happy.

Naturally, the camera did not miss such a scene. Everyone already knows that the mascot is dressed up by Vardy. Now he is interacting with the little fans. What a lovely scene!

But soon Vardy regretted it, because he forgot that children are pure little devils!

Little fans may think that the elephant's long trunk is very fun to shake, and pull it hard--sting!

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