I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 1244 You name your price, no upper limit (first update)

Although the video has been removed from the shelves, many people have downloaded it as soon as possible and saved it in their quantum optical brains.

Watching it when you are particularly desperate is very beneficial to your physical and mental health.

And the students of military academies have also been greatly inspired by this video.

Many people are no longer afraid of war, but have begun to look at this war and their opponents rationally.

Although the Zerg comes from another world, when they face the human butcher knife, they seem to be no different from other carbon-based creatures.

Their shells are very hard, but their mouthparts can pierce their shells!

This video can be said to be a joke for laymen and a trick for experts.

Not only did these military academy students see some clues, but those weapons experts and scientists from the Royal Academy of Sciences also saw treasures.

Their analysis of this video is 360 degrees without dead angles.

When they saw the human in the video, there was a complete Zerg soldier corpse for "dissection", and they were envious.

This is not a low-level Zerg nest builder!

This is at least a medium-level Zerg!

How they wished to get a complete, undamaged Zerg corpse, or even a medium-sized Zerg corpse, for dissection and research!

This is crucial for them to defeat the Zerg.

Because only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win every battle.

And now, they know too little about the Zerg army from another world.

The appearance of the other side is too strange and fast.

When they were completely unprepared, they had already faced the darkest killing.

That is why the battles in the front were so tragic and they were in a state of retreat.

And this video undoubtedly boosted the confidence of all humans.

Of course, the encouragement to humans on the Southern Cross side is unprecedented.

It can be said that before this video, the resistance on the Southern Cross side was almost unable to hold on.

Not only among those soldiers who are always in a tense state, but also among thousands of ordinary people, many people believe that humans will definitely lose.

Anyway, why fight desperately if you can't win?

Wouldn't it be better to show some sincerity and negotiate with the senior officers of the Zerg army?

Who said that the Zerg must exterminate humans?

Can't they coexist with humans?

Just when such surrender remarks were rampant, this video, like a great sage descending from the sky, dispersed the dark clouds with one stick.

The desire of human beings to resist was unprecedentedly strong.

And the Southern Cross Army, which had already begun to run out of manpower, began to have countless young people signing up to join the army.

Su Buyan and Quan Yuxun also saw this video separately.

Like Huo Yushen, the two also had an intuition that this video was inseparable from Xia Chujian.

However, unlike Huo Yushen, they did not associate the form of the Justice Bird with the Phoenix Bird and thus locked on Xia Chujian.

They simply did so because they had already traded with Xia Chujian and knew that she could easily take out four or five hundred complete low-level Zerg nest builders!

Before, they really thought that Xia Chujian was lucky and picked up those Zerg nest builders.

Now seeing this video and the golden bird of justice, they both thought that Xia Chujian and this bird might have some unclear relationship...

Su Buyan simply believed that his apprentice was very lucky.

And Quan Yuxun believed that Xia Chujian had some unknown abilities...

But they came to the same conclusion.

Su Buyan immediately sent a video call invitation to Xia Chujian.

But after waiting for a long time, the result was: the other party was not in the Star Network service area.

He had no choice but to send a message to Xia Chujian.

In this way, Xia Chujian could see this message as soon as he returned to a place where he could access the Star Network.

[Su Buyan]: Chujian, I want to study that mouthpart...You can name the price, don't save money for me!

Quan Yuxun also sent a video call invitation first, and after getting the same result that the other party was not in the Star Network service area, he also sent a message.

[Quan Yuxun]: Yuanbao, I have officially started the motion to abolish Article 21 of the Military Law. I will definitely abolish this military law for you in the shortest possible time and clear your future path in the military. ——Um, can you give me one of the limbs you cut off? I'll pay, you name the price, no upper limit.

At this time, Xia Chujian had just driven the captured interstellar spacecraft for 25 hours and arrived above the West 150 area of ​​Shaofu Star.

Although this is also an asteroid, it is more suitable for human habitation.

Because it has a normal gravity system, it has an atmosphere that isolates the impact of cosmic comets.

And it has a normal oxygen content, so humans do not need to build those fully closed self-circulating manors on this asteroid, and can live freely here.

Moreover, according to Qilu, this asteroid is remote and there is no wormhole for rapid travel, so there are basically no humans living here. It is a planet that retains its original appearance.

The Governor's Office of Shaofu Star, which is responsible for the jurisdiction of this asteroid, also regards this asteroid as a special tourist planet, focusing on a primitive style.

Therefore, they maintained the original appearance of the asteroid to a large extent, and only built a few hotels and helipads.

