I am not Spider-Man because I am parasitized by an alien!

Chapter 301 Uncle Ben's Bizarre Adventure

"What's this?"

Gwen looked at the book in Peter's hand curiously.

It was a simple-looking book with Latin symbols written on it that she couldn't understand.

"The Book of the Dead, also known as the Book of Journey into Mysteries."

Peter's face emerged from behind the book and said to Gwen: "Aren't you preparing for the 'Past' exam?"

Gwen exhaled and sat on the sofa, "If you spend too much time studying, you will soon find that studying becomes a painful thing. I would rather fight with those successors."

Peter looked at Gwen with slight surprise.

Why does Gwen have a tendency to turn into a bad student?

Is this the reason why you modified your timeline?

Gwen didn't know that Peter was worried about becoming a bad student, and she became interested in the books in Peter's hands.

"It sounds like a book about black magic or something. Is this true?"


Peter said that what he had in his hands was always genuine.

After hearing Mr. Werewolf talk about blood stones and monster hunters last night, he found Helen in the morning and asked about blood stones and dark creatures.

As the president of Fisk Group and Spider-Man's agent, Helen is now considered a "big shot".

Using her powers, she collects many goodies from around the world.

The Book of Death in front of her was found by someone she sent from Eastern Europe.

Peter closed the book and said to Gwen: "This is a black magic manual. It is said that users can use the spells recorded in it to summon demons and dark creatures."

Gwen looked at the strange book in shock.

She reached out and touched the cover of the book, and immediately felt a bone-chilling chill running through her fingers.

"Peter, you said before that I had no talent for magic."

Gwen put away her fingers, "Maybe I can try."

"I'm afraid you'll summon strange creatures."

Peter put the book away and said to her: "So for the safety of New Yorkers, this book will not be loaned out for the time being."

Some of the spells recorded in this Necronomicon come from the Dark Book, which some decent magicians consider evil and abominable.

Rubbing the ring on his left hand that was transformed into the last page of the Book of Darkness, Peter frowned slightly.

Having already seen the Book of Darkness, he naturally looked down upon this kind of book.

If it weren't for some of the monsters recorded in this book that interested him a little, he wouldn't have wasted his time on it.

In order to avoid being targeted by the powerful evil god behind him, Peter once put the dark book into the body of Wanda, who was still a little girl at that time.

Now that Strange is about to become Doctor Strange, he can help him unblock the Dark Book.

But this guy is quite decent and probably won't cooperate obediently.

"New Yorkers have seen a lot about strange creatures."

Gwen shrugged, "I think even if I summon some strange creatures, the citizens won't be surprised."


Peter pretended to pick up the book and opened a page at random.

As the spell was recited, a magic circle began to appear on the ground.

Dense light pollution instantly overflowed from the magic circle.

In Gwen's shocked eyes, a tentacle emerged from the magic circle.

More tentacles, which were greasy and looked extremely disgusting, kept extending from it.

Just when Gwen thought Peter had summoned a powerful dark creature, there was a "bang" sound and Peter closed the Necronomicon.

The magic circle closed instantly, and the outstretched tentacles disappeared.

It was as if everything had never existed.

Gwen: "Huh?!"

"Why did you stop suddenly?"

Peter said calmly: "Because I'm not sure whether I can be a match for the monster summoned next."

"A monster more powerful than Sorus?"

"Hmm, there are endless indescribable existences in the universe. Maybe I just summoned something at random."

Gwen became more and more curious, "That's true. Maybe you can summon a goblin wearing a hat, or a unicorn."

Seeing that Gwen seemed to believe it and that she could really summon dark creatures, Peter stopped teasing her.

"Okay, Gwen, I'm kidding you. You know, there's no mage professor. How could I know magic? It was just a cover-up."

Peter told Gwen that he just used his thinking watch to project a piece of his imagination.

"Are you saying what you just said was fake?"

Gwen blinked, "What the hell did you do with the things you got from Reed?"

"Yeah, are you scared? Gwen."

The next second, Gwen immediately transformed into Spider-Woman and rushed forward.

She wanted to fix this bastard who was teasing her.

After a few minutes.

Gwen fell on the sofa panting, her blond hair became disheveled, her face was red and her heartbeat was beating.

She was a little confused.

If he wasn’t trying to teach Peter a lesson, why did it end up being a game between ambiguous lovers? !

After bullying Gwen, Peter sat back on the sofa.

The tentacles just now were projected by him using his thinking watch, but they were not his imagination.

He had seen a description of a Cthulhu-style monster in the Book of Darkness.

The image of a monster with a huge one eye and multiple tentacles is a simple description of it.

It is said that this monster is a lord BOSS, always thinking of dragging the earth into its own dimension.

If someone really summoned this creature, I'm afraid the entire earth would be in crisis.


Speaking of the crisis caused by summoning monsters, isn't he the biggest initiator?

Not only the underground copper mine world of Xiongshan is also full of sleeping aliens.

The clone world of Weaving World 001 and the Successor has been turned into an alien planet by itself.

