I Am This Type of Woman

Chapter 47 Thick Fog (1)

Chapter 47 Thick Fog (1)

Uncle, there is nothing unusual here.

Uncle! There is a box here. A guard handed the wooden box to Du Jiu. After looking at it for a while, Du Jiu carefully opened the wooden box after thinking that it might really be just an ordinary box.

The golden cakes were neatly stacked in a thick layer, and there were various gemstones scattered in the corners, which made Du Jiu blink a few more times.

Uncle, Uncle, they really came to bury the treasure, Du Jiu had never thought it was so absurd. Did the people in the Jingtinghou's mansion have enough to eat? !

Have money but no place to spend it, go to the deep mountains and old forests to bury treasures to play?

Rong Xia looked at this box of gold and gemstones, but she didn't know what words to use to describe it. There was a moment of dullness on her jade-like face.

Uncle, it seems that they really didn't lie, they should have stumbled here by mistake... Du Jiu thought for a while, Maybe it was because you bumped into him when he was burying the treasure last time and failed, so this time they changed the place. a place.

It's just that I didn't expect to meet them again.

I heard that when the eldest princess married Jing Tinggong, she was dressed in red makeup, which attracted the whole city to watch. With such a wealthy mother, it is not uncommon for Marquis Jingting to live extravagantly, but if he has nothing to do to bury treasures, he is really a prodigal.

He heard that some merchants in the south were trying to get rich. When the tide was high, they threw gold leaves and silver leaves into the water, which attracted the common people to jump into the water to salvage them. Many people were drowned because of the gold and silver. Compared with those businessmen, Jing Tinghou's thinking pays more attention to cause and effect, and his methods are much cleaner.

No matter how he thought about it, he still didn't quite understand the thoughts of these noble people.

Put it away, Rong Xia put her hands behind her back, Since the predestined one gets it, I'm also predestined.

Du Jiu glanced at Uncle's expression, and after confirming that he was not joking, his expression was a little subtle.

Uncle, there are still a few places where the soil has been moved. The guard looked around, and the digger's concealment method was too low, so that people could tell where the soil had been moved at a glance.

Don't look at it, Rong Xia reached out and took out a gold cake from the wooden box. The gold cake is of good quality, and a single one is enough for ordinary people to live comfortably for ten years. Clean up this place, and don't let people find out. The soil has been turned over.


Rong Xia put the gold cake back into the wooden box, and took the wooden box from Du Jiu's hand. The box didn't look big, but it was quite heavy.

Looking at the uncle who is in a good mood, Du Jiu always felt that this seemed a little unkind, but then he thought again, anyway, the gold buried by the Ban family is waiting for someone with a destiny, and the uncle found the gold... then the uncle is destined People slightly.

Yes, there's nothing wrong with it, their uncle is definitely not shameless!

In the Ban's Biezhuang, the three of the Ban's family sat around a round table and sipped tea.

I was really scared to death just now, Ban Heng held the teacup with a pitiful expression on his face, Sister, you lied to me again.

I'm sorry, Ban Hua felt a little guilty every time her younger brother took the blame. She folded her hands together and looked at Ban Heng with an apologetic expression, But I was too nervous at the time, and all I could think about was this. Don't worry. Get mad at me, okay?

Forget it, forget it, anyway, I'm a dude, so it doesn't matter. Ban Heng was most afraid of his sister looking at him pitifully, as long as she looked at him like this, he would have no position to speak of.

Brother Heng, thank you. Ban Hua filled Ban Heng with tea, I'm just a little worried. After Cheng Amber finds out about this, will he dig out the things and take them to his own house?

How is it possible, Ban Heng waved his hand, Uncle Rong is not this kind of person.

Yes, Ban Huai nodded, How could an honest gentleman like Uncle Rong do such a thing.

Ban Hua touched her nose, it seemed that she was treating a gentleman's belly with the heart of a villain. People like Uncle Rong don't lack money, how can they value the things they buried.

It's late at night, go back to your room and go to sleep. I'll take you back tomorrow. Ban Huai pulled the back of his clothes, the clothes inside were soaked by the cold sweat that just broke out, sticking sticky to his back, uncomfortable Extremely.

In the early morning, the whole land was wrapped in thick fog. Ban Hua tied up his cloak, turned on his horse, and said to his father and younger brother, It's foggy today. Don't ride too fast later, so as not to startle the horse.

Ban Huai and Ban Heng nodded obediently. On the issue of riding skills, the father and son could only listen to Ban Hua.

The family of three with their guards hadn't walked for a long time on the official road, when they heard the sound of horseshoes from behind, Ban Huai was afraid that someone would take advantage of the foggy weather to do bad things, so he asked a guard to look behind.

After a while the guard came back, and there was a man riding a horse with him, the three of the Ban family knew each other, and it was Cheng Amber's guard Du Jiu who insisted on sending them back last night.

Guard Du, Ban Hua glanced at not far behind Du Jiu, What a coincidence.

I've seen Lord Hou, princess, and son, Du Jiu got off his horse and bowed to the three of them with fists clasped.

You don't need to pay attention to these things when you are away from home, Ban Hua looked at Du Jiu with a smile, Are you also returning to the city?

Go back to the Princess, we are waiting to escort Uncle back to the city. Du Jiu looked at the smiling girl sitting on the horseback, even if he was not a lecherous person, he would be amazed, such a stunning woman. He is a vulgar person, he just thinks that if any man in the world is lucky enough to marry such a charming girl, he should be willing to serve his wife in front of the mirror every day.

So Uncle Rong is here too, Ban Hua looked up and saw a group of people walking out of the thick fog, led by Rong Xia who was riding a white horse and wearing a light crescent-color brocade robe.

The two looked at each other, and Banhua smiled brightly at each other.

Rong Xia wanted to dismount to salute Ban Huai, but was stopped by Ban Huai. Rong Xia noticed that the order in which the three of the Ban family rode horses was a bit strange. As a woman, Ban Hua walked in the front, but Ban Huai and Ban Heng followed behind, which was a bit out of order.

But he is not a meddlesome person, he exchanged pleasantries with Ban Huai and said: The guards I have disturbed your elegance last night, I apologize to the three of you for them.

Cough, Ban Huai coughed dryly. It's embarrassing to bring up such a thing, so why apologize.

Uncle Rong, what kind of elegance is this kind of thing? Ban Hua controlled the horse's speed, It's just that we are bored and looking for fun, so you can laugh at me.

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