I am Vardy

Chapter 66 I may miss the Golden Boot...

Vardy always feels that the system has deep malice towards him, or that he always hopes to encourage him to do something.

For example now——

The Goddess Encounter Card is actually on sale at a discount!

The Goddess Encounter Card, originally priced at 30 gold coins, is now only 998...

Uh, not that expensive!

After the discount, it only costs 10 gold coins. Even if Vardy has bought the characteristic fragments, there are still enough gold coins to consume.

What a shame!

Really want!

In fact, he really wanted to know, what is the system's goddess standard like?

Before, I actually issued a task to let myself go to Everton football baby. Facts have proved that Liz is really not a big beauty. Is this the aesthetic standard of the system?

If that's the case, let alone 10 gold coins, you don't even want to give it for nothing.

Of course, the most important thing is that Vardy feels that the most important thing is to improve his strength now. When he becomes a superstar, let alone a goddess, there will be as many male gods...

When I left the system store, I really looked back at every step. Maybe the discount opportunity is hard to come by, so I can’t bear it!


In the Premier League game against Southampton, Vardy couldn't play, but he couldn't stop being funny. Vardy was eager to improve his strength, so he couldn't waste any chance.

After much deliberation, there is no good way.

The funny comparisons that can be included in the statistical scope of the system are all on the court, at least beside the court, around the game, so Vardy's funny comparisons on the road will not work.

It seems that they can only go to the court to play by ear during the game.

Hey, isn't this our little red card prince? On the training ground, everyone always likes to make fun of Vardy.

On the one hand, Vardy is the youngest, and on the other hand, it is because Vardy does have a lot of topics.

Just like now, after only playing four games, Vardy has already received two red cards. This terrifying rate of cards is even more astonishing than his scoring efficiency, so everyone now calls him The Little Prince of Red Cards .

Faced with the ridicule of his teammates, Vardy naturally didn't care, but when he thought that he couldn't play the game, he was very troubled.

After eight rounds of the league, Vardy, a rookie who has just debuted, scored four amazing goals. He is currently ranked third in the scorer list, only less than super-scorer Henry and Crystal Palace's head striker Johansen.

It has to be said that this is a remarkable achievement, especially for a rookie.

But Vardy will never be satisfied with this, and has more ambitions in his heart.

If I remember correctly, this season's Premier League Golden Boot will be the sharp striker Henry, and his final number of goals is 25, that is to say, the transcripts handed over by many Premier League shooters this season are not ideal.

So do I also have the opportunity to hit the supreme honor of the Premier League Golden Boot?

Becoming a Golden Boot is not something that can be done simply by talking about it. It is possible to achieve it only when various important factors are kneaded together.

First of all, there must be hard power. In this regard, Vardy has no problem;

Secondly, it must complement the team's tactics. Similarly, Everton's defensive counterattack tactics are also the most suitable for him to play;

In the end, it's luck!


Thinking of the three-legged goal frame in the last game, Vardy felt that he might miss the golden boot...

I'm afraid this level cannot be simply described as bad luck!

What bad luck it must be to hit the three-legged goal frame in a row.

This is why Vardy has a big heart, not a glass heart, otherwise he would have collapsed long ago.

Well, I'm still young, so I really don't need to think too much.


The suspension does not mean that Vardy has no way to enter the stadium.

I don't play football, I just watch quietly!

It's okay!

Therefore, Vardy appeared on the sidelines of the court as a staff member.

Moyes is actually very reluctant to watch Vardy sneer in front of him. The last time he played against Portsmouth, this bastard actually went to the home team stand to slap the tsundere, and almost died there.

Fortunately, Everton is at home in this game, so there is no need to worry too much. As long as Vardy watches the game honestly, it is probably not a big deal.

So Moyes was busy worrying about the game and had no time to pay attention to Vardy who jumped up and down.

The game has not yet started, and Vardy has acted as a temporary staff in the player channel, pretending to be powerful.

You, you mean you, what are you doing sneaking in wearing an Everton player, are you trying to steal something?

Gravesen had black lines on his face, wishing he could hang Vardy from a tree and smoke!

Are you skin tight? the bald man said through gritted teeth.

After estimating the fighting power of the two sides, Vardy felt that it was better not to continue teasing Gravesen, his thick arm was about to catch up with his thigh.

Just about to find a soft persimmon like Cahill to squeeze, Vardy suddenly froze in place.

Everton's mascot, the highland barley elephant, walked over and passed him.

A bolt of lightning struck Vardy's mind, causing Vardy's brain cells to run rapidly.

Yes, I can pretend to be a mascot to make fun!

Thinking of this, he left his teammates behind and quickly ran to the mascot.

Everton's mascot is called chang, which is actually the name of Everton's sponsor, a cute baby elephant.

The most attractive thing is its pair of cross eyes, and the two eyes are about to grow together.

Patting the back of the elephant's head, the elephant turned its head sharply, and its long nose almost hit Vardy's face.

Hey, buddy, let me play the mascot today! Vardy said excitedly after the staff removed his head.

The staff originally wanted to get angry, but when they saw that it was Vardy, a super rookie, who was talking to him, they were about to smile.

Without saying a word, he stripped off all the clothes on his body, and then helped Vardy to dress up. Finally, he excitedly took a picture with Vardy.

At this time, Vardy knew that the job was not easy.

Although the weather is cool in autumn, wearing such a thick dress, I feel that I am about to get prickly heat, and it is difficult to breathe.

But for the sake of being funny, he can bear it.

In fact, dressing up as a mascot is really not something you can do if you want to, especially Everton.

If fans want to play mascots, get up close and personal with players, and wear thick plush jackets, not only will they not get paid, but they will have to pay to realize this dream.

Everton's price is outrageous, fans have to pay 3,525 pounds to play a mascot in an important game.

It's just cheating!

This price is almost catching up with Vardy's two-week weekly salary!

Of course, although Everton fans love the club, they are not stupid. Usually Everton can only earn 50,000 pounds in this business a season.

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