If you talk about summoning or creating monsters to destroy the world, you should be the most hateful one, right? !

Peter rubbed his chin and fell into thought.

At lunch.

Aunt Mei and Uncle Ben, who was accompanying her on her supermarket shopping, opened the door and walked in.

"Today is the weekend, and the number of people in the supermarket has more than doubled."

Aunt Mei put down her shopping bag and hit her waist.

Uncle Ben came over and took off his coat and hung it on the hanger, "When you were in Hawaii, you didn't get tired so easily, Mei."

Uncle Ben was demolishing Aunt Mei's stage next to him.

"In Hawaii, your legs and feet are faster than mine."

Aunt May said with a smile.

After discussing with Aunt May who was the most unwalkable person in Hawaii, Uncle Ben came over and turned on the TV.

The news is reporting a bizarre incident that happened last night.

A spokesman for the New York Police Department briefly talked about what happened.

After Stany, who worked for an electrical company, returned home, he found that his wife and neighbor had died in his home, and were subsequently attacked by unidentified humans.

Although Stany himself claimed to have seen a monster, and his son also turned into a monster and attacked him.

But doctors believe he suffered brain damage and developed cognitive biases.

In addition, according to the investigation, Stany's wife had a tryst with a neighbor during the day and accidentally caused the death of her eight-year-old son while driving.

After the two buried the body, they dug it out again, possibly fearing that it would be discovered.

A camera in a parking lot captured the two men committing the crime.

As for what happened at the scene later, the police are still investigating.


After reading the news, Aunt Mei glanced at Uncle Ben.

"This is news not suitable for children."

Aunt May came over and was about to turn off the TV.

"Peter and Gwen are adults now. They are far more mature than we thought."

Uncle Ben didn’t think so.

"Monster? To be honest, I have seen it before."

Uncle Ben coughed and said.

Gwen cast curious eyes over, "Really? Uncle Ben."

"I never lie, Gwen."

Uncle Ben sat on the sofa, "Do you feel this way? In the hot weather of September, the sun shines on your back, but you suddenly feel a wave of fear and darkness gripping him. You feel cold all over, your arms and back Got goosebumps.”

"The heart is racing, the scalp is tight, and adrenaline hormones are secreted rapidly. At this time, human eyes will not only open wide, but also bulge in extreme fear due to the increase in blood pressure and intracranial fluid pressure,"

Uncle Ben paused for a moment, and after giving enough pause, he continued: "You must not know what I saw after experiencing this feeling."

Gwen was very concerned about what Uncle Ben said and became nervous.

Aunt Mei said from the side: "It's just a psychological fear. People sometimes experience it, a moment of fugue, nothing more. There are no ghosts or monsters in the world."

"I didn't see a ghost, nor was it a monster, Mei. I saw a man wearing a red cloak. His expression was a bit ferocious, his eyes were black, and he swallowed the horse in front of me in one bite."

"This is ridiculous, Ben, is this a dream you've had before?"

Aunt Mei felt that her husband's intention this time was not exciting.

At least it doesn't stand up to scrutiny.

"This happened when I was young. At that time, my mind was still quite active and I should have remembered the difference between dreams and reality."

Uncle Ben firmly refused to admit that he made up the story.

"What happened next?"

Gwen asked Uncle Ben: "What happened next?"

Uncle Ben said: "Later he probably wanted to swallow me, but something seemed to pull him back. Maybe he was a monster or devil from hell, and he was pulled back into the place where he belonged."

Peter listened to Uncle Ben's words and remembered the battle between the "Queen" alien and the monster last night.

If anyone witnesses the scene, they say they saw a monster.

I'm afraid he will be suspected like Uncle Ben, right?

"But you've never told me about this before, Ben."

Aunt May still didn't quite believe it.

"Because I know no one will believe me if I tell you, and I don't want to be sent to a lunatic asylum."

"No, you're wrong, Ben. If you tell these children now, you might be sent to a lunatic asylum."

Aunt May looked at the clock on the wall, "Okay, kids, I have to prepare lunch. Stan's goosebumps time is over. Ben, come and help me bake some pancakes. I can't control the heat alone."

(Stan: R.L. Stein, author of the horror series "Goosebumps")

Gwen looked at Uncle Ben's back and asked Peter: "Peter, do you think what Uncle Ben said is true?"

"Who knows!"

Peter didn't answer.

He believed that Uncle Ben was not the kind of person who liked to make up stories.

But maybe he really remembered it wrong.

It could also be that Uncle Ben really saw some monster.

"Unfortunately, I don't have a time travel machine. I can go back in time and tell you what happened."

Peter patted Gwen on the head.

Gwen: "."

Believe me, you think you are a time management master?

You can control time at will!

at the same time.

On the long stretch of New Jersey Highway.

The hot steam licked the gray gravel road, and the yellow dotted lines gradually melted between the roads like lumps of butter one after another.

A blonde girl in hot clothes was standing on the side of the road, waving to the passing cars.


Soon, a truck stopped on the side of the road.

