I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 1243: Reversing the Heavenly Gang (Second Update)

For the Zerg army, this day is the darkest day since they entered this universe.

Because they found that not only did humans dare to resist, could resist, and succeed in resisting, but even the natural enemy, the "Justice Bird", which could make them feel terrified with just a cry, also appeared!

It's the opposite of Tiangang!

This Beichen galaxy is really a bit weird!

Yes, the Zerg who watched the video thought that the Chongming bird was named "Justice".

The name of "Justice Bird" also spread among the Zerg army.

Huo Yushen hid in an ordinary household on the Southern Cross.

He finally slept well after repairing the connection to the Southern Cross star network yesterday.

As a result, when he woke up this morning and just opened the star network on the Southern Cross side, he saw a speechless hot search.

There was no factor on that hot search that could make people connect with Xia Chujian.

Perhaps, except for the big golden bird with double pupils...

Although the style is completely different, it reminds him of the "Phoenix Saint" that Xia Chujian once pretended to be.

That momentum has a kind of similar beauty.

Moreover, the slightly immature narration in the video is exactly like her handwriting.

Of course, the narration in the video is a male voice, but there is an electronic synthesized voice. Even if Xia Chujian speaks the Zerg language, Huo Yushen will not be surprised.

So even if he has no evidence, he is sure that this matter must be related to Xia Chujian.

It's just that this girl's recklessness has reached a higher level.

At the beginning, she still needed to use 100,000 bullets to saturate the remnant species.

Now, she has begun to "dissect" the Zerg with the Zerg's own organs.

Huo Yushen does not think that Xia Chujian is killing the Zerg.

Can killing the Zerg be described as killing?

How to kill is not killing, it is meaningless to distinguish between high and low morals.

Huo Yushen's lips curved up in a way that he himself was not aware of.

His fingers entered a few commands on the virtual display screen, and then the video he downloaded was forwarded to the star network of the Beichen Empire through a secret channel.

At this time, the star network on the Southern Cross had just been restored.

Originally, the four countries in the Beichen Galaxy used the same star network system.

But later, some entrances were added as internal protection according to the different countries.

As long as these countries close these entrances, other countries cannot access the star network of that country.

On the Southern Cross side, because the asteroid that used to serve as a transit station was destroyed by the Zerg, the star network was once disconnected.

The professionals of the Special Security Bureau under Huo Yushen were once repairing the transit stations on these asteroids.

But before they were completely repaired, most of them died.

The list of subordinates who died became longer and longer, until Huo Yushen could no longer bear it and decided to go out himself.

The place where he was stronger than his field staff was not in network technology, but in his combat power.

The ordinary field staff of the Special Security Bureau are no match for the middle and upper levels of the medium Zerg.

But in front of Huo Yushen, these middle and upper levels of the medium Zerg are no match for him.

In the past month, Huo Yushen has secretly killed many middle and upper levels of the medium Zerg with superpowers in the Southern Cross, which has attracted the attention of a group of senior officers in the medium Zerg.

But when Xia Chujian's video came out, their attention was immediately diverted.

Because for the Zerg, the sudden disappearance of several middle and senior officers of the medium Zerg is not a big deal.

But if there are humans who dare to provoke them head-on and kill the Zerg, and there are suspected Zerg natural enemies-"Justice Birds" standing on the side of humans, they have to pay attention.

This level of attention is far higher than tracking down the murderers of the dead Zerg middle and senior officers.

Huo Yushen's pressure suddenly eased, and he could sleep well.

But after waking up, he also thought about the cause and effect and began to worry about Xia Chujian's safety.

He didn't think the Zerg would guess Xia Chujian based on a video.

But he was worried that some people in the Beichen Empire would think of Xia Chujian through this video!

Even if there was no evidence, it would not prevent some people from deliberately "putting the wrong name on someone" and hitting the mark by accident.

Xia Chujian was sent to the forefront of the Beichen Empire to garrison as a space marine, just because some people wanted to kill someone with a borrowed knife.

Now that such a good opportunity has emerged, those people will not think of crooked tricks.

Huo Yushen pondered, and after forwarding the video, he connected to the star network in the Beichen Empire to see if there were any abnormalities on the Internet that needed attention.

Then, he saw a message.

A message related to the "khaki light corona".

And this "khaki light corona" appeared at the South Pole and North Pole of Beichen Star.

Is this Xia Chujian fishing?

Trying to divert the emperor's attention?

