I am not Spider-Man because I am parasitized by an alien!

Chapter 302 Take me with you, with the purest love


Mystique hugged Storm, who was still in the air, and slammed into a nearby building.

The moment Storm came into contact with him, a bolt of thunder struck her.

At the same time, Mystique also attacked her.


A rapid and violent explosion threw the two people backwards, and Mystique and Storm were hit to both sides by the explosion shock wave.


Storm crashed through the glass and into a building.

She immediately stood up and controlled a strong wind to hit the opponent.

Mystique dodged the strong wind, and the lightning-like figure rushed towards her.

She moved faster, and the blood stone increased her strength and speed by more than one level.

Qin Gray also moved outside the building.

Stretching out her hands, she used her telekinesis to control the steel bar next to her to float in the air.

As the premier Omega-level mutant, Jean has the ability to retrieve objects from the air, levitate, manipulate objects or others, create force fields, fly, and accelerate molecules to produce concussive explosions.

After being possessed by the Phoenix Force, a primal cosmic force, her powers were amplified to near-infinite levels, and she could even manipulate matter and energy at the molecular level.

But now, she is not the mutant who has activated the Phoenix Power.


The steel bars twisted and deformed in the air, and were controlled by telekinesis to fly towards Mystique, trying to tie her up.

Unexpectedly, Mystique, whose hands and feet were bound by steel, could break the steel with just a little force.

Breaking free from the iron grip, Mystique grabbed the stunned Storm and threw her hard.

With a bang, Storm's body hit the floor hard, making a loud roar.

The wall was smashed through by her, and documents and information in the office were flying everywhere.

"It seems you can't take the blood stone yet."

Mystique, who threw Storm out, turned around and said to several people.

Jean Gray panted slightly and looked at Storm who was slowly getting up from the ground.

Her eyes became redder and redder, and the emotions of violence and destruction were building up in her chest.

Greater output accumulated in her spiritual sea.

An invisible force was exerted on the space, and the entire space seemed to be subject to some kind of terrible confinement.


With a bang, Mystique was hit hard by her telekinesis.

Mystique, who was in severe pain, prepared to stand up again, but was instantly suppressed to the ground by a stronger telekinesis.

Just as Jean Gray was about to continue using her telekinesis to continue to ravage Mystique, Cyclops Scott stopped her.

"Calm down! Jean!"

Steko endured the discomfort, raised his hand with difficulty and said to her: "This has exceeded your mental limit, calm down! Qin!"

Although Jean Gray has great potential, she is extremely mentally unstable.

Although releasing all her telepathic power can make her more powerful, there is also a risk of losing control.

Therefore, Steko, as a good friend, immediately stopped Phoenix Girl's dangerous behavior.

He would rather this operation fail than involve his teammates.

Perhaps feeling Scott's worry, Jean Gray gradually calmed down and her telepathic power gradually weakened.

The next second, Mystique, who has amazing self-healing power, moved in front of Jean Grey, and punched her away.

Seeing Jean Gray being beaten away, the angry Steko immediately aimed his eyes at the opponent.


The powerful laser energy rushed towards Mystique instantly.

Mystique also controlled the blood stone to raise her hand.

The blood stone immediately burst out with a powerful red energy in her hand.

The laser energy and the red energy emitted by the blood stone collide with each other.


Roaring angrily, the veins on Scott's face burst out, and he used all his strength to release the laser beam energy.

But the energy beam released by the blood stone continued to suppress him.


Steko, who failed against the wave, was knocked out and fell heavily to the ground.

"Damn it!"

Seeing Steko fall down and not knowing whether he was alive or dead, Storm cursed secretly and rushed over again.

Mystique's fist struck Storm's chin like lightning across the sky.


With the blessing of divine power, Mystique's fist was like thunder, slamming into Storm's chin.

The air was whipped and made a crackling sound.

Storm flew backwards uncontrollably, and the lightning surrounding her disappeared instantly.

at the same time.

Elsa Bloodstone is investigating the monster attack that happened a few days ago with the werewolf Russell.

In the cafe, Elsa opened the thick book.

"Generally speaking, it is rare for monsters like 'zombies' to attack humans."

Elsa opened the book to the page depicting "zombie".

"They are generally prevalent in remote places in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, because their combat effectiveness is not high. If they appear in cities or places with more people, they will be discovered."

Russell nodded, "Are they demons? I mean, did the demons give them evil souls?"

Elsa shook her head, "No, it's not."

"Devils are extra-dimensional beings. As mysterious beings, they possess varying degrees of power. They feed on the souls of evil or sinful people. Unless it is a soul that they like, they generally will not come out. "

Russell picked up the coffee and took a sip, "I didn't expect you to know so much about this kind of thing."

"Because the devil is also an evil creature."

Elsa opened a few pages of the book, revealing the image of a demon with a goat's head and a human body.

"Don't think that demons are just those creatures in hell. They are fallen gods or angels, incarnations of dark forces, and extradimensional beings."

When Russell heard this, he asked: "According to what you said, Miss Vampire Ji is also a demon, right?"