All tourists who come here are those who want to satisfy their curiosity and try the primitive tribal style of the Beichen galaxy 10,000 years ago.

Xia Chujian drove the interstellar spacecraft and slowly landed on the West 150 asteroid according to the coordinates set on the spacecraft.

When she opened the hatch of the interstellar spaceship and felt the fresh air outside, she said with emotion: "Qilu, you said that the natural environment here is so good, why don't the nobles of the Beichen Empire want to use this place as their fiefdom?"

Qilu said: "Master, this place is too close to the Ximaneli Federation..."

"Moreover, from the records on the star network, this is also an area where star pirates are frequent, so which noble is willing to use this star field where star pirates often appear as their fiefdom?"

Xia Chujian suddenly realized: "It turns out that star pirates often appear here!"

"The famous star pirate organization Bodhi Leaf has been disbanded by us. Do you think they still have remnants operating around here?"

Speaking of the Bodhi Leaf star pirates, Xia Chujian couldn't help but think of a spacecraft that once flew into a wormhole in a hurry, and then dropped a bronze ghost face safe...

That safe was later verified by Qilu as a safe made of Qingyao titanium.

She has not opened it to this day.

Because she doesn't know how to open it.

Even Qilu is powerless.

So she doesn't know what's inside.

But Qilu said that this was a place where star pirates often appeared, and Xia Chujian felt a glimmer of hope again.

Will there be a chance to meet the important member of the star pirate organization Bodhi Leaf who fled in a hurry here?

Xia Chujian actually didn't know who that person was, or how many people were in that hastily escaping aircraft...

She only knew that they didn't kill all the members of Bodhi Leaf.

Qilu also said: "Master, Bodhi Leaf is a star pirate organization, but the star pirate organization is not just Bodhi Leaf."

"You should think about it. If there are still star pirates here, how can you deal with them alone..."

Xia Chujian said disapprovingly: "I dare to fight even the Zerg, so why should I be afraid of star pirates?"

"Besides, it's not like I haven't killed star pirates before."

"If they dare to provoke me, I will kill one by one, and two by two."

"If they come in a nest, then I have to annihilate them all!"

"It's better to give me a chance to search their nest. Do you think there is a lot of gold in the nest of the star pirate organization?"

Xia Chujian remembered that she had seen a whole wall made of gold in the star pirate's starship...

By the way, Kang Shanxing said at that time that it was her trophy. Although it was also the trophy of the Fourth Interstellar Fleet and the Special Security Bureau, whoever saw it had a share!

Then it was sealed and Huo Yushen was asked to come back and deal with it.

Now, where is the interstellar cruiser she seized from the star pirate Bodhi Leaf?

Where is her gold?

Xia Chujian planned to find a chance to remind Huo Yushen.

As she was thinking, she heard Qilu's childish voice with admiration: "Master is so awesome! Qilu will help the master keep watch!"

Xia Chujian said: "Thank you Qilu, without your help, I would not be able to reach my current combat power level."

The hatch of the interstellar spaceship opened, and one person and one mechanical intelligence were still bragging about each other's business.

The Zerg soldiers who ran over to greet "her" looked at each other in bewilderment.

They looked up and looked at the middle-level officer of the Golden Mosquito on the interstellar spaceship, and immediately lined up neatly, waiting for her order.

Xia Chujian's current mecha appearance is the female Zerg officer who claims to be the "Highness" of the Golden Mosquito.

It's just that the appearance is similar, and the details cannot be studied in depth.

So she can't go down at this time and walk into the middle of those Zerg.

She just looked at these Zerg carefully and found that they were indeed low-level Zerg nest builders, and then she breathed a sigh of relief.

She used the electronic synthesized sound converted by Qilu for her and spoke the cold Zerg language.

"You! Go back to your positions! Those who leave their posts without permission will die!"

The low-level Zerg nest builders immediately turned around and marched in neat steps back to where they came from.

Xia Chujian squinted her eyes and thought, they are quite obedient...

She even had a flash of thought, whether to control these low-level Zerg nest builders and use them for her own use.

But soon, she gave up this idea.

Control does need to be controlled, who made her have no labor force...

But it is not suitable for long-term behavior.

Because she was worried that the leader of the low-level Zerg nest builders would find out that she was not a real Golden Mosquito Zerg, Xia Chujian did not get off the interstellar spacecraft.

She said to Qilu: "Let's go out and take a look. We also need to understand this place."

This is the first update. There will be a new update at 12:05 noon.

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