Although this message has been hidden on the Internet, under Huo Yushen's authority, he can still see it.

If that was the case, he wouldn't have to worry about someone informing the Zerg about Xia Chujian's news.

Because the appearance of Mi Jin Huang Quan would remind the emperor again of Xia Chujian's importance.

The emperor would not be willing to kill Xia Chujian before finding Mi Jin Huang Quan.

Huo Yushen was slightly relieved.

Cut off the network connection with the Beichen Empire and study the "Zerg Anatomy" video again.

This video has been removed from the dark web of the Zerg.

But Huo Yushen had already downloaded a copy of it and stored it in his quantum optical brain watch.

Such a good teaching material must be observed from time to time and always updated.


On this day, everyone on the Beichen Empire's star network social media was like celebrating a festival.

A video called "Zerg Natural Enemy, Heaven-Descending Justice" was going viral on the star network.

It is said that this video was transmitted from the Southern Cross.

It is also said that the star network on the Southern Cross has just been repaired and cannot be fully connected to the star network on the main star of the Beichen Empire, but it can forward some things through some special interfaces and provide them to relevant departments for intelligence analysis.

This video was secretly released by someone using an anonymous account.

Once released, it was ranked first in the hot search on the Beichen Empire star network social media within ten minutes!

Followed by three explosive words!

This was already a top-tier treatment before the Beichen galaxy was invaded by the Zerg.

Now that the other three countries have been destroyed, only the Beichen Empire remains, and these three explosive words are even more precious.

On the Star Internet, countless citizens of the Beichen Empire are enthusiastically discussing this video.

"Hahaha! I knew it! Zerg! Not invincible!"

"That's right! Just a bug! No matter how much a bug evolves, it's still a bug! It also has natural enemies!"

"Isn't it said that evolved bugs are intelligent creatures? And the only natural enemy of intelligent creatures is themselves?!"

"What's up with that bird of justice?!"

"What a beautiful and majestic bird! I think it was born from gold! No objection!"

"Golden bird... can gold become a spirit?"

"I am willing to sacrifice 20 kilograms of fat to get the favor of the golden bird of justice! - I don't want much, 20 kilograms of fat in exchange for 10 kilograms of gold!"

"Don't interrupt me upstairs! Now is not the time for you to be clever! Don't you think this human who slaughters Zerg is very cool?! I'll give StarNet three minutes! I want to know who he is?!"

"This is our human hero! He said he is a space marine. Guess which star fleet warrior he is?!"

"I guess, will it be the elites of the Fifth Star Fleet who just switched to the front line? ——This interstellar fleet was once under the command of Huo Shuai..."

"...Wake up, Huo Shuai's command has been wiped out. The current Fifth Interstellar Fleet has only inherited a serial number and has nothing to do with Huo Shuai's Fifth Interstellar Fleet!"

"If it's not the officers of the Fifth Interstellar Fleet, who could it be? Could there be civilian heroes outside the system? !"

"Watch your words, they are space marines, not officers..."

"That's right! This is the glory of the space marines! Some officers who like to take advantage of others should pay attention to their image..."

"Think about how powerful our space marines are, so are the elite gene warriors and officers even better? !"

"Hehe...It's not dark yet, the person above is dreaming...We have been confronting the Zerg army for so long, but we have never seen that elite gene warrior, or the officers have such a record of fighting against the sky!"

Just when the netizens of Beichen Empire were discussing enthusiastically and everyone's confidence was unprecedentedly high, the video that occupied the first place in the hot search for three days was suddenly complained and removed from the shelves.

The reason given by the Star Network social media is that a parent complained that this bloody and brutal video scared his child to tears and endangered the mental health of minors, so he had to complain.

This reason made countless netizens indignant.

"Sometimes I feel that I am not living in the same dimension as those parents who like to complain!"

"Everyone knows how tragic the battle with the Zerg is ahead! Everyone is on the verge of genocide, and then there are parents who are worried that those tragic pictures will endanger the mental health of their children!"

"Hehe, there is probably only his name in the household registration books of these parents... Where did the child come from?"

"The above is too polite. I think this kind of parents are traitors! They are all Zerg accomplices!"

"Agree with the above! I strongly request that the Star Network website disclose the identity of the complaining parent. I will report this parent who is hooking up with the Zerg to the Special Security Bureau!"





Tens of millions of agrees in a row did not shake the website's position and determination at all.

This video was still ruthlessly removed from the shelves.

This is the second update. There will be new updates at 5:05 am.

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