"It is said that she died once and returned from hell."

Russell told the gossip she had heard about the Vampire Princess.

"Most likely."

Putting her hands away, Elsa changed the topic back on track, "In short, it's impossible for 'zombies' to appear in New York. It can only be the mutant holding the blood stone who sent the dark creatures here. They want Cause big trouble in this city."

"Sounds serious."

Russell's expression also became a little more serious.

Elsa was holding coffee, frowning, suddenly raised her head, and looked into the distance in shock.

"This is.?!"

She stood up suddenly and looked into the distance.

"I feel the energy emitted by the blood stone."

After saying that, she didn't care about the coffee in front of her and immediately rushed out of the door.

Russell stared blankly at Elsa who left in a hurry, and put down the coffee cup in his hand.

"Well, it seems like you and I have to get used to this fickle way of working together."

He waved to the waiter.

When the two arrived at the scene, they saw the trio of X-Men who had been knocked down by Mystique.

Staring at Mystique, Elsa's eyes immediately turned red.

It was this woman who held the blood stone belonging to her family.

Mystique Raven didn't expect to see the two of them at the scene.

She frowned slightly and turned to look at the two of them.

"Long time no see, you two."

"Have we met?"

Elsa's fists clenched.

"Of course, I warned you last time to leave New York. If we meet, it will not end peacefully."

She said as she walked towards the two of them.

As she moves around, the blue skin on the surface of her body changes, gradually turning into a black exoskeleton.

Her face was also covered by a black mask.

Seeing Mystique transformed into Spider-Man in front of her, Elsa opened her mouth in shock.

"It's you!"

She immediately remembered that this was the Spider-Man who warned her last time in the bar.


She's not Spider-Man, she's just a fake Spider-Man!

Just when Elsa was in a state of shock, "Spider-Man" suddenly accelerated and shot out a red thread from her wrist.

With the blessing of blood stone, she can simulate a spider silk attack.

With a "bang", Elsa was shot in the shoulder and flew out heavily.

The body that was hit by her on the ground trembled slightly.

Seeing the opponent launching an attack, Russell immediately began to transform.

Roaring, he transformed into a werewolf and rushed towards Mystique on all fours.

Mystique ducked to one side and turned her head away.

Taking advantage of the opponent's turn, Russell's werewolf body suddenly rushed in front of her.

The sharp claws turned into an afterimage and struck at the opponent.

Mystique dodged the claw attack and threw a punch.

The fist hit Russell's chin with a thud.


Russell groaned in pain and fell to the ground.

Elsa, who had already stood up, jumped back two steps, raised her gun and was ready to shoot.

Of course, Mystique would not give her this chance. She took two steps forward and moved in front of Elsa.

The arm wrapped in a jet-black exoskeleton was smashed into the air like a sharp sword. Elsa couldn't dodge and subconsciously raised the Winchester rifle to block it.

Although she is Spider-Man, Mystique's movements are more feminine. Instead of pursuing the victory, she takes a slight step back with a tap of her toes.

Using her right leg as a support point, she turned around and twisted her waist, drawing a slanted arc with her body, and drew her left leg towards her rifle like lightning.

A strong wind is coming!

Elsa, who was involved in a close fight, gained experience through her keen combat intuition. She was definitely no match for her opponent in a close fight.

She immediately raised her rifle and held it in front of her.

After preparing to receive this blow, look for opportunities to distance yourself.

However, she still underestimated the power of this blow.

The lightning-like whip leg struck the Winchester rifle, instantly kicking the gun away.

And the two arms holding the gun were so sore.

The bones were slightly misaligned and he could no longer hold the firearm.

The calm Elsa immediately took advantage of the opportunity when the gun was kicked away to retreat.

Forced by the attack, she rolled back. With one hand on the ground, she drew out the pistol from her thigh strap with the other hand, preparing to shoot.

But Mystique's spider silk flew over like a shadow.

After cursing secretly, she had to roll to avoid again.

Although Elsa has rich combat experience, most of her strength lies in gun shooting.

And although the close combat ability is not weak, compared with a mutant like Mystique holding a blood stone, it is completely one-sided and beaten.

Russell, who was knocked down by Mystique's punch, was finally relieved of his stiffness. He shook his head to clear his head.

He stood up from the ground and rushed towards Mystique again.

After transforming into a werewolf, his movements were sharp, swift and full of violent aura.

His huge body approached Mystique, and his huge fist smashed down in the air, hitting Mystique's face.

Mystique raised her hand to block the fist that hit her face.

Russell immediately sensed a force that shook his arm.

His arm was slightly bounced back, and he was shocked: this mutant's power was stronger than he thought!

Mystique's arm shook, and then she exerted force, and her fist turned into a palm, pressing against the opponent's chest.


Russell fell heavily to the ground.

Dust was splashed, blinding his eyes.

When he saw the surrounding situation clearly, he found that Mystique had moved in front of him.

And her fist had already attacked his chest.

He immediately leaned forward, roared and hugged the opponent's arm, gathered all his strength and roared, and threw the opponent out.

