I Am This Type of Woman

Chapter 46: Unforgettable (2)

Chapter 46: It's hard to say (2)

But what impresses him the most is that his grandfather loves to take his sister to practice boxing and kicks when he has nothing to do, and takes his sister to ride a pony outside.

Okay, Ban Hua moved the last stone and patted the dirt on his palms, It's already dark, let's go down the mountain.

The Ban's father and son glanced at the pitch-black hill, and picked up things faster, wishing they could grow a pair of wings and fly down the hill immediately.

Sister, did you hear footsteps? Suddenly, Ban Heng stopped what he was doing and looked around in panic, Listen carefully.

Let's go quickly, Ban Hua picked up the small hoe on the ground, What are you listening to!

It has been written in the storybook long ago, but anyone who finds some noises and is curious to read them usually dies early.

The three of the Ban family hurried out, and Ban Hua ran a few steps, remembering the sandbags they threw on the ground, so he looked back, and at this time a few people just came out of the dense forest.

Who's there?! The other party's voice was chilling, and Ban Hua heard the sound of a sharp knife being unsheathed.

Who is here pretending to scare the princess? Ban Hua clenched the hoe in his hand, Stand up for me!

The night wind blew, and it made people's palms feel cold. Ban Heng and Ban Huai ran back to Ban Hua. Ban Huai kept a couple of sons and daughters behind him, and several loyal guards brought by the Ban's family also drew their knives out of their sheaths. Seeing the opponent suddenly attack.

I don't know why, after Ban Hua claimed to be the princess, there was no more movement there. It seems that Banhua's sword was out of its sheath, and a person came out from the other side, speaking in a very polite tone: Excuse me...is this Princess Ban? Next is Du Jiu, the guard of Cheng'anbo Mansion. Please don't panic, the princess. I'm just passing by.

Perhaps in order to win Banhua's trust, the guard took off his saber and walked closer to the Ban family, Please forgive me for disturbing the princess.

It turned out to be Uncle Rong's guard, Ban Hua patted his chest, I thought it was really haunted.

Du Jiu clasped his fists and said, Don't be afraid, princess, I can escort you down the mountain later.

That's so embarrassing. Ban Hua looked around with a bit of fear on his face, but he still rejected Du Jiu's offer, My father and I also brought guards, so why bother you.

It turns out that Lord Ban Hou is here too, Du Jiu hurriedly bowed to Ban Huai, I'm just about to go down the mountain, so you don't need to be polite with Lord Hou and the Princess, it can be more lively if there are many people.

Then, that's fine, Banhua smiled sheepishly, Then I'll be fine.

Du Jiu showed a simple and honest smile: The princess's words are to discourage my brothers.

With the departure of Banhua and his party, the forest returned to silence again. Rong Xia stepped out of the shadows, pulled the dark cloak on her body, with a complicated expression on her face.

How long have they been here?

Uncle, my subordinates are incompetent, and I don't know when Princess Ban appeared here.

I don't blame you, Rong Xia walked around the place where Banhua was standing just now, There are still traces to follow in other people's families, but Ban's family...do whatever they want, there is no logic at all.

Half an hour later, Du Jiu came back with his guards.

Uncle, Du Jiu's expression was a bit indescribable, this subordinate has already found out why the Ban family is here.

Huh? Rong Xia walked to a stone, raised his chin slightly, Say.

Ban Shizi heard that this place is haunted by ghosts, so he dragged the princess to bury treasures here, saying that it was... Waiting for someone who is destined, Ban Houye thought it was interesting, so he came with him. Du Jiu felt that this reason was so ridiculous that it was so ridiculous. He felt that even if he lied, he would not tell such a lie.

Rong Xia pointed to a stone at hand: Dig it out and have a look.

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