The driver, wearing a North Carolina hat and sunglasses, stuck his head out and asked, "Hey girl, want a ride?"

When he spoke, he deliberately lowered his voice, and the brim of his hat was lowered so that his face could not be seen clearly.

Drivers who seem to have malicious intentions will probably put off most hitchhikers.

But the blonde woman didn't seem to notice and got straight into the car.

The inside of the truck was clean and not filled with junk food boxes and weird smells like she had expected.

"This road has not been smooth recently. It is said that wild animals often appear. It is a risky behavior for you to hitchhike here."

The driver started the car and drove forward, speaking to her smoothly.

"I'm not afraid of wild beasts."

The blonde shook her head and said.

"Girls in general are afraid of wild beasts."

The driver said, turning on the radio and searching for the station to listen to the news.

"The members of the Phils baseball team haven't performed very well this year, but they are actually quietly gaining momentum——"

"-The rain will continue to intensify over the next four days and we are on the edge of Tropical Storm Esmeralda-"

"Now a jazz compilation from Zechittel, Mumbai, has become part of our global Café Sounds section -"

The driver listened to the news and asked the woman, "Can I know your name?"

"Katie Martin."

The blonde said with a smile.

"Uh-huh, I'm Scott."

The driver raised his head and said, "Scott Summers, by the way, you should make up a more reasonable name. 'Katie Martin' sounds like the kind of sweetheart name common in middle America, but that's not the case here." common."

When she heard the other party say her name was Scott Summers, the blond woman immediately looked at the other party warily.

However, her action was a step too late.

Scott reached for his sunglasses, which instantly turned from black to red.

The accumulated powerful laser energy burst out from inside with a "boom" and impacted her body.


She was knocked out along with the door of the truck and hit the ground with a bang.


The moving truck was slammed on its brakes.

Scott jumped out of the car and walked quickly towards the woman lying on the ground.

He knew that the other party could not die so easily.

Sure enough, under his gaze, the woman who fell on the ground stood up expressionlessly.

The clothes on the surface of the body slowly faded away, and the skin turned from white to blue.

In an instant, the blonde turned into a fiery woman with red hair and blue skin.

The only fabric cannot cover the chest and key parts, but is vaguely visible, giving people a feeling of infinite reverie.

This is a woman who saves more fabric than the Vampire Princess.

"Sneak attack? This is not what the X-Men, who pride themselves on justice and pursue peace, should do."

The woman said with a sneer.

"Justice will not be served to you, Mystique."

Scott frowned and said: "We are not friends, and any means to treat the enemy is within the scope of understanding."

"You are becoming more and more like those people who use whatever means necessary."

Mystique raised her hand, then took a step forward under Scott's gaze.

Scott, who had not yet reacted, was knocked away at a speed as fast as teleportation in the next second.

Rolling along the ground, he hit a fire hydrant hard.

Scott, who fell to the ground, was in huge shock.

He had fought against the mutants in front of him before.

Mystique, Raven Darkholm, has the power to transform into anyone and change the position of her body's organs to avoid fatal injuries in critical moments.

She can change her own cells and tissue structure, allowing her to change into the appearance of anyone, including irises, fingerprints, skin texture, voice and even gender; the clothes she wears can also imitate the texture of any clothing, even glasses.

This is why she rarely wears clothes.

Other than that, her combat prowess isn't too outstanding.

Holding his chest, Scott stood up.

Is this the power of the blood stone?

Scott knew that this woman had obtained the blood stone from the dark magic world, and he immediately thought that this was the powerful power the blood stone gave her.



Just when Scott was about to continue fighting, two piercing sounds sounded.

Jean Gray and Storm from the X-Men also joined the battlefield.

"I told you earlier, Scott, this trick of yours would not work."

Storm complained at him.

"Maybe next time I can just aim a little more."

Scott covered his aching chest and replied, "Be careful, her power is a little weird."

"No matter what, we have to get the blood stone. Professor X said that she is using the blood stone to control monsters and harm humans."

Qin Gray looked at Mystique solemnly.

"Are you talking about this?"

Mystique looked at the discussion of several people and conjured a red stone the size of a baby's fist from nowhere.

The bloodstone, which emitted a bright red light, immediately attracted the attention of Scott and the other two.


She held the bloodstone in her hand, "If you want it, you can come and get it, but I can't guarantee that you won't get hurt."

The hot-tempered Storm couldn't stand the provocation of the other party, and rushed towards her with a roar.


Accompanied by lightning and thunder, her eyeballs instantly changed to the same color as her silver hair, and she attacked Mystique directly in mid-air.

Storm has the ability to control the weather, ranging from smaller weather changes such as wind and rain, to larger meteorological phenomena such as snowstorms, lightning and even tornadoes.

At this time, she created lightning and threw it at Mystique.

Mystique also moved immediately, and the speed of a hurricane bypassed the pursuit of lightning in an instant.

The bloodstone can not only give the host the ability to control supernatural creatures, but also give the user powerful physical abilities.

Mystique, using the Bloodstone, transformed into a hurricane and bombarded Storm.

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