After Mystique was thrown out, she quickly flipped in the air and landed on the ground with both hands.


Russell rushed towards Mystique quickly.

He stabbed Mystique, who was supporting herself on the ground with one hand, with a sharp claw.

Mystique shot out red "spider silk" from her wrist, shooting it continuously at his eyes.

Taking advantage of the werewolf's eyes being mesmerized and his hands waving continuously, Mystique grabbed his legs.

Russell immediately leaned back uncontrollably.

With a "bang", he was smashed against the stone pillar next to him.


The stone pillar was completely smashed by Russell.

The gravel burst out, and the entire stone pillar was smashed into two pieces, and fell to the ground with a click.

Russell was completely dizzy from the blow.

He endured the pain, and wanted to stand up and continue fighting with an unstable body, but Mystique hit him again with spider silk.

The next second, Mystique, who was attacking Russell continuously, suddenly felt her body shaken.

She turned around and found that it was Elsa who was lying on the ground, pulling the trigger of the revolver at herself.


Accompanied by Elsa's roar, countless bullets rushed towards her.

Although she could block the impact of the bullets, Mystique didn't want to be shot.

She gave up attacking the werewolf and jumped to the left to avoid the bullet.

Then she jumped into the air and leaped down, while the "spider silk" wrapped around Elsa's right arm.

Elsa's reaction speed was also amazing. Even if the opponent was in the air, she could still capture her with dynamic vision.

The bullets continued to shoot at her.

"Bang! Bang!"

Mystique slid in the air and landed quickly.

The moment she landed in front of Elsa, she flashed behind her.

Then she pulled the "spider silk" hard.

Elsa, whose right arm was entangled, was immediately pulled towards her uncontrollably.

Mystique, who was waiting for the opportunity, raised her elbow and aimed at Elsa, who lost her balance and rushed towards her.


The elbow made close contact with the opponent's chin.

Elsa's body bounced back heavily and hit the ground. After a muffled groan, she spat out a mouthful of blood.

The back was injured, and the chin was as painful as being hit by a truck.

She tried desperately to stand up, but found that she had no strength at all.

On the other side, Jean Grey and Storm, who were lying on the ground, looked at the two people who suddenly appeared and fell into a disadvantage, and felt desperate.

The opponent with the bloodstone was more than an order of magnitude stronger in combat power. What should I do?

The lively fight also attracted the attention of the people.

Many brave citizens took pictures of this scene from a distance with their mobile phones.

Soon, similar videos appeared on the Internet.

"Spider-Man vs. Werewolf!"

"Spider-Man and two men and three women fighting fiercely!"

Videos with similar titles quickly spread on the Internet.

Middle and high schools.

Sitting in the activity hall, Peter, who was watching Gwen and MJ rehearsing, was watching the news on his mobile phone and suddenly saw a similar video.

"What is this?"

Clicking on it, Peter frowned as he watched Spider-Man beating the werewolf in the video.

Although he looks exactly like himself, his fighting style and his feminine figure are completely different from his Spider-Man image, right?

These guys can actually mistake each other for themselves.

But looking at the werewolves and Elsa at the scene, Peter decided to go to the scene.

Meet this guy who dared to pretend to be himself, and investigate the bloodstone by the way.

He immediately sent a text message to Gwen who was still backstage, preparing for rehearsal.


Gloria yawned, and seeing Gwen constantly looking at her phone, she came up and asked, "You seem absent-minded? Gwen, as the first rehearsal after returning to the band after many days, you should cheer up."

"Yes, I'm wondering if your first album to be recorded, "Face It, Macho Man", will sell a hundred copies."

Today is the weekend, and Gwen wanted to have a good rest.

Gloria called her and asked if she was free to join the band's rehearsal.

After the Green Goblin Universe, Cindy Moon, and the Heirs, she hadn't practiced with her friends for a long time, so she dragged Peter to the school for rehearsal.

Unexpectedly, she heard that MJ was going to release an album for the band.

MJ came over and looked at Gwen unhappily.

"Gwen, your rhythm is all wrong. If you do this again, you will ruin us!"

"Uh, sorry."

Gwen immediately apologized to MJ with a guilty conscience.

MJ did not let her go, "Do you know what we did before? We used a drum machine. The band is a living thing. Using this thing will ruin our performance."

"Sorry, MJ, I will cooperate with you to record "Face It, Macho."

On the stage.

Gwen looked at the place where Peter was sitting.

Peter told her that there were some things to deal with, so he couldn't watch her rehearsal for the time being.

"Okay, I have to get used to this kind of hectic life."

Gwen took a breath, closed her eyes and took a deep breath

It started!

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The bright music sounded, and the passionate drum beats began to hit her eardrums.

MJ's roaring voice sounded.

"Honey, you said you shouldered responsibilities, which means you can't hang out with me everywhere. Honey, I said you'd better slow down and stop wandering around the city."

Accompanied by the rhythm, MJ's voice quickly entered the state.

"Take me, take me, you can't refuse me on this matter, take me, take me, otherwise you will lose me."

"Take me, with the purest love, take me, I am irreplaceable!"

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